xref: /openbmc/openbmc/poky/bitbake/lib/bblayers/query.py (revision 96e4b4e121e0e2da1535d7d537d6a982a6ff5bc0)
2# Copyright BitBake Contributors
4# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
7import collections
8import fnmatch
9import logging
10import sys
11import os
12import re
14import bb.utils
16from bblayers.common import LayerPlugin
18logger = logging.getLogger('bitbake-layers')
21def plugin_init(plugins):
22    return QueryPlugin()
25class QueryPlugin(LayerPlugin):
26    def __init__(self):
27        super(QueryPlugin, self).__init__()
28        self.collection_res = {}
30    def do_show_layers(self, args):
31        """show current configured layers."""
32        logger.plain("%s  %s  %s" % ("layer".ljust(20), "path".ljust(70), "priority"))
33        logger.plain('=' * 104)
34        for layer, _, regex, pri in self.tinfoil.cooker.bbfile_config_priorities:
35            layerdir = self.bbfile_collections.get(layer, None)
36            layername = layer
37            logger.plain("%s  %s  %s" % (layername.ljust(20), layerdir.ljust(70), pri))
39    def version_str(self, pe, pv, pr = None):
40        verstr = "%s" % pv
41        if pr:
42            verstr = "%s-%s" % (verstr, pr)
43        if pe:
44            verstr = "%s:%s" % (pe, verstr)
45        return verstr
47    def do_show_overlayed(self, args):
48        """list overlayed recipes (where the same recipe exists in another layer)
50Lists the names of overlayed recipes and the available versions in each
51layer, with the preferred version first. Note that skipped recipes that
52are overlayed will also be listed, with a " (skipped)" suffix.
55        items_listed = self.list_recipes('Overlayed recipes', None, True, args.same_version, args.filenames, False, True, None, False, None, args.mc)
57        # Check for overlayed .bbclass files
58        classes = collections.defaultdict(list)
59        for layerdir in self.bblayers:
60            for c in ["classes-global", "classes-recipe", "classes"]:
61                classdir = os.path.join(layerdir, c)
62                if os.path.exists(classdir):
63                    for classfile in os.listdir(classdir):
64                        if os.path.splitext(classfile)[1] == '.bbclass':
65                            classes[classfile].append(classdir)
67        # Locating classes and other files is a bit more complicated than recipes -
68        # layer priority is not a factor; instead BitBake uses the first matching
69        # file in BBPATH, which is manipulated directly by each layer's
70        # conf/layer.conf in turn, thus the order of layers in bblayers.conf is a
71        # factor - however, each layer.conf is free to either prepend or append to
72        # BBPATH (or indeed do crazy stuff with it). Thus the order in BBPATH might
73        # not be exactly the order present in bblayers.conf either.
74        bbpath = str(self.tinfoil.config_data.getVar('BBPATH'))
75        overlayed_class_found = False
76        for (classfile, classdirs) in classes.items():
77            if len(classdirs) > 1:
78                if not overlayed_class_found:
79                    logger.plain('=== Overlayed classes ===')
80                    overlayed_class_found = True
82                mainfile = bb.utils.which(bbpath, os.path.join('classes', classfile))
83                if args.filenames:
84                    logger.plain('%s' % mainfile)
85                else:
86                    # We effectively have to guess the layer here
87                    logger.plain('%s:' % classfile)
88                    mainlayername = '?'
89                    for layerdir in self.bblayers:
90                        classdir = os.path.join(layerdir, 'classes')
91                        if mainfile.startswith(classdir):
92                            mainlayername = self.get_layer_name(layerdir)
93                    logger.plain('  %s' % mainlayername)
94                for classdir in classdirs:
95                    fullpath = os.path.join(classdir, classfile)
96                    if fullpath != mainfile:
97                        if args.filenames:
98                            print('  %s' % fullpath)
99                        else:
100                            print('  %s' % self.get_layer_name(os.path.dirname(classdir)))
102        if overlayed_class_found:
103            items_listed = True;
105        if not items_listed:
106            logger.plain('No overlayed files found.')
