xref: /openbmc/openbmc/poky/meta/lib/oe/copy_buildsystem.py (revision edff49234e31f23dc79f823473c9e286a21596c1)
2# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
4# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
6# This class should provide easy access to the different aspects of the
7# buildsystem such as layers, bitbake location, etc.
9# SDK_LAYERS_EXCLUDE: Layers which will be excluded from SDK layers.
11#                             python regular expression, use space as separator,
12#                              e.g.: ".*-downloads closed-.*"
15import stat
16import shutil
18def _smart_copy(src, dest):
19    import subprocess
20    # smart_copy will choose the correct function depending on whether the
21    # source is a file or a directory.
22    mode = os.stat(src).st_mode
23    if stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
24        bb.utils.mkdirhier(dest)
25        cmd = "tar --exclude='.git' --exclude='__pycache__' --xattrs --xattrs-include='*' -cf - -C %s -p . \
26        | tar --xattrs --xattrs-include='*' -xf - -C %s" % (src, dest)
27        subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
28    else:
29        shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
30        shutil.copymode(src, dest)
32class BuildSystem(object):
33    def __init__(self, context, d):
34        self.d = d
35        self.context = context
36        self.layerdirs = [os.path.abspath(pth) for pth in d.getVar('BBLAYERS').split()]
37        self.layers_exclude = (d.getVar('SDK_LAYERS_EXCLUDE') or "").split()
38        self.layers_exclude_pattern = d.getVar('SDK_LAYERS_EXCLUDE_PATTERN')
40    def copy_bitbake_and_layers(self, destdir, workspace_name=None):
41        import re
42        # Copy in all metadata layers + bitbake (as repositories)
43        copied_corebase = None
44        layers_copied = []
45        bb.utils.mkdirhier(destdir)
46        layers = list(self.layerdirs)
48        corebase = os.path.abspath(self.d.getVar('COREBASE'))
49        layers.append(corebase)
50        # The bitbake build system uses the meta-skeleton layer as a layout
51        # for common recipies, e.g: the recipetool script to create kernel recipies
52        # Add the meta-skeleton layer to be included as part of the eSDK installation
53        layers.append(os.path.join(corebase, 'meta-skeleton'))
55        # Exclude layers
56        for layer_exclude in self.layers_exclude:
57            if layer_exclude in layers:
58                bb.note('Excluded %s from sdk layers since it is in SDK_LAYERS_EXCLUDE' % layer_exclude)
59                layers.remove(layer_exclude)
61        if self.layers_exclude_pattern:
62            layers_cp = layers[:]
63            for pattern in self.layers_exclude_pattern.split():
64                for layer in layers_cp:
65                    if re.match(pattern, layer):
66                        bb.note('Excluded %s from sdk layers since matched SDK_LAYERS_EXCLUDE_PATTERN' % layer)
67                        layers.remove(layer)
69        workspace_newname = workspace_name
70        if workspace_newname:
71            layernames = [os.path.basename(layer) for layer in layers]
72            extranum = 0
73            while workspace_newname in layernames:
74                extranum += 1
75                workspace_newname = '%s-%d' % (workspace_name, extranum)
77        corebase_files = self.d.getVar('COREBASE_FILES').split()
78        corebase_files = [corebase + '/' +x for x in corebase_files]
79        # Make sure bitbake goes in
80        bitbake_dir = bb.__file__.rsplit('/', 3)[0]
81        corebase_files.append(bitbake_dir)
83        for layer in layers:
84            layerconf = os.path.join(layer, 'conf', 'layer.conf')
85            layernewname = os.path.basename(layer)
86            workspace = False
87            if os.path.exists(layerconf):
88                with open(layerconf, 'r') as f:
89                    if f.readline().startswith("# ### workspace layer auto-generated by devtool ###"):
90                        if workspace_newname:
91                            layernewname = workspace_newname
92                            workspace = True
93                        else:
94                            bb.plain("NOTE: Excluding local workspace layer %s from %s" % (layer, self.context))
95                            continue
97            # If the layer was already under corebase, leave it there
98            # since layers such as meta have issues when moved.
