1# Development tool - ide-sdk command plugin
3# Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Siemens AG
5# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
7"""Devtool ide-sdk plugin"""
9import json
10import logging
11import os
12import re
13import shutil
14import stat
15import subprocess
16import sys
17from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
18from enum import Enum
20import scriptutils
21import bb
22from devtool import exec_build_env_command, setup_tinfoil, check_workspace_recipe, DevtoolError, parse_recipe
23from devtool.standard import get_real_srctree
24from devtool.ide_plugins import BuildTool
27logger = logging.getLogger('devtool')
29# dict of classes derived from IdeBase
30ide_plugins = {}
33class DevtoolIdeMode(Enum):
34    """Different modes are supported by the ide-sdk plugin.
36    The enum might be extended by more advanced modes in the future. Some ideas:
37    - auto: modified if all recipes are modified, shared if none of the recipes is modified.
38    - mixed: modified mode for modified recipes, shared mode for all other recipes.
39    """
41    modified = 'modified'
42    shared = 'shared'
45class TargetDevice:
46    """SSH remote login parameters"""
48    def __init__(self, args):
49        self.extraoptions = ''
50        if args.no_host_check:
51            self.extraoptions += '-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
52        self.ssh_sshexec = 'ssh'
53        if args.ssh_exec:
54            self.ssh_sshexec = args.ssh_exec
55        self.ssh_port = ''
56        if args.port:
57            self.ssh_port = "-p %s" % args.port
58        if args.key:
59            self.extraoptions += ' -i %s' % args.key
61        self.target = args.target
62        target_sp = args.target.split('@')
63        if len(target_sp) == 1:
64            self.login = ""
65            self.host = target_sp[0]
66        elif len(target_sp) == 2:
67            self.login = target_sp[0]
68            self.host = target_sp[1]
69        else:
70            logger.error("Invalid target argument: %s" % args.target)
73class RecipeNative:
74    """Base class for calling bitbake to provide a -native recipe"""
76    def __init__(self, name, target_arch=None):
77        self.name = name
78        self.target_arch = target_arch
79        self.bootstrap_tasks = [self.name + ':do_addto_recipe_sysroot']
80        self.staging_bindir_native = None
81        self.target_sys = None
82        self.__native_bin = None
84    def _initialize(self, config, workspace, tinfoil):
85        """Get the parsed recipe"""
86        recipe_d = parse_recipe(
87            config, tinfoil, self.name, appends=True, filter_workspace=False)
88        if not recipe_d:
89            raise DevtoolError("Parsing %s recipe failed" % self.name)
90        self.staging_bindir_native = os.path.realpath(
91            recipe_d.getVar('STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE'))
92        self.target_sys = recipe_d.getVar('TARGET_SYS')
93        return recipe_d
95    def initialize(self, config, workspace, tinfoil):
96        """Basic initialization that can be overridden by a derived class"""
97        self._initialize(config, workspace, tinfoil)
99    @property
100    def native_bin(self):
101        if not self.__native_bin:
102            raise DevtoolError("native binary name is not defined.")
103        return self.__native_bin
106class RecipeGdbCross(RecipeNative):
107    """Handle handle gdb-cross on the host and the gdbserver on the target device"""
109    def __init__(self, args, target_arch, target_device):
110        super().__init__('gdb-cross-' + target_arch, target_arch)
111        self.target_device = target_device
112        self.gdb = None
113        self.gdbserver_port_next = int(args.gdbserver_port_start)
114        self.config_db = {}
116    def __find_gdbserver(self, config, tinfoil):
117        """Absolute path of the gdbserver"""
118        recipe_d_gdb = parse_recipe(
119            config, tinfoil, 'gdb', appends=True, filter_workspace=False)
120        if not recipe_d_gdb:
121            raise DevtoolError("Parsing gdb recipe failed")
122        return os.path.join(recipe_d_gdb.getVar('bindir'), 'gdbserver')
124    def initialize(self, config, workspace, tinfoil):
125        super()._initialize(config, workspace, tinfoil)
126        gdb_bin = self.target_sys + '-gdb'
127        gdb_path = os.path.join(
128            self.staging_bindir_native, self.target_sys, gdb_bin)
129        self.gdb = gdb_path
130        self.gdbserver_path = self.__find_gdbserver(config, tinfoil)
132    @property
133    def host(self):
134        return self.target_device.host
137class RecipeImage:
138    """Handle some image recipe related properties
140    Most workflows require firmware that runs on the target device.
141    This firmware must be consistent with the setup of the host system.
142    In particular, the debug symbols must be compatible. For this, the
143    rootfs must be created as part of the SDK.
144    """
146    def __init__(self, name):
147        self.combine_dbg_image = False
148        self.gdbserver_missing = False
149        self.name = name
150        self.rootfs = None
151        self.__rootfs_dbg = None
152        self.bootstrap_tasks = [self.name + ':do_build']
154    def initialize(self, config, tinfoil):
155        image_d = parse_recipe(
156            config, tinfoil, self.name, appends=True, filter_workspace=False)
157        if not image_d:
158            raise DevtoolError(
159                "Parsing image recipe %s failed" % self.name)
161        self.combine_dbg_image = bb.data.inherits_class(
162            'image-combined-dbg', image_d)
164        workdir = image_d.getVar('WORKDIR')
165        self.rootfs = os.path.join(workdir, 'rootfs')
166        if image_d.getVar('IMAGE_GEN_DEBUGFS') == "1":
167            self.__rootfs_dbg = os.path.join(workdir, 'rootfs-dbg')
169        self.gdbserver_missing = 'gdbserver' not in image_d.getVar(
170            'IMAGE_INSTALL')
172    @property
173    def debug_support(self):
174        return bool(self.rootfs_dbg)
176    @property
177    def rootfs_dbg(self):
178        if self.__rootfs_dbg and os.path.isdir(self.__rootfs_dbg):
179            return self.__rootfs_dbg
180        return None
183class RecipeMetaIdeSupport:
184    """For the shared sysroots mode meta-ide-support is needed
186    For use cases where just a cross tool-chain is required but
187    no recipe is used, devtool ide-sdk abstracts calling bitbake meta-ide-support
188    and bitbake build-sysroots. This also allows to expose the cross-toolchains
189    to IDEs. For example VSCode support different tool-chains with e.g. cmake-kits.