108    def do_show_recipes(self, args):
109        """list available recipes, showing the layer they are provided by
111Lists the names of recipes and the available versions in each
112layer, with the preferred version first. Optionally you may specify
113pnspec to match a specified recipe name (supports wildcards). Note that
114skipped recipes will also be listed, with a " (skipped)" suffix.
117        inheritlist = args.inherits.split(',') if args.inherits else []
118        if inheritlist or args.pnspec or args.multiple:
119            title = 'Matching recipes:'
120        else:
121            title = 'Available recipes:'
122        self.list_recipes(title, args.pnspec, False, False, args.filenames, args.recipes_only, args.multiple, args.layer, args.bare, inheritlist, args.mc)
124    def list_recipes(self, title, pnspec, show_overlayed_only, show_same_ver_only, show_filenames, show_recipes_only, show_multi_provider_only, selected_layer, bare, inherits, mc):
125        if inherits:
126            bbpath = str(self.tinfoil.config_data.getVar('BBPATH'))
127            for classname in inherits:
128                found = False
129                for c in ["classes-global", "classes-recipe", "classes"]:
130                    cfile = c + '/%s.bbclass' % classname
131                    if bb.utils.which(bbpath, cfile, history=False):
132                        found = True
133                        break
134                if not found:
135                    logger.error('No class named %s found in BBPATH', classname)
136                    sys.exit(1)
138        pkg_pn = self.tinfoil.cooker.recipecaches[mc].pkg_pn
139        (latest_versions, preferred_versions, required_versions) = self.tinfoil.find_providers(mc)
140        allproviders = self.tinfoil.get_all_providers(mc)
142        # Ensure we list skipped recipes
143        # We are largely guessing about PN, PV and the preferred version here,
144        # but we have no choice since skipped recipes are not fully parsed
145        skiplist = list(self.tinfoil.cooker.skiplist_by_mc[mc].keys())
147        if mc:
148            skiplist = [s.removeprefix(f'mc:{mc}:') for s in skiplist]
150        for fn in skiplist:
151            recipe_parts = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))[0].split('_')
152            p = recipe_parts[0]
153            if len(recipe_parts) > 1:
154                ver = (None, recipe_parts[1], None)
155            else:
156                ver = (None, 'unknown', None)
157            allproviders[p].append((ver, fn))
158            if not p in pkg_pn:
159                pkg_pn[p] = 'dummy'
160                preferred_versions[p] = (ver, fn)
162        def print_item(f, pn, ver, layer, ispref):
163            if not selected_layer or layer == selected_layer:
164                if not bare and f in skiplist:
165                    skipped = ' (skipped: %s)' % self.tinfoil.cooker.skiplist_by_mc[mc][f].skipreason
166                else:
167                    skipped = ''
168                if show_filenames:
169                    if ispref:
170                        logger.plain("%s%s", f, skipped)
171                    else:
172                        logger.plain("  %s%s", f, skipped)
173                elif show_recipes_only:
174                    if pn not in show_unique_pn:
175                        show_unique_pn.append(pn)
176                        logger.plain("%s%s", pn, skipped)
177                else:
178                    if ispref:
179                        logger.plain("%s:", pn)
180                    logger.plain("  %s %s%s", layer.ljust(20), ver, skipped)
182        global_inherit = (self.tinfoil.config_data.getVar('INHERIT') or "").split()
183        cls_re = re.compile('classes.*/')
185        preffiles = []
186        show_unique_pn = []
187        items_listed = False
188        for p in sorted(pkg_pn):
189            if pnspec:
190                found=False
191                for pnm in pnspec:
192                    if fnmatch.fnmatch(p, pnm):
193                        found=True
194                        break
195                if not found:
196                    continue
198            if len(allproviders[p]) > 1 or not show_multi_provider_only:
199                pref = preferred_versions[p]
200                realfn = bb.cache.virtualfn2realfn(pref[1])
201                preffile = realfn[0]
203                # We only display once per recipe, we should prefer non extended versions of the
204                # recipe if present (so e.g. in OpenEmbedded, openssl rather than nativesdk-openssl
205                # which would otherwise sort first).
