1 /**
2  * Copyright © 2021 IBM Corporation
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 #include "threshold_alarm_logger.hpp"
18 #include "sdbusplus.hpp"
20 #include <unistd.h>
22 #include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
23 #include <xyz/openbmc_project/Logging/Entry/server.hpp>
25 #include <format>
27 namespace sensor::monitor
28 {
30 using namespace sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Logging::server;
31 using namespace phosphor::logging;
32 using namespace phosphor::fan;
33 using namespace phosphor::fan::util;
35 const std::string warningInterface =
36     "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Warning";
37 const std::string criticalInterface =
38     "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Critical";
39 const std::string perfLossInterface =
40     "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.PerformanceLoss";
41 constexpr auto loggingService = "xyz.openbmc_project.Logging";
42 constexpr auto loggingPath = "/xyz/openbmc_project/logging";
43 constexpr auto loggingCreateIface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create";
44 constexpr auto errorNameBase = "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Error.";
45 constexpr auto valueInterface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value";
46 constexpr auto assocInterface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Association";
48 const std::vector<std::string> thresholdIfaceNames{
49     warningInterface, criticalInterface, perfLossInterface};
51 using ErrorData = std::tuple<ErrorName, ErrorStatus, Entry::Level>;
53 /**
54  * Map of threshold interfaces and alarm properties and values to error data.
55  */
56 const std::map<InterfaceName, std::map<PropertyName, std::map<bool, ErrorData>>>
57     thresholdData{
59         {warningInterface,
60          {{"WarningAlarmHigh",
61            {{true, ErrorData{"WarningHigh", "", Entry::Level::Warning}},
62             {false,
63              ErrorData{"WarningHigh", "Clear", Entry::Level::Informational}}}},
64           {"WarningAlarmLow",
65            {{true, ErrorData{"WarningLow", "", Entry::Level::Warning}},
66             {false,
67              ErrorData{"WarningLow", "Clear", Entry::Level::Informational}}}}}},
69         {criticalInterface,
70          {{"CriticalAlarmHigh",
71            {{true, ErrorData{"CriticalHigh", "", Entry::Level::Critical}},
72             {false,
73              ErrorData{"CriticalHigh", "Clear", Entry::Level::Informational}}}},
74           {"CriticalAlarmLow",
75            {{true, ErrorData{"CriticalLow", "", Entry::Level::Critical}},
76             {false, ErrorData{"CriticalLow", "Clear",
77                               Entry::Level::Informational}}}}}},
79         {perfLossInterface,
80          {{"PerfLossAlarmHigh",
81            {{true, ErrorData{"PerformanceLossHigh", "", Entry::Level::Warning}},
82             {false, ErrorData{"PerformanceLossHigh", "Clear",
83                               Entry::Level::Informational}}}},
84           {"PerfLossAlarmLow",
85            {{true, ErrorData{"PerformanceLossLow", "", Entry::Level::Warning}},
86             {false, ErrorData{"PerformanceLossLow", "Clear",
87                               Entry::Level::Informational}}}}}}};
ThresholdAlarmLogger(sdbusplus::bus_t & bus,sdeventplus::Event & event,std::shared_ptr<PowerState> powerState)89 ThresholdAlarmLogger::ThresholdAlarmLogger(
90     sdbusplus::bus_t& bus, sdeventplus::Event& event,
91     std::shared_ptr<PowerState> powerState) :
92     bus(bus), event(event), _powerState(std::move(powerState)),
93     warningMatch(bus,
94                  "type='signal',member='PropertiesChanged',"
95                  "path_namespace='/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors',"
96                  "arg0='" +
97                      warningInterface + "'",
98                  std::bind(&ThresholdAlarmLogger::propertiesChanged, this,
99                            std::placeholders::_1)),
100     criticalMatch(bus,
101                   "type='signal',member='PropertiesChanged',"
102                   "path_namespace='/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors',"
103                   "arg0='" +
104                       criticalInterface + "'",
105                   std::bind(&ThresholdAlarmLogger::propertiesChanged, this,
106                             std::placeholders::_1)),
107     perfLossMatch(bus,
108                   "type='signal',member='PropertiesChanged',"
