xref: /openbmc/openbmc/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/hg.py (revision ac13d5f3)
2BitBake 'Fetch' implementation for mercurial DRCS (hg).
6# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004  Chris Larson
7# Copyright (C) 2004        Marcin Juszkiewicz
8# Copyright (C) 2007        Robert Schuster
10# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
12# Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
15import os
16import bb
17import errno
18from bb.fetch2 import FetchMethod
19from bb.fetch2 import FetchError
20from bb.fetch2 import MissingParameterError
21from bb.fetch2 import runfetchcmd
22from bb.fetch2 import logger
24class Hg(FetchMethod):
25    """Class to fetch from mercurial repositories"""
26    def supports(self, ud, d):
27        """
28        Check to see if a given url can be fetched with mercurial.
29        """
30        return ud.type in ['hg']
32    def supports_checksum(self, urldata):
33        """
34        Don't require checksums for local archives created from
35        repository checkouts.
36        """
37        return False
39    def urldata_init(self, ud, d):
40        """
41        init hg specific variable within url data
42        """
43        if not "module" in ud.parm:
44            raise MissingParameterError('module', ud.url)
46        ud.module = ud.parm["module"]
48        if 'protocol' in ud.parm:
49            ud.proto = ud.parm['protocol']
50        elif not ud.host:
51            ud.proto = 'file'
52        else:
53            ud.proto = "hg"
55        # Create paths to mercurial checkouts
56        hgsrcname = '%s_%s_%s' % (ud.module.replace('/', '.'), \
57                            ud.host, ud.path.replace('/', '.'))
58        mirrortarball = 'hg_%s.tar.gz' % hgsrcname
59        ud.fullmirror = os.path.join(d.getVar("DL_DIR"), mirrortarball)
60        ud.mirrortarballs = [mirrortarball]
62        hgdir = d.getVar("HGDIR") or (d.getVar("DL_DIR") + "/hg")
63        ud.pkgdir = os.path.join(hgdir, hgsrcname)
64        ud.moddir = os.path.join(ud.pkgdir, ud.module)
65        ud.localfile = ud.moddir
66        ud.basecmd = d.getVar("FETCHCMD_hg") or "/usr/bin/env hg"
68        ud.setup_revisions(d)
70        if 'rev' in ud.parm:
71            ud.revision = ud.parm['rev']
72        elif not ud.revision:
73            ud.revision = self.latest_revision(ud, d)
75        ud.write_tarballs = d.getVar("BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS")
77    def need_update(self, ud, d):
78        revTag = ud.parm.get('rev', 'tip')
79        if revTag == "tip":
80            return True
81        if not os.path.exists(ud.localpath):
82            return True
83        return False
85    def try_premirror(self, ud, d):
86        # If we don't do this, updating an existing checkout with only premirrors
87        # is not possible
88        if bb.utils.to_boolean(d.getVar("BB_FETCH_PREMIRRORONLY")):
89            return True
90        if os.path.exists(ud.moddir):
91            return False
92        return True
94    def _buildhgcommand(self, ud, d, command):
95        """
96        Build up an hg commandline based on ud
97        command is "fetch", "update", "info"
98        """
100        proto = ud.parm.get('protocol', 'http')
102        host = ud.host
103        if proto == "file":
104            host = "/"
105            ud.host = "localhost"
107        if not ud.user:
108            hgroot = host + ud.path
109        else:
110            if ud.pswd:
111                hgroot = ud.user + ":" + ud.pswd + "@" + host + ud.path
112            else:
113                hgroot = ud.user + "@" + host + ud.path
115        if command == "info":
116            return "%s identify -i %s://%s/%s" % (ud.basecmd, proto, hgroot, ud.module)
118        options = [];
120        # Don't specify revision for the fetch; clone the entire repo.
121        # This avoids an issue if the specified revision is a tag, because
122        # the tag actually exists in the specified revision + 1, so it won't
123        # be available when used in any successive commands.
124        if ud.revision and command != "fetch":
125            options.append("-r %s" % ud.revision)
127        if command == "fetch":
128            if ud.user and ud.pswd:
129                cmd = "%s --config auth.default.prefix=* --config auth.default.username=%s --config auth.default.password=%s --config \"auth.default.schemes=%s\" clone %s %s://%s/%s %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.user, ud.pswd, proto, " ".join(options), proto, hgroot, ud.module, ud.module)
130            else:
131                cmd = "%s clone %s %s://%s/%s %s" % (ud.basecmd, " ".join(options), proto, hgroot, ud.module, ud.module)
132        elif command == "pull":
133            # do not pass options list; limiting pull to rev causes the local
134            # repo not to contain it and immediately following "update" command
135            # will crash
136            if ud.user and ud.pswd:
137                cmd = "%s --config auth.default.prefix=* --config auth.default.username=%s --config auth.default.password=%s --config \"auth.default.schemes=%s\" pull" % (ud.basecmd, ud.user, ud.pswd, proto)
138            else:
139                cmd = "%s pull" % (ud.basecmd)
140        elif command == "update" or command == "up":
141            if ud.user and ud.pswd:
142                cmd = "%s --config auth.default.prefix=* --config auth.default.username=%s --config auth.default.password=%s --config \"auth.default.schemes=%s\" update -C %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.user, ud.pswd, proto, " ".join(options))
143            else:
144                cmd = "%s update -C %s" % (ud.basecmd, " ".join(options))
145        else:
146            raise FetchError("Invalid hg command %s" % command, ud.url)
148        return cmd
150    def download(self, ud, d):
151        """Fetch url"""
153        logger.debug2("Fetch: checking for module directory '" + ud.moddir + "'")
155        # If the checkout doesn't exist and the mirror tarball does, extract it
156        if not os.path.exists(ud.pkgdir) and os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror):
157            bb.utils.mkdirhier(ud.pkgdir)
158            runfetchcmd("tar -xzf %s" % (ud.fullmirror), d, workdir=ud.pkgdir)
160        if os.access(os.path.join(ud.moddir, '.hg'), os.R_OK):
161            # Found the source, check whether need pull
162            updatecmd = self._buildhgcommand(ud, d, "update")
163            logger.debug("Running %s", updatecmd)
164            try:
165                runfetchcmd(updatecmd, d, workdir=ud.moddir)
166            except bb.fetch2.FetchError:
167                # Runnning pull in the repo
168                pullcmd = self._buildhgcommand(ud, d, "pull")
169                logger.info("Pulling " + ud.url)
170                # update sources there
171                logger.debug("Running %s", pullcmd)
172                bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, pullcmd, ud.url)
173                runfetchcmd(pullcmd, d, workdir=ud.moddir)
174                try:
175                    os.unlink(ud.fullmirror)
176                except OSError as exc:
177                    if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT:
178                        raise
180        # No source found, clone it.