206                if realfn[1] and realfn[0] in self.tinfoil.cooker.recipecaches[mc].pkg_fn:
207                    continue
209                if inherits:
210                    matchcount = 0
211                    recipe_inherits = self.tinfoil.cooker_data.inherits.get(preffile, [])
212                    for cls in recipe_inherits:
213                        if cls_re.match(cls):
214                            continue
215                        classname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cls))[0]
216                        if classname in global_inherit:
217                            continue
218                        elif classname in inherits:
219                            matchcount += 1
220                    if matchcount != len(inherits):
221                        # No match - skip this recipe
222                        continue
224                if preffile not in preffiles:
225                    preflayer = self.get_file_layer(preffile)
226                    multilayer = False
227                    same_ver = True
228                    provs = []
229                    for prov in allproviders[p]:
230                        provfile = bb.cache.virtualfn2realfn(prov[1])[0]
231                        provlayer = self.get_file_layer(provfile)
232                        provs.append((provfile, provlayer, prov[0]))
233                        if provlayer != preflayer:
234                            multilayer = True
235                        if prov[0] != pref[0]:
236                            same_ver = False
237                    if (multilayer or not show_overlayed_only) and (same_ver or not show_same_ver_only):
238                        if not items_listed:
239                            logger.plain('=== %s ===' % title)
240                            items_listed = True
241                        print_item(preffile, p, self.version_str(pref[0][0], pref[0][1]), preflayer, True)
242                        for (provfile, provlayer, provver) in provs:
243                            if provfile != preffile:
244                                print_item(provfile, p, self.version_str(provver[0], provver[1]), provlayer, False)
245                        # Ensure we don't show two entries for BBCLASSEXTENDed recipes
246                        preffiles.append(preffile)
248        return items_listed
250    def get_file_layer(self, filename):
251        layerdir = self.get_file_layerdir(filename)
252        if layerdir:
253            return self.get_layer_name(layerdir)
254        else:
255            return '?'
257    def get_collection_res(self):
258        if not self.collection_res:
259            self.collection_res = bb.utils.get_collection_res(self.tinfoil.config_data)
260        return self.collection_res
262    def get_file_layerdir(self, filename):
263        layer = bb.utils.get_file_layer(filename, self.tinfoil.config_data, self.get_collection_res())
264        return self.bbfile_collections.get(layer, None)
266    def remove_layer_prefix(self, f):
267        """Remove the layer_dir prefix, e.g., f = /path/to/layer_dir/foo/blah, the
268           return value will be: layer_dir/foo/blah"""
269        f_layerdir = self.get_file_layerdir(f)
270        if not f_layerdir:
271            return f
272        prefix = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f_layerdir), '')
273        return f[len(prefix):] if f.startswith(prefix) else f
275    def do_show_appends(self, args):
276        """list bbappend files and recipe files they apply to
278Lists recipes with the bbappends that apply to them as subitems.
