1*** Settings *** 2Documentation BMC and PNOR update utilities keywords. 3 4Library code_update_utils.py 5Library OperatingSystem 6Library String 7Library utilities.py 8Library gen_robot_valid.py 9Variables ../data/variables.py 10Resource boot_utils.robot 11Resource rest_client.robot 12Resource openbmc_ffdc.robot 13 14*** Variables *** 15${ignore_err} ${0} 16 17# Time in minutes. 18${IMAGE_UPLOAD_WAIT_TIMEOUT} 5 19 20*** Keywords *** 21 22Get Software Objects 23 [Documentation] Get the host software objects and return as a list. 24 [Arguments] ${version_type}=${VERSION_PURPOSE_HOST} 25 26 # Description of argument(s): 27 # version_type Either BMC or host version purpose. 28 # By default host version purpose string. 29 # (e.g. "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.BMC" 30 # "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.Host"). 31 32 # Example: 33 # "data": [ 34 # "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/f3b29aa8", 35 # "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/e49bc78e", 36 # ], 37 # Iterate the list and return the host object name path list. 38 39 ${host_list}= Create List 40 ${sw_list}= Read Properties ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI} 41 42 FOR ${index} IN @{sw_list} 43 ${attr_purpose}= Read Software Attribute ${index} Purpose 44 Continue For Loop If '${attr_purpose}' != '${version_type}' 45 Append To List ${host_list} ${index} 46 END 47 48 RETURN ${host_list} 49 50 51Read Software Attribute 52 [Documentation] Return software attribute data. 53 [Arguments] ${software_object} ${attribute_name} 54 55 # Description of argument(s): 56 # software_object Software object path. 57 # (e.g. "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/f3b29aa8"). 58 # attribute_name Software object attribute name. 59 60 ${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${software_object}/attr/${attribute_name} 61 ... quiet=${1} 62 Return From Keyword If ${resp.status_code} != ${HTTP_OK} 63 RETURN ${resp.json()["data"]} 64 65 66Get Software Objects Id 67 [Documentation] Get the software objects id and return as a list. 68 [Arguments] ${version_type}=${VERSION_PURPOSE_HOST} 69 70 # Description of argument(s): 71 # version_type Either BMC or host version purpose. 72 # By default host version purpose string. 73 # (e.g. "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.BMC" 74 # "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.Host"). 75 76 ${sw_id_list}= Create List 77 ${sw_list}= Get Software Objects ${version_type} 78 79 FOR ${index} IN @{sw_list} 80 Append To List ${sw_id_list} ${index.rsplit('/', 1)[1]} 81 END 82 RETURN ${sw_id_list} 83 84 85Get Host Software Property 86 [Documentation] Return a dictionary of host software properties. 87 [Arguments] ${host_object} 88 89 # Description of argument(s): 90 # host_object Host software object path. 91 # (e.g. "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/f3b29aa8"). 92 93 ${sw_attributes}= Read Properties ${host_object} 94 RETURN ${sw_attributes} 95 96Get Host Software Objects Details 97 [Documentation] Return software object details as a list of dictionaries. 98 [Arguments] ${quiet}=${QUIET} 99 100 ${software}= Create List 101 102 ${pnor_details}= Get Software Objects ${VERSION_PURPOSE_HOST} 103 FOR ${pnor} IN @{pnor_details} 104 ${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${pnor} quiet=${1} 105 Append To List ${software} ${resp.json()["data"]} 106 END 107 RETURN ${software} 108 109Set Host Software Property 110 [Documentation] Set the host software properties of a given object. 111 [Arguments] ${host_object} ${sw_attribute} ${data} 112 113 # Description of argument(s): 114 # host_object Host software object name. 115 # sw_attribute Host software attribute name. 116 # (e.g. "Activation", "Priority", "RequestedActivation" etc). 117 # data Value to be written. 118 119 ${args}= Create Dictionary data=${data} 120 Write Attribute ${host_object} ${sw_attribute} data=${args} 121 # Sync time for software updater manager to update. 122 Sleep 10s 123 124 125Set Property To Invalid Value And Verify No Change 126 [Documentation] Attempt to set a property and check that the value didn't 127 ... change. 