xref: /openbmc/openbmc/poky/bitbake/lib/toaster/bldcontrol/localhostbecontroller.py (revision f1e5d6968976c2341c6d554bfcc8895f1b33c26b)
2# BitBake Toaster Implementation
4# Copyright (C) 2014        Intel Corporation
6# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
9import os
10import re
11import shutil
12import time
13from bldcontrol.models import BuildEnvironment, BuildRequest, Build
14from orm.models import CustomImageRecipe, Layer, Layer_Version, Project, ToasterSetting
15from orm.models import signal_runbuilds
16import subprocess
18from toastermain import settings
20from bldcontrol.bbcontroller import BuildEnvironmentController, ShellCmdException, BuildSetupException
22import logging
23logger = logging.getLogger("toaster")
25install_dir = os.environ.get('TOASTER_DIR')
27from pprint import pformat
29class LocalhostBEController(BuildEnvironmentController):
30    """ Implementation of the BuildEnvironmentController for the localhost;
31        this controller manages the default build directory,
32        the server setup and system start and stop for the localhost-type build environment
34    """
36    def __init__(self, be):
37        super(LocalhostBEController, self).__init__(be)
38        self.pokydirname = None
39        self.islayerset = False
41    def _shellcmd(self, command, cwd=None, nowait=False,env=None):
42        if cwd is None:
43            cwd = self.be.sourcedir
44        if env is None:
45            env=os.environ.copy()
47        logger.debug("lbc_shellcmd: (%s) %s" % (cwd, command))
48        p = subprocess.Popen(command, cwd = cwd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
49        if nowait:
50            return
51        (out,err) = p.communicate()
52        p.wait()
53        if p.returncode:
54            if len(err) == 0:
55                err = "command: %s \n%s" % (command, out)
56            else:
57                err = "command: %s \n%s" % (command, err)
58            logger.warning("localhostbecontroller: shellcmd error %s" % err)
59            raise ShellCmdException(err)
60        else:
61            logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: shellcmd success")
62            return out.decode('utf-8')
64    def getGitCloneDirectory(self, url, branch):
65        """Construct unique clone directory name out of url and branch."""
66        if branch != "HEAD":
67            return "_toaster_clones/_%s_%s" % (re.sub('[:/@+%]', '_', url), branch)
69        # word of attention; this is a localhost-specific issue; only on the localhost we expect to have "HEAD" releases
70        # which _ALWAYS_ means the current poky checkout
71        from os.path import dirname as DN
72        local_checkout_path = DN(DN(DN(DN(DN(os.path.abspath(__file__))))))
73        #logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: using HEAD checkout in %s" % local_checkout_path)
74        return local_checkout_path
76    def setCloneStatus(self,bitbake,status,total,current,repo_name):
77        bitbake.req.build.repos_cloned=current
78        bitbake.req.build.repos_to_clone=total
79        bitbake.req.build.progress_item=repo_name
80        bitbake.req.build.save()
82    def setLayers(self, bitbake, layers, targets):
83        """ a word of attention: by convention, the first layer for any build will be poky! """
85        assert self.be.sourcedir is not None
87        layerlist = []
88        nongitlayerlist = []
89        layer_index = 0
90        git_env = os.environ.copy()
91        # (note: add custom environment settings here)
93        # set layers in the layersource
95        # 1. get a list of repos with branches, and map dirpaths for each layer
96        gitrepos = {}
98        # if we're using a remotely fetched version of bitbake add its git
99        # details to the list of repos to clone
100        if bitbake.giturl and bitbake.commit:
101            gitrepos[(bitbake.giturl, bitbake.commit)] = []
102            gitrepos[(bitbake.giturl, bitbake.commit)].append(
103                ("bitbake", bitbake.dirpath, 0))
105        for layer in layers:
106            # We don't need to git clone the layer for the CustomImageRecipe
107            # as it's generated by us layer on if needed
108            if CustomImageRecipe.LAYER_NAME in layer.name:
109                continue
111            # If we have local layers then we don't need clone them
112            # For local layers giturl will be empty
113            if not layer.giturl:
114                nongitlayerlist.append( "%03d:%s" % (layer_index,layer.local_source_dir) )
115                continue
117            if not (layer.giturl, layer.commit) in gitrepos:
118                gitrepos[(layer.giturl, layer.commit)] = []
119            gitrepos[(layer.giturl, layer.commit)].append( (layer.name,layer.dirpath,layer_index) )
120            layer_index += 1
123        logger.debug("localhostbecontroller, our git repos are %s" % pformat(gitrepos))
126        # 2. Note for future use if the current source directory is a
127        # checked-out git repos that could match a layer's vcs_url and therefore
128        # be used to speed up cloning (rather than fetching it again).
