/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Samsung Electronics * Heungjun Kim <riverful.kim@samsung.com> * Kyungmin Park <kyungmin.park@samsung.com> * Donghwa Lee <dh09.lee@samsung.com> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #include <common.h> #include <lcd.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/gpio.h> #include <asm/arch/cpu.h> #include <asm/arch/pinmux.h> #include <asm/arch/clock.h> #include <asm/arch/mipi_dsim.h> #include <asm/arch/watchdog.h> #include <asm/arch/power.h> #include <power/pmic.h> #include <usb/dwc2_udc.h> #include <power/max8997_pmic.h> #include <power/max8997_muic.h> #include <power/battery.h> #include <power/max17042_fg.h> #include <power/pmic.h> #include <libtizen.h> #include <usb.h> #include <usb_mass_storage.h> #include "setup.h" DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR; unsigned int board_rev; #ifdef CONFIG_REVISION_TAG u32 get_board_rev(void) { return board_rev; } #endif static void check_hw_revision(void); struct dwc2_plat_otg_data s5pc210_otg_data; int exynos_init(void) { check_hw_revision(); printf("HW Revision:\t0x%x\n", board_rev); return 0; } #ifndef CONFIG_DM_I2C /* TODO(maintainer): Convert to driver model */ static void trats_low_power_mode(void) { struct exynos4_clock *clk = (struct exynos4_clock *)samsung_get_base_clock(); struct exynos4_power *pwr = (struct exynos4_power *)samsung_get_base_power(); /* Power down CORE1 */ /* LOCAL_PWR_CFG [1:0] 0x3 EN, 0x0 DIS */ writel(0x0, &pwr->arm_core1_configuration); /* Change the APLL frequency */ /* ENABLE (1 enable) | LOCKED (1 locked) */ /* [31] | [29] */ /* FSEL | MDIV | PDIV | SDIV */ /* [27] | [25:16] | [13:8] | [2:0] */ writel(0xa0c80604, &clk->apll_con0); /* Change CPU0 clock divider */ /* CORE2_RATIO | APLL_RATIO | PCLK_DBG_RATIO | ATB_RATIO */ /* [30:28] | [26:24] | [22:20] | [18:16] */ /* PERIPH_RATIO | COREM1_RATIO | COREM0_RATIO | CORE_RATIO */ /* [14:12] | [10:8] | [6:4] | [2:0] */ writel(0x00000100, &clk->div_cpu0); /* CLK_DIV_STAT_CPU0 - wait until clock gets stable (0 = stable) */ while (readl(&clk->div_stat_cpu0) & 0x1111111) continue; /* Change clock divider ratio for DMC */ /* DMCP_RATIO | DMCD_RATIO */ /* [22:20] | [18:16] */ /* DMC_RATIO | DPHY_RATIO | ACP_PCLK_RATIO | ACP_RATIO */ /* [14:12] | [10:8] | [6:4] | [2:0] */ writel(0x13113117, &clk->div_dmc0); /* CLK_DIV_STAT_DMC0 - wait until clock gets stable (0 = stable) */ while (readl(&clk->div_stat_dmc0) & 0x11111111) continue; /* Turn off unnecessary power domains */ writel(0x0, &pwr->xxti_configuration); /* XXTI */ writel(0x0, &pwr->cam_configuration); /* CAM */ writel(0x0, &pwr->tv_configuration); /* TV */ writel(0x0, &pwr->mfc_configuration); /* MFC */ writel(0x0, &pwr->g3d_configuration); /* G3D */ writel(0x0, &pwr->gps_configuration); /* GPS */ writel(0x0, &pwr->gps_alive_configuration); /* GPS_ALIVE */ /* Turn off unnecessary clocks */ writel(0x0, &clk->gate_ip_cam); /* CAM */ writel(0x0, &clk->gate_ip_tv); /* TV */ writel(0x0, &clk->gate_ip_mfc); /* MFC */ writel(0x0, &clk->gate_ip_g3d); /* G3D */ writel(0x0, &clk->gate_ip_image); /* IMAGE */ writel(0x0, &clk->gate_ip_gps); /* GPS */ } #endif int exynos_power_init(void) { #ifndef CONFIG_DM_I2C /* TODO(maintainer): Convert to driver model */ int chrg, ret; struct power_battery *pb; struct pmic *p_fg, *p_chrg, *p_muic, *p_bat; /* * For PMIC/MUIC the I2C bus is named as I2C5, but it is connected * to logical I2C adapter 0 * * The FUEL_GAUGE is marked as I2C9 on the schematic, but connected * to logical I2C adapter 1 */ ret = power_fg_init(I2C_9); ret |= power_muic_init(I2C_5); ret |= power_bat_init(0); if (ret) return ret; p_fg = pmic_get("MAX17042_FG"); if (!p_fg) { puts("MAX17042_FG: Not found\n"); return -ENODEV; } p_chrg = pmic_get("MAX8997_PMIC"); if (!p_chrg) { puts("MAX8997_PMIC: Not found\n"); return -ENODEV; } p_muic = pmic_get("MAX8997_MUIC"); if (!p_muic) { puts("MAX8997_MUIC: Not found\n"); return -ENODEV; } p_bat = pmic_get("BAT_TRATS"); if (!p_bat) { puts("BAT_TRATS: Not found\n"); return -ENODEV; } p_fg->parent = p_bat; p_chrg->parent = p_bat; p_muic->parent = p_bat; p_bat->low_power_mode = trats_low_power_mode; p_bat->pbat->battery_init(p_bat, p_fg, p_chrg, p_muic); pb = p_bat->pbat; chrg = p_muic->chrg->chrg_type(p_muic); debug("CHARGER TYPE: %d\n", chrg); if (!p_chrg->chrg->chrg_bat_present(p_chrg)) { puts("No battery detected\n"); return 0; } p_fg->fg->fg_battery_check(p_fg, p_bat); if (pb->bat->state == CHARGE && chrg == CHARGER_USB) puts("CHARGE Battery !