/* * Configuation settings for the Sentec Cobra Board. * * (C) Copyright 2003 Josef Baumgartner <josef.baumgartner@telex.de> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ /* --- * Version: U-Boot 1.0.0 - initial release for Sentec COBRA5272 board * Date: 2004-03-29 * Author: Florian Schlote * * For a description of configuration options please refer also to the * general u-boot-1.x.x/README file * --- */ /* --- * board/config.h - configuration options, board specific * --- */ #ifndef _CONFIG_COBRA5272_H #define _CONFIG_COBRA5272_H /* --- * Defines processor clock - important for correct timings concerning serial * interface etc. * --- */ #define CONFIG_SYS_CLK 66000000 #define CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_SIZE 16 /* SDRAM size in MB */ /* --- * Enable use of Ethernet * --- */ #define CONFIG_MCFFEC /* Enable Dma Timer */ #define CONFIG_MCFTMR /* --- * Define baudrate for UART1 (console output, tftp, ...) * default value of CONFIG_BAUDRATE for Sentec board: 19200 baud * CONFIG_SYS_BAUDRATE_TABLE defines values that can be selected in u-boot command * interface * --- */ #define CONFIG_MCFUART #define CONFIG_SYS_UART_PORT (0) /* --- * set "#if 0" to "#if 1" if (Hardware)-WATCHDOG should be enabled & change * timeout acc. to your needs * #define CONFIG_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT x , x is timeout in milliseconds, e. g. 10000 * for 10 sec * --- */ #if 0 #define CONFIG_WATCHDOG #define CONFIG_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT 10000 /* timeout in milliseconds */ #endif /* --- * CONFIG_MONITOR_IS_IN_RAM defines if u-boot is started from a different * bootloader residing in flash ('chainloading'); if you want to use * chainloading or want to compile a u-boot binary that can be loaded into * RAM via BDM set * "#if 0" to "#if 1" * You will need a first stage bootloader then, e. g. colilo or a working BDM * cable (Background Debug Mode) * * Setting #if 0: u-boot will start from flash and relocate itself to RAM * * Please do not forget to modify the setting of CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE * in board/cobra5272/config.mk accordingly (#if 0: 0xffe00000; #if 1: 0x20000) * * --- */ #if 0 #define CONFIG_MONITOR_IS_IN_RAM /* monitor is started from a preloader */ #endif /* --- * Configuration for environment * Environment is embedded in u-boot in the second sector of the flash * --- */ #ifndef CONFIG_MONITOR_IS_IN_RAM #define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET 0x4000 #define CONFIG_ENV_SECT_SIZE 0x2000 #else #define CONFIG_ENV_ADDR 0xffe04000 #define CONFIG_ENV_SECT_SIZE 0x2000 #endif #define LDS_BOARD_TEXT \ . = DEFINED(env_offset) ? env_offset : .; \ env/embedded.o(.text); /* * BOOTP options */ #define CONFIG_BOOTP_BOOTFILESIZE #define CONFIG_BOOTP_BOOTPATH #define CONFIG_BOOTP_GATEWAY #define CONFIG_BOOTP_HOSTNAME /* * Command line configuration. */ #ifdef CONFIG_MCFFEC # define CONFIG_MII 1 # define CONFIG_MII_INIT 1 # define CONFIG_SYS_DISCOVER_PHY # define CONFIG_SYS_RX_ETH_BUFFER 8 # define CONFIG_SYS_FAULT_ECHO_LINK_DOWN # define CONFIG_SYS_FEC0_PINMUX 0 # define CONFIG_SYS_FEC0_MIIBASE CONFIG_SYS_FEC0_IOBASE # define MCFFEC_TOUT_LOOP 50000 /* If CONFIG_SYS_DISCOVER_PHY is not defined - hardcoded */ # ifndef CONFIG_SYS_DISCOVER_PHY # define FECDUPLEX FULL # define FECSPEED _100BASET # else # ifndef CONFIG_SYS_FAULT_ECHO_LINK_DOWN # define CONFIG_SYS_FAULT_ECHO_LINK_DOWN # endif # endif /* CONFIG_SYS_DISCOVER_PHY */ #endif /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Define user parameters that have to be customized most likely *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*AUTOBOOT settings - booting images automatically by u-boot after power on*/ /* The following settings will be contained in the environment block ; if you want to use a neutral environment all those settings can be manually set in u-boot: 'set' command */ #if 0 #define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND "bootm 0xffe80000" /*Autoboto command, please enter a valid image address in flash */ /* User network settings */ #define CONFIG_IPADDR /* default board IP address */ #define CONFIG_SERVERIP /* default tftp server IP address */ #endif #define CONFIG_SYS_LOAD_ADDR 0x20000 /*Defines default RAM address from which user programs will be started */ /*---*/ #define CONFIG_SYS_LONGHELP /* undef to save memory */ /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * End of user parameters to be customized *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- * Defines memory range for test * --- */ #define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_START 0x400 #define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_END 0x380000 /* --- * Low Level Configuration Settings * (address mappings, register initial values, etc.) * You should know what you are doing if you make changes here. * --- */ /* --- * Base register address * --- */ #define CONFIG_SYS_MBAR 0x10000000 /* Register Base