130        cached_layers = {}
132        try:
133            for remotes in self._shellcmd("git remote -v", self.be.sourcedir,env=git_env).split("\n"):
134                try:
135                    remote = remotes.split("\t")[1].split(" ")[0]
136                    if remote not in cached_layers:
137                        cached_layers[remote] = self.be.sourcedir
138                except IndexError:
139                    pass
140        except ShellCmdException:
141            # ignore any errors in collecting git remotes this is an optional
142            # step
143            pass
145        logger.info("Using pre-checked out source for layer %s", cached_layers)
147        # 3. checkout the repositories
148        clone_count=0
149        clone_total=len(gitrepos.keys())
150        self.setCloneStatus(bitbake,'Started',clone_total,clone_count,'')
151        for giturl, commit in gitrepos.keys():
152            self.setCloneStatus(bitbake,'progress',clone_total,clone_count,gitrepos[(giturl, commit)][0][0])
153            clone_count += 1
155            localdirname = os.path.join(self.be.sourcedir, self.getGitCloneDirectory(giturl, commit))
156            logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: giturl %s:%s checking out in current directory %s" % (giturl, commit, localdirname))
158            # see if our directory is a git repository
159            if os.path.exists(localdirname):
160                try:
161                    localremotes = self._shellcmd("git remote -v",
162                                                  localdirname,env=git_env)
163                    # NOTE: this nice-to-have check breaks when using git remaping to get past firewall
164                    #       Re-enable later with .gitconfig remapping checks
165                    #if not giturl in localremotes and commit != 'HEAD':
166                    #    raise BuildSetupException("Existing git repository at %s, but with different remotes ('%s', expected '%s'). Toaster will not continue out of fear of damaging something." % (localdirname, ", ".join(localremotes.split("\n")), giturl))
167                    pass
168                except ShellCmdException:
169                    # our localdirname might not be a git repository
170                    #- that's fine
171                    pass
172            else:
173                if giturl in cached_layers:
174                    logger.debug("localhostbecontroller git-copying %s to %s" % (cached_layers[giturl], localdirname))
175                    self._shellcmd("git clone \"%s\" \"%s\"" % (cached_layers[giturl], localdirname),env=git_env)
176                    self._shellcmd("git remote remove origin", localdirname,env=git_env)
177                    self._shellcmd("git remote add origin \"%s\"" % giturl, localdirname,env=git_env)
178                else:
179                    logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: cloning %s in %s" % (giturl, localdirname))
180                    self._shellcmd('git clone "%s" "%s"' % (giturl, localdirname),env=git_env)
182            # branch magic name "HEAD" will inhibit checkout
183            if commit != "HEAD":
184                logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: checking out commit %s to %s " % (commit, localdirname))
185                ref = commit if re.match('^[a-fA-F0-9]+$', commit) else 'origin/%s' % commit
186                self._shellcmd('git fetch && git reset --hard "%s"' % ref, localdirname,env=git_env)
188            # take the localdirname as poky dir if we can find the oe-init-build-env
189            if self.pokydirname is None and os.path.exists(os.path.join(localdirname, "oe-init-build-env")):
190                logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: selected poky dir name %s" % localdirname)
191                self.pokydirname = localdirname
193                # make sure we have a working bitbake
194                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.pokydirname, 'bitbake')):
195                    logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: checking bitbake into the poky dirname %s " % self.pokydirname)
196                    self._shellcmd("git clone -b \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" " % (bitbake.commit, bitbake.giturl, os.path.join(self.pokydirname, 'bitbake')),env=git_env)
198            # verify our repositories
199            for name, dirpath, index in gitrepos[(giturl, commit)]:
200                localdirpath = os.path.join(localdirname, dirpath)
201                logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: localdirpath expects '%s'" % localdirpath)
202                if not os.path.exists(localdirpath):
203                    raise BuildSetupException("Cannot find layer git path '%s' in checked out repository '%s:%s'. Exiting." % (localdirpath, giturl, commit))
205                if name != "bitbake":
206                    layerlist.append("%03d:%s" % (index,localdirpath.rstrip("/")))
208        self.setCloneStatus(bitbake,'complete',clone_total,clone_count,'')
209        logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: current layer list %s " % pformat(layerlist))
211        # Resolve self.pokydirname if not resolved yet, consider the scenario
212        # where all layers are local, that's the else clause
213        if self.pokydirname is None:
214            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.be.sourcedir, "oe-init-build-env")):
215                logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: selected poky dir name %s" % self.be.sourcedir)
216                self.pokydirname = self.be.sourcedir
217            else:
218                # Alternatively, scan local layers for relative "oe-init-build-env" location
219                for layer in layers:
220                    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(layer.layer_version.layer.local_source_dir,"..","oe-init-build-env")):
221                        logger.debug("localhostbecontroller, setting pokydirname to %s" % (layer.layer_version.layer.local_source_dir))
222                        self.pokydirname = os.path.join(layer.layer_version.layer.local_source_dir,"..")