190    """
192    def __init__(self):
193        self.bootstrap_tasks = ['meta-ide-support:do_build']
194        self.topdir = None
195        self.datadir = None
196        self.deploy_dir_image = None
197        self.build_sys = None
198        # From toolchain-scripts
199        self.real_multimach_target_sys = None
201    def initialize(self, config, tinfoil):
202        meta_ide_support_d = parse_recipe(
203            config, tinfoil, 'meta-ide-support', appends=True, filter_workspace=False)
204        if not meta_ide_support_d:
205            raise DevtoolError("Parsing meta-ide-support recipe failed")
207        self.topdir = meta_ide_support_d.getVar('TOPDIR')
208        self.datadir = meta_ide_support_d.getVar('datadir')
209        self.deploy_dir_image = meta_ide_support_d.getVar(
210            'DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE')
211        self.build_sys = meta_ide_support_d.getVar('BUILD_SYS')
212        self.real_multimach_target_sys = meta_ide_support_d.getVar(
216class RecipeBuildSysroots:
217    """For the shared sysroots mode build-sysroots is needed"""
219    def __init__(self):
220        self.standalone_sysroot = None
221        self.standalone_sysroot_native = None
222        self.bootstrap_tasks = [
223            'build-sysroots:do_build_target_sysroot',
224            'build-sysroots:do_build_native_sysroot'
225        ]
227    def initialize(self, config, tinfoil):
228        build_sysroots_d = parse_recipe(
229            config, tinfoil, 'build-sysroots', appends=True, filter_workspace=False)
230        if not build_sysroots_d:
231            raise DevtoolError("Parsing build-sysroots recipe failed")
232        self.standalone_sysroot = build_sysroots_d.getVar(
233            'STANDALONE_SYSROOT')
234        self.standalone_sysroot_native = build_sysroots_d.getVar(
238class SharedSysrootsEnv:
239    """Handle the shared sysroots based workflow
241    Support the workflow with just a tool-chain without a recipe.
242    It's basically like:
243      bitbake some-dependencies
244      bitbake meta-ide-support
245      bitbake build-sysroots
246      Use the environment-* file found in the deploy folder
247    """
249    def __init__(self):
250        self.ide_support = None
251        self.build_sysroots = None
253    def initialize(self, ide_support, build_sysroots):
254        self.ide_support = ide_support
255        self.build_sysroots = build_sysroots
257    def setup_ide(self, ide):
258        ide.setup(self)
261class RecipeNotModified:
262    """Handling of recipes added to the Direct DSK shared sysroots."""
264    def __init__(self, name):
265        self.name = name
266        self.bootstrap_tasks = [name + ':do_populate_sysroot']
269class RecipeModified:
270    """Handling of recipes in the workspace created by devtool modify"""
271    OE_INIT_BUILD_ENV = 'oe-init-build-env'
273    VALID_BASH_ENV_NAME_CHARS = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$")
275    def __init__(self, name):
276        self.name = name
277        self.bootstrap_tasks = [name + ':do_install']
278        self.gdb_cross = None
279        # workspace
280        self.real_srctree = None
281        self.srctree = None
282        self.ide_sdk_dir = None
283        self.ide_sdk_scripts_dir = None
284        self.bbappend = None
285        # recipe variables from d.getVar
286        self.b = None
287        self.base_libdir = None
288        self.bblayers = None
289        self.bpn = None
290        self.d = None
291        self.fakerootcmd = None
292        self.fakerootenv = None
293        self.libdir = None
294        self.max_process = None
295        self.package_arch = None
296        self.package_debug_split_style = None
297        self.path = None
298        self.pn = None
299        self.recipe_sysroot = None
300        self.recipe_sysroot_native = None
301        self.staging_incdir = None
302        self.strip_cmd = None
303        self.target_arch = None
304        self.target_dbgsrc_dir = None
305        self.topdir = None
306        self.workdir = None
307        self.recipe_id = None
308        # replicate bitbake build environment
309        self.exported_vars = None
310        self.cmd_compile = None
311        self.__oe_init_dir = None
312        # main build tool used by this recipe
313        self.build_tool = BuildTool.UNDEFINED
314        # build_tool = cmake
315        self.oecmake_generator = None
316        self.cmake_cache_vars = None
317        # build_tool = meson
318        self.meson_buildtype = None
319        self.meson_wrapper = None
320        self.mesonopts = None
321        self.extra_oemeson = None
322        self.meson_cross_file = None
324    def initialize(self, config, workspace, tinfoil):
325        recipe_d = parse_recipe(
326            config, tinfoil, self.name, appends=True, filter_workspace=False)
327        if not recipe_d:
328            raise DevtoolError("Parsing %s recipe failed" % self.name)
330        # Verify this recipe is built as externalsrc setup by devtool modify
331        workspacepn = check_workspace_recipe(
332            workspace, self.name, bbclassextend=True)
333        self.srctree = workspace[workspacepn]['srctree']
334        # Need to grab this here in case the source is within a subdirectory
335        self.real_srctree = get_real_srctree(
336            self.srctree, recipe_d.getVar('S'), recipe_d.getVar('WORKDIR'))
