1.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK
3Understanding and Creating Layers
6The OpenEmbedded build system supports organizing
7:term:`Metadata` into multiple layers.
8Layers allow you to isolate different types of customizations from each
9other. For introductory information on the Yocto Project Layer Model,
10see the
11":ref:`overview-manual/yp-intro:the yocto project layer model`"
12section in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual.
14Creating Your Own Layer
17.. note::
19   It is very easy to create your own layers to use with the OpenEmbedded
20   build system, as the Yocto Project ships with tools that speed up creating
21   layers. This section describes the steps you perform by hand to create
22   layers so that you can better understand them. For information about the
23   layer-creation tools, see the
24   ":ref:`bsp-guide/bsp:creating a new bsp layer using the \`\`bitbake-layers\`\` script`"
25   section in the Yocto Project Board Support Package (BSP) Developer's
26   Guide and the ":ref:`dev-manual/layers:creating a general layer using the \`\`bitbake-layers\`\` script`"
27   section further down in this manual.
29Follow these general steps to create your layer without using tools:
31#. *Check Existing Layers:* Before creating a new layer, you should be
32   sure someone has not already created a layer containing the Metadata
33   you need. You can see the :oe_layerindex:`OpenEmbedded Metadata Index <>`
34   for a list of layers from the OpenEmbedded community that can be used in
35   the Yocto Project. You could find a layer that is identical or close
36   to what you need.
38#. *Create a Directory:* Create the directory for your layer. When you
39   create the layer, be sure to create the directory in an area not
40   associated with the Yocto Project :term:`Source Directory`
41   (e.g. the cloned ``poky`` repository).
43   While not strictly required, prepend the name of the directory with
44   the string "meta-". For example::
46      meta-mylayer
47      meta-GUI_xyz
48      meta-mymachine
50   With rare exceptions, a layer's name follows this form::
52      meta-root_name
54   Following this layer naming convention can save
55   you trouble later when tools, components, or variables "assume" your
56   layer name begins with "meta-". A notable example is in configuration
57   files as shown in the following step where layer names without the
58   "meta-" string are appended to several variables used in the
59   configuration.
61#. *Create a Layer Configuration File:* Inside your new layer folder,
62   you need to create a ``conf/layer.conf`` file. It is easiest to take
63   an existing layer configuration file and copy that to your layer's
64   ``conf`` directory and then modify the file as needed.
66   The ``meta-yocto-bsp/conf/layer.conf`` file in the Yocto Project
67   :yocto_git:`Source Repositories </poky/tree/meta-yocto-bsp/conf>`
68   demonstrates the required syntax. For your layer, you need to replace
69   "yoctobsp" with a unique identifier for your layer (e.g. "machinexyz"
70   for a layer named "meta-machinexyz")::
72      # We have a conf and classes directory, add to BBPATH
73      BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}"
75      # We have recipes-* directories, add to BBFILES
76      BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \
77                  ${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bbappend"
79      BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "yoctobsp"
80      BBFILE_PATTERN_yoctobsp = "^${LAYERDIR}/"
81      BBFILE_PRIORITY_yoctobsp = "5"
82      LAYERVERSION_yoctobsp = "4"
83      LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_yoctobsp = "dunfell"
85   Here is an explanation of the layer configuration file:
87   -  :term:`BBPATH`: Adds the layer's
88      root directory to BitBake's search path. Through the use of the
89      :term:`BBPATH` variable, BitBake locates class files (``.bbclass``),
90      configuration files, and files that are included with ``include``
91      and ``require`` statements. For these cases, BitBake uses the
92      first file that matches the name found in :term:`BBPATH`. This is
93      similar to the way the ``PATH`` variable is used for binaries. It
94      is recommended, therefore, that you use unique class and
95      configuration filenames in your custom layer.
97   -  :term:`BBFILES`: Defines the
98      location for all recipes in the layer.
100   -  :term:`BBFILE_COLLECTIONS`:
101      Establishes the current layer through a unique identifier that is
102      used throughout the OpenEmbedded build system to refer to the
103      layer. In this example, the identifier "yoctobsp" is the
104      representation for the container layer named "meta-yocto-bsp".
106   -  :term:`BBFILE_PATTERN`:
107      Expands immediately during parsing to provide the directory of the
108      layer.
110   -  :term:`BBFILE_PRIORITY`:
111      Establishes a priority to use for recipes in the layer when the
112      OpenEmbedded build finds recipes of the same name in different
113      layers.