128 [Arguments] ${property} ${version_type} 129 130 # Description of argument(s): 131 # property The property to attempt to set. 132 # version_type Either BMC or host version purpose. 133 # By default host version purpose string. 134 # (e.g. "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.BMC" 135 # "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.Host"). 136 137 ${software_objects}= Get Software Objects version_type=${version_type} 138 ${prev_properties}= Get Host Software Property @{software_objects}[0] 139 Run Keyword And Expect Error 500 != 200 140 ... Set Host Software Property @{software_objects}[0] ${property} foo 141 ${cur_properties}= Get Host Software Property @{software_objects}[0] 142 Should Be Equal As Strings &{prev_properties}[${property}] 143 ... &{cur_properties}[${property}] 144 145 146Set Priority To Invalid Value And Expect Error 147 [Documentation] Set the priority of an image to an invalid value and 148 ... check that an error was returned. 149 [Arguments] ${version_type} ${priority} 150 151 # Description of argument(s): 152 # version_type Either BMC or host version purpose. 153 # (e.g. "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.BMC" 154 # "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.Host"). 155 # priority The priority value to set. Should be an integer outside of 156 # the range of 0 through 255. 157 158 ${images}= Get Software Objects version_type=${version_type} 159 ${num_images}= Get Length ${images} 160 Should Be True 0 < ${num_images} 161 162 Run Keyword And Expect Error 403 != 200 163 ... Set Host Software Property @{images}[0] Priority ${priority} 164 165 166Redfish Upload Image 167 [Documentation] Upload an image to the BMC via redfish. 168 [Arguments] ${uri} ${image_file_path} 169 170 # Description of argument(s): 171 # uri URI for uploading image via redfish. 172 # image_file_path The path to the image tarball. 173 174 ${image_data}= OperatingSystem.Get Binary File ${image_file_path} 175 176 # Force time out for image file upload if failed to complete on time. 177 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 times ${IMAGE_UPLOAD_WAIT_TIMEOUT} min 178 ... Upload Image To BMC ${uri} timeout=${240} data=${image_data} 179 180 181Redfish Verify BMC Version 182 [Documentation] Verify that the version on the BMC is the same as the 183 ... version in the given image via Redfish. 184 [Arguments] ${image_file_path} 185 186 # Description of argument(s): 187 # image_file_path Path to the image tarball. 188 189 # Extract the version from the image tarball on our local system. 190 ${tar_version}= Get Version Tar ${image_file_path} 191 ${bmc_version}= Redfish Get BMC Version 192 193 Valid Value bmc_version valid_values=['${tar_version}'] 194 195 196Redfish Verify Host Version 197 [Documentation] Verify that the version of the PNOR image that is on the 198 ... BMC is the same as the one in the given image via Redfish. 199 [Arguments] ${image_file_path} 200 201 # Description of argument(s): 202 # image_file_path Path to the image tarball. 203 204 # Extract the version from the image tarball on our local system. 205 ${tar_version}= Get Version Tar ${image_file_path} 206 ${host_version}= Redfish Get Host Version 207 208 Valid Value host_version valid_values=['${tar_version}'] 209 210 211Upload And Activate Image 212 [Documentation] Upload an image to the BMC and activate it with REST. 213 [Arguments] ${image_file_path} ${wait}=${1} ${skip_if_active}=false 214 215 # Description of argument(s): 216 # image_file_path The path to the image tarball to upload and activate. 217 # wait Indicates that this keyword should wait for host or 218 # BMC activation is completed. 