181        if not os.path.exists(ud.moddir):
182            fetchcmd = self._buildhgcommand(ud, d, "fetch")
183            logger.info("Fetch " + ud.url)
184            # check out sources there
185            bb.utils.mkdirhier(ud.pkgdir)
186            logger.debug("Running %s", fetchcmd)
187            bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, fetchcmd, ud.url)
188            runfetchcmd(fetchcmd, d, workdir=ud.pkgdir)
190        # Even when we clone (fetch), we still need to update as hg's clone
191        # won't checkout the specified revision if its on a branch
192        updatecmd = self._buildhgcommand(ud, d, "update")
193        logger.debug("Running %s", updatecmd)
194        runfetchcmd(updatecmd, d, workdir=ud.moddir)
196    def clean(self, ud, d):
197        """ Clean the hg dir """
199        bb.utils.remove(ud.localpath, True)
200        bb.utils.remove(ud.fullmirror)
201        bb.utils.remove(ud.fullmirror + ".done")
203    def supports_srcrev(self):
204        return True
206    def _latest_revision(self, ud, d, name):
207        """
208        Compute tip revision for the url
209        """
210        bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, self._buildhgcommand(ud, d, "info"), ud.url)
211        output = runfetchcmd(self._buildhgcommand(ud, d, "info"), d)
212        return output.strip()
214    def _build_revision(self, ud, d, name):
215        return ud.revision
217    def _revision_key(self, ud, d, name):
218        """
219        Return a unique key for the url
220        """
221        return "hg:" + ud.moddir
223    def build_mirror_data(self, ud, d):
224        # Generate a mirror tarball if needed
225        if ud.write_tarballs == "1" and not os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror):
226            # it's possible that this symlink points to read-only filesystem with PREMIRROR
227            if os.path.islink(ud.fullmirror):
228                os.unlink(ud.fullmirror)
230            logger.info("Creating tarball of hg repository")
231            runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.fullmirror, ud.module), d, workdir=ud.pkgdir)
232            runfetchcmd("touch %s.done" % (ud.fullmirror), d, workdir=ud.pkgdir)
234    def localpath(self, ud, d):
235        return ud.pkgdir
237    def unpack(self, ud, destdir, d):
238        """
239        Make a local clone or export for the url
240        """
242        revflag = "-r %s" % ud.revision
243        subdir = ud.parm.get("destsuffix", ud.module)
244        codir = "%s/%s" % (destdir, subdir)
245        ud.unpack_tracer.unpack("hg", codir)
247        scmdata = ud.parm.get("scmdata", "")
248        if scmdata != "nokeep":
249            proto = ud.parm.get('protocol', 'http')
250            if not os.access(os.path.join(codir, '.hg'), os.R_OK):
251                logger.debug2("Unpack: creating new hg repository in '" + codir + "'")
252                runfetchcmd("%s init %s" % (ud.basecmd, codir), d)
253            logger.debug2("Unpack: updating source in '" + codir + "'")
254            if ud.user and ud.pswd:
255                runfetchcmd("%s --config auth.default.prefix=* --config auth.default.username=%s --config auth.default.password=%s --config \"auth.default.schemes=%s\" pull %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.user, ud.pswd, proto, ud.moddir), d, workdir=codir)
256            else:
257                runfetchcmd("%s pull %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.moddir), d, workdir=codir)
258            if ud.user and ud.pswd:
259                runfetchcmd("%s --config auth.default.prefix=* --config auth.default.username=%s --config auth.default.password=%s --config \"auth.default.schemes=%s\" up -C %s" % (ud.basecmd, ud.user, ud.pswd, proto, revflag), d, workdir=codir)
260            else:
261                runfetchcmd("%s up -C %s" % (ud.basecmd, revflag), d, workdir=codir)
262        else:
263            logger.debug2("Unpack: extracting source to '" + codir + "'")
264            runfetchcmd("%s archive -t files %s %s" % (ud.basecmd, revflag, codir), d, workdir=ud.moddir)