115   -  :term:`LAYERVERSION`:
116      Establishes a version number for the layer. You can use this
117      version number to specify this exact version of the layer as a
118      dependency when using the
119      :term:`LAYERDEPENDS`
120      variable.
122   -  :term:`LAYERDEPENDS`:
123      Lists all layers on which this layer depends (if any).
125   -  :term:`LAYERSERIES_COMPAT`:
126      Lists the :yocto_wiki:`Yocto Project </Releases>`
127      releases for which the current version is compatible. This
128      variable is a good way to indicate if your particular layer is
129      current.
132   .. note::
134      A layer does not have to contain only recipes ``.bb`` or append files
135      ``.bbappend``. Generally, developers create layers using
136      ``bitbake-layers create-layer``.
137      See ":ref:`dev-manual/layers:creating a general layer using the \`\`bitbake-layers\`\` script`",
138      explaining how the ``layer.conf`` file is created from a template located in
139      ``meta/lib/bblayers/templates/layer.conf``.
140      In fact, none of the variables set in ``layer.conf`` are mandatory,
141      except when :term:`BBFILE_COLLECTIONS` is present. In this case
142      :term:`LAYERSERIES_COMPAT` and :term:`BBFILE_PATTERN` have to be
143      defined too.
145#. *Add Content:* Depending on the type of layer, add the content. If
146   the layer adds support for a machine, add the machine configuration
147   in a ``conf/machine/`` file within the layer. If the layer adds
148   distro policy, add the distro configuration in a ``conf/distro/``
149   file within the layer. If the layer introduces new recipes, put the
150   recipes you need in ``recipes-*`` subdirectories within the layer.
152   .. note::
154      For an explanation of layer hierarchy that is compliant with the
155      Yocto Project, see the ":ref:`bsp-guide/bsp:example filesystem layout`"
156      section in the Yocto Project Board Support Package (BSP) Developer's Guide.
158#. *Optionally Test for Compatibility:* If you want permission to use
159   the Yocto Project Compatibility logo with your layer or application
160   that uses your layer, perform the steps to apply for compatibility.
161   See the
162   ":ref:`dev-manual/layers:making sure your layer is compatible with yocto project`"
163   section for more information.
165Following Best Practices When Creating Layers
168To create layers that are easier to maintain and that will not impact
169builds for other machines, you should consider the information in the
170following list:
172-  *Avoid "Overlaying" Entire Recipes from Other Layers in Your
173   Configuration:* In other words, do not copy an entire recipe into
174   your layer and then modify it. Rather, use an append file
175   (``.bbappend``) to override only those parts of the original recipe
176   you need to modify.
178-  *Avoid Duplicating Include Files:* Use append files (``.bbappend``)
179   for each recipe that uses an include file. Or, if you are introducing
180   a new recipe that requires the included file, use the path relative
181   to the original layer directory to refer to the file. For example,
182   use ``require recipes-core/``\ `package`\ ``/``\ `file`\ ``.inc`` instead
183   of ``require`` `file`\ ``.inc``. If you're finding you have to overlay
184   the include file, it could indicate a deficiency in the include file
185   in the layer to which it originally belongs. If this is the case, you
186   should try to address that deficiency instead of overlaying the
187   include file. For example, you could address this by getting the
188   maintainer of the include file to add a variable or variables to make
189   it easy to override the parts needing to be overridden.
191-  *Structure Your Layers:* Proper use of overrides within append files
192   and placement of machine-specific files within your layer can ensure
193   that a build is not using the wrong Metadata and negatively impacting
194   a build for a different machine. Here are some examples:
196   -  *Modify Variables to Support a Different Machine:* Suppose you
197      have a layer named ``meta-one`` that adds support for building
198      machine "one". To do so, you use an append file named
199      ``base-files.bbappend`` and create a dependency on "foo" by
200      altering the :term:`DEPENDS`
201      variable::
203         DEPENDS = "foo"
205      The dependency is created during any
206      build that includes the layer ``meta-one``. However, you might not
207      want this dependency for all machines. For example, suppose you
208      are building for machine "two" but your ``bblayers.conf`` file has
209      the ``meta-one`` layer included. During the build, the
210      ``base-files`` for machine "two" will also have the dependency on
211      ``foo``.