99            layerdestpath = destdir
100            if corebase == os.path.dirname(layer):
101                layerdestpath += '/' + os.path.basename(corebase)
102            # If the layer is located somewhere under the same parent directory
103            # as corebase we keep the layer structure.
104            elif os.path.commonpath([layer, corebase]) == os.path.dirname(corebase):
105                layer_relative = os.path.relpath(layer, os.path.dirname(corebase))
106                if os.path.dirname(layer_relative) != layernewname:
107                    layerdestpath += '/' + os.path.dirname(layer_relative)
109            layerdestpath += '/' + layernewname
111            layer_relative = os.path.relpath(layerdestpath,
112                                             destdir)
113            # Treat corebase as special since it typically will contain
114            # build directories or other custom items.
115            if corebase == layer:
116                copied_corebase = layer_relative
117                bb.utils.mkdirhier(layerdestpath)
118                for f in corebase_files:
119                    f_basename = os.path.basename(f)
120                    destname = os.path.join(layerdestpath, f_basename)
121                    _smart_copy(f, destname)
122            else:
123                layers_copied.append(layer_relative)
125                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(layerdestpath, 'conf/layer.conf')):
126                    bb.note("Skipping layer %s, already handled" % layer)
127                else:
128                    _smart_copy(layer, layerdestpath)
130            if workspace:
131                # Make some adjustments original workspace layer
132                # Drop sources (recipe tasks will be locked, so we don't need them)
133                srcdir = os.path.join(layerdestpath, 'sources')
134                if os.path.isdir(srcdir):
135                    shutil.rmtree(srcdir)
136                # Drop all bbappends except the one for the image the SDK is being built for
137                # (because of externalsrc, the workspace bbappends will interfere with the
138                # locked signatures if present, and we don't need them anyway)
139                image_bbappend = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.d.getVar('FILE')))[0] + '.bbappend'
140                appenddir = os.path.join(layerdestpath, 'appends')
141                if os.path.isdir(appenddir):
142                    for fn in os.listdir(appenddir):
143                        if fn == image_bbappend:
144                            continue
145                        else:
146                            os.remove(os.path.join(appenddir, fn))
147                # Drop README
148                readme = os.path.join(layerdestpath, 'README')
149                if os.path.exists(readme):
150                    os.remove(readme)
151                # Filter out comments in layer.conf and change layer name
152                layerconf = os.path.join(layerdestpath, 'conf', 'layer.conf')
153                with open(layerconf, 'r') as f:
154                    origlines = f.readlines()
155                with open(layerconf, 'w') as f:
156                    for line in origlines:
157                        if line.startswith('#'):
158                            continue
159                        line = line.replace('workspacelayer', workspace_newname)
160                        f.write(line)
162        # meta-skeleton layer is added as part of the build system
163        # but not as a layer included in the build, therefore it is
164        # not reported to the function caller.
165        for layer in layers_copied:
166            if layer.endswith('/meta-skeleton'):
167                layers_copied.remove(layer)
168                break
170        return copied_corebase, layers_copied
172def generate_locked_sigs(sigfile, d):
173    bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(sigfile))
174    depd = d.getVar('BB_TASKDEPDATA', False)
175    tasks = ['%s:%s' % (v[2], v[1]) for v in depd.values()]
176    bb.parse.siggen.dump_lockedsigs(sigfile, tasks)
178def prune_lockedsigs(excluded_tasks, excluded_targets, lockedsigs, onlynative, pruned_output):
179    with open(lockedsigs, 'r') as infile:
180        bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(pruned_output))
181        with open(pruned_output, 'w') as f:
182            invalue = False
183            for line in infile:
184                if invalue:
185                    if line.endswith('\\\n'):
186                        splitval = line.strip().split(':')
187                        if not splitval[1] in excluded_tasks and not splitval[0] in excluded_targets:
188                            if onlynative:
189                                if 'nativesdk' in splitval[0]:
190                                    f.write(line)
191                            else:
192                                f.write(line)
193                    else:
194                        f.write(line)
