1 #pragma once
3 #include "config.h"
5 #include "ldap_config.hpp"
7 #include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
8 #include <xyz/openbmc_project/User/Ldap/Config/server.hpp>
9 #include <xyz/openbmc_project/User/Ldap/Create/server.hpp>
11 #include <string>
13 namespace phosphor
14 {
15 namespace ldap
16 {
18 static constexpr auto defaultNslcdFile = "nslcd.conf.default";
19 static constexpr auto nsSwitchFile = "nsswitch.conf";
20 static auto openLDAPDbusObjectPath =
21     std::string(LDAP_CONFIG_ROOT) + "/openldap";
22 static auto adDbusObjectPath =
23     std::string(LDAP_CONFIG_ROOT) + "/active_directory";
25 using CreateIface = sdbusplus::server::object_t<
26     sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::User::Ldap::server::Create>;
28 // class Config;
29 /** @class ConfigMgr
30  *  @brief Creates LDAP server configuration.
31  *  @details concrete implementation of xyz.openbmc_project.User.Ldap.Create
32  *  APIs, in order to create LDAP configuration.
33  */
34 class ConfigMgr : public CreateIface
35 {
36   public:
37     ConfigMgr() = delete;
38     ~ConfigMgr() = default;
39     ConfigMgr(const ConfigMgr&) = delete;
40     ConfigMgr& operator=(const ConfigMgr&) = delete;
41     ConfigMgr(ConfigMgr&&) = delete;
42     ConfigMgr& operator=(ConfigMgr&&) = delete;
44     /** @brief ConfigMgr to put object onto bus at a dbus path.
45      *  @param[in] bus - Bus to attach to.
46      *  @param[in] path - Path to attach at.
47      *  @param[in] filePath - LDAP configuration file.
48      *  @param[in] dbusPersistentPath - Persistent path for LDAP D-Bus property.
49      *  @param[in] caCertFile - LDAP's CA certificate file.
50      */
ConfigMgr(sdbusplus::bus_t & bus,const char * path,const char * filePath,const char * dbusPersistentPath,const char * caCertFile,const char * certFile)51     ConfigMgr(sdbusplus::bus_t& bus, const char* path, const char* filePath,
52               const char* dbusPersistentPath, const char* caCertFile,
53               const char* certFile) :
54         CreateIface(bus, path, CreateIface::action::defer_emit),
55         dbusPersistentPath(dbusPersistentPath), configFilePath(filePath),
56         tlsCacertFile(caCertFile), tlsCertFile(certFile), bus(bus)
57     {}
59     /** @brief concrete implementation of the pure virtual function
60             xyz.openbmc_project.User.Ldap.Create.createConfig.
61      *  @param[in] ldapServerURI - LDAP URI of the server.
62      *  @param[in] ldapBindDN - distinguished name with which bind to bind
63             to the directory server for lookups.
64      *  @param[in] ldapBaseDN -  distinguished name to use as search base.
65      *  @param[in] ldapBindDNPassword - credentials with which to bind.
66      *  @param[in] ldapSearchScope - the search scope.
67      *  @param[in] ldapType - Specifies the LDAP server type which can be AD
68             or openLDAP.
69      *  @param[in] groupNameAttribute - Specifies attribute name that contains
70      *             the name of the Group in the LDAP server.
71      *  @param[in] usernameAttribute - Specifies attribute name that contains
72      *             the username in the LDAP server.
73      *  @returns the object path of the D-Bus object created.
74      */
75     std::string createConfig(
76         std::string ldapServerURI, std::string ldapBindDN,
77         std::string ldapBaseDN, std::string ldapBindDNPassword,
78         CreateIface::SearchScope ldapSearchScope, CreateIface::Type ldapType,
79         std::string groupNameAttribute, std::string userNameAttribute) override;
81     /** @brief restarts given service
82      *  @param[in] service - Service to be restarted.
83      */
84     virtual void restartService(const std::string& service);
86     /** @brief stops given service
87      *  @param[in] service - Service to be stopped.
88      */
89     virtual void stopService(const std::string& service);
91     /** @brief start or stop the service depending on the given value
92      *  @param[in] service - Service to be start/stop.
93      *  @param[in] value - true to start the service otherwise stop.
94      */
95     virtual void startOrStopService(const std::string& service, bool value);
97     /** @brief Populate existing config into D-Bus properties
98      */
99     virtual void restore();
100     /** @brief enable/disable the ldap service
101      *  @param[in] config - config  which needs to be enabled/disabled
102      *  @param[in] value - boolean value to start/stop
103      */
104     bool enableService(Config& config, bool value);
106     /* ldap service enabled property would be saved under
107      * this path.
108      */
109     std::string dbusPersistentPath;
111   protected:
112     std::string configFilePath{};
113     std::string tlsCacertFile{};
114     std::string tlsCertFile{};
116     /** @brief Persistent sdbusplus D-Bus bus connection. */
117     sdbusplus::bus_t& bus;
119     /* Below two config objects are default, which will always be there */
121     /* if need arises then we can have below map for additional account
122      * providers we need to create sub class of Config which will implement the
123      * delete interface as the default objects will not implement the delete
124      * std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<NewConfig>> AdditionalProviders*/
126     /** @brief Pointer to a openLDAP Config D-Bus object */
127     std::unique_ptr<Config> openLDAPConfigPtr = nullptr;
128     /** @brief Pointer to a AD Config D-Bus object */
129     std::unique_ptr<Config> ADConfigPtr = nullptr;
131     /* Create the default active directory and the openldap config
132      * objects. */
133     virtual void createDefaultObjects();
134 };
135 } // namespace ldap
136 } // namespace phosphor