213      To make sure your changes apply only when building machine "one",
214      use a machine override with the :term:`DEPENDS` statement::
216         DEPENDS:one = "foo"
218      You should follow the same strategy when using ``:append``
219      and ``:prepend`` operations::
221         DEPENDS:append:one = " foo"
222         DEPENDS:prepend:one = "foo "
224      As an actual example, here's a
225      snippet from the generic kernel include file ``linux-yocto.inc``,
226      wherein the kernel compile and link options are adjusted in the
227      case of a subset of the supported architectures::
229         DEPENDS:append:aarch64 = " libgcc"
230         KERNEL_CC:append:aarch64 = " ${TOOLCHAIN_OPTIONS}"
231         KERNEL_LD:append:aarch64 = " ${TOOLCHAIN_OPTIONS}"
233         DEPENDS:append:nios2 = " libgcc"
234         KERNEL_CC:append:nios2 = " ${TOOLCHAIN_OPTIONS}"
235         KERNEL_LD:append:nios2 = " ${TOOLCHAIN_OPTIONS}"
237         DEPENDS:append:arc = " libgcc"
238         KERNEL_CC:append:arc = " ${TOOLCHAIN_OPTIONS}"
239         KERNEL_LD:append:arc = " ${TOOLCHAIN_OPTIONS}"
241         KERNEL_FEATURES:append:qemuall=" features/debug/printk.scc"
243   -  *Place Machine-Specific Files in Machine-Specific Locations:* When
244      you have a base recipe, such as ``base-files.bb``, that contains a
245      :term:`SRC_URI` statement to a
246      file, you can use an append file to cause the build to use your
247      own version of the file. For example, an append file in your layer
248      at ``meta-one/recipes-core/base-files/base-files.bbappend`` could
249      extend :term:`FILESPATH` using :term:`FILESEXTRAPATHS` as follows::
251         FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/${BPN}:"
253      The build for machine "one" will pick up your machine-specific file as
254      long as you have the file in
255      ``meta-one/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/``. However, if you
256      are building for a different machine and the ``bblayers.conf``
257      file includes the ``meta-one`` layer and the location of your
258      machine-specific file is the first location where that file is
259      found according to :term:`FILESPATH`, builds for all machines will
260      also use that machine-specific file.
262      You can make sure that a machine-specific file is used for a
263      particular machine by putting the file in a subdirectory specific
264      to the machine. For example, rather than placing the file in
265      ``meta-one/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/`` as shown above,
266      put it in ``meta-one/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/one/``.
267      Not only does this make sure the file is used only when building
268      for machine "one", but the build process locates the file more
269      quickly.
271      In summary, you need to place all files referenced from
272      :term:`SRC_URI` in a machine-specific subdirectory within the layer in
273      order to restrict those files to machine-specific builds.
275-  *Perform Steps to Apply for Yocto Project Compatibility:* If you want
276   permission to use the Yocto Project Compatibility logo with your
277   layer or application that uses your layer, perform the steps to apply
278   for compatibility. See the
279   ":ref:`dev-manual/layers:making sure your layer is compatible with yocto project`"
280   section for more information.
282-  *Follow the Layer Naming Convention:* Store custom layers in a Git
283   repository that use the ``meta-layer_name`` format.
285-  *Group Your Layers Locally:* Clone your repository alongside other
286   cloned ``meta`` directories from the :term:`Source Directory`.
288Making Sure Your Layer is Compatible With Yocto Project
291When you create a layer used with the Yocto Project, it is advantageous
292to make sure that the layer interacts well with existing Yocto Project
293layers (i.e. the layer is compatible with the Yocto Project). Ensuring
294compatibility makes the layer easy to be consumed by others in the Yocto
295Project community and could allow you permission to use the Yocto
296Project Compatible Logo.
298.. note::
300   Only Yocto Project member organizations are permitted to use the
301   Yocto Project Compatible Logo. The logo is not available for general
302   use. For information on how to become a Yocto Project member
303   organization, see the :yocto_home:`Yocto Project Website <>`.
305The Yocto Project Compatibility Program consists of a layer application
306process that requests permission to use the Yocto Project Compatibility
307Logo for your layer and application. The process consists of two parts:
309#. Successfully passing a script (``yocto-check-layer``) that when run
310   against your layer, tests it against constraints based on experiences
311   of how layers have worked in the real world and where pitfalls have
312   been found. Getting a "PASS" result from the script is required for
313   successful compatibility registration.
315#. Completion of an application acceptance form, which you can find at
316   :yocto_home:`/compatible-registration/`.
318To be granted permission to use the logo, you need to satisfy the
321-  Be able to check the box indicating that you got a "PASS" when
322   running the script against your layer.
324-  Answer "Yes" to the questions on the form or have an acceptable
325   explanation for any questions answered "No".
327-  Be a Yocto Project Member Organization.
