xref: /openbmc/openbmc/poky/meta/lib/bbconfigbuild/configfragments.py (revision 96e4b4e121e0e2da1535d7d537d6a982a6ff5bc0)
2# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
4# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
7import logging
8import os
9import sys
10import os.path
12import bb.utils
14from bblayers.common import LayerPlugin
16logger = logging.getLogger('bitbake-config-layers')
18sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
20def plugin_init(plugins):
21    return ConfigFragmentsPlugin()
23class ConfigFragmentsPlugin(LayerPlugin):
24    def get_fragment_info(self, path, name):
25        d = bb.data.init()
26        d.setVar('BBPATH', self.tinfoil.config_data.getVar('BBPATH'))
27        bb.parse.handle(path, d, True)
28        summary = d.getVar('BB_CONF_FRAGMENT_SUMMARY')
29        description = d.getVar('BB_CONF_FRAGMENT_DESCRIPTION')
30        if not summary:
31            raise Exception('Please add a one-line summary as BB_CONF_FRAGMENT_SUMMARY = \"...\" variable at the beginning of {}'.format(path))
33        if not description:
34            raise Exception('Please add a description as BB_CONF_FRAGMENT_DESCRIPTION = \"...\" variable at the beginning of {}'.format(path))
36        return summary, description
38    def discover_fragments(self):
39        fragments_path_prefix = self.tinfoil.config_data.getVar('OE_FRAGMENTS_PREFIX')
40        allfragments = {}
41        for layername in self.bbfile_collections:
42             layerdir = self.bbfile_collections[layername]
43             fragments = []
44             for topdir, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(layerdir, fragments_path_prefix)):
45                 fragmentdir = os.path.relpath(topdir, os.path.join(layerdir, fragments_path_prefix))
46                 for fragmentfile in sorted(files):
47                     if fragmentfile.startswith(".") or not fragmentfile.endswith(".conf"):
48                         continue
49                     fragmentname = os.path.normpath("/".join((layername, fragmentdir, fragmentfile.split('.')[0])))
50                     fragmentpath = os.path.join(topdir, fragmentfile)
51                     fragmentsummary, fragmentdesc = self.get_fragment_info(fragmentpath, fragmentname)
52                     fragments.append({'path':fragmentpath, 'name':fragmentname, 'summary':fragmentsummary, 'description':fragmentdesc})
53             if fragments:
54                 allfragments[layername] = {'layerdir':layerdir,'fragments':fragments}
55        return allfragments
57    def do_list_fragments(self, args):
58        """ List available configuration fragments """
59        def print_fragment(f, verbose, is_enabled):
60            if not verbose:
61                print('{}\t{}'.format(f['name'], f['summary']))
62            else:
63                print('Name: {}\nPath: {}\nEnabled: {}\nSummary: {}\nDescription:\n{}\n'.format(f['name'], f['path'], 'yes' if is_enabled else 'no', f['summary'],''.join(f['description'])))
65        all_enabled_fragments = (self.tinfoil.config_data.getVar('OE_FRAGMENTS') or "").split()
67        for layername, layerdata in self.discover_fragments().items():
68            layerdir = layerdata['layerdir']
69            fragments = layerdata['fragments']
70            enabled_fragments = [f for f in fragments if f['name'] in all_enabled_fragments]
71            disabled_fragments = [f for f in fragments if f['name'] not in all_enabled_fragments]
73            print('Available fragments in {} layer located in {}:\n'.format(layername, layerdir))
74            if enabled_fragments:
75                print('Enabled fragments:')
76                for f in enabled_fragments:
77                    print_fragment(f, args.verbose, is_enabled=True)
78                print('')
79            if disabled_fragments:
80                print('Unused fragments:')
81                for f in disabled_fragments:
82                    print_fragment(f, args.verbose, is_enabled=False)
83            print('')
85    def fragment_exists(self, fragmentname):
86        for layername, layerdata in self.discover_fragments().items():
87            for f in layerdata['fragments']:
88              if f['name'] == fragmentname:
89                  return True
90        return False
92    def create_conf(self, confpath):
93        if not os.path.exists(confpath):
94            with open(confpath, 'w') as f:
95                f.write('')
96        with open(confpath, 'r') as f:
97            lines = f.read()
98        if "OE_FRAGMENTS += " not in lines:
99            lines += "\nOE_FRAGMENTS += \"\"\n"
100        with open(confpath, 'w') as f:
101            f.write(lines)
103    def do_enable_fragment(self, args):
104        """ Enable a fragment in the local build configuration """
105        def enable_helper(varname, origvalue, op, newlines):
106            enabled_fragments = origvalue.split()
107            for f in args.fragmentname:
108                if f in enabled_fragments:
109                    print("Fragment {} already included in {}".format(f, args.confpath))
110                else:
111                    enabled_fragments.append(f)
112            return " ".join(enabled_fragments), None, 0, True
114        for f in args.fragmentname:
115            if not self.fragment_exists(f):
116                raise Exception("Fragment {} does not exist; use 'list-fragments' to see the full list.".format(f))
118        self.create_conf(args.confpath)
119        modified = bb.utils.edit_metadata_file(args.confpath, ["OE_FRAGMENTS"], enable_helper)
120        if modified:
121            print("Fragment {} added to {}.".format(", ".join(args.fragmentname), args.confpath))
123    def do_disable_fragment(self, args):
124        """ Disable a fragment in the local build configuration """
125        def disable_helper(varname, origvalue, op, newlines):
126            enabled_fragments = origvalue.split()
127            for f in args.fragmentname:
128                if f in enabled_fragments:
129                    enabled_fragments.remove(f)
130                else:
131                    print("Fragment {} not currently enabled in {}".format(f, args.confpath))
132            return " ".join(enabled_fragments), None, 0, True
134        self.create_conf(args.confpath)
135        modified = bb.utils.edit_metadata_file(args.confpath, ["OE_FRAGMENTS"], disable_helper)
136        if modified:
137            print("Fragment {} removed from {}.".format(", ".join(args.fragmentname), args.confpath))
139    def do_disable_all_fragments(self, args):
140        """ Disable all fragments in the local build configuration """
141        def disable_all_helper(varname, origvalue, op, newlines):
142            return "", None, 0, True
144        self.create_conf(args.confpath)
145        modified = bb.utils.edit_metadata_file(args.confpath, ["OE_FRAGMENTS"], disable_all_helper)
146        if modified:
147            print("All fragments removed from {}.".format(args.confpath))
149    def register_commands(self, sp):
150        default_confpath = os.path.join(os.environ["BBPATH"], "conf/auto.conf")
152        parser_list_fragments = self.add_command(sp, 'list-fragments', self.do_list_fragments, parserecipes=False)
153        parser_list_fragments.add_argument("--confpath", default=default_confpath, help='Configuration file which contains a list of enabled fragments (default is {}).'.format(default_confpath))
154        parser_list_fragments.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', help='Print extended descriptions of the fragments')
156        parser_enable_fragment = self.add_command(sp, 'enable-fragment', self.do_enable_fragment, parserecipes=False)
157        parser_enable_fragment.add_argument("--confpath", default=default_confpath, help='Configuration file which contains a list of enabled fragments (default is {}).'.format(default_confpath))
158        parser_enable_fragment.add_argument('fragmentname', help='The name of the fragment (use list-fragments to see them)', nargs='+')
160        parser_disable_fragment = self.add_command(sp, 'disable-fragment', self.do_disable_fragment, parserecipes=False)
161        parser_disable_fragment.add_argument("--confpath", default=default_confpath, help='Configuration file which contains a list of enabled fragments (default is {}).'.format(default_confpath))
162        parser_disable_fragment.add_argument('fragmentname', help='The name of the fragment', nargs='+')
164        parser_disable_all = self.add_command(sp, 'disable-all-fragments', self.do_disable_all_fragments, parserecipes=False)
165        parser_disable_all.add_argument("--confpath", default=default_confpath, help='Configuration file which contains a list of enabled fragments (default is {}).'.format(default_confpath))