337        self.bbappend = workspace[workspacepn]['bbappend']
339        self.ide_sdk_dir = os.path.join(
340            config.workspace_path, 'ide-sdk', self.name)
341        if os.path.exists(self.ide_sdk_dir):
342            shutil.rmtree(self.ide_sdk_dir)
343        self.ide_sdk_scripts_dir = os.path.join(self.ide_sdk_dir, 'scripts')
345        self.b = recipe_d.getVar('B')
346        self.base_libdir = recipe_d.getVar('base_libdir')
347        self.bblayers = recipe_d.getVar('BBLAYERS').split()
348        self.bpn = recipe_d.getVar('BPN')
349        self.cxx = recipe_d.getVar('CXX')
350        self.d = recipe_d.getVar('D')
351        self.fakerootcmd = recipe_d.getVar('FAKEROOTCMD')
352        self.fakerootenv = recipe_d.getVar('FAKEROOTENV')
353        self.libdir = recipe_d.getVar('libdir')
354        self.max_process = int(recipe_d.getVar(
355            "BB_NUMBER_THREADS") or os.cpu_count() or 1)
356        self.package_arch = recipe_d.getVar('PACKAGE_ARCH')
357        self.package_debug_split_style = recipe_d.getVar(
359        self.path = recipe_d.getVar('PATH')
360        self.pn = recipe_d.getVar('PN')
361        self.recipe_sysroot = os.path.realpath(
362            recipe_d.getVar('RECIPE_SYSROOT'))
363        self.recipe_sysroot_native = os.path.realpath(
364            recipe_d.getVar('RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE'))
365        self.staging_bindir_toolchain = os.path.realpath(
366            recipe_d.getVar('STAGING_BINDIR_TOOLCHAIN'))
367        self.staging_incdir = os.path.realpath(
368            recipe_d.getVar('STAGING_INCDIR'))
369        self.strip_cmd = recipe_d.getVar('STRIP')
370        self.target_arch = recipe_d.getVar('TARGET_ARCH')
371        self.target_dbgsrc_dir = recipe_d.getVar('TARGET_DBGSRC_DIR')
372        self.topdir = recipe_d.getVar('TOPDIR')
373        self.workdir = os.path.realpath(recipe_d.getVar('WORKDIR'))
375        self.__init_exported_variables(recipe_d)
377        if bb.data.inherits_class('cmake', recipe_d):
378            self.oecmake_generator = recipe_d.getVar('OECMAKE_GENERATOR')
379            self.__init_cmake_preset_cache(recipe_d)
380            self.build_tool = BuildTool.CMAKE
381        elif bb.data.inherits_class('meson', recipe_d):
382            self.meson_buildtype = recipe_d.getVar('MESON_BUILDTYPE')
383            self.mesonopts = recipe_d.getVar('MESONOPTS')
384            self.extra_oemeson = recipe_d.getVar('EXTRA_OEMESON')
385            self.meson_cross_file = recipe_d.getVar('MESON_CROSS_FILE')
386            self.build_tool = BuildTool.MESON
388        # Recipe ID is the identifier for IDE config sections
389        self.recipe_id = self.bpn + "-" + self.package_arch
390        self.recipe_id_pretty = self.bpn + ": " + self.package_arch
392    def append_to_bbappend(self, append_text):
393        with open(self.bbappend, 'a') as bbap:
394            bbap.write(append_text)
396    def remove_from_bbappend(self, append_text):
397        with open(self.bbappend, 'r') as bbap:
398            text = bbap.read()
399        new_text = text.replace(append_text, '')
400        with open(self.bbappend, 'w') as bbap:
401            bbap.write(new_text)
403    @staticmethod
404    def is_valid_shell_variable(var):
405        """Skip strange shell variables like systemd
407        prevent from strange bugs because of strange variables which
408        are not used in this context but break various tools.
409        """
410        if RecipeModified.VALID_BASH_ENV_NAME_CHARS.match(var):
411            bb.debug(1, "ignoring variable: %s" % var)
412            return True
413        return False
415    def debug_build_config(self, args):
416        """Explicitely set for example CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Debug if not defined otherwise"""
417        if self.build_tool is BuildTool.CMAKE:
418            append_text = os.linesep + \
419                'OECMAKE_ARGS:append = " -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug"' + os.linesep
420            if args.debug_build_config and not 'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE' in self.cmake_cache_vars:
421                self.cmake_cache_vars['CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE'] = {
422                    "type": "STRING",
423                    "value": "Debug",
424                }
425                self.append_to_bbappend(append_text)
426            elif 'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE' in self.cmake_cache_vars:
427                del self.cmake_cache_vars['CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE']
428                self.remove_from_bbappend(append_text)
429        elif self.build_tool is BuildTool.MESON:
430            append_text = os.linesep + 'MESON_BUILDTYPE = "debug"' + os.linesep
431            if args.debug_build_config and self.meson_buildtype != "debug":
432                self.mesonopts.replace(
433                    '--buildtype ' + self.meson_buildtype, '--buildtype debug')
434                self.append_to_bbappend(append_text)
435            elif self.meson_buildtype == "debug":
436                self.mesonopts.replace(
437                    '--buildtype debug', '--buildtype plain')
438                self.remove_from_bbappend(append_text)
439        elif args.debug_build_config:
440            logger.warn(
441                "--debug-build-config is not implemented for this build tool yet.")