223                        break
224                else:
225                    logger.error("pokydirname is not set, you will run into trouble!")
227        # 5. create custom layer and add custom recipes to it
228        for target in targets:
229            try:
230                customrecipe = CustomImageRecipe.objects.get(
231                    name=target.target,
232                    project=bitbake.req.project)
234                custom_layer_path = self.setup_custom_image_recipe(
235                    customrecipe, layers)
237                if os.path.isdir(custom_layer_path):
238                    layerlist.append("%03d:%s" % (layer_index,custom_layer_path))
240            except CustomImageRecipe.DoesNotExist:
241                continue  # not a custom recipe, skip
243        layerlist.extend(nongitlayerlist)
244        logger.debug("\n\nset layers gives this list %s" % pformat(layerlist))
245        self.islayerset = True
247        # restore the order of layer list for bblayers.conf
248        layerlist.sort()
249        sorted_layerlist = [l[4:] for l in layerlist]
250        return sorted_layerlist
252    def setup_custom_image_recipe(self, customrecipe, layers):
253        """ Set up toaster-custom-images layer and recipe files """
254        layerpath = os.path.join(self.be.builddir,
255                                 CustomImageRecipe.LAYER_NAME)
257        # create directory structure
258        for name in ("conf", "recipes"):
259            path = os.path.join(layerpath, name)
260            if not os.path.isdir(path):
261                os.makedirs(path)
263        # create layer.conf
264        config = os.path.join(layerpath, "conf", "layer.conf")
265        if not os.path.isfile(config):
266            with open(config, "w") as conf:
267                conf.write('BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}"\nBBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes/*.bb"\n')
269        # Update the Layer_Version dirpath that has our base_recipe in
270        # to be able to read the base recipe to then  generate the
271        # custom recipe.
272        br_layer_base_recipe = layers.get(
273            layer_version=customrecipe.base_recipe.layer_version)
275        # If the layer is one that we've cloned we know where it lives
276        if br_layer_base_recipe.giturl and br_layer_base_recipe.commit:
277            layer_path = self.getGitCloneDirectory(
278                br_layer_base_recipe.giturl,
279                br_layer_base_recipe.commit)
280        # Otherwise it's a local layer
281        elif br_layer_base_recipe.local_source_dir:
282            layer_path = br_layer_base_recipe.local_source_dir
283        else:
284            logger.error("Unable to workout the dir path for the custom"
285                         " image recipe")
287        br_layer_base_dirpath = os.path.join(
288            self.be.sourcedir,
289            layer_path,
290            customrecipe.base_recipe.layer_version.dirpath)
292        customrecipe.base_recipe.layer_version.dirpath = br_layer_base_dirpath
294        customrecipe.base_recipe.layer_version.save()
296        # create recipe
297        recipe_path = os.path.join(layerpath, "recipes", "%s.bb" %
298                                   customrecipe.name)
299        with open(recipe_path, "w") as recipef:
300            recipef.write(customrecipe.generate_recipe_file_contents())
302        # Update the layer and recipe objects
303        customrecipe.layer_version.dirpath = layerpath
304        customrecipe.layer_version.layer.local_source_dir = layerpath
305        customrecipe.layer_version.layer.save()
306        customrecipe.layer_version.save()
308        customrecipe.file_path = recipe_path
309        customrecipe.save()
311        return layerpath
314    def readServerLogFile(self):
315        return open(os.path.join(self.be.builddir, "toaster_server.log"), "r").read()
318    def triggerBuild(self, bitbake, layers, variables, targets, brbe):
319        layers = self.setLayers(bitbake, layers, targets)
320        is_merged_attr = bitbake.req.project.merged_attr
322        git_env = os.environ.copy()
323        # (note: add custom environment settings here)
324        try:
325            # insure that the project init/build uses the selected bitbake, and not Toaster's
326            del git_env['TEMPLATECONF']
327            del git_env['BBBASEDIR']
328            del git_env['BUILDDIR']
329        except KeyError:
330            pass