329The remainder of this section presents information on the registration
330form and on the ``yocto-check-layer`` script.
332Yocto Project Compatible Program Application
335Use the form to apply for your layer's approval. Upon successful
336application, you can use the Yocto Project Compatibility Logo with your
337layer and the application that uses your layer.
339To access the form, use this link:
341Follow the instructions on the form to complete your application.
343The application consists of the following sections:
345-  *Contact Information:* Provide your contact information as the fields
346   require. Along with your information, provide the released versions
347   of the Yocto Project for which your layer is compatible.
349-  *Acceptance Criteria:* Provide "Yes" or "No" answers for each of the
350   items in the checklist. There is space at the bottom of the form for
351   any explanations for items for which you answered "No".
353-  *Recommendations:* Provide answers for the questions regarding Linux
354   kernel use and build success.
356``yocto-check-layer`` Script
359The ``yocto-check-layer`` script provides you a way to assess how
360compatible your layer is with the Yocto Project. You should run this
361script prior to using the form to apply for compatibility as described
362in the previous section. You need to achieve a "PASS" result in order to
363have your application form successfully processed.
365The script divides tests into three areas: COMMON, BSP, and DISTRO. For
366example, given a distribution layer (DISTRO), the layer must pass both
367the COMMON and DISTRO related tests. Furthermore, if your layer is a BSP
368layer, the layer must pass the COMMON and BSP set of tests.
370To execute the script, enter the following commands from your build
373   $ source oe-init-build-env
374   $ yocto-check-layer your_layer_directory
376Be sure to provide the actual directory for your
377layer as part of the command.
379Entering the command causes the script to determine the type of layer
380and then to execute a set of specific tests against the layer. The
381following list overviews the test:
383-  ``common.test_readme``: Tests if a ``README`` file exists in the
384   layer and the file is not empty.
386-  ``common.test_parse``: Tests to make sure that BitBake can parse the
387   files without error (i.e. ``bitbake -p``).
389-  ``common.test_show_environment``: Tests that the global or per-recipe
390   environment is in order without errors (i.e. ``bitbake -e``).
392-  ``common.test_world``: Verifies that ``bitbake world`` works.
394-  ``common.test_signatures``: Tests to be sure that BSP and DISTRO
395   layers do not come with recipes that change signatures.
397-  ``common.test_layerseries_compat``: Verifies layer compatibility is
398   set properly.
400-  ``bsp.test_bsp_defines_machines``: Tests if a BSP layer has machine
401   configurations.
403-  ``bsp.test_bsp_no_set_machine``: Tests to ensure a BSP layer does not
404   set the machine when the layer is added.
406-  ``bsp.test_machine_world``: Verifies that ``bitbake world`` works
407   regardless of which machine is selected.
409-  ``bsp.test_machine_signatures``: Verifies that building for a
410   particular machine affects only the signature of tasks specific to
411   that machine.
413-  ``distro.test_distro_defines_distros``: Tests if a DISTRO layer has
414   distro configurations.
416-  ``distro.test_distro_no_set_distros``: Tests to ensure a DISTRO layer
417   does not set the distribution when the layer is added.
419Enabling Your Layer
422Before the OpenEmbedded build system can use your new layer, you need to
423enable it. To enable your layer, simply add your layer's path to the
424:term:`BBLAYERS` variable in your ``conf/bblayers.conf`` file, which is
425found in the :term:`Build Directory`. The following example shows how to
426enable your new ``meta-mylayer`` layer (note how your new layer exists
427outside of the official ``poky`` repository which you would have checked
428out earlier)::
430   # POKY_BBLAYERS_CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/bblayers.conf
431   # changes incompatibly
433   BBPATH = "${TOPDIR}"
434   BBFILES ?= ""
435   BBLAYERS ?= " \
436       /home/user/poky/meta \
437       /home/user/poky/meta-poky \
438       /home/user/poky/meta-yocto-bsp \
439       /home/user/mystuff/meta-mylayer \
440       "
442BitBake parses each ``conf/layer.conf`` file from the top down as
443specified in the :term:`BBLAYERS` variable within the ``conf/bblayers.conf``
444file. During the processing of each ``conf/layer.conf`` file, BitBake
445adds the recipes, classes and configurations contained within the
446particular layer to the source directory.
448Appending Other Layers Metadata With Your Layer
451A recipe that appends Metadata to another recipe is called a BitBake
452append file. A BitBake append file uses the ``.bbappend`` file type
453suffix, while the corresponding recipe to which Metadata is being
454appended uses the ``.bb`` file type suffix.