443    def solib_search_path(self, image):
444        """Search for debug symbols in the rootfs and rootfs-dbg
446        The debug symbols of shared libraries which are provided by other packages
447        are grabbed from the -dbg packages in the rootfs-dbg.
449        But most cross debugging tools like gdb, perf, and systemtap need to find
450        executable/library first and through it debuglink note find corresponding
451        symbols file. Therefore the library paths from the rootfs are added as well.
453        Note: For the devtool modified recipe compiled from the IDE, the debug
454        symbols are taken from the unstripped binaries in the image folder.
455        Also, devtool deploy-target takes the files from the image folder.
456        debug symbols in the image folder refer to the corresponding source files
457        with absolute paths of the build machine. Debug symbols found in the
458        rootfs-dbg are relocated and contain paths which refer to the source files
459        installed on the target device e.g. /usr/src/...
460        """
461        base_libdir = self.base_libdir.lstrip('/')
462        libdir = self.libdir.lstrip('/')
463        so_paths = [
464            # debug symbols for package_debug_split_style: debug-with-srcpkg or .debug
465            os.path.join(image.rootfs_dbg, base_libdir, ".debug"),
466            os.path.join(image.rootfs_dbg, libdir, ".debug"),
467            # debug symbols for package_debug_split_style: debug-file-directory
468            os.path.join(image.rootfs_dbg, "usr", "lib", "debug"),
470            # The binaries are required as well, the debug packages are not enough
471            # With image-combined-dbg.bbclass the binaries are copied into rootfs-dbg
472            os.path.join(image.rootfs_dbg, base_libdir),
473            os.path.join(image.rootfs_dbg, libdir),
474            # Without image-combined-dbg.bbclass the binaries are only in rootfs.
475            # Note: Stepping into source files located in rootfs-dbg does not
476            #       work without image-combined-dbg.bbclass yet.
477            os.path.join(image.rootfs, base_libdir),
478            os.path.join(image.rootfs, libdir)
479        ]
480        return so_paths
482    def solib_search_path_str(self, image):
483        """Return a : separated list of paths usable by GDB's set solib-search-path"""
484        return ':'.join(self.solib_search_path(image))
486    def __init_exported_variables(self, d):
487        """Find all variables with export flag set.
489        This allows to generate IDE configurations which compile with the same
490        environment as bitbake does. That's at least a reasonable default behavior.
491        """
492        exported_vars = {}
494        vars = (key for key in d.keys() if not key.startswith(
495            "__") and not d.getVarFlag(key, "func", False))
496        for var in vars:
497            func = d.getVarFlag(var, "func", False)
498            if d.getVarFlag(var, 'python', False) and func:
499                continue
500            export = d.getVarFlag(var, "export", False)
501            unexport = d.getVarFlag(var, "unexport", False)
502            if not export and not unexport and not func:
503                continue
504            if unexport:
505                continue
507            val = d.getVar(var)
508            if val is None:
509                continue
510            if set(var) & set("-.{}+"):
511                logger.warn(
512                    "Warning: Found invalid character in variable name %s", str(var))
513                continue
514            varExpanded = d.expand(var)
515            val = str(val)
517            if not RecipeModified.is_valid_shell_variable(varExpanded):
518                continue
520            if func:
521                code_line = "line: {0}, file: {1}\n".format(
522                    d.getVarFlag(var, "lineno", False),
523                    d.getVarFlag(var, "filename", False))
524                val = val.rstrip('\n')
525                logger.warn("Warning: exported shell function %s() is not exported (%s)" %
526                            (varExpanded, code_line))
527                continue
529            if export:
530                exported_vars[varExpanded] = val.strip()
531                continue
533        self.exported_vars = exported_vars
535    def __init_cmake_preset_cache(self, d):
536        """Get the arguments passed to cmake
538        Replicate the cmake configure arguments with all details to
539        share on build folder between bitbake and SDK.
540        """
541        site_file = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'site-file.cmake')
542        if os.path.exists(site_file):
543            print("Warning: site-file.cmake is not supported")
545        cache_vars = {}
546        oecmake_args = d.getVar('OECMAKE_ARGS').split()
547        extra_oecmake = d.getVar('EXTRA_OECMAKE').split()
548        for param in oecmake_args + extra_oecmake:
549            d_pref = "-D"
550            if param.startswith(d_pref):
551                param = param[len(d_pref):]
552            else:
553                print("Error: expected a -D")
554            param_s = param.split('=', 1)
555            param_nt = param_s[0].split(':', 1)
557            def handle_undefined_variable(var):
558                if var.startswith('${') and var.endswith('}'):
559                    return ''
560                else:
561                    return var
562            # Example: FOO=ON
563            if len(param_nt) == 1:
564                cache_vars[param_s[0]] = handle_undefined_variable(param_s[1])
565            # Example: FOO:PATH=/tmp
566            elif len(param_nt) == 2:
567                cache_vars[param_nt[0]] = {
568                    "type": param_nt[1],
569                    "value": handle_undefined_variable(param_s[1]),
570                }
571            else:
572                print("Error: cannot parse %s" % param)
573        self.cmake_cache_vars = cache_vars
575    def cmake_preset(self):
576        """Create a preset for cmake that mimics how bitbake calls cmake"""
577        toolchain_file = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'toolchain.cmake')
578        cmake_executable = os.path.join(
579            self.recipe_sysroot_native, 'usr', 'bin', 'cmake')
580        self.cmd_compile = cmake_executable + " --build --preset " + self.recipe_id
582        preset_dict_configure = {
583            "name": self.recipe_id,
584            "displayName": self.recipe_id_pretty,
