1{% extends project_specific|yesno:"baseprojectspecificpage.html,baseprojectpage.html" %} 2{% load projecttags %} 3{% load humanize %} 4{% load static %} 5 6{% block projectinfomain %} 7 8<h2>{{title}} (<span class="table-count-{{table_name}}"></span>) 9 {% if project.release %} 10 <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign get-help" title="This page lists {{title|lower}} compatible with the release selected for this project, which is {{project.release.description}}"></i> 11 {% endif %} 12</h2> 13 14{% url table_name project.id as xhr_table_url %} 15{% include "toastertable.html" %} 16 17{% endblock %} 18