1{% extends "basebuildpage.html" %} 2 3{% load projecttags %} 4 5{% block title %} {{title}} - {{build.target_set.all|dictsort:"target"|join:", "}} {{build.machine}} - {{build.project.name}} - Toaster {% endblock %} 6{% block localbreadcrumb %} 7<li>{{title}}</li> 8{% endblock %} 9 10{% block nav-packages %} 11{% endblock %} 12 13{% block buildinfomain %} 14<div class="col-md-10"> 15{# xhr_table_url is just the current url so leave it blank #} 16{% with xhr_table_url='' %} 17 <div class="page-header build-data"> 18 <h1> 19 {{title}} (<span class="table-count-{{table_name}}">0</span>) </h2> 20 </h1> 21 </div> 22 {% include "toastertable.html" %} 23{% endwith %} 24</div> 25{% endblock %} 26