1 // Copyright (c) 2022 Intel Corporation
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 #include "cpuinfo_utils.hpp"
16 #include "speed_select.hpp"
18 #include <iostream>
20 namespace cpu_info
21 {
22 namespace sst
23 {
25 /**
26 * Convenience RAII object for Wake-On-PECI (WOP) management, since PECI Config
27 * Local accesses to the OS Mailbox require the package to pop up to PC2. Also
28 * provides PCode OS Mailbox routine.
29 *
30 * Since multiple applications may be modifying WOP, we'll use this algorithm:
31 * Whenever a PECI command fails with associated error code, set WOP bit and
32 * retry command. Upon manager destruction, clear WOP bit only if we previously
33 * set it.
34 */
35 struct PECIManager
36 {
37 uint8_t peciAddress;
38 bool peciWoken;
39 CPUModel cpuModel;
40 uint8_t mbBus;
41 WakePolicy wakePolicy;
PECIManagercpu_info::sst::PECIManager43 PECIManager(uint8_t address, CPUModel model, WakePolicy wakePolicy_) :
44 peciAddress(address), peciWoken(false), cpuModel(model),
45 wakePolicy(wakePolicy_)
46 {
47 mbBus = (model == iceLake) ? mbBusIceLake : mbBusOther;
48 }
~PECIManagercpu_info::sst::PECIManager50 ~PECIManager()
51 {
52 // If we're being destroyed due to a PECIError, try to clear the mode
53 // bit, but catch and ignore any duplicate error it might raise to
54 // prevent termination.
55 try
56 {
57 if (peciWoken)
58 {
59 setWakeOnPECI(false);
60 }
61 }
62 catch (const PECIError& err)
63 {}
64 }
isSleepingcpu_info::sst::PECIManager66 static bool isSleeping(EPECIStatus libStatus, uint8_t completionCode)
67 {
68 // PECI completion code defined in peci-ioctl.h which is not available
69 // for us to include.
70 constexpr int PECI_DEV_CC_UNAVAIL_RESOURCE = 0x82;
71 // Observed library returning DRIVER_ERR for reads and TIMEOUT for
72 // writes while PECI is sleeping. Either way, the completion code from
73 // PECI client should be reliable indicator of need to set WOP.
74 return libStatus != PECI_CC_SUCCESS &&
75 completionCode == PECI_DEV_CC_UNAVAIL_RESOURCE;
76 }
78 /**
79 * Send a single PECI PCS write to modify the Wake-On-PECI mode bit
80 */
setWakeOnPECIcpu_info::sst::PECIManager81 void setWakeOnPECI(bool enable)
82 {
83 uint8_t completionCode;
84 EPECIStatus libStatus =
85 peci_WrPkgConfig(peciAddress, 5, enable ? 1 : 0, 0,
86 sizeof(uint32_t), &completionCode);
87 if (!checkPECIStatus(libStatus, completionCode))
88 {
89 throw PECIError("Failed to set Wake-On-PECI mode bit");
90 }
92 if (enable)
93 {
94 peciWoken = true;
95 }
96 }
98 // PCode OS Mailbox interface register locations
99 static constexpr int mbBusIceLake = 14;
100 static constexpr int mbBusOther = 31;
101 static constexpr int mbSegment = 0;
102 static constexpr int mbDevice = 30;
103 static constexpr int mbFunction = 1;
104 static constexpr int mbDataReg = 0xA0;
105 static constexpr int mbInterfaceReg = 0xA4;
106 static constexpr int mbRegSize = sizeof(uint32_t);
108 enum class MailboxStatus
109 {
110 NoError = 0x0,
111 InvalidCommand = 0x1,
112 IllegalData = 0x16
113 };
115 /**
116 * Send a single Write PCI Config Local command, targeting the PCU CR1
117 * register block.
118 *
119 * @param[in] regAddress PCI Offset of register.
120 * @param[in] data Data to write.
121 */
wrMailboxRegcpu_info::sst::PECIManager122 void wrMailboxReg(uint16_t regAddress, uint32_t data)
123 {
124 uint8_t completionCode;
125 bool tryWaking = (wakePolicy == wakeAllowed);
126 while (true)
127 {
128 EPECIStatus libStatus = peci_WrEndPointPCIConfigLocal(
129 peciAddress, mbSegment, mbBus, mbDevice, mbFunction, regAddress,
130 mbRegSize, data, &completionCode);
131 if (tryWaking && isSleeping(libStatus, completionCode))
132 {
133 setWakeOnPECI(true);
134 tryWaking = false;
135 continue;
136 }
137 else if (!checkPECIStatus(libStatus, completionCode))
138 {
139 throw PECIError("Failed to write mailbox reg");
140 }
141 break;
142 }
143 }
145 /**
146 * Send a single Read PCI Config Local command, targeting the PCU CR1
147 * register block.