280        if args.pnspec:
281            logger.plain('=== Matched appended recipes ===')
282        else:
283            logger.plain('=== Appended recipes ===')
286        cooker_data = self.tinfoil.cooker.recipecaches[args.mc]
288        pnlist = list(cooker_data.pkg_pn.keys())
289        pnlist.sort()
290        appends = False
291        for pn in pnlist:
292            if args.pnspec:
293                found=False
294                for pnm in args.pnspec:
295                    if fnmatch.fnmatch(pn, pnm):
296                        found=True
297                        break
298                if not found:
299                    continue
301            if self.show_appends_for_pn(pn, cooker_data, args.mc):
302                appends = True
304        if not args.pnspec and self.show_appends_for_skipped(args.mc):
305            appends = True
307        if not appends:
308            logger.plain('No append files found')
310    def show_appends_for_pn(self, pn, cooker_data, mc):
311        filenames = cooker_data.pkg_pn[pn]
312        if mc:
313            pn = "mc:%s:%s" % (mc, pn)
315        best = self.tinfoil.find_best_provider(pn)
316        best_filename = os.path.basename(best[3])
318        return self.show_appends_output(filenames, best_filename)
320    def show_appends_for_skipped(self, mc):
321        filenames = [os.path.basename(f)
322                    for f in self.tinfoil.cooker.skiplist_by_mc[mc].keys()]
323        return self.show_appends_output(filenames, None, " (skipped)")
325    def show_appends_output(self, filenames, best_filename, name_suffix = ''):
326        appended, missing = self.get_appends_for_files(filenames)
327        if appended:
328            for basename, appends in appended:
329                logger.plain('%s%s:', basename, name_suffix)
330                for append in appends:
331                    logger.plain('  %s', append)
333            if best_filename:
334                if best_filename in missing:
335                    logger.warning('%s: missing append for preferred version',
336                                   best_filename)
337            return True
338        else:
339            return False
341    def get_appends_for_files(self, filenames):
342        appended, notappended = [], []
343        for filename in filenames:
344            _, cls, mc = bb.cache.virtualfn2realfn(filename)
345            if cls:
346                continue
348            basename = os.path.basename(filename)
349            appends = self.tinfoil.cooker.collections[mc].get_file_appends(basename)
350            if appends:
351                appended.append((basename, list(appends)))
352            else:
353                notappended.append(basename)
354        return appended, notappended
356    def do_show_cross_depends(self, args):
357        """Show dependencies between recipes that cross layer boundaries.
359Figure out the dependencies between recipes that cross layer boundaries.
361NOTE: .bbappend files can impact the dependencies.
363        ignore_layers = (args.ignore or '').split(',')
365        pkg_fn = self.tinfoil.cooker_data.pkg_fn
366        bbpath = str(self.tinfoil.config_data.getVar('BBPATH'))
367        self.require_re = re.compile(r"require\s+(.+)")
368        self.include_re = re.compile(r"include\s+(.+)")
369        self.inherit_re = re.compile(r"inherit\s+(.+)")
371        global_inherit = (self.tinfoil.config_data.getVar('INHERIT') or "").split()
373        # The bb's DEPENDS and RDEPENDS
374        for f in pkg_fn:
375            f = bb.cache.virtualfn2realfn(f)[0]
376            # Get the layername that the file is in
377            layername = self.get_file_layer(f)
379            # The DEPENDS
380            deps = self.tinfoil.cooker_data.deps[f]
381            for pn in deps:
382                if pn in self.tinfoil.cooker_data.pkg_pn:
383                    best = self.tinfoil.find_best_provider(pn)
384                    self.check_cross_depends("DEPENDS", layername, f, best[3], args.filenames, ignore_layers)
386            # The RDPENDS
387            all_rdeps = self.tinfoil.cooker_data.rundeps[f].values()
388            # Remove the duplicated or null one.
389            sorted_rdeps = {}
390            # The all_rdeps is the list in list, so we need two for loops
391            for k1 in all_rdeps:
392                for k2 in k1:
393                    sorted_rdeps[k2] = 1
394            all_rdeps = sorted_rdeps.keys()
395            for rdep in all_rdeps:
396                all_p, best = self.tinfoil.get_runtime_providers(rdep)
397                if all_p:
398                    if f in all_p:
399                        # The recipe provides this one itself, ignore
400                        continue
401                    self.check_cross_depends("RDEPENDS", layername, f, best, args.filenames, ignore_layers)
403            # The RRECOMMENDS
404            all_rrecs = self.tinfoil.cooker_data.runrecs[f].values()
405            # Remove the duplicated or null one.