585            "description": "Bitbake build environment for the recipe %s compiled for %s" % (self.bpn, self.package_arch),
586            "binaryDir": self.b,
587            "generator": self.oecmake_generator,
588            "toolchainFile": toolchain_file,
589            "cacheVariables": self.cmake_cache_vars,
590            "environment": self.exported_vars,
591            "cmakeExecutable": cmake_executable
592        }
594        preset_dict_build = {
595            "name": self.recipe_id,
596            "displayName": self.recipe_id_pretty,
597            "description": "Bitbake build environment for the recipe %s compiled for %s" % (self.bpn, self.package_arch),
598            "configurePreset": self.recipe_id,
599            "inheritConfigureEnvironment": True
600        }
602        preset_dict_test = {
603            "name": self.recipe_id,
604            "displayName": self.recipe_id_pretty,
605            "description": "Bitbake build environment for the recipe %s compiled for %s" % (self.bpn, self.package_arch),
606            "configurePreset": self.recipe_id,
607            "inheritConfigureEnvironment": True
608        }
610        preset_dict = {
611            "version": 3,  # cmake 3.21, backward compatible with kirkstone
612            "configurePresets": [preset_dict_configure],
613            "buildPresets": [preset_dict_build],
614            "testPresets": [preset_dict_test]
615        }
617        # Finally write the json file
618        json_file = 'CMakeUserPresets.json'
619        json_path = os.path.join(self.real_srctree, json_file)
620        logger.info("Updating CMake preset: %s (%s)" % (json_file, json_path))
621        if not os.path.exists(self.real_srctree):
622            os.makedirs(self.real_srctree)
623        try:
624            with open(json_path) as f:
625                orig_dict = json.load(f)
626        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
627            logger.info(
628                "Decoding %s failed. Probably because of comments in the json file" % json_path)
629            orig_dict = {}
630        except FileNotFoundError:
631            orig_dict = {}
633        # Add or update the presets for the recipe and keep other presets
634        for k, v in preset_dict.items():
635            if isinstance(v, list):
636                update_preset = v[0]
637                preset_added = False
638                if k in orig_dict:
639                    for index, orig_preset in enumerate(orig_dict[k]):
640                        if 'name' in orig_preset:
641                            if orig_preset['name'] == update_preset['name']:
642                                logger.debug("Updating preset: %s" %
643                                             orig_preset['name'])
644                                orig_dict[k][index] = update_preset
645                                preset_added = True
646                                break
647                            else:
648                                logger.debug("keeping preset: %s" %
649                                             orig_preset['name'])
650                        else:
651                            logger.warn("preset without a name found")
652                if not preset_added:
653                    if not k in orig_dict:
654                        orig_dict[k] = []
655                    orig_dict[k].append(update_preset)
656                    logger.debug("Added preset: %s" %
657                                 update_preset['name'])
658            else:
659                orig_dict[k] = v
661        with open(json_path, 'w') as f:
662            json.dump(orig_dict, f, indent=4)
664    def gen_meson_wrapper(self):
665        """Generate a wrapper script to call meson with the cross environment"""
666        bb.utils.mkdirhier(self.ide_sdk_scripts_dir)
667        meson_wrapper = os.path.join(self.ide_sdk_scripts_dir, 'meson')
668        meson_real = os.path.join(
669            self.recipe_sysroot_native, 'usr', 'bin', 'meson.real')
670        with open(meson_wrapper, 'w') as mwrap:
671            mwrap.write("#!/bin/sh" + os.linesep)
672            for var, val in self.exported_vars.items():
673                mwrap.write('export %s="%s"' % (var, val) + os.linesep)
674            mwrap.write("unset CC CXX CPP LD AR NM STRIP" + os.linesep)
675            private_temp = os.path.join(self.b, "meson-private", "tmp")
676            mwrap.write('mkdir -p "%s"' % private_temp + os.linesep)
677            mwrap.write('export TMPDIR="%s"' % private_temp + os.linesep)
678            mwrap.write('exec "%s" "$@"' % meson_real + os.linesep)
679        st = os.stat(meson_wrapper)
680        os.chmod(meson_wrapper, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
681        self.meson_wrapper = meson_wrapper
682        self.cmd_compile = meson_wrapper + " compile -C " + self.b
684    def which(self, executable):
685        bin_path = shutil.which(executable, path=self.path)
686        if not bin_path:
687            raise DevtoolError(
688                'Cannot find %s. Probably the recipe %s is not built yet.' % (executable, self.bpn))
689        return bin_path
691    @staticmethod
692    def is_elf_file(file_path):
693        with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
694            data = f.read(4)
695        if data == b'\x7fELF':
696            return True
697        return False
699    def find_installed_binaries(self):
700        """find all executable elf files in the image directory"""
701        binaries = []
702        d_len = len(self.d)
703        re_so = re.compile(r'.*\.so[.0-9]*$')
704        for root, _, files in os.walk(self.d, followlinks=False):
705            for file in files:
706                if os.path.islink(file):
707                    continue
708                if re_so.match(file):
709                    continue
710                abs_name = os.path.join(root, file)
711                if os.access(abs_name, os.X_OK) and RecipeModified.is_elf_file(abs_name):
712                    binaries.append(abs_name[d_len:])
713        return sorted(binaries)
715    def gen_delete_package_dirs(self):
716        """delete folders of package tasks
718        This is a workaround for and issue with recipes having their sources
719        downloaded as file://
720        This likely breaks pseudo like:
721        path mismatch [3 links]: ino 79147802 db
722        .../build/tmp/.../cmake-example/1.0/package/usr/src/debug/
723                             cmake-example/1.0-r0/oe-local-files/cpp-example-lib.cpp
724        .../build/workspace/sources/cmake-example/oe-local-files/cpp-example-lib.cpp