195                        invalue = False
196                elif line.startswith('SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_t'):
197                    invalue = True
198                    f.write(line)
199                else:
200                    invalue = False
201                    f.write(line)
203def merge_lockedsigs(copy_tasks, lockedsigs_main, lockedsigs_extra, merged_output, copy_output=None):
204    merged = {}
205    arch_order = []
206    otherdata = []
207    with open(lockedsigs_main, 'r') as f:
208        invalue = None
209        for line in f:
210            if invalue:
211                if line.endswith('\\\n'):
212                    merged[invalue].append(line)
213                else:
214                    invalue = None
215            elif line.startswith('SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_t-'):
216                invalue = line[18:].split('=', 1)[0].rstrip()
217                merged[invalue] = []
218                arch_order.append(invalue)
219            else:
220                invalue = None
221                otherdata.append(line)
223    with open(lockedsigs_extra, 'r') as f:
224        invalue = None
225        tocopy = {}
226        for line in f:
227            if invalue:
228                if line.endswith('\\\n'):
229                    if not line in merged[invalue]:
230                        target, task = line.strip().split(':')[:2]
231                        if not copy_tasks or task in copy_tasks:
232                            tocopy[invalue].append(line)
233                        merged[invalue].append(line)
234                else:
235                    invalue = None
236            elif line.startswith('SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_t-'):
237                invalue = line[18:].split('=', 1)[0].rstrip()
238                if not invalue in merged:
239                    merged[invalue] = []
240                    arch_order.append(invalue)
241                tocopy[invalue] = []
243    def write_sigs_file(fn, types, sigs):
244        fulltypes = []
245        bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(fn))
246        with open(fn, 'w') as f:
247            for typename in types:
248                lines = sigs[typename]
249                if lines:
250                    f.write('SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_%s = "\\\n' % typename)
251                    for line in lines:
252                        f.write(line)
253                    f.write('    "\n')
254                    fulltypes.append(typename)
255            f.write('SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_TYPES = "%s"\n' % ' '.join(fulltypes))
256            f.write('\n' + ''.join(otherdata))
258    if copy_output:
259        write_sigs_file(copy_output, list(tocopy.keys()), tocopy)
260    if merged_output:
261        write_sigs_file(merged_output, arch_order, merged)
263def create_locked_sstate_cache(lockedsigs, input_sstate_cache, output_sstate_cache, d, fixedlsbstring="", filterfile=None):
264    import shutil
265    bb.note('Generating sstate-cache...')
267    nativelsbstring = d.getVar('NATIVELSBSTRING')
268    bb.process.run("PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 gen-lockedsig-cache %s %s %s %s %s" % (lockedsigs, input_sstate_cache, output_sstate_cache, nativelsbstring, filterfile or ''))
269    if fixedlsbstring and nativelsbstring != fixedlsbstring:
270        nativedir = output_sstate_cache + '/' + nativelsbstring
271        if os.path.isdir(nativedir):
272            destdir = os.path.join(output_sstate_cache, fixedlsbstring)
273            for root, _, files in os.walk(nativedir):
274                for fn in files:
275                    src = os.path.join(root, fn)
276                    dest = os.path.join(destdir, os.path.relpath(src, nativedir))
277                    if os.path.exists(dest):
278                        # Already exists, and it'll be the same file, so just delete it
279                        os.unlink(src)
280                    else:
281                        bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(dest))
282                        shutil.move(src, dest)
284def check_sstate_task_list(d, targets, filteroutfile, cmdprefix='', cwd=None, logfile=None):
285    import subprocess
287    bb.note('Generating sstate task list...')
289    if not cwd:
290        cwd = os.getcwd()
291    if logfile:
292        logparam = '-l %s' % logfile
293    else:
294        logparam = ''
295    cmd = "%sPYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 BB_SETSCENE_ENFORCE=1 PSEUDO_DISABLED=1 oe-check-sstate %s -s -o %s %s" % (cmdprefix, targets, filteroutfile, logparam)
296    env = dict(d.getVar('BB_ORIGENV', False))
297    env.pop('BUILDDIR', '')
298    env.pop('BBPATH', '')
299    pathitems = env['PATH'].split(':')
300    env['PATH'] = ':'.join([item for item in pathitems if not item.endswith('/bitbake/bin')])
301    bb.process.run(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env, cwd=cwd, executable='/bin/bash')