456You can use a ``.bbappend`` file in your layer to make additions or
457changes to the content of another layer's recipe without having to copy
458the other layer's recipe into your layer. Your ``.bbappend`` file
459resides in your layer, while the main ``.bb`` recipe file to which you
460are appending Metadata resides in a different layer.
462Being able to append information to an existing recipe not only avoids
463duplication, but also automatically applies recipe changes from a
464different layer into your layer. If you were copying recipes, you would
465have to manually merge changes as they occur.
467When you create an append file, you must use the same root name as the
468corresponding recipe file. For example, the append file
469``someapp_3.1.bbappend`` must apply to ``someapp_3.1.bb``. This
470means the original recipe and append filenames are version
471number-specific. If the corresponding recipe is renamed to update to a
472newer version, you must also rename and possibly update the
473corresponding ``.bbappend`` as well. During the build process, BitBake
474displays an error on starting if it detects a ``.bbappend`` file that
475does not have a corresponding recipe with a matching name. See the
477variable for information on how to handle this error.
479Overlaying a File Using Your Layer
482As an example, consider the main formfactor recipe and a corresponding
483formfactor append file both from the :term:`Source Directory`.
484Here is the main
485formfactor recipe, which is named ``formfactor_0.0.bb`` and located in
486the "meta" layer at ``meta/recipes-bsp/formfactor``::
488   SUMMARY = "Device formfactor information"
489   DESCRIPTION = "A formfactor configuration file provides information about the \
490   target hardware for which the image is being built and information that the \
491   build system cannot obtain from other sources such as the kernel."
492   SECTION = "base"
493   LICENSE = "MIT"
494   LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
495   PR = "r45"
497   SRC_URI = "file://config file://machconfig"
498   S = "${WORKDIR}"
503   do_install() {
504           # Install file only if it has contents
505           install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/formfactor/
506           install -m 0644 ${S}/config ${D}${sysconfdir}/formfactor/
507           if [ -s "${S}/machconfig" ]; then
508                   install -m 0644 ${S}/machconfig ${D}${sysconfdir}/formfactor/
509           fi
510   }
512In the main recipe, note the :term:`SRC_URI`
513variable, which tells the OpenEmbedded build system where to find files
514during the build.
516Here is the append file, which is named ``formfactor_0.0.bbappend``
517and is from the Raspberry Pi BSP Layer named ``meta-raspberrypi``. The
518file is in the layer at ``recipes-bsp/formfactor``::
520   FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"
522By default, the build system uses the
523:term:`FILESPATH` variable to
524locate files. This append file extends the locations by setting the
526variable. Setting this variable in the ``.bbappend`` file is the most
527reliable and recommended method for adding directories to the search
528path used by the build system to find files.
530The statement in this example extends the directories to include
531``${``\ :term:`THISDIR`\ ``}/${``\ :term:`PN`\ ``}``,
532which resolves to a directory named ``formfactor`` in the same directory
533in which the append file resides (i.e.
534``meta-raspberrypi/recipes-bsp/formfactor``. This implies that you must
535have the supporting directory structure set up that will contain any
536files or patches you will be including from the layer.
538Using the immediate expansion assignment operator ``:=`` is important
539because of the reference to :term:`THISDIR`. The trailing colon character is
540important as it ensures that items in the list remain colon-separated.
542.. note::
544   BitBake automatically defines the :term:`THISDIR` variable. You should
545   never set this variable yourself. Using ":prepend" as part of the
546   :term:`FILESEXTRAPATHS` ensures your path will be searched prior to other
547   paths in the final list.
549   Also, not all append files add extra files. Many append files simply
550   allow to add build options (e.g. ``systemd``). For these cases, your
551   append file would not even use the :term:`FILESEXTRAPATHS` statement.
553The end result of this ``.bbappend`` file is that on a Raspberry Pi, where
554``rpi`` will exist in the list of :term:`OVERRIDES`, the file
555``meta-raspberrypi/recipes-bsp/formfactor/formfactor/rpi/machconfig`` will be
556used during :ref:`ref-tasks-fetch` and the test for a non-zero file size in
557:ref:`ref-tasks-install` will return true, and the file will be installed.
