xref: /openbmc/openbmc-test-automation/lib/os_utils_keywords.py (revision 91e137406159787acb8ae6e9f2651660fc8a0141)
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
4This module contains keyword functions to supplement robot's built in
5functions and use in test where generic robot keywords don't support.
9    from robot.libraries import DateTime
10    from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
11except ImportError:
12    pass
13import re
14import time
17def run_until_keyword_fails(retry, retry_interval, name, *args):
18    r"""
19    Execute a robot keyword repeatedly until it either fails or the timeout
20    value is exceeded.
21    Note: Opposite of robot keyword "Wait Until Keyword Succeeds".
23    Description of argument(s):
24    retry              Max timeout time in hour(s).
25    retry_interval     Time interval in minute(s) for looping.
26    name               Robot keyword to execute.
27    args               Robot keyword arguments.
28    """
30    # Convert the retry time in seconds
31    retry_seconds = DateTime.convert_time(retry)
32    timeout = time.time() + int(retry_seconds)
34    # Convert the interval time in seconds
35    interval_seconds = DateTime.convert_time(retry_interval)
36    interval = int(interval_seconds)
38    BuiltIn().log(timeout)
39    BuiltIn().log(interval)
41    while True:
42        status = BuiltIn().run_keyword_and_return_status(name, *args)
44        # Return if keywords returns as failure.
45        if status is False:
46            BuiltIn().log("Failed as expected")
47            return False
48        # Return if retry timeout as success.
49        elif time.time() > timeout > 0:
50            BuiltIn().log("Max retry timeout")
51            return True
52        time.sleep(interval)
53        BuiltIn().log(time.time())
55    return True
58def htx_error_log_to_list(htx_error_log_output):
59    r"""
60    Parse htx error log output string and return list of strings in the form
61    "<field name>:<field value>".
62    The output of this function may be passed to the build_error_dict function.
64    Description of argument(s):
65    htx_error_log_output        Error entry string containing the stdout
66                                generated by "htxcmdline -geterrlog".
68    Example of htx_error_log_output contents:
70    ######################## Result Starts Here ###############################
71    Currently running ECG/MDT : /usr/lpp/htx/mdt/mdt.whit
72    ===========================
73    ---------------------------------------------------------------------
74    Device id:/dev/nvidia0
75    Timestamp:Mar 29 19:41:54 2017
76    err=00000027
77    sev=1
78    Exerciser Name:hxenvidia
79    Serial No:Not Available
80    Part No:Not Available
81    Location:Not Available
82    FRU Number:Not Available
83    Device:Not Available
84    Error Text:cudaEventSynchronize for stopEvent returned err = 0039 from file
85               , line 430.
86    ---------------------------------------------------------------------
87    ---------------------------------------------------------------------
88    Device id:/dev/nvidia0
89    Timestamp:Mar 29 19:41:54 2017
90    err=00000027
91    sev=1
92    Exerciser Name:hxenvidia
93    Serial No:Not Available
94    Part No:Not Available
95    Location:Not Available
96    FRU Number:Not Available
97    Device:Not Available
98    Error Text:Hardware Exerciser stopped on error
99    ---------------------------------------------------------------------
100    ######################### Result Ends Here ################################
102    Example output:
103    Returns the lists of error string per entry
104    ['Device id:/dev/nvidia0',
105     'Timestamp:Mar 29 19:41:54 2017',
106     'err=00000027',
107     'sev=1',
108     'Exerciser Name:hxenvidia',
109     'Serial No:Not Available',
110     'Part No:Not Available',
111     'Location:Not Available',
112     'FRU Number:Not Available',
113     'Device:Not Available',
114     'Error Text:cudaEventSynchronize for stopEvent returned err = 0039
115                 from file , line 430.']
116    """
118    # List which will hold all the list of entries.
119    error_list = []
121    temp_error_list = []
122    parse_walk = False
124    for line in htx_error_log_output.splitlines():
125        # Skip lines starting with "#"
126        if line.startswith("#"):
127            continue
129        # Mark line starting with "-" and set parse flag.
130        if line.startswith("-") and parse_walk is False:
131            parse_walk = True
132            continue
133        # Mark line starting with "-" and reset parse flag.
134        # Set temp error list to EMPTY.
135        elif line.startswith("-"):
136            error_list.append(temp_error_list)
137            parse_walk = False
138            temp_error_list = []
139        # Add entry to list if line is not empty
140        elif parse_walk:
141            temp_error_list.append(str(line))
143    return error_list
146def build_error_dict(htx_error_log_output):
147    r"""
148    Builds error list into a list of dictionary entries.
150    Description of argument(s):
151    error_list        Error list entries.
153    Example output dictionary:
154    {
155      0:
156        {
157          'sev': '1',
158          'err': '00000027',
159          'Timestamp': 'Mar 29 19:41:54 2017',
160          'Part No': 'Not Available',
161          'Serial No': 'Not Available',
162          'Device': 'Not Available',
163          'FRU Number': 'Not Available',
164          'Location': 'Not Available',
165          'Device id': '/dev/nvidia0',
166          'Error Text': 'cudaEventSynchronize for stopEvent returned err = 0039
167                         from file , line 430.',
168          'Exerciser Name': 'hxenvidia'
169        },
170      1:
171        {
172          'sev': '1',
173          'err': '00000027',
174          'Timestamp': 'Mar 29 19:41:54 2017',
175          'Part No': 'Not Available',
176          'Serial No': 'Not Available',
177          'Device': 'Not Available',
178          'FRU Number': 'Not Available',
179          'Location': 'Not Available',
180          'Device id': '/dev/nvidia0',
181          'Error Text': 'Hardware Exerciser stopped on error',
182          'Exerciser Name': 'hxenvidia'
183        }
184    },
186    """
188    # List which will hold all the list of entries.
189    error_list = []
190    error_list = htx_error_log_to_list(htx_error_log_output)
192    # dictionary which holds the error dictionary entry.
193    error_dict = {}
195    temp_error_dict = {}
196    error_index = 0
198    # Loop through the error list.
199    for entry_list in error_list:
200        # Loop through the first error list entry.
201        for entry in entry_list:
202            # Split string into list for key value update.
203            # Example: 'Device id:/dev/nvidia0'
204            # Example: 'err=00000027'
205            parm_split = re.split("[:=]", entry)
206            # Populate temp dictionary with key value pair data.
207            temp_error_dict[str(parm_split[0])] = parm_split[1]
209        # Update the master dictionary per entry index.
210        error_dict[error_index] = temp_error_dict
211        # Reset temp dict to EMPTY and increment index count.
212        temp_error_dict = {}
213        error_index += 1
215    return error_dict