109                   "path_namespace='/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors',"
110                   "arg0='" +
111                       perfLossInterface + "'",
112                   std::bind(&ThresholdAlarmLogger::propertiesChanged, this,
113                             std::placeholders::_1)),
114     ifacesRemovedMatch(bus,
115                        "type='signal',member='InterfacesRemoved',arg0path="
116                        "'/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/'",
117                        std::bind(&ThresholdAlarmLogger::interfacesRemoved, this,
118                                  std::placeholders::_1)),
119     ifacesAddedMatch(bus,
120                      "type='signal',member='InterfacesAdded',arg0path="
121                      "'/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/'",
122                      std::bind(&ThresholdAlarmLogger::interfacesAdded, this,
123                                std::placeholders::_1))
124 {
125     _powerState->addCallback("thresholdMon",
126                              std::bind(&ThresholdAlarmLogger::powerStateChanged,
127                                        this, std::placeholders::_1));
129     // check for any currently asserted threshold alarms
130     std::for_each(
131         thresholdData.begin(), thresholdData.end(),
132         [this](const auto& thresholdInterface) {
133             const auto& interface = thresholdInterface.first;
134             auto objects =
135                 SDBusPlus::getSubTreeRaw(this->bus, "/", interface, 0);
136             std::for_each(objects.begin(), objects.end(),
137                           [interface, this](const auto& object) {
138                               const auto& path = object.first;
139                               const auto& service =
140                                   object.second.begin()->first;
141                               checkThresholds(interface, path, service);
142                           });
143         });
144 }
propertiesChanged(sdbusplus::message_t & msg)146 void ThresholdAlarmLogger::propertiesChanged(sdbusplus::message_t& msg)
147 {
148     std::map<std::string, std::variant<bool>> properties;
149     std::string sensorPath = msg.get_path();
150     std::string interface;
152     msg.read(interface, properties);
154     checkProperties(sensorPath, interface, properties);
155 }
interfacesRemoved(sdbusplus::message_t & msg)157 void ThresholdAlarmLogger::interfacesRemoved(sdbusplus::message_t& msg)
158 {
159     sdbusplus::message::object_path path;
160     std::vector<std::string> interfaces;
162     msg.read(path, interfaces);
164     for (const auto& interface : interfaces)
165     {
166         if (std::find(thresholdIfaceNames.begin(), thresholdIfaceNames.end(),
167                       interface) != thresholdIfaceNames.end())
168         {
169             alarms.erase(InterfaceKey{path, interface});
170         }
171     }
172 }
interfacesAdded(sdbusplus::message_t & msg)174 void ThresholdAlarmLogger::interfacesAdded(sdbusplus::message_t& msg)
175 {
176     sdbusplus::message::object_path path;
177     std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::variant<bool>>> interfaces;
179     msg.read(path, interfaces);
181     for (const auto& [interface, properties] : interfaces)
182     {
183         if (std::find(thresholdIfaceNames.begin(), thresholdIfaceNames.end(),
184                       interface) != thresholdIfaceNames.end())
185         {
186             checkProperties(path, interface, properties);
187         }
188     }
189 }
checkProperties(const std::string & sensorPath,const std::string & interface,const std::map<std::string,std::variant<bool>> & properties)191 void ThresholdAlarmLogger::checkProperties(
192     const std::string& sensorPath, const std::string& interface,
193     const std::map<std::string, std::variant<bool>>& properties)
194 {
195     auto alarmProperties = thresholdData.find(interface);
196     if (alarmProperties == thresholdData.end())
197     {
198         return;
199     }
201     for (const auto& [propertyName, propertyValue] : properties)
202     {
203         if (alarmProperties->second.find(propertyName) !=
204             alarmProperties->second.end())
205         {
206             // If this is the first time we've seen this alarm, then
207             // assume it was off before so it doesn't create an event
208             // log for a value of false.