725        Since the files are anyway outdated lets deleted them (also from pseudo's db) to workaround this issue.
726        """
727        cmd_lines = ['#!/bin/sh']
729        # Set up the appropriate environment
730        newenv = dict(os.environ)
731        for varvalue in self.fakerootenv.split():
732            if '=' in varvalue:
733                splitval = varvalue.split('=', 1)
734                newenv[splitval[0]] = splitval[1]
736        # Replicate the environment variables from bitbake
737        for var, val in newenv.items():
738            if not RecipeModified.is_valid_shell_variable(var):
739                continue
740            cmd_lines.append('%s="%s"' % (var, val))
741            cmd_lines.append('export %s' % var)
743        # Delete the folders
744        pkg_dirs = ' '.join([os.path.join(self.workdir, d) for d in [
745            "package", "packages-split", "pkgdata", "sstate-install-package", "debugsources.list", "*.spec"]])
746        cmd = "%s rm -rf %s" % (self.fakerootcmd, pkg_dirs)
747        cmd_lines.append('%s || { "%s failed"; exit 1; }' % (cmd, cmd))
749        return self.write_script(cmd_lines, 'delete_package_dirs')
751    def gen_deploy_target_script(self, args):
752        """Generate a script which does what devtool deploy-target does
754        This script is much quicker than devtool target-deploy. Because it
755        does not need to start a bitbake server. All information from tinfoil
756        is hard-coded in the generated script.
757        """
758        cmd_lines = ['#!%s' % str(sys.executable)]
759        cmd_lines.append('import sys')
760        cmd_lines.append('devtool_sys_path = %s' % str(sys.path))
761        cmd_lines.append('devtool_sys_path.reverse()')
762        cmd_lines.append('for p in devtool_sys_path:')
763        cmd_lines.append('    if p not in sys.path:')
764        cmd_lines.append('        sys.path.insert(0, p)')
765        cmd_lines.append('from devtool.deploy import deploy_no_d')
766        args_filter = ['debug', 'dry_run', 'key', 'no_check_space', 'no_host_check',
767                       'no_preserve', 'port', 'show_status', 'ssh_exec', 'strip', 'target']
768        filtered_args_dict = {key: value for key, value in vars(
769            args).items() if key in args_filter}
770        cmd_lines.append('filtered_args_dict = %s' % str(filtered_args_dict))
771        cmd_lines.append('class Dict2Class(object):')
772        cmd_lines.append('    def __init__(self, my_dict):')
773        cmd_lines.append('        for key in my_dict:')
774        cmd_lines.append('            setattr(self, key, my_dict[key])')
775        cmd_lines.append('filtered_args = Dict2Class(filtered_args_dict)')
776        cmd_lines.append(
777            'setattr(filtered_args, "recipename", "%s")' % self.bpn)
778        cmd_lines.append('deploy_no_d("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", %d, "%s", "%s", filtered_args)' %
779                         (self.d, self.workdir, self.path, self.strip_cmd,
780                          self.libdir, self.base_libdir, self.max_process,
781                          self.fakerootcmd, self.fakerootenv))
782        return self.write_script(cmd_lines, 'deploy_target')
784    def gen_install_deploy_script(self, args):
785        """Generate a script which does install and deploy"""
786        cmd_lines = ['#!/bin/bash']
788        cmd_lines.append(self.gen_delete_package_dirs())
790        # . oe-init-build-env $BUILDDIR
791        # Note: Sourcing scripts with arguments requires bash
792        cmd_lines.append('cd "%s" || { echo "cd %s failed"; exit 1; }' % (
793            self.oe_init_dir, self.oe_init_dir))
794        cmd_lines.append('. "%s" "%s" || { echo ". %s %s failed"; exit 1; }' % (
795            self.oe_init_build_env, self.topdir, self.oe_init_build_env, self.topdir))
797        # bitbake -c install
798        cmd_lines.append(
799            'bitbake %s -c install --force || { echo "bitbake %s -c install --force failed"; exit 1; }' % (self.bpn, self.bpn))
801        # Self contained devtool deploy-target
802        cmd_lines.append(self.gen_deploy_target_script(args))
804        return self.write_script(cmd_lines, 'install_and_deploy')
806    def write_script(self, cmd_lines, script_name):
807        bb.utils.mkdirhier(self.ide_sdk_scripts_dir)
808        script_name_arch = script_name + '_' + self.recipe_id
809        script_file = os.path.join(self.ide_sdk_scripts_dir, script_name_arch)
810        with open(script_file, 'w') as script_f:
811            script_f.write(os.linesep.join(cmd_lines))
812        st = os.stat(script_file)
813        os.chmod(script_file, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
814        return script_file
816    @property
817    def oe_init_build_env(self):
818        """Find the oe-init-build-env used for this setup"""
819        oe_init_dir = self.oe_init_dir
820        if oe_init_dir:
821            return os.path.join(oe_init_dir, RecipeModified.OE_INIT_BUILD_ENV)
822        return None
824    @property
825    def oe_init_dir(self):
826        """Find the directory where the oe-init-build-env is located
828        Assumption: There might be a layer with higher priority than poky
829        which provides to oe-init-build-env in the layer's toplevel folder.
