2    "runtime_core-image-minimal:qemuarm_20181225195701": {
3        "configuration": {
4            "DISTRO": "poky",
5            "HOST_DISTRO": "ubuntu-16.04",
6            "IMAGE_BASENAME": "core-image-minimal",
7            "IMAGE_PKGTYPE": "rpm",
8            "LAYERS": {
9                "meta": {
10                    "branch": "master",
11                    "commit": "801745d918e83f976c706f29669779f5b292ade3",
12                    "commit_count": 52782
13                },
14                "meta-poky": {
15                    "branch": "master",
16                    "commit": "801745d918e83f976c706f29669779f5b292ade3",
17                    "commit_count": 52782
18                },
19                "meta-yocto-bsp": {
20                    "branch": "master",
21                    "commit": "801745d918e83f976c706f29669779f5b292ade3",
22                    "commit_count": 52782
23                }
24            },
25            "MACHINE": "qemuarm",
26            "STARTTIME": "20181225195701",
27            "TEST_TYPE": "runtime"
28        },
29        "result": {
30            "apt.AptRepoTest.test_apt_install_from_repo": {
31                "log": "Test requires apt to be installed",
32                "status": "PASSED"
33            },
34            "buildcpio.BuildCpioTest.test_cpio": {
35                "log": "Test requires autoconf to be installed",
36                "status": "ERROR"
37            }
38        }
39    }