\n"); #endif return 0; } static unsigned int get_hw_revision(void) { int hwrev = 0; char str[10]; int i; /* hw_rev[3:0] == GPE1[3:0] */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int pin = i + EXYNOS4_GPIO_E10; sprintf(str, "hw_rev%d", i); gpio_request(pin, str); gpio_cfg_pin(pin, S5P_GPIO_INPUT); gpio_set_pull(pin, S5P_GPIO_PULL_NONE); } udelay(1); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) hwrev |= (gpio_get_value(EXYNOS4_GPIO_E10 + i) << i); debug("hwrev 0x%x\n", hwrev); return hwrev; } static void check_hw_revision(void) { int hwrev; hwrev = get_hw_revision(); board_rev |= hwrev; } #ifdef CONFIG_USB_GADGET static int s5pc210_phy_control(int on) { struct udevice *dev; int reg, ret; ret = pmic_get("max8997-pmic", &dev); if (ret) return ret; if (on) { reg = pmic_reg_read(dev, MAX8997_REG_SAFEOUTCTRL); reg |= ENSAFEOUT1; ret = pmic_reg_write(dev, MAX8997_REG_SAFEOUTCTRL, reg); if (ret) { puts("MAX8997 setting error!\n"); return ret; } reg = pmic_reg_read(dev, MAX8997_REG_LDO3CTRL); reg |= EN_LDO; ret = pmic_reg_write(dev, MAX8997_REG_LDO3CTRL, reg); if (ret) { puts("MAX8997 setting error!\n"); return ret; } reg = pmic_reg_read(dev, MAX8997_REG_LDO8CTRL); reg |= EN_LDO; ret = pmic_reg_write(dev, MAX8997_REG_LDO8CTRL, reg); if (ret) { puts("MAX8997 setting error!\n"); return ret; } } else { reg = pmic_reg_read(dev, MAX8997_REG_LDO8CTRL); reg &= DIS_LDO; ret = pmic_reg_write(dev, MAX8997_REG_LDO8CTRL, reg); if (ret) { puts("MAX8997 setting error!\n"); return ret; } reg = pmic_reg_read(dev, MAX8997_REG_LDO3CTRL); reg &= DIS_LDO; ret = pmic_reg_write(dev, MAX8997_REG_LDO3CTRL, reg); if (ret) { puts("MAX8997 setting error!\n"); return ret; } reg = pmic_reg_read(dev, MAX8997_REG_SAFEOUTCTRL); reg &= ~ENSAFEOUT1; ret = pmic_reg_write(dev, MAX8997_REG_SAFEOUTCTRL, reg); if (ret) { puts("MAX8997 setting error!\n"); return ret; } } return 0; } struct dwc2_plat_otg_data s5pc210_otg_data = { .phy_control = s5pc210_phy_control, .regs_phy = EXYNOS4_USBPHY_BASE, .regs_otg = EXYNOS4_USBOTG_BASE, .usb_phy_ctrl = EXYNOS4_USBPHY_CONTROL, .usb_flags = PHY0_SLEEP, }; int board_usb_init(int index, enum usb_init_type init) { debug("USB_udc_probe\n"); return dwc2_udc_probe(&s5pc210_otg_data); } int g_dnl_board_usb_cable_connected(void) { #ifndef CONFIG_DM_I2C /* TODO(maintainer): Convert to driver model */ struct pmic *muic = pmic_get("MAX8997_MUIC"); if (!muic) return 0; return !!muic->chrg->chrg_type(muic); #else return false; #endif } #endif static void pmic_reset(void) { gpio_direction_output(EXYNOS4_GPIO_X07, 1); gpio_set_pull(EXYNOS4_GPIO_X27, S5P_GPIO_PULL_NONE); } static void board_clock_init(void) { struct exynos4_clock *clk = (struct exynos4_clock *)samsung_get_base_clock(); writel(CLK_SRC_CPU_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->src_cpu); writel(CLK_SRC_TOP0_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->src_top0); writel(CLK_SRC_FSYS_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->src_fsys); writel(CLK_SRC_PERIL0_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->src_peril0); writel(CLK_DIV_CPU0_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->div_cpu0); writel(CLK_DIV_CPU1_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->div_cpu1); writel(CLK_DIV_DMC0_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->div_dmc0); writel(CLK_DIV_DMC1_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->div_dmc1); writel(CLK_DIV_LEFTBUS_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->div_leftbus); writel(CLK_DIV_RIGHTBUS_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->div_rightbus); writel(CLK_DIV_TOP_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->div_top); writel(CLK_DIV_FSYS1_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->div_fsys1); writel(CLK_DIV_FSYS2_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->div_fsys2); writel(CLK_DIV_FSYS3_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->div_fsys3); writel(CLK_DIV_PERIL0_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->div_peril0); writel(CLK_DIV_PERIL3_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->div_peril3); writel(PLL_LOCKTIME, (unsigned