/* * (C) Copyright 2012 * Henrik Nordstrom <henrik@henriknordstrom.net> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #include <common.h> #include <command.h> #include <asm/arch/pmic_bus.h> #include <axp_pmic.h> static u8 axp152_mvolt_to_target(int mvolt, int min, int max, int div) { if (mvolt < min) mvolt = min; else if (mvolt > max) mvolt = max; return (mvolt - min) / div; } int axp_set_dcdc2(unsigned int mvolt) { int rc; u8 current, target; target = axp152_mvolt_to_target(mvolt, 700, 2275, 25); /* Do we really need to be this gentle? It has built-in voltage slope */ while ((rc = pmic_bus_read(AXP152_DCDC2_VOLTAGE, ¤t)) == 0 && current != target) { if (current < target) current++; else current--; rc = pmic_bus_write(AXP152_DCDC2_VOLTAGE, current); if (rc) break; } return rc; } int axp_set_dcdc3(unsigned int mvolt) { u8 target = axp152_mvolt_to_target(mvolt, 700, 3500, 50); return pmic_bus_write(AXP152_DCDC3_VOLTAGE, target); } int axp_set_dcdc4(unsigned int mvolt) { u8 target = axp152_mvolt_to_target(mvolt, 700, 3500, 25); return pmic_bus_write(AXP152_DCDC4_VOLTAGE, target); } int axp_set_aldo2(unsigned int mvolt) { u8 target = axp152_mvolt_to_target(mvolt, 700, 3500, 100); return pmic_bus_write(AXP152_LDO2_VOLTAGE, target); } int axp_init(void) { u8 ver; int rc; rc = pmic_bus_init(); if (rc) return rc; rc = pmic_bus_read(AXP152_CHIP_VERSION, &ver); if (rc) return rc; if (ver != 0x05) return -1; return 0; } int do_poweroff(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[]) { pmic_bus_write(AXP152_SHUTDOWN, AXP152_POWEROFF); /* infinite loop during shutdown */ while (1) {} /* not reached */ return 0; }