148 *
149 * @param[in] regAddress PCI offset of register.
150 *
151 * @return Register value
152 */
rdMailboxRegcpu_info::sst::PECIManager153 uint32_t rdMailboxReg(uint16_t regAddress)
154 {
155 uint8_t completionCode;
156 uint32_t outputData;
157 bool tryWaking = (wakePolicy == wakeAllowed);
158 while (true)
159 {
160 EPECIStatus libStatus = peci_RdEndPointConfigPciLocal(
161 peciAddress, mbSegment, mbBus, mbDevice, mbFunction, regAddress,
162 mbRegSize, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&outputData),
163 &completionCode);
164 if (tryWaking && isSleeping(libStatus, completionCode))
165 {
166 setWakeOnPECI(true);
167 tryWaking = false;
168 continue;
169 }
170 if (!checkPECIStatus(libStatus, completionCode))
171 {
172 throw PECIError("Failed to read mailbox reg");
173 }
174 break;
175 }
176 return outputData;
177 }
179 /**
180 * Send command on PCode OS Mailbox interface.
181 *
182 * @param[in] command Main command ID.
183 * @param[in] subCommand Sub command ID.
184 * @param[in] inputData Data to put in mailbox. Is always written, but
185 * will be ignored by PCode if command is a
186 * "getter".
187 * @param[out] responseCode Optional parameter to receive the
188 * mailbox-level response status. If null, a
189 * PECIError will be thrown for error status.
190 *
191 * @return Data returned in mailbox. Value is undefined if command is a
192 * "setter".
193 */
sendPECIOSMailboxCmdcpu_info::sst::PECIManager194 uint32_t sendPECIOSMailboxCmd(uint8_t command, uint8_t subCommand,
195 uint32_t inputData = 0,
196 MailboxStatus* responseCode = nullptr)
197 {
198 // The simple mailbox algorithm just says to wait until the busy bit
199 // is clear, but we'll give up after 10 tries. It's arbitrary but that's
200 // quite long wall clock time.
201 constexpr int mbRetries = 10;
202 constexpr uint32_t mbBusyBit = bit(31);
204 // Wait until RUN_BUSY == 0
205 int attempts = mbRetries;
206 while ((rdMailboxReg(mbInterfaceReg) & mbBusyBit) != 0 &&
207 --attempts > 0)
208 ;
209 if (attempts == 0)
210 {
211 throw PECIError("OS Mailbox failed to become free");
212 }
214 // Write required command specific input data to data register
215 wrMailboxReg(mbDataReg, inputData);
217 // Write required command specific command/sub-command values and set
218 // RUN_BUSY bit in interface register.
219 uint32_t interfaceReg =
220 mbBusyBit | (static_cast<uint32_t>(subCommand) << 8) | command;
221 wrMailboxReg(mbInterfaceReg, interfaceReg);
223 // Wait until RUN_BUSY == 0
224 attempts = mbRetries;
225 do
226 {
227 interfaceReg = rdMailboxReg(mbInterfaceReg);
228 } while ((interfaceReg & mbBusyBit) != 0 && --attempts > 0);
229 if (attempts == 0)
230 {
231 throw PECIError("OS Mailbox failed to return");
232 }
234 // Read command return status or error code from interface register
235 auto status = static_cast<MailboxStatus>(interfaceReg & 0xFF);
236 if (responseCode != nullptr)
237 {
238 *responseCode = status;
239 }
240 else if (status != MailboxStatus::NoError)
241 {
242 throw PECIError(std::string("OS Mailbox returned with error: ") +
243 std::to_string(static_cast<int>(status)));
244 }
246 // Read command return data from the data register
247 return rdMailboxReg(mbDataReg);
248 }
249 };
251 /**
252 * Base class for set of PECI OS Mailbox commands.
253 * Constructing it runs the command and stores the value for use by derived
254 * class accessor methods.