219 # skip_if_active If set to true, will skip the code update if this 220 # image is already on the BMC. 221 222 OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${image_file_path} 223 ${image_version}= Get Version Tar ${image_file_path} 224 225 ${image_data}= OperatingSystem.Get Binary File ${image_file_path} 226 227 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3 times 120 sec 228 ... Upload Image To BMC /upload/image timeout=${90} data=${image_data} 229 ${ret} ${version_id}= Verify Image Upload ${image_version} 230 Should Be True ${ret} 231 232 # Verify the image is 'READY' to be activated or if it's already active, 233 # set priority to 0 and reboot the BMC. 234 ${software_state}= Read Properties ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}${version_id} 235 ${activation}= Set Variable ${software_state}[Activation] 236 237 Run Keyword If 238 ... '${skip_if_active}' == 'true' and '${activation}' == '${ACTIVE}' 239 ... Run Keywords 240 ... Set Host Software Property ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}${version_id} 241 ... Priority ${0} 242 ... AND 243 ... Return From Keyword 244 245 Should Be Equal As Strings ${software_state}[Activation] ${READY} 246 247 # Request the image to be activated. 248 ${args}= Create Dictionary data=${REQUESTED_ACTIVE} 249 Write Attribute ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}${version_id} 250 ... RequestedActivation data=${args} 251 ${software_state}= Read Properties ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}${version_id} 252 Should Be Equal As Strings ${software_state}[RequestedActivation] 253 ... ${REQUESTED_ACTIVE} 254 255 # Does caller want to wait for activation to complete? 256 Return From Keyword If '${wait}' == '${0}' ${version_id} 257 258 # Verify code update was successful and Activation state is Active. 259 Wait For Activation State Change ${version_id} ${ACTIVATING} 260 ${software_state}= Read Properties ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}${version_id} 261 Should Be Equal As Strings ${software_state}[Activation] ${ACTIVE} 262 263 # Uploaded and activated image should have priority set to 0. Due to timing 264 # contention, it may take up to 10 seconds to complete updating priority. 265 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 sec 5 sec 266 ... Check Software Object Attribute ${version_id} Priority ${0} 267 268 RETURN ${version_id} 269 270 271Attempt To Reboot BMC During Image Activation 272 [Documentation] Attempt to reboot the BMC while an image is activating and 273 ... check that the BMC ignores the reboot command and finishes 274 ... activation. 275 [Arguments] ${image_file_path} 276 277 # Description of argument(s): 278 # image_file_path Path to the image to update to. 279 280 # Attempt to reboot during activation. 281 ${version_id}= Upload And Activate Image ${image_file_path} 282 ... wait=${0} 283 ${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}${version_id} 284 Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} 285 286 OBMC Reboot (off) 287 288 ${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}${version_id} 289 Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND} 290 291 292Activate Image And Verify No Duplicate Priorities 293 [Documentation] Upload an image, and then check that no images have the 294 ... same priority. 295 [Arguments] ${image_file_path} ${image_purpose} 296 297 # Description of argument(s): 298 # image_file_path The path to the image to upload. 299 # image_purpose The purpose in the image's MANIFEST file. 300 301 Upload And Activate Image ${image_file_path} skip_if_active=true 302 Verify No Duplicate Image Priorities ${image_purpose} 303 304 305Set Same Priority For Multiple Images 306 [Documentation] Find two images, set the priorities to be the same, and 307 ... verify that the priorities are not the same. 308 [Arguments] ${version_purpose} 309 310 # Description of argument(s): 311 # version_purpose Either BMC or host version purpose. 312 # (e.g. "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.BMC" 313 # "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.Host"). 314 315 # Make sure we have more than two images. 316 ${software_objects}= Get Software Objects version_type=${version_purpose} 317 ${num_images}= Get Length ${software_objects} 318 Should Be True 1 < ${num_images} 319 ... msg=Only found one image on the BMC with purpose ${version_purpose}. 320 321 # Set the priority of the second image to the priority of the first. 322 ${properties}= Get Host Software Property @{software_objects}[0] 323 Set Host Software Property @{software_objects}[1] Priority 324 ... &{properties}[Priority] 325 Verify No Duplicate Image Priorities ${version_purpose} 326 327 # Set the priority of the first image back to what it was before 328 Set Host Software Property @{software_objects}[0] Priority 329 ... &{properties}[Priority] 330 331 332Delete Software Object 333 [Documentation] Deletes an image from the BMC. 334 [Arguments] ${software_object} 335 336 # Description of argument(s): 337 # software_object The URI to the software image to delete. 