210             InterfaceKey key{sensorPath, interface};
211             if (alarms.find(key) == alarms.end())
212             {
213                 alarms[key][propertyName] = false;
214             }
216             // Check if the value changed from what was there before.
217             auto alarmValue = std::get<bool>(propertyValue);
218             if (alarmValue != alarms[key][propertyName])
219             {
220                 alarms[key][propertyName] = alarmValue;
222                 if (_powerState->isPowerOn())
223                 {
224                     createEventLog(sensorPath, interface, propertyName,
225                                    alarmValue);
226                 }
227             }
228         }
229     }
230 }
checkThresholds(const std::string & interface,const std::string & sensorPath,const std::string & service)232 void ThresholdAlarmLogger::checkThresholds(const std::string& interface,
233                                            const std::string& sensorPath,
234                                            const std::string& service)
235 {
236     auto properties = thresholdData.find(interface);
237     if (properties == thresholdData.end())
238     {
239         return;
240     }
242     for (const auto& [property, unused] : properties->second)
243     {
244         try
245         {
246             auto alarmValue = SDBusPlus::getProperty<bool>(
247                 bus, service, sensorPath, interface, property);
248             alarms[InterfaceKey(sensorPath, interface)][property] = alarmValue;
250             // This is just for checking alarms on startup,
251             // so only look for active alarms.
252             if (alarmValue && _powerState->isPowerOn())
253             {
254                 createEventLog(sensorPath, interface, property, alarmValue);
255             }
256         }
257         catch (const sdbusplus::exception_t& e)
258         {
259             // Sensor daemons that get their direction from entity manager
260             // may only be putting either the high alarm or low alarm on
261             // D-Bus, not both.
262             continue;
263         }
264     }
265 }
createEventLog(const std::string & sensorPath,const std::string & interface,const std::string & alarmProperty,bool alarmValue)267 void ThresholdAlarmLogger::createEventLog(
268     const std::string& sensorPath, const std::string& interface,
269     const std::string& alarmProperty, bool alarmValue)
270 {
271     std::map<std::string, std::string> ad;
273     auto type = getSensorType(sensorPath);
274     if (skipSensorType(type))
275     {
276         return;
277     }
279     auto it = thresholdData.find(interface);
280     if (it == thresholdData.end())
281     {
282         return;
283     }
285     auto properties = it->second.find(alarmProperty);
286     if (properties == it->second.end())
287     {
288         log<level::INFO>(
289             std::format("Could not find {} in threshold alarms map",
290                         alarmProperty)
291                 .c_str());
292         return;
293     }
295     ad.emplace("SENSOR_NAME", sensorPath);
296     ad.emplace("_PID", std::to_string(getpid()));
298     try
299     {
300         auto sensorValue = SDBusPlus::getProperty<double>(
301             bus, sensorPath, valueInterface, "Value");
303         ad.emplace("SENSOR_VALUE", std::to_string(sensorValue));
305         log<level::INFO>(
306             std::format("Threshold Event {} {} = {} (sensor value {})",
307                         sensorPath, alarmProperty, alarmValue, sensorValue)
308                 .c_str());
309     }
310     catch (const DBusServiceError& e)
311     {
312         // If the sensor was just added, the Value interface for it may
313         // not be in the mapper yet.  This could only happen if the sensor
314         // application was started up after this one and the value exceeded the
315         // threshold immediately.