255 */
256 template <uint8_t subcommand>
257 struct OsMailboxCommand
258 {
259 enum ErrorPolicy
260 {
261 Throw,
262 NoThrow
263 };
265 uint32_t value;
266 PECIManager::MailboxStatus status = PECIManager::MailboxStatus::NoError;
267 /**
268 * Construct the command object with required PECI address and up to 4
269 * optional 1-byte input data parameters.
270 */
OsMailboxCommandcpu_info::sst::OsMailboxCommand271 OsMailboxCommand(PECIManager& pm, uint8_t param1 = 0, uint8_t param2 = 0,
272 uint8_t param3 = 0, uint8_t param4 = 0) :
273 OsMailboxCommand(pm, ErrorPolicy::Throw, param1, param2, param3, param4)
274 {}
OsMailboxCommandcpu_info::sst::OsMailboxCommand276 OsMailboxCommand(PECIManager& pm, ErrorPolicy errorPolicy,
277 uint8_t param1 = 0, uint8_t param2 = 0, uint8_t param3 = 0,
278 uint8_t param4 = 0)
279 {
280 DEBUG_PRINT << "Running OS Mailbox command "
281 << static_cast<int>(subcommand) << '\n';
282 PECIManager::MailboxStatus* callStatus =
283 errorPolicy == Throw ? nullptr : &status;
284 uint32_t param = (static_cast<uint32_t>(param4) << 24) |
285 (static_cast<uint32_t>(param3) << 16) |
286 (static_cast<uint32_t>(param2) << 8) | param1;
287 value = pm.sendPECIOSMailboxCmd(0x7F, subcommand, param, callStatus);
288 }
290 /** Return whether the mailbox status indicated success or not. */
successcpu_info::sst::OsMailboxCommand291 bool success() const
292 {
293 return status == PECIManager::MailboxStatus::NoError;
294 }
295 };
297 /**
298 * Macro to define a derived class accessor method.
299 *
300 * @param[in] type Return type of accessor method.
301 * @param[in] name Name of accessor method.
302 * @param[in] hibit Most significant bit of field to access.
303 * @param[in] lobit Least significant bit of field to access.
304 */
305 #define FIELD(type, name, hibit, lobit) \
306 type name() const \
307 { \
308 return (value >> lobit) & (bit(hibit - lobit + 1) - 1); \
309 }
311 struct GetLevelsInfo : OsMailboxCommand<0x0>
312 {
313 using OsMailboxCommand::OsMailboxCommand;
314 FIELD(bool, enabled, 31, 31)
315 FIELD(bool, lock, 24, 24)
316 FIELD(unsigned, currentConfigTdpLevel, 23, 16)
317 FIELD(unsigned, configTdpLevels, 15, 8)
318 FIELD(unsigned, version, 7, 0)
319 };
321 struct GetConfigTdpControl : OsMailboxCommand<0x1>
322 {
323 using OsMailboxCommand::OsMailboxCommand;
324 FIELD(bool, pbfEnabled, 17, 17);
325 FIELD(bool, factEnabled, 16, 16);
326 FIELD(bool, pbfSupport, 1, 1);
327 FIELD(bool, factSupport, 0, 0);
328 };
330 struct SetConfigTdpControl : OsMailboxCommand<0x2>
331 {
332 using OsMailboxCommand::OsMailboxCommand;
333 };
335 struct GetTdpInfo : OsMailboxCommand<0x3>
336 {
337 using OsMailboxCommand::OsMailboxCommand;
338 FIELD(unsigned, tdpRatio, 23, 16);
339 FIELD(unsigned, pkgTdp, 14, 0);
340 };
342 struct GetCoreMask : OsMailboxCommand<0x6>
343 {
344 using OsMailboxCommand::OsMailboxCommand;
345 FIELD(uint32_t, coresMask, 31, 0);
346 };
348 struct GetTurboLimitRatios : OsMailboxCommand<0x7>
349 {
350 using OsMailboxCommand::OsMailboxCommand;
351 };
353 struct SetLevel : OsMailboxCommand<0x8>
354 {
355 using OsMailboxCommand::OsMailboxCommand;
356 };
358 struct GetRatioInfo : OsMailboxCommand<0xC>
359 {
360 using OsMailboxCommand::OsMailboxCommand;
361 FIELD(unsigned, pm, 31, 24);
362 FIELD(unsigned, pn, 23, 16);
363 FIELD(unsigned, p1, 15, 8);
364 FIELD(unsigned, p0, 7, 0);
365 };
367 struct GetTjmaxInfo : OsMailboxCommand<0x5>
368 {
369 using OsMailboxCommand::OsMailboxCommand;
370 FIELD(unsigned, tProchot, 7, 0);
371 };
373 struct PbfGetCoreMaskInfo : OsMailboxCommand<0x20>
374 {
375 using OsMailboxCommand::OsMailboxCommand;
376 FIELD(uint32_t, p1HiCoreMask, 31, 0);
377 };
379 struct PbfGetP1HiP1LoInfo : OsMailboxCommand<0x21>
380 {
381 using OsMailboxCommand::OsMailboxCommand;
382 FIELD(unsigned, p1Hi, 15, 8);
383 FIELD(unsigned, p1Lo, 7, 0);
384 };
386 /**
387 * Implementation of SSTInterface based on OS Mailbox interface supported on ICX
388 * and SPR processors.