338 339 ${args}= Set Variable {"data": []} 340 ${resp}= OpenBMC Post Request ${software_object}/action/Delete 341 ... data=${args} 342 Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} 343 344 345Delete Image And Verify 346 [Documentation] Delete an image from the BMC and verify that it was 347 ... removed from software and the /tmp/images directory. 348 [Arguments] ${software_object} ${version_type} 349 350 # Description of argument(s): 351 # software_object The URI of the software object to delete. 352 # version_type The type of the software object, e.g. 353 # xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.Host 354 # or xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.BMC. 355 356 Log To Console Deleting ${software_object} 357 358 # Delete the image. 359 Delete Software Object ${software_object} 360 361 # Verify that it's gone from software. 362 ${software_objects}= Get Software Objects version_type=${version_type} 363 Should Not Contain ${software_objects} ${software_object} 364 365 # Check that there is no file in the /tmp/images directory. 366 ${image_id}= Fetch From Right ${software_object} / 367 BMC Execute Command 368 ... [ ! -d "/tmp/images/${image_id}" ] 369 370 371Delete All Non Running BMC Images 372 [Documentation] Delete all BMC images that are not running on the BMC. 373 374 ${args}= Set Variable {"data": []} 375 Call Method ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI} DeleteAll data=${args} 376 377 378Check Error And Collect FFDC 379 [Documentation] Collect FFDC if error log exists. 380 381 ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Error Logs Should Not Exist 382 Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'False' FFDC 383 Delete Error Logs 384 385 386Verify Running BMC Image 387 [Documentation] Verify that the version on the BMC is the same as the 388 ... version in the given image. 389 [Arguments] ${image_file_path} 390 391 # Description of argument(s): 392 # image_file_path Path to the BMC image tarball. 393 394 ${tar_version}= Get Version Tar ${image_file_path} 395 ${bmc_version}= Get BMC Version 396 ${bmc_version}= Remove String ${bmc_version} " 397 Should Be Equal ${tar_version} ${bmc_version} 398 399 400Verify Running Host Image 401 [Documentation] Verify that the version of the PNOR image that is on the 402 ... BMC is the same as the one in the given image. 403 [Arguments] ${image_file_path} 404 405 # Description of argument(s): 406 # image_file_path Path to the PNOR image tarball. 407 408 ${tar_version}= Get Version Tar ${image_file_path} 409 ${pnor_version}= Get PNOR Version 410 Should Be Equal ${tar_version} ${pnor_version} 411 412 413Get Least Value Priority Image 414 [Documentation] Find the least value in "Priority" attribute and return. 415 [Arguments] ${version_type} 416 417 # Description of argument(s): 418 # version_type Either BMC or host version purpose. 419 420 ${priority_value_list}= Create List 421 ${sw_list}= Get Software Objects version_type=${version_type} 422 423 FOR ${index} IN @{sw_list} 424 ${priority_value}= 425 ... Read Software Attribute ${index} Priority 426 Append To List ${priority_value_list} ${priority_value} 427 END 428 ${min_value}= Min List Value ${priority_value_list} 429 430 RETURN ${min_value} 431 432 433Enable Field Mode And Verify Unmount 434 [Documentation] Enable field mode and check that /usr/local is unmounted. 435 436 # After running, /xyz/openbmc_project/software should look like this: 437 # /xyz/openbmc_project/software 438 # { 439 # "FieldModeEnabled": 1, 440 # "associations": [ 441 # [ 442 # "active", 443 # "software_version", 444 # "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/fcf8e182" 445 # ], 446 # [ 447 # "functional", 448 # "functional", 449 # "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/fcf8e182" 450 # ] 451 # ] 452 # } 453 454 ${args}= Create Dictionary data=${1} 455 Write Attribute ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI} FieldModeEnabled data=${args} 456 Sleep 5s 457 BMC Execute Command [ ! -d "/usr/local/share" ] 458 459 460Disable Field Mode And Verify Unmount 461 [Documentation] Disable field mode, unmask usr local mount and reboot. 