Addrs */ /* --- * System Conf. Reg. & System Protection Reg. * --- */ #define CONFIG_SYS_SCR 0x0003 #define CONFIG_SYS_SPR 0xffff /* --- * Ethernet settings * --- */ #define CONFIG_SYS_DISCOVER_PHY #define CONFIG_SYS_ENET_BD_BASE 0x780000 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Definitions for initial stack pointer and data area (in internal SRAM) */ #define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_ADDR 0x20000000 #define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_SIZE 0x1000 /* Size of used area in internal SRAM */ #define CONFIG_SYS_GBL_DATA_OFFSET (CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_SIZE - GENERATED_GBL_DATA_SIZE) #define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_SP_OFFSET CONFIG_SYS_GBL_DATA_OFFSET /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Start addresses for the final memory configuration * (Set up by the startup code) * Please note that CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE _must_ start at 0 */ #define CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE 0x00000000 /* *------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAM SIZE (is defined above) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* #define CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_SIZE 16 */ /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE 0xffe00000 #ifdef CONFIG_MONITOR_IS_IN_RAM #define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_BASE 0x20000 #else #define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_BASE (CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE + 0x400) #endif #define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_LEN 0x20000 #define CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN (256 << 10) #define CONFIG_SYS_BOOTPARAMS_LEN 64*1024 /* * For booting Linux, the board info and command line data * have to be in the first 8 MB of memory, since this is * the maximum mapped by the Linux kernel during initialization ?? */ #define CONFIG_SYS_BOOTMAPSZ (8 << 20) /* Initial Memory map for Linux */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * FLASH organization */ #define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS 1 /* max number of memory banks */ #define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_SECT 11 /* max number of sectors on one chip */ #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT 1000 /* flash timeout */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Cache Configuration */ #define CONFIG_SYS_CACHELINE_SIZE 16 #define ICACHE_STATUS (CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_ADDR + \ CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_SIZE - 8) #define DCACHE_STATUS (CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_ADDR + \ CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_SIZE - 4) #define CONFIG_SYS_ICACHE_INV (CF_CACR_CINV | CF_CACR_INVI) #define CONFIG_SYS_CACHE_ACR0 (CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE | \ CF_ADDRMASK(CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_SIZE) | \ CF_ACR_EN | CF_ACR_SM_ALL) #define CONFIG_SYS_CACHE_ICACR (CF_CACR_CENB | CF_CACR_CINV | \ CF_CACR_DISD | CF_CACR_INVI | \ CF_CACR_CEIB | CF_CACR_DCM | \ CF_CACR_EUSP) /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Memory bank definitions * * Please refer also to Motorola Coldfire user manual - Chapter XXX * <http://e-www.motorola.com/files/dsp/doc/ref_manual/MCF5272UM.pdf> */ #define CONFIG_SYS_BR0_PRELIM 0xFFE00201 #define CONFIG_SYS_OR0_PRELIM 0xFFE00014 #define CONFIG_SYS_BR1_PRELIM 0 #define CONFIG_SYS_OR1_PRELIM 0 #define CONFIG_SYS_BR2_PRELIM 0 #define CONFIG_SYS_OR2_PRELIM 0 #define CONFIG_SYS_BR3_PRELIM 0 #define CONFIG_SYS_OR3_PRELIM 0 #define CONFIG_SYS_BR4_PRELIM 0 #define CONFIG_SYS_OR4_PRELIM 0 #define CONFIG_SYS_BR5_PRELIM 0 #define CONFIG_SYS_OR5_PRELIM 0 #define CONFIG_SYS_BR6_PRELIM 0 #define CONFIG_SYS_OR6_PRELIM 0 #define CONFIG_SYS_BR7_PRELIM 0x00000701 #define CONFIG_SYS_OR7_PRELIM 0xFF00007C /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * LED config */ #define LED_STAT_0 0xffff /*all LEDs off*/ #define LED_STAT_1 0xfffe #define LED_STAT_2 0xfffd #define LED_STAT_3 0xfffb #define LED_STAT_4 0xfff7 #define LED_STAT_5 0xffef #define LED_STAT_6 0xffdf #define LED_STAT_7 0xff00 /*all LEDs on*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Port configuration (GPIO) */ #define CONFIG_SYS_PACNT 0x00000000 /* PortA control reg.: All pins are external GPIO*/ #define CONFIG_SYS_PADDR 0x00FF /* PortA direction reg.: PA7 to PA0 are outputs (1^=output, 0^=input) */ #define CONFIG_SYS_PADAT LED_STAT_0 /* PortA value reg.: Turn all LED off */ #define CONFIG_SYS_PBCNT 0x55554155 /* PortB control reg.: Ethernet/UART configuration */ #define CONFIG_SYS_PBDDR 0x0000 /* PortB direction: All pins configured as inputs */ #define CONFIG_SYS_PBDAT 0x0000 /* PortB value reg. */ #define CONFIG_SYS_PDCNT 0x00000000 /* PortD control reg. */ #endif /* _CONFIG_COBRA5272_H */