559Installing Additional Files Using Your Layer
562As another example, consider the main ``xserver-xf86-config`` recipe and a
563corresponding ``xserver-xf86-config`` append file both from the :term:`Source
564Directory`.  Here is the main ``xserver-xf86-config`` recipe, which is named
565``xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bb`` and located in the "meta" layer at
568   SUMMARY = "X.Org X server configuration file"
569   HOMEPAGE = "http://www.x.org"
570   SECTION = "x11/base"
571   LICENSE = "MIT"
572   LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
573   PR = "r33"
575   SRC_URI = "file://xorg.conf"
577   S = "${WORKDIR}"
579   CONFFILES:${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/X11/xorg.conf"
582   ALLOW_EMPTY:${PN} = "1"
584   do_install () {
585        if test -s ${WORKDIR}/xorg.conf; then
586                install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}/X11
587                install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/xorg.conf ${D}/${sysconfdir}/X11/
588        fi
589   }
591Here is the append file, which is named ``xserver-xf86-config_%.bbappend``
592and is from the Raspberry Pi BSP Layer named ``meta-raspberrypi``. The
593file is in the layer at ``recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver``::
595   FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"
597   SRC_URI:append:rpi = " \
598       file://xorg.conf.d/98-pitft.conf \
599       file://xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf \
600   "
601   do_install:append:rpi () {
602       PITFT="${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "pitft", "1", "0", d)}"
603       if [ "${PITFT}" = "1" ]; then
604           install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}/X11/xorg.conf.d/
605           install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/xorg.conf.d/98-pitft.conf ${D}/${sysconfdir}/X11/xorg.conf.d/
606           install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf ${D}/${sysconfdir}/X11/xorg.conf.d/
607       fi
608   }
610   FILES:${PN}:append:rpi = " ${sysconfdir}/X11/xorg.conf.d/*"
612Building off of the previous example, we once again are setting the
613:term:`FILESEXTRAPATHS` variable.  In this case we are also using
614:term:`SRC_URI` to list additional source files to use when ``rpi`` is found in
615the list of :term:`OVERRIDES`.  The :ref:`ref-tasks-install` task will then perform a
616check for an additional :term:`MACHINE_FEATURES` that if set will cause these
617additional files to be installed.  These additional files are listed in
618:term:`FILES` so that they will be packaged.
620Prioritizing Your Layer
623Each layer is assigned a priority value. Priority values control which
624layer takes precedence if there are recipe files with the same name in
625multiple layers. For these cases, the recipe file from the layer with a
626higher priority number takes precedence. Priority values also affect the
627order in which multiple ``.bbappend`` files for the same recipe are
628applied. You can either specify the priority manually, or allow the
629build system to calculate it based on the layer's dependencies.
631To specify the layer's priority manually, use the
633variable and append the layer's root name::
635   BBFILE_PRIORITY_mylayer = "1"
637.. note::
639   It is possible for a recipe with a lower version number
640   :term:`PV` in a layer that has a higher
641   priority to take precedence.
643   Also, the layer priority does not currently affect the precedence
644   order of ``.conf`` or ``.bbclass`` files. Future versions of BitBake
645   might address this.
647Managing Layers
650You can use the BitBake layer management tool ``bitbake-layers`` to
651provide a view into the structure of recipes across a multi-layer
652project. Being able to generate output that reports on configured layers
653with their paths and priorities and on ``.bbappend`` files and their
654applicable recipes can help to reveal potential problems.
656For help on the BitBake layer management tool, use the following
659   $ bitbake-layers --help
661The following list describes the available commands:
663-  ``help:`` Displays general help or help on a specified command.
665-  ``show-layers:`` Shows the current configured layers.
667-  ``show-overlayed:`` Lists overlayed recipes. A recipe is overlayed
668   when a recipe with the same name exists in another layer that has a
669   higher layer priority.
671-  ``show-recipes:`` Lists available recipes and the layers that
672   provide them.
674-  ``show-appends:`` Lists ``.bbappend`` files and the recipe files to
675   which they apply.
677-  ``show-cross-depends:`` Lists dependency relationships between
678   recipes that cross layer boundaries.
680-  ``add-layer:`` Adds a layer to ``bblayers.conf``.
682-  ``remove-layer:`` Removes a layer from ``bblayers.conf``
684-  ``flatten:`` Flattens the layer configuration into a separate
685   output directory. Flattening your layer configuration builds a
686   "flattened" directory that contains the contents of all layers, with
687   any overlayed recipes removed and any ``.bbappend`` files appended to
688   the corresponding recipes. You might have to perform some manual
689   cleanup of the flattened layer as follows:
691   -  Non-recipe files (such as patches) are overwritten. The flatten
692      command shows a warning for these files.
694   -  Anything beyond the normal layer setup has been added to the
695      ``layer.conf`` file. Only the lowest priority layer's
696      ``layer.conf`` is used.