462 463 BMC Execute Command /sbin/fw_setenv fieldmode 464 BMC Execute Command /bin/systemctl unmask usr-local.mount 465 OBMC Reboot (off) stack_mode=normal 466 BMC Execute Command [ -d "/usr/local/share" ] 467 468 469Field Mode Should Be Enabled 470 [Documentation] Check that field mode is enabled. 471 472 ${value}= Read Attribute ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI} FieldModeEnabled 473 Should Be True ${value} ${1} 474 475List Installed Images 476 [Documentation] List all the installed images. 477 [Arguments] ${image_type} 478 479 # Description of argument(s): 480 # image_type Either "BMC" or "PNOR". 481 482 # List the installed images. 483 ${installed_images}= Get Software Objects 484 ... ${SOFTWARE_PURPOSE}.${image_type} 485 486 Run Keyword If ${installed_images} != [] 487 ... Get List of Images ${installed_images} 488 ... ELSE Log No ${image_type} images are present. 489 490Get List of Images 491 [Documentation] Get List of Images 492 [Arguments] ${installed_images} 493 494 FOR ${uri} IN @{installed_images} 495 ${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${uri} 496 Log ${resp.json()["data"]} 497 END 498 499 500Check Software Object Attribute 501 [Documentation] Get the software property of a given object and verify. 502 [Arguments] ${image_object} ${sw_attribute} ${value} 503 504 # Description of argument(s): 505 # image_object Image software object name. 506 # sw_attribute Software attribute name. 507 # (e.g. "Activation", "Priority", "RequestedActivation" etc). 508 # value Software attribute value to compare. 509 510 ${data}= Read Attribute 511 ... ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}${image_object} ${sw_attribute} 512 513 Should Be True ${data} == ${value} 514 ... msg=Given attribute value ${data} mismatch ${value}. 515 516 517Image Should Be Signed 518 [Documentation] Fail if the image is not signed. 519 520 Directory Should Exist ${ACTIVATION_DIR_PATH} 521 ... msg=${ACTIVATION_DIR_PATH} does not exist. Therefore, the image is not signed. 522 523 524Get Latest Image ID 525 [Documentation] Return the ID of the most recently extracted image. 526 # Note: This keyword will fail if there is no such file. 527 528 # Example: # ls /tmp/images/ 529 # 1b714fb7 530 ${image_id}= Get Latest File /tmp/images/ 531 532 Return From Keyword If '${image_id}' != '${EMPTY}' ${image_id} 533 534 ${image_id}= Get Image Id Updating 535 RETURN ${image_id} 536 537 538Check Image Update Progress State 539 [Documentation] Check that the image update progress state matches the specified state. 540 [Arguments] ${match_state} ${image_id} 541 542 # Description of argument(s): 543 # match_state The expected state. This may be one or more comma-separated values 544 # (e.g. "Disabled", "Disabled, Updating"). If the actual state matches 545 # any of the states named in this argument, this keyword passes. 546 # image_id The image ID (e.g. "1b714fb7"). 547 548 ${state}= Get Image Update Progress State image_id=${image_id} 549 Valid Value state valid_values=[${match_state}] 550 551 552Get All Task 553 [Documentation] Get all the active tasks. 554 [Arguments] ${target_uri} ${match_status} ${match_state} 555 556 # Description of argument(s): 557 # target_uri Target URI. 558 # match_status The expected status. The value is (e.g. OK). If the actual state matches 559 # any of the states named in this argument, this keyword passes. 560 # match_state The expected state. This may be one or more comma-separated values 561 # (e.g. Running, Completed). If the actual state matches 562 # any of the states named in this argument, this keyword passes. 563 564 ${task_list}= Redfish.Get Members List /redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks 565 ${num_records}= Get Length ${task_list} 566 Return From Keyword If ${num_records} == ${0} ${EMPTY 567 568 ${task_dict}= Get Task Objects ${task_list} 569 570 ${task_inventory}= Check Task Attribute ${target_uri} ${match_status} ${match_state} ${task_dict} 571 572 ${num_records}= Get Length ${task_inventory} 573 Return From Keyword If ${num_records} == ${0} ${EMPTY} 574 575 RETURN ${task_inventory} 576 577 578Get Task Objects 579 [Documentation] Check all the task to filter update service target URI and 580 ... return the task attributes as dictionary. 