406            sorted_rrecs = {}
407            # The all_rrecs is the list in list, so we need two for loops
408            for k1 in all_rrecs:
409                for k2 in k1:
410                    sorted_rrecs[k2] = 1
411            all_rrecs = sorted_rrecs.keys()
412            for rrec in all_rrecs:
413                all_p, best = self.tinfoil.get_runtime_providers(rrec)
414                if all_p:
415                    if f in all_p:
416                        # The recipe provides this one itself, ignore
417                        continue
418                    self.check_cross_depends("RRECOMMENDS", layername, f, best, args.filenames, ignore_layers)
420            # The inherit class
421            cls_re = re.compile('classes.*/')
422            if f in self.tinfoil.cooker_data.inherits:
423                inherits = self.tinfoil.cooker_data.inherits[f]
424                for cls in inherits:
425                    # The inherits' format is [classes/cls, /path/to/classes/cls]
426                    # ignore the classes/cls.
427                    if not cls_re.match(cls):
428                        classname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cls))[0]
429                        if classname in global_inherit:
430                            continue
431                        inherit_layername = self.get_file_layer(cls)
432                        if inherit_layername != layername and not inherit_layername in ignore_layers:
433                            if not args.filenames:
434                                f_short = self.remove_layer_prefix(f)
435                                cls = self.remove_layer_prefix(cls)
436                            else:
437                                f_short = f
438                            logger.plain("%s inherits %s" % (f_short, cls))
440            # The 'require/include xxx' in the bb file
441            pv_re = re.compile(r"\${PV}")
442            with open(f, 'r') as fnfile:
443                line = fnfile.readline()
444                while line:
445                    m, keyword = self.match_require_include(line)
446                    # Found the 'require/include xxxx'
447                    if m:
448                        needed_file = m.group(1)
449                        # Replace the ${PV} with the real PV
450                        if pv_re.search(needed_file) and f in self.tinfoil.cooker_data.pkg_pepvpr:
451                            pv = self.tinfoil.cooker_data.pkg_pepvpr[f][1]
452                            needed_file = re.sub(r"\${PV}", pv, needed_file)
453                        self.print_cross_files(bbpath, keyword, layername, f, needed_file, args.filenames, ignore_layers)
454                    line = fnfile.readline()
456        # The "require/include xxx" in conf/machine/*.conf, .inc and .bbclass
457        conf_re = re.compile(r".*/conf/machine/[^\/]*\.conf$")
458        inc_re = re.compile(r".*\.inc$")
459        # The "inherit xxx" in .bbclass
460        bbclass_re = re.compile(r".*\.bbclass$")
461        for layerdir in self.bblayers:
462            layername = self.get_layer_name(layerdir)
463            for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(layerdir):
464                for name in filenames:
465                    f = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
466                    s = conf_re.match(f) or inc_re.match(f) or bbclass_re.match(f)
467                    if s:
468                        with open(f, 'r') as ffile:
469                            line = ffile.readline()
470                            while line:
471                                m, keyword = self.match_require_include(line)
472                                # Only bbclass has the "inherit xxx" here.