332        # init build environment from the clone
333        if bitbake.req.project.builddir:
334            builddir = bitbake.req.project.builddir
335        else:
336            builddir = '%s-toaster-%d' % (self.be.builddir, bitbake.req.project.id)
337        oe_init = os.path.join(self.pokydirname, 'oe-init-build-env')
338        # init build environment
339        try:
340            custom_script = ToasterSetting.objects.get(name="CUSTOM_BUILD_INIT_SCRIPT").value
341            custom_script = custom_script.replace("%BUILDDIR%" ,builddir)
342            self._shellcmd("bash -c 'source %s'" % (custom_script),env=git_env)
343        except ToasterSetting.DoesNotExist:
344            self._shellcmd("bash -c 'source %s %s'" % (oe_init, builddir),
345                       self.be.sourcedir,env=git_env)
347        # update bblayers.conf
348        if not is_merged_attr:
349            bblconfpath = os.path.join(builddir, "conf/toaster-bblayers.conf")
350            with open(bblconfpath, 'w') as bblayers:
351                bblayers.write('# line added by toaster build control\n'
352                               'BBLAYERS = "%s"' % ' '.join(layers))
354            # write configuration file
355            confpath = os.path.join(builddir, 'conf/toaster.conf')
356            with open(confpath, 'w') as conf:
357                for var in variables:
358                    conf.write('%s="%s"\n' % (var.name, var.value))
359                conf.write('INHERIT+="toaster buildhistory"')
360        else:
361            # Append the Toaster-specific values directly to the bblayers.conf
362            bblconfpath = os.path.join(builddir, "conf/bblayers.conf")
363            bblconfpath_save = os.path.join(builddir, "conf/bblayers.conf.save")
364            shutil.copyfile(bblconfpath, bblconfpath_save)
365            with open(bblconfpath) as bblayers:
366                content = bblayers.readlines()
367            do_write = True
368            was_toaster = False
369            with open(bblconfpath,'w') as bblayers:
370                for line in content:
371                    #line = line.strip('\n')
372                    if 'TOASTER_CONFIG_PROLOG' in line:
373                        do_write = False
374                        was_toaster = True
375                    elif 'TOASTER_CONFIG_EPILOG' in line:
376                        do_write = True
377                    elif do_write:
378                        bblayers.write(line)
379                if not was_toaster:
380                    bblayers.write('\n')
381                bblayers.write('#=== TOASTER_CONFIG_PROLOG ===\n')
382                bblayers.write('BBLAYERS = "\\\n')
383                for layer in layers:
384                    bblayers.write('  %s \\\n' % layer)
385                bblayers.write('  "\n')
386                bblayers.write('#=== TOASTER_CONFIG_EPILOG ===\n')
387            # Append the Toaster-specific values directly to the local.conf
388            bbconfpath = os.path.join(builddir, "conf/local.conf")
389            bbconfpath_save = os.path.join(builddir, "conf/local.conf.save")
390            shutil.copyfile(bbconfpath, bbconfpath_save)
391            with open(bbconfpath) as f:
392                content = f.readlines()
393            do_write = True
394            was_toaster = False
395            with open(bbconfpath,'w') as conf:
396                for line in content:
397                    #line = line.strip('\n')
398                    if 'TOASTER_CONFIG_PROLOG' in line:
399                        do_write = False
400                        was_toaster = True
401                    elif 'TOASTER_CONFIG_EPILOG' in line:
402                        do_write = True
403                    elif do_write:
404                        conf.write(line)
405                if not was_toaster:
406                    conf.write('\n')
407                conf.write('#=== TOASTER_CONFIG_PROLOG ===\n')
408                for var in variables:
409                    if (not var.name.startswith("INTERNAL_")) and (not var.name == "BBLAYERS"):
410                        conf.write('%s="%s"\n' % (var.name, var.value))
411                conf.write('#=== TOASTER_CONFIG_EPILOG ===\n')
413        # If 'target' is just the project preparation target, then we are done
414        for target in targets:
415            if "_PROJECT_PREPARE_" == target.target:
416                logger.debug('localhostbecontroller: Project has been prepared. Done.')