389 * It's expected that an instance of this class will be created for each
390 * "atomic" set of operations.
391 */
392 class SSTMailbox : public SSTInterface
393 {
394 private:
395 uint8_t address;
396 CPUModel model;
397 PECIManager pm;
399 static constexpr int mhzPerRatio = 100;
401 public:
SSTMailbox(uint8_t _address,CPUModel _model,WakePolicy wakePolicy)402 SSTMailbox(uint8_t _address, CPUModel _model, WakePolicy wakePolicy) :
403 address(_address), model(_model),
404 pm(static_cast<uint8_t>(address), model, wakePolicy)
405 {}
~SSTMailbox()406 ~SSTMailbox() {}
ready()408 bool ready() override
409 {
410 return true;
411 }
supportsControl()413 bool supportsControl() override
414 {
415 switch (model)
416 {
417 case sapphireRapids:
418 case emeraldRapids:
419 return true;
420 default:
421 return false;
422 }
423 }
currentLevel()425 unsigned int currentLevel() override
426 {
427 return GetLevelsInfo(pm).currentConfigTdpLevel();
428 }
maxLevel()429 unsigned int maxLevel() override
430 {
431 return GetLevelsInfo(pm).configTdpLevels();
432 }
ppEnabled()433 bool ppEnabled() override
434 {
435 return GetLevelsInfo(pm).enabled();
436 }
levelSupported(unsigned int level)438 bool levelSupported(unsigned int level) override
439 {
440 GetConfigTdpControl tdpControl(
441 pm, GetConfigTdpControl::ErrorPolicy::NoThrow,
442 static_cast<uint8_t>(level));
443 return tdpControl.success();
444 }
bfSupported(unsigned int level)445 bool bfSupported(unsigned int level) override
446 {
447 return GetConfigTdpControl(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level))
448 .pbfSupport();
449 }
tfSupported(unsigned int level)450 bool tfSupported(unsigned int level) override
451 {
452 return GetConfigTdpControl(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level))
453 .factSupport();
454 }
bfEnabled(unsigned int level)455 bool bfEnabled(unsigned int level) override
456 {
457 return GetConfigTdpControl(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level))
458 .pbfEnabled();
459 }
tfEnabled(unsigned int level)460 bool tfEnabled(unsigned int level) override
461 {
462 return GetConfigTdpControl(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level))
463 .factEnabled();
464 }
tdp(unsigned int level)465 unsigned int tdp(unsigned int level) override
466 {
467 return GetTdpInfo(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level)).pkgTdp();
468 }
coreCount(unsigned int level)469 unsigned int coreCount(unsigned int level) override
470 {
471 return enabledCoreList(level).size();
472 }
enabledCoreList(unsigned int level)473 std::vector<unsigned int> enabledCoreList(unsigned int level) override
474 {
475 uint64_t coreMaskLo =
476 GetCoreMask(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level), 0).coresMask();
477 uint64_t coreMaskHi =
478 GetCoreMask(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level), 1).coresMask();
479 std::bitset<64> coreMask = (coreMaskHi << 32 | coreMaskLo);
480 return convertMaskToList(coreMask);
481 }
sseTurboProfile(unsigned int level)482 std::vector<TurboEntry> sseTurboProfile(unsigned int level) override
483 {
484 // Read the Turbo Ratio Limit Cores MSR which is used to generate the
485 // Turbo Profile for each profile. This is a package scope MSR, so just
486 // read thread 0.
