/openbmc/openbmc/meta-security/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/ |
H A D | cvechecker.py | 5 from oeqa.utils.commands import bitbake, get_bb_var 11 deploy_dir = get_bb_var("DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE") 12 image_link_name = get_bb_var('IMAGE_LINK_NAME', image) 17 if (not 'cve-check' in get_bb_var('INHERIT')): 22 if (not 'cve-check' in get_bb_var('INHERIT')):
/openbmc/openbmc/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/ |
H A D | rust.py | 8 from oeqa.utils.commands import runCmd, bitbake, get_bb_var, get_bb_vars, runqemu, Command 46 machine = get_bb_var('MACHINE') 54 builddir = get_bb_var("RUSTSRC", "rust") 200 host_sys = get_bb_var("RUST_BUILD_SYS", "rust") 207 tcpath = get_bb_var("TARGET_SYS", "rust") 208 targetsys = get_bb_var("RUST_TARGET_SYS", "rust") 209 rustlibpath = get_bb_var("WORKDIR", "rust") 210 tmpdir = get_bb_var("TMPDIR", "rust")
H A D | spdx.py | 10 from oeqa.utils.commands import bitbake, get_bb_var, runCmd 26 deploy_dir = get_bb_var("DEPLOY_DIR") 27 machine_var = get_bb_var("MACHINE") 46 … python = os.path.join(get_bb_var('STAGING_BINDIR', 'python3-spdx-tools-native'), 'nativepython3') 47 … validator = os.path.join(get_bb_var('STAGING_BINDIR', 'python3-spdx-tools-native'), 'pyspdxtools')
H A D | runtime_test.py | 8 from oeqa.utils.commands import runCmd, bitbake, get_bb_var, get_bb_vars, runqemu 39 testexport_dir = get_bb_var('TEST_EXPORT_DIR', 'core-image-minimal') 121 if get_bb_var('DISTRO') == 'poky-tiny': 155 if get_bb_var('DISTRO') == 'poky-tiny': 190 if get_bb_var('DISTRO') == 'poky-tiny': 243 qemu_packageconfig = get_bb_var('PACKAGECONFIG', 'qemu-system-native') 244 qemu_distrofeatures = get_bb_var('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'qemu-system-native') 280 qemu_distrofeatures = get_bb_var('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'qemu-system-native') 444 …systemtap_examples = os.path.join(get_bb_var("WORKDIR","systemtap-native"), "usr/share/systemtap/e… 456 …systemtap_examples = os.path.join(get_bb_var("WORKDIR","systemtap-native"), "usr/share/systemtap/e… [all …]
H A D | externalsrc.py | 12 from oeqa.utils.commands import get_bb_var, runCmd 34 …self.assertEqual(get_bb_var("S", test_recipe), externalsrc_dir, msg = "S does not equal to EXTERNA… 40 …self.assertEqual(get_bb_var("S", test_recipe), externalsrc_dir, msg = "S does not equal to EXTERNA… 44 …self.assertEqual(get_bb_var("S", test_recipe), externalsrc_dir, msg = "S does not equal to EXTERNA…
H A D | minidebuginfo.py | 12 from oeqa.utils.commands import bitbake, get_bb_var, get_bb_vars, runCmd 17 target_sys = get_bb_var("TARGET_SYS") 18 binutils = "binutils-cross-{}".format(get_bb_var("TARGET_ARCH")) 29 native_sysroot = get_bb_var("RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE", binutils)
H A D | fitimage.py | 283 deploy_dir_image = get_bb_var('DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE') 284 machine = get_bb_var('MACHINE') 368 deploy_dir_image = get_bb_var('DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE') 369 machine = get_bb_var('MACHINE') 460 deploy_dir_image = get_bb_var('DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE') 461 machine = get_bb_var('MACHINE') 616 machine = get_bb_var('MACHINE') 758 image_type = get_bb_var('INITRAMFS_IMAGE') 760 machine = get_bb_var('MACHINE') 774 uboot_arch = str(get_bb_var('UBOOT_ARCH')) [all …]
