import api from '@/store/api'; import i18n from '@/i18n'; const FirmwareStore = { namespaced: true, state: { bmcFirmware: [], hostFirmware: [], bmcActiveFirmwareId: null, hostActiveFirmwareId: null, applyTime: null, multipartHttpPushUri: null, httpPushUri: null, }, getters: { isSingleFileUploadEnabled: (state) => state.hostFirmware.length === 0, activeBmcFirmware: (state) => { return state.bmcFirmware.find( (firmware) => === state.bmcActiveFirmwareId, ); }, activeHostFirmware: (state) => { return state.hostFirmware.find( (firmware) => === state.hostActiveFirmwareId, ); }, backupBmcFirmware: (state) => { return state.bmcFirmware.find( (firmware) => !== state.bmcActiveFirmwareId, ); }, backupHostFirmware: (state) => { return state.hostFirmware.find( (firmware) => !== state.hostActiveFirmwareId, ); }, }, mutations: { setActiveBmcFirmwareId: (state, id) => (state.bmcActiveFirmwareId = id), setActiveHostFirmwareId: (state, id) => (state.hostActiveFirmwareId = id), setBmcFirmware: (state, firmware) => (state.bmcFirmware = firmware), setHostFirmware: (state, firmware) => (state.hostFirmware = firmware), setApplyTime: (state, applyTime) => (state.applyTime = applyTime), setHttpPushUri: (state, httpPushUri) => (state.httpPushUri = httpPushUri), setMultipartHttpPushUri: (state, multipartHttpPushUri) => (state.multipartHttpPushUri = multipartHttpPushUri), }, actions: { async getFirmwareInformation({ dispatch }) { dispatch('getActiveHostFirmware'); dispatch('getActiveBmcFirmware'); return await dispatch('getFirmwareInventory'); }, async getActiveBmcFirmware({ commit }) { return api .get(`${await this.dispatch('global/getBmcPath')}`) .then(({ data: { Links } }) => { const id = Links?.ActiveSoftwareImage[''].split('/').pop(); commit('setActiveBmcFirmwareId', id); }) .catch((error) => console.log(error)); }, async getActiveHostFirmware({ commit }) { return api .get(`${await this.dispatch('global/getSystemPath')}/Bios`) .then(({ data: { Links } }) => { const id = Links?.ActiveSoftwareImage[''].split('/').pop(); commit('setActiveHostFirmwareId', id); }) .catch((error) => console.log(error)); }, async getFirmwareInventory({ commit }) { const inventoryList = await api .get('/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory') .then(({ data: { Members = [] } = {} }) => => api.get(item[''])), ) .catch((error) => console.log(error)); await api .all(inventoryList) .then((response) => { const bmcFirmware = []; const hostFirmware = []; response.forEach(({ data }) => { const firmwareType = data?.RelatedItem?.[0]?.[''] .split('/') .pop(); const item = { version: data?.Version, id: data?.Id, location: data?.[''], status: data?.Status?.Health, }; if (firmwareType === 'bmc') { bmcFirmware.push(item); } else if (firmwareType === 'Bios') { hostFirmware.push(item); } }); commit('setBmcFirmware', bmcFirmware); commit('setHostFirmware', hostFirmware); }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); }); }, getUpdateServiceSettings({ commit }) { api .get('/redfish/v1/UpdateService') .then(({ data }) => { const applyTime = data.HttpPushUriOptions.HttpPushUriApplyTime.ApplyTime; commit('setApplyTime', applyTime); const httpPushUri = data.HttpPushUri; commit('setHttpPushUri', httpPushUri); const multipartHttpPushUri = data.MultipartHttpPushUri; commit('setMultipartHttpPushUri', multipartHttpPushUri); }) .catch((error) => console.log(error)); }, async uploadFirmware({ state, dispatch }, params) { if (state.multipartHttpPushUri != null) { return dispatch('uploadFirmwareMultipartHttpPush', params); } else if (state.httpPushUri != null) { return dispatch('uploadFirmwareHttpPush', params); } else { console.log('Do not support firmware push update'); } }, async uploadFirmwareHttpPush({ state }, { image }) { return await api .post(state.httpPushUri, image, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream' }, }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); throw new Error('pageFirmware.toast.errorUpdateFirmware'), ); }); }, async uploadFirmwareMultipartHttpPush({ state }, { image, targets }) { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('UpdateFile', image); let params = {}; if (targets != null && targets.length > 0) { params.Targets = targets; } else { // TODO: Should be OK to leave Targets out, remove this clause // when bmcweb is updated params.Targets = [`${await this.dispatch('global/getBmcPath')}`]; } formData.append('UpdateParameters', JSON.stringify(params)); return await api .post(state.multipartHttpPushUri, formData, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' }, }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); throw new Error('pageFirmware.toast.errorUpdateFirmware'), ); }); }, async switchBmcFirmwareAndReboot({ getters }) { const backupLocation = getters.backupBmcFirmware.location; const data = { Links: { ActiveSoftwareImage: { '': backupLocation, }, }, }; return await api .patch(`${await this.dispatch('global/getBmcPath')}`, data) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); throw new Error('pageFirmware.toast.errorSwitchImages'), ); }); }, }, }; export default FirmwareStore;