1"use strict";
4Used for the newcustomimage_modal actions
6The .data('recipe') value on the outer element determines which
7recipe ID is used as the basis for the new custom image recipe created via
8this modal.
10Use newCustomImageModalSetRecipes() to set the recipes available as a base
11for the new custom image. This will manage the addition of radio buttons
12to select the base image (or remove the radio buttons, if there is only a
13single base image available).
16function newCustomImageModalInit(){
18  var newCustomImgBtn = $("#create-new-custom-image-btn");
19  var imgCustomModal = $("#new-custom-image-modal");
20  var invalidNameHelp = $("#invalid-name-help");
21  var invalidRecipeHelp = $("#invalid-recipe-help");
22  var nameInput = imgCustomModal.find('input');
24  var invalidNameMsg = "Image names cannot contain spaces or capital letters. The only allowed special character is dash (-).";
25  var duplicateNameMsg = "An image with this name already exists. Image names must be unique.";
26  var duplicateImageInProjectMsg = "An image with this name already exists in this project."
27  var invalidBaseRecipeIdMsg = "Please select an image to customise.";
28  var missingParentRecipe = "The parent recipe file was not found. Cancel this action, build any target (like 'quilt-native') to force all new layers to clone, and try again";
29  var unknownError = "Unexpected error: ";
31  // set button to "submit" state and enable text entry so user can
32  // enter the custom recipe name
33  showSubmitState();
35  /* capture clicks on radio buttons inside the modal; when one is selected,
36   * set the recipe on the modal
37   */
38  imgCustomModal.on("click", "[name='select-image']", function(e) {
39    clearRecipeError();
40		$(".radio").each(function(){
41			$(this).removeClass("has-error");
42		});
44    var recipeId = $(e.target).attr('data-recipe');
45    imgCustomModal.data('recipe', recipeId);
46  });
48  newCustomImgBtn.click(function(e){
49    // disable the button and text entry
50    showLoadingState();
52    e.preventDefault();
54    var baseRecipeId = imgCustomModal.data('recipe');
56    if (!baseRecipeId) {
57      showRecipeError(invalidBaseRecipeIdMsg);
58			$(".radio").each(function(){
59				$(this).addClass("has-error");
60			});
61      return;
62    }
64    if (nameInput.val().length > 0) {
65      libtoaster.createCustomRecipe(nameInput.val(), baseRecipeId,
66      function(ret) {
67        showSubmitState();
68        if (ret.error !== "ok") {
69          console.warn(ret.error);
70          if (ret.error === "invalid-name") {
71            showNameError(invalidNameMsg);
72            return;
73          } else if (ret.error === "recipe-already-exists") {
74            showNameError(duplicateNameMsg);
75            return;
76          } else if (ret.error === "image-already-exists") {
77            showNameError(duplicateImageInProjectMsg);
78            return;
79          } else if (ret.error === "recipe-parent-not-exist") {
80            showNameError(missingParentRecipe);
81          } else {
82            showNameError(unknownError + ret.error);
83          }
84        } else {
85          imgCustomModal.modal('hide');
86          imgCustomModal.one('hidden.bs.modal', showSubmitState);
87          window.location.replace(ret.url + '?notify=new');
88        }
89      });
90    }
91  });
93  // enable text entry, show "Create image" button text
94  function showSubmitState() {
95    libtoaster.enableAjaxLoadingTimer();
96    newCustomImgBtn.find('[data-role="loading-state"]').hide();
97    newCustomImgBtn.find('[data-role="submit-state"]').show();
98    newCustomImgBtn.removeAttr('disabled');
99    nameInput.removeAttr('disabled');
100  }
102  // disable text entry, show "Creating image..." button text;
103  // we also disabled the page-level ajax loading spinner while this spinner
104  // is active
105  function showLoadingState() {
106    libtoaster.disableAjaxLoadingTimer();
107    newCustomImgBtn.find('[data-role="submit-state"]').hide();
108    newCustomImgBtn.find('[data-role="loading-state"]').show();
109    newCustomImgBtn.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
110    nameInput.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
111  }
113  function showNameError(text){
114    invalidNameHelp.text(text);
115    invalidNameHelp.show();
116    nameInput.parent().addClass('has-error');
117  }
119  function showRecipeError(text){
120    invalidRecipeHelp.text(text);
121    invalidRecipeHelp.show();
122  }
124  function clearRecipeError(){
125    invalidRecipeHelp.hide();
126  }
128  nameInput.on('keyup', function(){
129    if (nameInput.val().length === 0){
130      newCustomImgBtn.prop("disabled", true);
131      return
132    }
134    if (nameInput.val().search(/[^a-z|0-9|-]/) != -1){
135      showNameError(invalidNameMsg);
136      newCustomImgBtn.prop("disabled", true);
137      nameInput.parent().addClass('has-error');
138    } else {
139      invalidNameHelp.hide();
140      newCustomImgBtn.prop("disabled", false);
141      nameInput.parent().removeClass('has-error');
142    }
143  });
146/* Set the image recipes which can used as the basis for the custom
147 * image recipe the user is creating
148 * baseRecipes: a list of one or more recipes which can be
149 * used as the base for the new custom image recipe in the format:
150 * [{'id': <recipe ID>, 'name': <recipe name>'}, ...]
151 *
152 * if recipes is a single recipe, just show the text box to set the
153 * name for the new custom image; if recipes contains multiple recipe objects,
154 * show a set of radio buttons so the user can decide which to use as the
155 * basis for the new custom image
156 */
157function newCustomImageModalSetRecipes(baseRecipes) {
158  var imgCustomModal = $("#new-custom-image-modal");
159  var imageSelector = $('#new-custom-image-modal [data-role="image-selector"]');
160  var imageSelectRadiosContainer = $('#new-custom-image-modal [data-role="image-selector-radios"]');
162  // remove any existing radio buttons + labels
163  imageSelector.remove('[data-role="image-radio"]');
165  if (baseRecipes.length === 1) {
166    // hide the radio button container
167    imageSelector.hide();
169    /* set the single recipe ID on the modal as it's the only one
170     * we can build from.
171     */
172    imgCustomModal.data('recipe', baseRecipes[0].id);
173  }
174  else {
175    // add radio buttons; note that the handlers for the radio buttons
176    // are set in newCustomImageModalInit via event delegation
177    for (var i = 0; i < baseRecipes.length; i++) {
178      var recipe = baseRecipes[i];
179      imageSelectRadiosContainer.append(
180        '<div class="radio"><label data-role="image-radio">' +
181        '<input type="radio" name="select-image" ' +
182        'data-recipe="' + recipe.id + '">' +
183        recipe.name +
184        '</label></div>'
185      );
186    }
188    /* select the first radio button as default selection. Radio button
189     * groups should always display with an option checked
190     */
191    imageSelectRadiosContainer.find("input:radio:first").attr("checked", "checked");
193    /* check which radio button is selected by default inside the modal,
194     * and set the recipe on the modal accordingly
195     */
196    imageSelectRadiosContainer.find("input:radio").each(function(){
197      if ( $(this).is(":checked") ) {
198        var recipeId = $(this).attr("data-recipe");
199        imgCustomModal.data("recipe", recipeId);
200      }
201    });
203    // show the radio button container
204    imageSelector.show();
205  }