487 uint64_t trlCores;
488 uint8_t cc;
489 EPECIStatus status = peci_RdIAMSR(static_cast<uint8_t>(address), 0,
490 0x1AE, &trlCores, &cc);
491 if (!checkPECIStatus(status, cc))
492 {
493 throw PECIError("Failed to read TRL MSR");
494 }
496 std::vector<TurboEntry> turboSpeeds;
497 uint64_t limitRatioLo =
498 GetTurboLimitRatios(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level), 0, 0).value;
499 uint64_t limitRatioHi =
500 GetTurboLimitRatios(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level), 1, 0).value;
501 uint64_t limitRatios = (limitRatioHi << 32) | limitRatioLo;
503 constexpr int maxTFBuckets = 8;
504 for (int i = 0; i < maxTFBuckets; ++i)
505 {
506 size_t bucketCount = trlCores & 0xFF;
507 int bucketSpeed = limitRatios & 0xFF;
508 if (bucketCount != 0 && bucketSpeed != 0)
509 {
510 turboSpeeds.push_back({bucketSpeed * mhzPerRatio, bucketCount});
511 }
513 trlCores >>= 8;
514 limitRatios >>= 8;
515 }
516 return turboSpeeds;
517 }
p1Freq(unsigned int level)518 unsigned int p1Freq(unsigned int level) override
519 {
520 return GetRatioInfo(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level)).p1() * mhzPerRatio;
521 }
p0Freq(unsigned int level)522 unsigned int p0Freq(unsigned int level) override
523 {
524 return GetRatioInfo(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level)).p0() * mhzPerRatio;
525 }
prochotTemp(unsigned int level)526 unsigned int prochotTemp(unsigned int level) override
527 {
528 return GetTjmaxInfo(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level)).tProchot();
529 }
bfHighPriorityCoreList(unsigned int level)530 std::vector<unsigned int> bfHighPriorityCoreList(
531 unsigned int level) override
532 {
533 uint64_t coreMaskLo =
534 PbfGetCoreMaskInfo(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level), 0)
535 .p1HiCoreMask();
536 uint64_t coreMaskHi =
537 PbfGetCoreMaskInfo(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level), 1)
538 .p1HiCoreMask();
539 std::bitset<64> hiFreqCoreList = (coreMaskHi << 32) | coreMaskLo;
540 return convertMaskToList(hiFreqCoreList);
541 }
bfHighPriorityFreq(unsigned int level)542 unsigned int bfHighPriorityFreq(unsigned int level) override
543 {
544 return PbfGetP1HiP1LoInfo(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level)).p1Hi() *
545 mhzPerRatio;
546 }
bfLowPriorityFreq(unsigned int level)547 unsigned int bfLowPriorityFreq(unsigned int level) override
548 {
549 return PbfGetP1HiP1LoInfo(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level)).p1Lo() *
550 mhzPerRatio;
551 }
setBfEnabled(bool enable)553 void setBfEnabled(bool enable) override
554 {
555 GetConfigTdpControl getTDPControl(pm);
556 bool tfEnabled = false;
557 uint8_t param = (enable ? bit(1) : 0) | (tfEnabled ? bit(0) : 0);
558 SetConfigTdpControl(pm, 0, 0, param);
559 }
setTfEnabled(bool enable)560 void setTfEnabled(bool enable) override
561 {
562 // TODO: use cached BF value
563 bool bfEnabled = false;
564 uint8_t param = (bfEnabled ? bit(1) : 0) | (enable ? bit(0) : 0);
565 SetConfigTdpControl(pm, 0, 0, param);
566 }
setCurrentLevel(unsigned int level)567 void setCurrentLevel(unsigned int level) override
568 {
569 SetLevel(pm, static_cast<uint8_t>(level));
570 }
571 };
createMailbox(uint8_t address,CPUModel model,WakePolicy wakePolicy)573 static std::unique_ptr<SSTInterface> createMailbox(
574 uint8_t address, CPUModel model, WakePolicy wakePolicy)
575 {
576 DEBUG_PRINT << "createMailbox\n";
577 switch (model)
578 {
579 case iceLake:
580 case iceLakeD:
581 case sapphireRapids:
582 case emeraldRapids:
583 return std::make_unique<SSTMailbox>(address, model, wakePolicy);
584 default:
585 return nullptr;
586 }
587 }
589 SSTProviderRegistration(createMailbox);
591 } // namespace sst
592 } // namespace cpu_info