H A D | buildoptions.py | 15 from oeqa.utils.commands import bitbake, get_bb_var, get_bb_vars 22 image_pkgtype = get_bb_var("IMAGE_PKGTYPE") 29 … log_data_file = os.path.join(get_bb_var("WORKDIR", "core-image-minimal"), "temp/log.do_rootfs") 49 log_compile = os.path.join(get_bb_var("WORKDIR", recipe), "temp/log.do_compile") 55 distro_features = get_bb_var('DISTRO_FEATURES') 86 if "packages-list" not in get_bb_var("ERROR_QA"): 147 …self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(get_bb_var('BUILDHISTORY_DIR')), "buildhistory dir was not created.") 158 history_dir = get_bb_var('BUILDHISTORY_DIR_PACKAGE', 'hicolor-icon-theme') 192 deploy_dir_src = get_bb_var('DEPLOY_DIR_SRC')
H A D | debuginfod.py | 15 from oeqa.utils.commands import bitbake, get_bb_var, runqemu 69 native_sysroot = pathlib.Path(get_bb_var("RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE", "elfutils-native")) 85 get_bb_var("DEPLOY_DIR"), 88 format = get_bb_var("PACKAGE_CLASSES").split()[0] 126 pkgs = pathlib.Path(get_bb_var("PKGDEST", "xz"))
H A D | wic.py | 83 stdir = get_bb_var('STAGING_DIR', image) 176 kimgtype = get_bb_var('KERNEL_IMAGETYPE', img) 207 kimgtype = get_bb_var('KERNEL_IMAGETYPE', img) 286 sysroot = get_bb_var('RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE', 'wic-tools') 439 os.environ['PATH'] = get_bb_var("PATH", "wic-tools") 523 os.environ['PATH'] = get_bb_var("PATH", "wic-tools") 562 os.environ['PATH'] = get_bb_var("PATH", "wic-tools") 642 os.environ['PATH'] = get_bb_var("PATH", "wic-tools") 696 os.environ['PATH'] = get_bb_var("PATH", "wic-tools") 738 os.environ['PATH'] = get_bb_var("PATH", "wic-tools") [all …]
H A D | oescripts.py | 13 from oeqa.utils.commands import runCmd, bitbake, get_bb_var 24 result = runCmd("buildhistory-diff -p %s" % get_bb_var('BUILDHISTORY_DIR')) 46 cls.tmpdir = get_bb_var('TMPDIR') 48 cls.scripts_dir = os.path.join(get_bb_var('COREBASE'), 'scripts') 71 cls.scripts_dir = os.path.join(get_bb_var('COREBASE'), 'scripts') 137 cls.scripts_dir = os.path.join(get_bb_var('COREBASE'), 'scripts')
H A D | runqemu.py | 14 from oeqa.utils.commands import bitbake, runqemu, get_bb_var 28 self.image_link_name = get_bb_var('IMAGE_LINK_NAME', self.recipe) 37 kvm = oe.types.qemu_use_kvm(get_bb_var('QEMU_USE_KVM'), self.td["TARGET_ARCH"]) 49 RunqemuTests.deploy_dir_image = get_bb_var('DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE') 173 cls.machine = get_bb_var('MACHINE') 174 cls.deploy_dir_image = get_bb_var('DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE') 175 cls.image_link_name = get_bb_var('IMAGE_LINK_NAME', cls.recipe)
H A D | signing.py | 8 from oeqa.utils.commands import runCmd, bitbake, get_bb_var, get_bb_vars, create_temp_layer 34 nsysroot = get_bb_var("RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE", "gnupg-native") 37 return nsysroot + get_bb_var("bindir_native") 76 package_classes = get_bb_var('PACKAGE_CLASSES') 209 recipe_append_file = test_recipe + '_' + get_bb_var('PV', test_recipe) + '.bbappend'
H A D | layerappend.py | 10 from oeqa.utils.commands import bitbake, get_bb_var 58 corebase = get_bb_var("COREBASE") 87 stagingdir = get_bb_var("SYSROOT_DESTDIR", "layerappendtest")
H A D | usergrouptests.py | 11 from oeqa.utils.commands import bitbake, get_bb_var, get_test_layer 36 etcdir=os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.join(get_bb_var("TMPDIR"), "work"), \ 37 …os.path.join(get_bb_var("MACHINE").replace("-","_")+"-poky-linux", "core-image-minimal/1.0/rootfs/…