830        """
831        if not self.__oe_init_dir:
832            for layer in reversed(self.bblayers):
833                result = subprocess.run(
834                    ['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'], cwd=layer, capture_output=True)
835                if result.returncode == 0:
836                    oe_init_dir = result.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip()
837                    oe_init_path = os.path.join(
838                        oe_init_dir, RecipeModified.OE_INIT_BUILD_ENV)
839                    if os.path.exists(oe_init_path):
840                        logger.debug("Using %s from: %s" % (
841                            RecipeModified.OE_INIT_BUILD_ENV, oe_init_path))
842                        self.__oe_init_dir = oe_init_dir
843                        break
844            if not self.__oe_init_dir:
845                logger.error("Cannot find the bitbake top level folder")
846        return self.__oe_init_dir
849def ide_setup(args, config, basepath, workspace):
850    """Generate the IDE configuration for the workspace"""
852    # Explicitely passing some special recipes does not make sense
853    for recipe in args.recipenames:
854        if recipe in ['meta-ide-support', 'build-sysroots']:
855            raise DevtoolError("Invalid recipe: %s." % recipe)
857    # Collect information about tasks which need to be bitbaked
858    bootstrap_tasks = []
859    bootstrap_tasks_late = []
860    tinfoil = setup_tinfoil(config_only=False, basepath=basepath)
861    try:
862        # define mode depending on recipes which need to be processed
863        recipes_image_names = []
864        recipes_modified_names = []
865        recipes_other_names = []
866        for recipe in args.recipenames:
867            try:
868                check_workspace_recipe(
869                    workspace, recipe, bbclassextend=True)
870                recipes_modified_names.append(recipe)
871            except DevtoolError:
872                recipe_d = parse_recipe(
873                    config, tinfoil, recipe, appends=True, filter_workspace=False)
874                if not recipe_d:
875                    raise DevtoolError("Parsing recipe %s failed" % recipe)
876                if bb.data.inherits_class('image', recipe_d):
877                    recipes_image_names.append(recipe)
878                else:
879                    recipes_other_names.append(recipe)
881        invalid_params = False
882        if args.mode == DevtoolIdeMode.shared:
883            if len(recipes_modified_names):
884                logger.error("In shared sysroots mode modified recipes %s cannot be handled." % str(
885                    recipes_modified_names))
886                invalid_params = True
887        if args.mode == DevtoolIdeMode.modified:
888            if len(recipes_other_names):
889                logger.error("Only in shared sysroots mode not modified recipes %s can be handled." % str(
890                    recipes_other_names))
891                invalid_params = True
892            if len(recipes_image_names) != 1:
893                logger.error(
894                    "One image recipe is required as the rootfs for the remote development.")
895                invalid_params = True
896            for modified_recipe_name in recipes_modified_names:
897                if modified_recipe_name.startswith('nativesdk-') or modified_recipe_name.endswith('-native'):
898                    logger.error(
899                        "Only cross compiled recipes are support. %s is not cross." % modified_recipe_name)
900                    invalid_params = True
902        if invalid_params:
903            raise DevtoolError("Invalid parameters are passed.")
905        # For the shared sysroots mode, add all dependencies of all the images to the sysroots
906        # For the modified mode provide one rootfs and the corresponding debug symbols via rootfs-dbg
907        recipes_images = []
908        for recipes_image_name in recipes_image_names:
909            logger.info("Using image: %s" % recipes_image_name)
910            recipe_image = RecipeImage(recipes_image_name)
911            recipe_image.initialize(config, tinfoil)
912            bootstrap_tasks += recipe_image.bootstrap_tasks
913            recipes_images.append(recipe_image)
915        # Provide a Direct SDK with shared sysroots
916        recipes_not_modified = []
917        if args.mode == DevtoolIdeMode.shared:
918            ide_support = RecipeMetaIdeSupport()
919            ide_support.initialize(config, tinfoil)
920            bootstrap_tasks += ide_support.bootstrap_tasks
922            logger.info("Adding %s to the Direct SDK sysroots." %
923                        str(recipes_other_names))
924            for recipe_name in recipes_other_names:
925                recipe_not_modified = RecipeNotModified(recipe_name)
926                bootstrap_tasks += recipe_not_modified.bootstrap_tasks
927                recipes_not_modified.append(recipe_not_modified)
929            build_sysroots = RecipeBuildSysroots()
930            build_sysroots.initialize(config, tinfoil)
931            bootstrap_tasks_late += build_sysroots.bootstrap_tasks
932            shared_env = SharedSysrootsEnv()
933            shared_env.initialize(ide_support, build_sysroots)
935        recipes_modified = []
936        if args.mode == DevtoolIdeMode.modified:
937            logger.info("Setting up workspaces for modified recipe: %s" %
938                        str(recipes_modified_names))
939            gdbs_cross = {}
940            for recipe_name in recipes_modified_names:
941                recipe_modified = RecipeModified(recipe_name)
942                recipe_modified.initialize(config, workspace, tinfoil)
943                bootstrap_tasks += recipe_modified.bootstrap_tasks
944                recipes_modified.append(recipe_modified)
946                if recipe_modified.target_arch not in gdbs_cross:
947                    target_device = TargetDevice(args)
948                    gdb_cross = RecipeGdbCross(
949                        args, recipe_modified.target_arch, target_device)
950                    gdb_cross.initialize(config, workspace, tinfoil)
951                    bootstrap_tasks += gdb_cross.bootstrap_tasks
952                    gdbs_cross[recipe_modified.target_arch] = gdb_cross
953                recipe_modified.gdb_cross = gdbs_cross[recipe_modified.target_arch]
955    finally:
956        tinfoil.shutdown()
958    if not args.skip_bitbake:
959        bb_cmd = 'bitbake '
960        if args.bitbake_k:
961            bb_cmd += "-k "
962        bb_cmd_early = bb_cmd + ' '.join(bootstrap_tasks)
963        exec_build_env_command(
964            config.init_path, basepath, bb_cmd_early, watch=True)
965        if bootstrap_tasks_late:
966            bb_cmd_late = bb_cmd + ' '.join(bootstrap_tasks_late)
967            exec_build_env_command(
968                config.init_path, basepath, bb_cmd_late, watch=True)
970    for recipe_image in recipes_images:
971        if (recipe_image.gdbserver_missing):
972            logger.warning(
973                "gdbserver not installed in image %s. Remote debugging will not be available" % recipe_image)
975        if recipe_image.combine_dbg_image is False:
976            logger.warning(
977                'IMAGE_CLASSES += "image-combined-dbg" is missing for image %s. Remote debugging will not find debug symbols from rootfs-dbg.' % recipe_image)
979    # Instantiate the active IDE plugin
980    ide = ide_plugins[args.ide]()
981    if args.mode == DevtoolIdeMode.shared:
982        ide.setup_shared_sysroots(shared_env)
983    elif args.mode == DevtoolIdeMode.modified:
984        for recipe_modified in recipes_modified:
985            if recipe_modified.build_tool is BuildTool.CMAKE:
986                recipe_modified.cmake_preset()
987            if recipe_modified.build_tool is BuildTool.MESON:
988                recipe_modified.gen_meson_wrapper()
989            ide.setup_modified_recipe(
990                args, recipe_image, recipe_modified)
991    else:
992        raise DevtoolError("Must not end up here.")