316         log<level::INFO>(std::format("Threshold Event {} {} = {}", sensorPath,
317                                      alarmProperty, alarmValue)
318                              .c_str());
319     }
321     auto callout = getCallout(sensorPath);
322     if (!callout.empty())
323     {
324         ad.emplace("CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH", callout);
325     }
327     auto errorData = properties->second.find(alarmValue);
329     // Add the base error name and the sensor type (like Temperature) to the
330     // error name that's in the thresholdData name to get something like
331     // xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Error.TemperatureWarningHigh
332     const auto& [name, status, severity] = errorData->second;
334     try
335     {
336         auto thresholdValue =
337             SDBusPlus::getProperty<double>(bus, sensorPath, interface, name);
339         ad.emplace("THRESHOLD_VALUE", std::to_string(thresholdValue));
341         log<level::INFO>(
342             std::format("Threshold Event {} {} = {} (threshold value {})",
343                         sensorPath, alarmProperty, alarmValue, thresholdValue)
344                 .c_str());
345     }
346     catch (const DBusServiceError& e)
347     {
348         log<level::INFO>(std::format("Threshold Event {} {} = {}", sensorPath,
349                                      alarmProperty, alarmValue)
350                              .c_str());
351     }
353     type.front() = toupper(type.front());
354     std::string errorName = errorNameBase + type + name + status;
356     SDBusPlus::callMethod(loggingService, loggingPath, loggingCreateIface,
357                           "Create", errorName, convertForMessage(severity), ad);
358 }
getSensorType(std::string sensorPath)360 std::string ThresholdAlarmLogger::getSensorType(std::string sensorPath)
361 {
362     auto pos = sensorPath.find_last_of('/');
363     if ((sensorPath.back() == '/') || (pos == std::string::npos))
364     {
365         log<level::ERR>(
366             std::format("Cannot get sensor type from sensor path {}",
367                         sensorPath)
368                 .c_str());
369         throw std::runtime_error("Invalid sensor path");
370     }
372     sensorPath = sensorPath.substr(0, pos);
373     return sensorPath.substr(sensorPath.find_last_of('/') + 1);
374 }
skipSensorType(const std::string & type)376 bool ThresholdAlarmLogger::skipSensorType(const std::string& type)
377 {
378     return (type == "utilization");
379 }
getCallout(const std::string & sensorPath)381 std::string ThresholdAlarmLogger::getCallout(const std::string& sensorPath)
382 {
383     const std::array<std::string, 2> assocTypes{"inventory", "chassis"};
385     // Different implementations handle the association to the FRU
386     // differently:
387     //  * phosphor-inventory-manager uses the 'inventory' association
388     //    to point to the FRU.
389     //  * dbus-sensors/entity-manager uses the 'chassis' association'.
390     //  * For virtual sensors, no association.
392     for (const auto& assocType : assocTypes)
393     {
394         auto assocPath = sensorPath + "/" + assocType;
396         try
397         {
398             auto endpoints = SDBusPlus::getProperty<std::vector<std::string>>(
399                 bus, assocPath, assocInterface, "endpoints");
401             if (!endpoints.empty())
402             {
403                 return endpoints[0];
404             }
405         }
406         catch (const DBusServiceError& e)
407         {
408             // The association doesn't exist
409             continue;
410         }
411     }
413     return std::string{};
414 }
powerStateChanged(bool powerStateOn)416 void ThresholdAlarmLogger::powerStateChanged(bool powerStateOn)
417 {
418     if (powerStateOn)
419     {
420         checkThresholds();
421     }
422 }
checkThresholds()424 void ThresholdAlarmLogger::checkThresholds()
425 {
426     std::vector<InterfaceKey> toErase;
428     for (const auto& [interfaceKey, alarmMap] : alarms)
429     {
430         for (const auto& [propertyName, alarmValue] : alarmMap)
431         {
432             if (alarmValue)
433             {
434                 const auto& sensorPath = std::get<0>(interfaceKey);
435                 const auto& interface = std::get<1>(interfaceKey);
436                 std::string service;
438                 try
439                 {
440                     // Check that the service that provides the alarm is still
441                     // running, because if it died when the alarm was active
442                     // there would be no indication of it unless we listened
443                     // for NameOwnerChanged and tracked services, and this is
444                     // easier.
445                     service = SDBusPlus::getService(bus, sensorPath, interface);
446                 }
447                 catch (const DBusServiceError& e)
448                 {
449                     // No longer on D-Bus delete the alarm entry
450                     toErase.emplace_back(sensorPath, interface);
451                 }
453                 if (!service.empty())
454                 {
455                     createEventLog(sensorPath, interface, propertyName,
456                                    alarmValue);
457                 }
458             }
459         }
460     }
462     for (const auto& e : toErase)
463     {
464         alarms.erase(e);
465     }
466 }
468 } // namespace sensor::monitor