698   -  Overridden and appended items from ``.bbappend`` files need to be
699      cleaned up. The contents of each ``.bbappend`` end up in the
700      flattened recipe. However, if there are appended or changed
701      variable values, you need to tidy these up yourself. Consider the
702      following example. Here, the ``bitbake-layers`` command adds the
703      line ``#### bbappended ...`` so that you know where the following
704      lines originate::
706         ...
707         DESCRIPTION = "A useful utility"
708         ...
709         EXTRA_OECONF = "--enable-something"
710         ...
712         #### bbappended from meta-anotherlayer ####
714         DESCRIPTION = "Customized utility"
715         EXTRA_OECONF += "--enable-somethingelse"
718      Ideally, you would tidy up these utilities as follows::
720         ...
721         DESCRIPTION = "Customized utility"
722         ...
723         EXTRA_OECONF = "--enable-something --enable-somethingelse"
724         ...
726-  ``layerindex-fetch``: Fetches a layer from a layer index, along
727   with its dependent layers, and adds the layers to the
728   ``conf/bblayers.conf`` file.
730-  ``layerindex-show-depends``: Finds layer dependencies from the
731   layer index.
733-  ``save-build-conf``: Saves the currently active build configuration
734   (``conf/local.conf``, ``conf/bblayers.conf``) as a template into a layer.
735   This template can later be used for setting up builds via :term:`TEMPLATECONF`.
736   For information about saving and using configuration templates, see
737   ":ref:`dev-manual/custom-template-configuration-directory:creating a custom template configuration directory`".
739-  ``create-layer``: Creates a basic layer.
741-  ``create-layers-setup``: Writes out a configuration file and/or a script that
742   can replicate the directory structure and revisions of the layers in a current build.
743   For more information, see ":ref:`dev-manual/layers:saving and restoring the layers setup`".
745Creating a General Layer Using the ``bitbake-layers`` Script
748The ``bitbake-layers`` script with the ``create-layer`` subcommand
749simplifies creating a new general layer.
751.. note::
753   -  For information on BSP layers, see the ":ref:`bsp-guide/bsp:bsp layers`"
754      section in the Yocto
755      Project Board Specific (BSP) Developer's Guide.
757   -  In order to use a layer with the OpenEmbedded build system, you
758      need to add the layer to your ``bblayers.conf`` configuration
759      file. See the ":ref:`dev-manual/layers:adding a layer using the \`\`bitbake-layers\`\` script`"
760      section for more information.
762The default mode of the script's operation with this subcommand is to
763create a layer with the following:
765-  A layer priority of 6.
767-  A ``conf`` subdirectory that contains a ``layer.conf`` file.
769-  A ``recipes-example`` subdirectory that contains a further
770   subdirectory named ``example``, which contains an ``example.bb``
771   recipe file.
773-  A ``COPYING.MIT``, which is the license statement for the layer. The
774   script assumes you want to use the MIT license, which is typical for
775   most layers, for the contents of the layer itself.
777-  A ``README`` file, which is a file describing the contents of your
778   new layer.
780In its simplest form, you can use the following command form to create a
781layer. The command creates a layer whose name corresponds to
782"your_layer_name" in the current directory::
784   $ bitbake-layers create-layer your_layer_name
786As an example, the following command creates a layer named ``meta-scottrif``
787in your home directory::
789   $ cd /usr/home
790   $ bitbake-layers create-layer meta-scottrif
791   NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
792   Add your new layer with 'bitbake-layers add-layer meta-scottrif'
794If you want to set the priority of the layer to other than the default
795value of "6", you can either use the ``--priority`` option or you
796can edit the
797:term:`BBFILE_PRIORITY` value
798in the ``conf/layer.conf`` after the script creates it. Furthermore, if
799you want to give the example recipe file some name other than the
800default, you can use the ``--example-recipe-name`` option.
802The easiest way to see how the ``bitbake-layers create-layer`` command
803works is to experiment with the script. You can also read the usage
804information by entering the following::
806   $ bitbake-layers create-layer --help
807   NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
808   usage: bitbake-layers create-layer [-h] [--priority PRIORITY]
809                                      [--example-recipe-name EXAMPLERECIPE]
810                                      layerdir
812   Create a basic layer
814   positional arguments:
815     layerdir              Layer directory to create
817   optional arguments:
818     -h, --help            show this help message and exit
819     --priority PRIORITY, -p PRIORITY
820                           Layer directory to create
821     --example-recipe-name EXAMPLERECIPE, -e EXAMPLERECIPE
822                           Filename of the example recipe
824Adding a Layer Using the ``bitbake-layers`` Script
827Once you create your general layer, you must add it to your
828``bblayers.conf`` file. Adding the layer to this configuration file
829makes the OpenEmbedded build system aware of your layer so that it can
830search it for metadata.