H A D | _sstatetests_noauto.py | 11 from oeqa.utils.commands import runCmd, bitbake, get_bb_var 69 …runCmd((". %s/oe-init-build-env %s && " % (get_bb_var('COREBASE'), buildA)) + 'bitbake ' + ' '.jo… 79 …result_cleansstate = runCmd((". %s/oe-init-build-env %s && " % (get_bb_var('COREBASE'), buildB)) +… 85 …result_build = runCmd((". %s/oe-init-build-env %s && " % (get_bb_var('COREBASE'), buildB)) + 'bitb…
H A D | glibc.py | 12 from oeqa.utils.commands import bitbake, get_bb_var, runqemu 41 builddir = get_bb_var("B", "glibc-testsuite") 52 tmpdir = get_bb_var("BASE_WORKDIR")
H A D | bblayers.py | 11 from oeqa.utils.commands import runCmd, get_bb_var, get_bb_vars, bitbake 61 test_layer = os.path.join(get_bb_var('COREBASE'), 'meta-skeleton') 140 … python = os.path.join(get_bb_var('STAGING_BINDIR', 'python3-jsonschema-native'), 'nativepython3') 141 …jsonvalidator = os.path.join(get_bb_var('STAGING_BINDIR', 'python3-jsonschema-native'), 'jsonschem… 142 jsonschema = os.path.join(get_bb_var('COREBASE'), 'meta/files/layers.schema.json') 146 json = os.path.join(get_bb_var('COREBASE'), "meta/files/layers.example.json") 171 oe_setup_build = os.path.join(get_bb_var('COREBASE'), 'scripts/oe-setup-build')
H A D | bbtests.py | 11 from oeqa.utils.commands import runCmd, bitbake, get_bb_var, get_bb_vars 168 dl_dir = get_bb_var("DL_DIR") 240 lic_dir = get_bb_var('LICENSE_DIRECTORY') 241 arch = get_bb_var('SSTATE_PKGARCH') 311 test_recipe_summary_after = get_bb_var('SUMMARY', test_recipe) 320 src = get_bb_var("SRC_URI",test_recipe) 333 src = get_bb_var("SRC_URI",test_recipe) 337 srcdir = get_bb_var('S', test_recipe)
H A D | prservice.py | 14 from oeqa.utils.commands import runCmd, bitbake, get_bb_var 24 cls.pkgdata_dir = get_bb_var('PKGDATA_DIR') 27 cls.current_db_path = os.path.join(get_bb_var('PERSISTENT_DIR'), 'prserv.sqlite3') 44 stampdata = get_bb_var('STAMP', target=package_name).split('/')
/openbmc/openbmc/poky/scripts/ |
H A D | test-remote-image | 37 from oeqa.utils.commands import runCmd, bitbake, get_bb_var 40 for path in get_bb_var('BBPATH').split(":"): 130 self.image_name = get_bb_var('IMAGE_LINK_NAME', target=image_type) 131 self.kernel_type = get_bb_var('KERNEL_IMAGETYPE', target=image_type) 143 target_controller = get_bb_var('TEST_TARGET') 144 bbpath = get_bb_var('BBPATH').split(':') 156 machine = get_bb_var('QA_GET_MACHINE', postconfig=postconfig) 160 image_fstypes = get_bb_var('IMAGE_FSTYPES').split(' ') 219 machine = get_bb_var('QA_GET_MACHINE', postconfig=postconfig) 224 distro = get_bb_var('QA_GET_DISTRO', postconfig=postconfig) [all …]
/openbmc/openbmc/poky/scripts/lib/checklayer/cases/ |
H A D | distro.py | 23 from oeqa.utils.commands import get_bb_var 25 distro = get_bb_var('DISTRO')
/openbmc/openbmc/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/ |
H A D | syzkaller.py | 6 from oeqa.utils.commands import runCmd, bitbake, get_bb_var, get_bb_vars 11 syz_target_sysroot = get_bb_var('PKGD', 'syzkaller') 115 self.syz_native_sysroot = get_bb_var('RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE', 'syzkaller-native')
/openbmc/openbmc/poky/meta/lib/oeqa/utils/ |
H A D | nfs.py | 11 from oeqa.utils.commands import bitbake, get_bb_var, Command 16 unfs_sysroot = get_bb_var("RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE", "unfs3-native")
/openbmc/openbmc/poky/meta-yocto-bsp/lib/oeqa/selftest/cases/ |
H A D | systemd_boot.py | 5 from oeqa.utils.commands import runCmd, bitbake, get_bb_var, get_bb_vars, runqemu 61 sysroot = get_bb_var('RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE', 'wic-tools')