581 [Arguments] ${task_list} 582 583 # Description of argument(s): 584 # task_list List of all active task. 585 586 &{task_inv_dict}= Create Dictionary 587 588 FOR ${task_id} IN @{task_list} 589 &{tmp_dict}= Create Dictionary 590 ${task_payload}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${task_id} Payload 591 Set To Dictionary ${tmp_dict} TargetUri ${task_payload['TargetUri']} 592 593 ${task_state}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${task_id} TaskState 594 Set To Dictionary ${tmp_dict} TaskState ${task_state} 595 596 ${task_status}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${task_id} TaskStatus 597 Set To Dictionary ${tmp_dict} TaskStatus ${task_status} 598 Set To Dictionary ${task_inv_dict} ${task_id.split("/")[-1]} ${tmp_dict} 599 END 600 601 RETURN ${task_inv_dict} 602 603 604Check Task Attribute 605 [Documentation] Get the active task progress state. 606 [Arguments] ${target_uri} ${match_status} ${match_state} ${task_dict} 607 608 # Description of argument(s): 609 # target_uri Active task which has update service target URI. 610 # match_status The expected status. The value is (e.g. OK). If the actual state matches 611 # any of the states named in this argument, this keyword passes. 612 # match_state The expected state. This may be one or more comma-separated values 613 # (e.g. Running, Completed). If the actual state matches 614 # any of the states named in this argument, this keyword passes. 615 # task_dict Task inventory. 616 617 Return From Keyword If ${target_uri} == '' or ${target_uri} == None ${task_dict} 618 Return From Keyword If ${match_state} == '' or ${match_state} == None ${task_dict} 619 620 FOR ${task_ins} IN @{task_dict.items()} 621 &{tmp_dict}= Create Dictionary 622 Set To Dictionary ${tmp_dict} ${task_ins[0]} ${task_ins[1]} 623 Return From Keyword If 624 ... ${target_uri} == '${task_ins[1]['TargetUri']}' and ${match_state} == '${task_ins[1]['TaskState']}' 625 ... ${tmp_dict} 626 END 627 628 RETURN ${EMPTY} 629 630 631Check Task Progress State 632 [Documentation] Check that the task update progress state matches the specified state. 633 [Arguments] ${task_inv_dict} ${match_status} ${match_state} 634 635 # Description of argument(s): 636 # task_inv_dict Task inventory dictionary. 637 # match_status The expected state. The value is (e.g. OK). If the actual state matches 638 # any of the states named in this argument, this keyword passes. 639 # match_state The expected state. This may be one or more comma-separated values 640 # (e.g. Running, Completed). If the actual state matches 641 # any of the states named in this argument, this keyword passes. 642 643 FOR ${task_ins} IN @{task_inv_dict.items()} 644 ${task_state}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/${task_ins}[0] TaskState 645 ${task_status}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/${task_ins}[0] TaskStatus 646 ${task_payload}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/${task_ins}[0] Payload 647 648 Rprint Vars task_state 649 Rprint Vars task_status 650 Rprint Vars task_payload['TargetUri'] 651 652 Valid Value task_state valid_values=[${match_state}] 653 Valid Value task_status valid_values=[${match_status}] 654 END 655 656 657Get Image Id 658 [Documentation] Get image id. 659 [Arguments] ${match_state} 660 661 # Description of argument(s): 662 # match_state The expected state. This may be one or more comma-separated values 663 # (e.g. "Disabled", "Disabled, Updating"). If the actual state matches 664 # any of the states named in this argument, this keyword passes. 665 666 ${sw_member_list}= Redfish.Get Members List /redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory 667 668 FOR ${sw_member} IN @{sw_member_list} 669 ${status}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${sw_member} Status 670 Return From Keyword If '${status['State']}' == '${match_state}' 671 ... ${sw_member.split('/')[-1]} 672 END 673 674 RETURN None 675 676 677Get Image Update Progress State 678 [Documentation] Return the current state of the image update. 