995def register_commands(subparsers, context):
996    """Register devtool subcommands from this plugin"""
998    global ide_plugins
1000    # Search for IDE plugins in all sub-folders named ide_plugins where devtool seraches for plugins.
1001    pluginpaths = [os.path.join(path, 'ide_plugins')
1002                   for path in context.pluginpaths]
1003    ide_plugin_modules = []
1004    for pluginpath in pluginpaths:
1005        scriptutils.load_plugins(logger, ide_plugin_modules, pluginpath)
1007    for ide_plugin_module in ide_plugin_modules:
1008        if hasattr(ide_plugin_module, 'register_ide_plugin'):
1009            ide_plugin_module.register_ide_plugin(ide_plugins)
1010    # Sort plugins according to their priority. The first entry is the default IDE plugin.
1011    ide_plugins = dict(sorted(ide_plugins.items(),
1012                       key=lambda p: p[1].ide_plugin_priority(), reverse=True))
1014    parser_ide_sdk = subparsers.add_parser('ide-sdk', group='working', order=50, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter,
1015                                           help='Setup the SDK and configure the IDE')
1016    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1017        'recipenames', nargs='+', help='Generate an IDE configuration suitable to work on the given recipes.\n'
1018        'Depending on the --mode paramter different types of SDKs and IDE configurations are generated.')
1019    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1020        '-m', '--mode', type=DevtoolIdeMode, default=DevtoolIdeMode.modified,
1021        help='Different SDK types are supported:\n'
1022        '- "' + DevtoolIdeMode.modified.name + '" (default):\n'
1023        '  devtool modify creates a workspace to work on the source code of a recipe.\n'
1024        '  devtool ide-sdk builds the SDK and generates the IDE configuration(s) in the workspace directorie(s)\n'
1025        '  Usage example:\n'
1026        '    devtool modify cmake-example\n'
1027        '    devtool ide-sdk cmake-example core-image-minimal\n'
1028        '    Start the IDE in the workspace folder\n'
1029        '  At least one devtool modified recipe plus one image recipe are required:\n'
1030        '  The image recipe is used to generate the target image and the remote debug configuration.\n'
1031        '- "' + DevtoolIdeMode.shared.name + '":\n'
1032        '  Usage example:\n'
1033        '    devtool ide-sdk -m ' + DevtoolIdeMode.shared.name + ' recipe(s)\n'
1034        '  This command generates a cross-toolchain as well as the corresponding shared sysroot directories.\n'
1035        '  To use this tool-chain the environment-* file found in the deploy..image folder needs to be sourced into a shell.\n'
1036        '  In case of VSCode and cmake the tool-chain is also exposed as a cmake-kit')
1037    default_ide = list(ide_plugins.keys())[0]
1038    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1039        '-i', '--ide', choices=ide_plugins.keys(), default=default_ide,
1040        help='Setup the configuration for this IDE (default: %s)' % default_ide)
1041    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1042        '-t', '--target', default='root@',
1043        help='Live target machine running an ssh server: user@hostname.')
1044    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1045        '-G', '--gdbserver-port-start', default="1234", help='port where gdbserver is listening.')
1046    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1047        '-c', '--no-host-check', help='Disable ssh host key checking', action='store_true')
1048    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1049        '-e', '--ssh-exec', help='Executable to use in place of ssh')
1050    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1051        '-P', '--port', help='Specify ssh port to use for connection to the target')
1052    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1053        '-I', '--key', help='Specify ssh private key for connection to the target')
1054    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1055        '--skip-bitbake', help='Generate IDE configuration but skip calling bibtake to update the SDK.', action='store_true')
1056    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1057        '-k', '--bitbake-k', help='Pass -k parameter to bitbake', action='store_true')
1058    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1059        '--no-strip', help='Do not strip executables prior to deploy', dest='strip', action='store_false')
1060    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1061        '-n', '--dry-run', help='List files to be undeployed only', action='store_true')
1062    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1063        '-s', '--show-status', help='Show progress/status output', action='store_true')
1064    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1065        '-p', '--no-preserve', help='Do not preserve existing files', action='store_true')
1066    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1067        '--no-check-space', help='Do not check for available space before deploying', action='store_true')
1068    parser_ide_sdk.add_argument(
1069        '--debug-build-config', help='Use debug build flags, for example set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug', action='store_true')
1070    parser_ide_sdk.set_defaults(func=ide_setup)