/* * (C) Copyright 2010 * Texas Instruments, <www.ti.com> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #ifndef TWL6030_H #define TWL6030_H #include <common.h> #include <i2c.h> /* I2C chip addresses */ #define TWL6030_CHIP_PM 0x48 #define TWL6030_CHIP_USB 0x49 #define TWL6030_CHIP_ADC 0x49 #define TWL6030_CHIP_CHARGER 0x49 #define TWL6030_CHIP_PWM 0x49 /* Slave Address 0x48 */ #define VMMC_CFG_STATE 0x9A #define VMMC_CFG_VOLTATE 0x9B #define VUSB_CFG_STATE 0xA2 #define MISC1 0xE4 #define VAC_MEAS (1 << 2) #define VBAT_MEAS (1 << 1) #define BB_MEAS (1 << 0) #define MISC2 0xE5 /* Slave Address 0x49 */ /* Battery CHARGER REGISTERS */ #define CONTROLLER_INT_MASK 0xE0 #define CONTROLLER_CTRL1 0xE1 #define CONTROLLER_WDG 0xE2 #define CONTROLLER_STAT1 0xE3 #define CHARGERUSB_INT_STATUS 0xE4 #define CHARGERUSB_INT_MASK 0xE5 #define CHARGERUSB_STATUS_INT1 0xE6 #define CHARGERUSB_STATUS_INT2 0xE7 #define CHARGERUSB_CTRL1 0xE8 #define CHARGERUSB_CTRL2 0xE9 #define CHARGERUSB_CTRL3 0xEA #define CHARGERUSB_STAT1 0xEB #define CHARGERUSB_VOREG 0xEC #define CHARGERUSB_VICHRG 0xED #define CHARGERUSB_CINLIMIT 0xEE #define CHARGERUSB_CTRLLIMIT1 0xEF /* CHARGERUSB_VICHRG */ #define CHARGERUSB_VICHRG_500 0x4 #define CHARGERUSB_VICHRG_1500 0xE /* CHARGERUSB_CINLIMIT */ #define CHARGERUSB_CIN_LIMIT_100 0x1 #define CHARGERUSB_CIN_LIMIT_300 0x5 #define CHARGERUSB_CIN_LIMIT_500 0x9 #define CHARGERUSB_CIN_LIMIT_NONE 0xF /* CONTROLLER_INT_MASK */ #define MVAC_FAULT (1 << 6) #define MAC_EOC (1 << 5) #define MBAT_REMOVED (1 << 4) #define MFAULT_WDG (1 << 3) #define MBAT_TEMP (1 << 2) #define MVBUS_DET (1 << 1) #define MVAC_DET (1 << 0) /* CHARGERUSB_INT_MASK */ #define MASK_MCURRENT_TERM (1 << 3) #define MASK_MCHARGERUSB_STAT (1 << 2) #define MASK_MCHARGERUSB_THMREG (1 << 1) #define MASK_MCHARGERUSB_FAULT (1 << 0) /* CHARGERUSB_VOREG */ #define CHARGERUSB_VOREG_3P52 0x01 #define CHARGERUSB_VOREG_4P0 0x19 #define CHARGERUSB_VOREG_4P2 0x23 #define CHARGERUSB_VOREG_4P76 0x3F /* CHARGERUSB_CTRL1 */ #define SUSPEND_BOOT (1 << 7) #define OPA_MODE (1 << 6) #define HZ_MODE (1 << 5) #define TERM (1 << 4) /* CHARGERUSB_CTRL2 */ #define CHARGERUSB_CTRL2_VITERM_50 (0 << 5) #define CHARGERUSB_CTRL2_VITERM_100 (1 << 5) #define CHARGERUSB_CTRL2_VITERM_150 (2 << 5) #define CHARGERUSB_CTRL2_VITERM_400 (7 << 5) /* CONTROLLER_CTRL1 */ #define CONTROLLER_CTRL1_EN_CHARGER (1 << 4) #define CONTROLLER_CTRL1_SEL_CHARGER (1 << 3) /* CONTROLLER_STAT1 */ #define CHRG_EXTCHRG_STATZ (1 << 7) #define CHRG_DET_N (1 << 5) #define VAC_DET (1 << 3) #define VBUS_DET (1 << 2) #define FG_REG_10 0xCA #define FG_REG_11 0xCB #define TOGGLE1 0x90 #define FGS (1 << 5) #define FGR (1 << 4) #define GPADCS (1 << 1) #define GPADCR (1 << 0) #define CTRL_P2 0x34 #define CTRL_P2_SP2 (1 << 2) #define CTRL_P2_EOCP2 (1 << 1) #define CTRL_P2_BUSY (1 << 0) #define GPCH0_LSB 0x57 #define GPCH0_MSB 0x58 /* Functions to read and write from TWL6030 */ static inline int twl6030_i2c_write_u8(u8 chip_no, u8 reg, u8 val) { return i2c_write(chip_no, reg, 1, &val, 1); } static inline int twl6030_i2c_read_u8(u8 chip_no, u8 reg, u8 *val) { return i2c_read(chip_no, reg, 1, val, 1); } void twl6030_init_battery_charging(void); void twl6030_usb_device_settings(void); void twl6030_start_usb_charging(void); void twl6030_stop_usb_charging(void); int twl6030_get_battery_voltage(void); int twl6030_get_battery_current(void); void twl6030_power_mmc_init(void); #endif /* TWL6030_H */