679 [Arguments] ${image_id} 680 681 # Description of argument(s): 682 # image_id The image ID (e.g. "1b714fb7"). 683 684 # In this example, this keyword would return the value "Enabled". 685 # "Status": { 686 # "Health": "OK", 687 # "HealthRollup": "OK", 688 # "State": "Enabled" 689 # }, 690 ${status}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/${image_id} Status 691 Rprint Vars status 692 693 RETURN ${status["State"]} 694 695 696Get Firmware Image Version 697 [Documentation] Get the version of the currently installed firmware and return it. 698 [Arguments] ${image_id} 699 700 # Description of argument(s): 701 # image_id The image ID (e.g. "1b714fb7"). 702 703 # Example of a version returned by this keyword: 704 # 2.8.0-dev-19-g6d5764b33 705 ${version}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/${image_id} Version 706 Rprint Vars version 707 708 RETURN ${version} 709 710 711Get ApplyTime 712 [Documentation] Get the firmware "ApplyTime" policy. 713 [Arguments] ${policy} 714 715 # Description of argument(s): 716 # policy ApplyTime allowed values (e.g. "OnReset", "Immediate"). 717 718 ${system_applytime}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}UpdateService HttpPushUriOptions 719 720 RETURN ${system_applytime["HttpPushUriApplyTime"]["ApplyTime"]} 721 722 723Verify Get ApplyTime 724 [Documentation] Get and verify the firmware "ApplyTime" policy. 725 [Arguments] ${policy} 726 727 # Description of argument(s): 728 # policy ApplyTime allowed values (e.g. "OnReset", "Immediate"). 729 730 ${system_applytime}= Get ApplyTime ${policy} 731 Rprint Vars system_applytime 732 Valid Value system_applytime ['${policy}'] 733 734 735Set ApplyTime 736 [Documentation] Set and verify the firmware "ApplyTime" policy. 737 [Arguments] ${policy} 738 739 # Description of argument(s): 740 # policy ApplyTime allowed values (e.g. "OnReset", "Immediate"). 741 742 Redfish.Patch ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}UpdateService 743 ... body={'HttpPushUriOptions' : {'HttpPushUriApplyTime' : {'ApplyTime' : '${policy}'}}} 744 ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}, ${HTTP_NO_CONTENT}] 745 Verify Get ApplyTime ${policy} 746 747 748Get Image Version From TFTP Server 749 [Documentation] Get and return the image version 750 ... from the TFTP server. 751 [Arguments] ${server_host} ${image_file_name} 752 753 # Description of argument(s): 754 # server_host The host name or IP address of the TFTP server. 755 # image_file_name The file name of the image. 756 757 Shell Cmd 758 ... curl -s tftp://${server_host}/${image_file_name} > tftp_image.tar 759 ${version}= Get Version Tar tftp_image.tar 760 OperatingSystem.Remove File tftp_image.tar 761 762 RETURN ${version} 763 764 765Redfish Update Firmware 766 [Documentation] Update the BMC firmware via redfish interface. 767 [Arguments] ${apply_time} 768 769 # Description of argument(s): 770 # apply_time ApplyTime allowed values (e.g. "OnReset", "Immediate"). 771 772 ${post_code_update_actions}= Get Post Boot Action 773 ${state}= Get Pre Reboot State 774 Rprint Vars state 775 Set ApplyTime policy=${apply_Time} 776 777 ${task_inv_dict}= Get Task State from File 778 779 ${file_bin_data}= OperatingSystem.Get Binary File ${image_file_path} 780 781 782 Log To Console Start uploading image to BMC. 783 784 # URI : /redfish/v1/UpdateService 785 # "HttpPushUri": "/redfish/v1/UpdateService/update", 786 787 ${redfish_update_uri}= Get Redfish Update Service URI 788 789 ${resp}= Upload Image To BMC ${redfish_update_uri} timeout=${600} data=${file_bin_data} 790 791 Log To Console Completed image upload to BMC. 792 793 Sleep 5s 794 795 ${task_inv}= Check Task With Match TargetUri ${redfish_update_uri} 796 797 Rprint Vars task_inv 798 799 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 min 10 sec 800 ... Verify Task Progress State ${task_inv} ${task_inv_dict['TaskCompleted']} 801 802 Run Key ${post_code_update_actions['BMC image']['${apply_time}']} 803 Redfish.Login 804 Redfish Verify BMC Version ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH} 805 Verify Get ApplyTime ${apply_time} 806 807