417                # Update the Build Request and release the build environment
418                bitbake.req.state = BuildRequest.REQ_COMPLETED
419                bitbake.req.save()
420                self.be.lock = BuildEnvironment.LOCK_FREE
421                self.be.save()
422                # Close the project build and progress bar
423                bitbake.req.build.outcome = Build.SUCCEEDED
424                bitbake.req.build.save()
425                # Update the project status
426                bitbake.req.project.set_variable(Project.PROJECT_SPECIFIC_STATUS,Project.PROJECT_SPECIFIC_CLONING_SUCCESS)
427                signal_runbuilds()
428                return
430        # clean the Toaster to build environment
431        env_clean = 'unset BBPATH;' # clean BBPATH for <= YP-2.4.0
433        # run bitbake server from the clone if available
434        # otherwise pick it from the PATH
435        bitbake = os.path.join(self.pokydirname, 'bitbake', 'bin', 'bitbake')
436        if not os.path.exists(bitbake):
437            logger.info("Bitbake not available under %s, will try to use it from PATH" %
438                        self.pokydirname)
439            for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
440                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'bitbake')):
441                    bitbake = os.path.join(path, 'bitbake')
442                    break
443            else:
444                logger.error("Looks like Bitbake is not available, please fix your environment")
446        toasterlayers = os.path.join(builddir,"conf/toaster-bblayers.conf")
447        if not is_merged_attr:
448            self._shellcmd('%s bash -c \"source %s %s; BITBAKE_UI="knotty" %s --read %s --read %s '
449                           '--server-only -B\"' % (env_clean, oe_init,
450                           builddir, bitbake, confpath, toasterlayers), self.be.sourcedir)
451        else:
452            self._shellcmd('%s bash -c \"source %s %s; BITBAKE_UI="knotty" %s '
453                           '--server-only -B\"' % (env_clean, oe_init,
454                           builddir, bitbake), self.be.sourcedir)
456        # read port number from bitbake.lock
457        self.be.bbport = -1
458        bblock = os.path.join(builddir, 'bitbake.lock')
459        # allow 10 seconds for bb lock file to appear but also be populated
460        for lock_check in range(10):
461            if not os.path.exists(bblock):
462                logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: waiting for bblock file to appear")
463                time.sleep(1)
464                continue
465            if 10 < os.stat(bblock).st_size:
466                break
467            logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: waiting for bblock content to appear")
468            time.sleep(1)
469        else:
470            raise BuildSetupException("Cannot find bitbake server lock file '%s'. Exiting." % bblock)
472        with open(bblock) as fplock:
473            for line in fplock:
474                if ":" in line:
475                    self.be.bbport = line.split(":")[-1].strip()
476                    logger.debug("localhostbecontroller: bitbake port %s", self.be.bbport)
477                    break
479        if -1 == self.be.bbport:
480            raise BuildSetupException("localhostbecontroller: can't read bitbake port from %s" % bblock)
482        self.be.bbaddress = "localhost"
483        self.be.bbstate = BuildEnvironment.SERVER_STARTED
484        self.be.lock = BuildEnvironment.LOCK_RUNNING
485        self.be.save()
487        bbtargets = ''
488        for target in targets:
489            task = target.task
490            if task:
491                if not task.startswith('do_'):
492                    task = 'do_' + task
493                task = ':%s' % task
494            bbtargets += '%s%s ' % (target.target, task)
496        # run build with local bitbake. stop the server after the build.
497        log = os.path.join(builddir, 'toaster_ui.log')
498        local_bitbake = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.getenv('BBBASEDIR')),
499                                     'bitbake')
500        if not is_merged_attr:
501            self._shellcmd(['%s bash -c \"(TOASTER_BRBE="%s" BBSERVER="" '
502                        '%s %s -u toasterui  --read %s --read %s --token="" >>%s 2>&1;'
503                        'BITBAKE_UI="knotty" BBSERVER= %s -m)&\"' \
504                        % (env_clean, brbe, self.be.bbport, local_bitbake, bbtargets, confpath, toasterlayers, log,
505                        self.be.bbport, bitbake,)],
506                        builddir, nowait=True)
507        else:
508            self._shellcmd(['%s bash -c \"(TOASTER_BRBE="%s" BBSERVER="" '
509                        '%s %s -u toasterui  --token="" >>%s 2>&1;'
510                        'BITBAKE_UI="knotty" BBSERVER= %s -m)&\"' \
511                        % (env_clean, brbe, self.be.bbport, local_bitbake, bbtargets, log,
512                        self.be.bbport, bitbake,)],
513                        builddir, nowait=True)
515        logger.debug('localhostbecontroller: Build launched, exiting. '
516                     'Follow build logs at %s' % log)