473                                bbclass=""
474                                if not m and f.endswith(".bbclass"):
475                                    m, keyword = self.match_inherit(line)
476                                    bbclass=".bbclass"
477                                # Find a 'require/include xxxx'
478                                if m:
479                                    self.print_cross_files(bbpath, keyword, layername, f, m.group(1) + bbclass, args.filenames, ignore_layers)
480                                line = ffile.readline()
482    def print_cross_files(self, bbpath, keyword, layername, f, needed_filename, show_filenames, ignore_layers):
483        """Print the depends that crosses a layer boundary"""
484        needed_file = bb.utils.which(bbpath, needed_filename)
485        if needed_file:
486            # Which layer is this file from
487            needed_layername = self.get_file_layer(needed_file)
488            if needed_layername != layername and not needed_layername in ignore_layers:
489                if not show_filenames:
490                    f = self.remove_layer_prefix(f)
491                    needed_file = self.remove_layer_prefix(needed_file)
492                logger.plain("%s %s %s" %(f, keyword, needed_file))
494    def match_inherit(self, line):
495        """Match the inherit xxx line"""
496        return (self.inherit_re.match(line), "inherits")
498    def match_require_include(self, line):
499        """Match the require/include xxx line"""
500        m = self.require_re.match(line)
501        keyword = "requires"
502        if not m:
503            m = self.include_re.match(line)
504            keyword = "includes"
505        return (m, keyword)
507    def check_cross_depends(self, keyword, layername, f, needed_file, show_filenames, ignore_layers):
508        """Print the DEPENDS/RDEPENDS file that crosses a layer boundary"""
509        best_realfn = bb.cache.virtualfn2realfn(needed_file)[0]
510        needed_layername = self.get_file_layer(best_realfn)
511        if needed_layername != layername and not needed_layername in ignore_layers:
512            if not show_filenames:
513                f = self.remove_layer_prefix(f)
514                best_realfn = self.remove_layer_prefix(best_realfn)
516            logger.plain("%s %s %s" % (f, keyword, best_realfn))
518    def register_commands(self, sp):
519        self.add_command(sp, 'show-layers', self.do_show_layers, parserecipes=False)
521        parser_show_overlayed = self.add_command(sp, 'show-overlayed', self.do_show_overlayed)
522        parser_show_overlayed.add_argument('-f', '--filenames', help='instead of the default formatting, list filenames of higher priority recipes with the ones they overlay indented underneath', action='store_true')
523        parser_show_overlayed.add_argument('-s', '--same-version', help='only list overlayed recipes where the version is the same', action='store_true')
524        parser_show_overlayed.add_argument('--mc', help='use specified multiconfig', default='')
526        parser_show_recipes = self.add_command(sp, 'show-recipes', self.do_show_recipes)
527        parser_show_recipes.add_argument('-f', '--filenames', help='instead of the default formatting, list filenames of higher priority recipes with the ones they overlay indented underneath', action='store_true')
528        parser_show_recipes.add_argument('-r', '--recipes-only', help='instead of the default formatting, list recipes only', action='store_true')
529        parser_show_recipes.add_argument('-m', '--multiple', help='only list where multiple recipes (in the same layer or different layers) exist for the same recipe name', action='store_true')
530        parser_show_recipes.add_argument('-i', '--inherits', help='only list recipes that inherit the named class(es) - separate multiple classes using , (without spaces)', metavar='CLASS', default='')
531        parser_show_recipes.add_argument('-l', '--layer', help='only list recipes from the selected layer', default='')
532        parser_show_recipes.add_argument('-b', '--bare', help='output just names without the "(skipped)" marker', action='store_true')
533        parser_show_recipes.add_argument('--mc', help='use specified multiconfig', default='')
534        parser_show_recipes.add_argument('pnspec', nargs='*', help='optional recipe name specification (wildcards allowed, enclose in quotes to avoid shell expansion)')
536        parser_show_appends = self.add_command(sp, 'show-appends', self.do_show_appends)
537        parser_show_appends.add_argument('pnspec', nargs='*', help='optional recipe name specification (wildcards allowed, enclose in quotes to avoid shell expansion)')
538        parser_show_appends.add_argument('--mc', help='use specified multiconfig', default='')
540        parser_show_cross_depends = self.add_command(sp, 'show-cross-depends', self.do_show_cross_depends)
541        parser_show_cross_depends.add_argument('-f', '--filenames', help='show full file path', action='store_true')
542        parser_show_cross_depends.add_argument('-i', '--ignore', help='ignore dependencies on items in the specified layer(s) (split multiple layer names with commas, no spaces)', metavar='LAYERNAME')