832Add your layer by using the ``bitbake-layers add-layer`` command::
834   $ bitbake-layers add-layer your_layer_name
836Here is an example that adds a
837layer named ``meta-scottrif`` to the configuration file. Following the
838command that adds the layer is another ``bitbake-layers`` command that
839shows the layers that are in your ``bblayers.conf`` file::
841   $ bitbake-layers add-layer meta-scottrif
842   NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
843   Parsing recipes: 100% |##########################################################| Time: 0:00:49
844   Parsing of 1441 .bb files complete (0 cached, 1441 parsed). 2055 targets, 56 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
845   $ bitbake-layers show-layers
846   NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
847   layer                 path                                      priority
848   ==========================================================================
849   meta                  /home/scottrif/poky/meta                  5
850   meta-poky             /home/scottrif/poky/meta-poky             5
851   meta-yocto-bsp        /home/scottrif/poky/meta-yocto-bsp        5
852   workspace             /home/scottrif/poky/build/workspace       99
853   meta-scottrif         /home/scottrif/poky/build/meta-scottrif   6
856Adding the layer to this file
857enables the build system to locate the layer during the build.
859.. note::
861   During a build, the OpenEmbedded build system looks in the layers
862   from the top of the list down to the bottom in that order.
864Saving and restoring the layers setup
867Once you have a working build with the correct set of layers, it is beneficial
868to capture the layer setup --- what they are, which repositories they come from
869and which SCM revisions they're at --- into a configuration file, so that this
870setup can be easily replicated later, perhaps on a different machine. Here's
871how to do this::
873   $ bitbake-layers create-layers-setup /srv/work/alex/meta-alex/
874   NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
875   NOTE: Created /srv/work/alex/meta-alex/setup-layers.json
876   NOTE: Created /srv/work/alex/meta-alex/setup-layers
878The tool needs a single argument which tells where to place the output, consisting
879of a json formatted layer configuration, and a ``setup-layers`` script that can use that configuration
880to restore the layers in a different location, or on a different host machine. The argument
881can point to a custom layer (which is then deemed a "bootstrap" layer that needs to be
882checked out first), or into a completely independent location.
884The replication of the layers is performed by running the ``setup-layers`` script provided
887#. Clone the bootstrap layer or some other repository to obtain
888   the json config and the setup script that can use it.
890#. Run the script directly with no options::
892      alex@Zen2:/srv/work/alex/my-build$ meta-alex/setup-layers
893      Note: not checking out source meta-alex, use --force-bootstraplayer-checkout to override.
895      Setting up source meta-intel, revision 15.0-hardknott-3.3-310-g0a96edae, branch master
896      Running 'git init -q /srv/work/alex/my-build/meta-intel'
897      Running 'git remote remove origin > /dev/null 2>&1; git remote add origin git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-intel' in /srv/work/alex/my-build/meta-intel
898      Running 'git fetch -q origin || true' in /srv/work/alex/my-build/meta-intel
899      Running 'git checkout -q 0a96edae609a3f48befac36af82cf1eed6786b4a' in /srv/work/alex/my-build/meta-intel
901      Setting up source poky, revision 4.1_M1-372-g55483d28f2, branch akanavin/setup-layers
902      Running 'git init -q /srv/work/alex/my-build/poky'
903      Running 'git remote remove origin > /dev/null 2>&1; git remote add origin git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky' in /srv/work/alex/my-build/poky
904      Running 'git fetch -q origin || true' in /srv/work/alex/my-build/poky
905      Running 'git remote remove poky-contrib > /dev/null 2>&1; git remote add poky-contrib ssh://git@push.yoctoproject.org/poky-contrib' in /srv/work/alex/my-build/poky
906      Running 'git fetch -q poky-contrib || true' in /srv/work/alex/my-build/poky
907      Running 'git checkout -q 11db0390b02acac1324e0f827beb0e2e3d0d1d63' in /srv/work/alex/my-build/poky
909.. note::
910   This will work to update an existing checkout as well.
912.. note::
913   The script is self-sufficient and requires only python3
914   and git on the build machine.
916.. note::
917   Both the ``create-layers-setup`` and the ``setup-layers`` provided several additional options
918   that customize their behavior - you are welcome to study them via ``--help`` command line parameter.