int)&clk->apll_lock); writel(PLL_LOCKTIME, (unsigned int)&clk->mpll_lock); writel(PLL_LOCKTIME, (unsigned int)&clk->epll_lock); writel(PLL_LOCKTIME, (unsigned int)&clk->vpll_lock); writel(APLL_CON1_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->apll_con1); writel(APLL_CON0_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->apll_con0); writel(MPLL_CON1_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->mpll_con1); writel(MPLL_CON0_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->mpll_con0); writel(EPLL_CON1_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->epll_con1); writel(EPLL_CON0_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->epll_con0); writel(VPLL_CON1_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->vpll_con1); writel(VPLL_CON0_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->vpll_con0); writel(CLK_GATE_IP_CAM_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->gate_ip_cam); writel(CLK_GATE_IP_VP_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->gate_ip_tv); writel(CLK_GATE_IP_MFC_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->gate_ip_mfc); writel(CLK_GATE_IP_G3D_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->gate_ip_g3d); writel(CLK_GATE_IP_IMAGE_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->gate_ip_image); writel(CLK_GATE_IP_LCD0_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->gate_ip_lcd0); writel(CLK_GATE_IP_LCD1_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->gate_ip_lcd1); writel(CLK_GATE_IP_FSYS_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->gate_ip_fsys); writel(CLK_GATE_IP_GPS_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->gate_ip_gps); writel(CLK_GATE_IP_PERIL_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->gate_ip_peril); writel(CLK_GATE_IP_PERIR_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->gate_ip_perir); writel(CLK_GATE_BLOCK_VAL, (unsigned int)&clk->gate_block); } static void board_power_init(void) { struct exynos4_power *pwr = (struct exynos4_power *)samsung_get_base_power(); /* PS HOLD */ writel(EXYNOS4_PS_HOLD_CON_VAL, (unsigned int)&pwr->ps_hold_control); /* Set power down */ writel(0, (unsigned int)&pwr->cam_configuration); writel(0, (unsigned int)&pwr->tv_configuration); writel(0, (unsigned int)&pwr->mfc_configuration); writel(0, (unsigned int)&pwr->g3d_configuration); writel(0, (unsigned int)&pwr->lcd1_configuration); writel(0, (unsigned int)&pwr->gps_configuration); writel(0, (unsigned int)&pwr->gps_alive_configuration); /* It is necessary to power down core 1 */ /* to successfully boot CPU1 in kernel */ writel(0, (unsigned int)&pwr->arm_core1_configuration); } static void exynos_uart_init(void) { /* UART_SEL GPY4[7] (part2) at EXYNOS4 */ gpio_request(EXYNOS4_GPIO_Y47, "uart_sel"); gpio_set_pull(EXYNOS4_GPIO_Y47, S5P_GPIO_PULL_UP); gpio_direction_output(EXYNOS4_GPIO_Y47, 1); } int exynos_early_init_f(void) { wdt_stop(); pmic_reset(); board_clock_init(); exynos_uart_init(); board_power_init(); return 0; } void exynos_reset_lcd(void) { gpio_request(EXYNOS4_GPIO_Y45, "lcd_reset"); gpio_direction_output(EXYNOS4_GPIO_Y45, 1); udelay(10000); gpio_direction_output(EXYNOS4_GPIO_Y45, 0); udelay(10000); gpio_direction_output(EXYNOS4_GPIO_Y45, 1); } int lcd_power(void) { #ifndef CONFIG_DM_I2C /* TODO(maintainer): Convert to driver model */ int ret = 0; struct pmic *p = pmic_get("MAX8997_PMIC"); if (!p) return -ENODEV; if (pmic_probe(p)) return 0; /* LDO15 voltage: 2.2v */ ret |= pmic_reg_write(p, MAX8997_REG_LDO15CTRL, 0x1c | EN_LDO); /* LDO13 voltage: 3.0v */ ret |= pmic_reg_write(p, MAX8997_REG_LDO13CTRL, 0x2c | EN_LDO); if (ret) { puts("MAX8997 LDO setting error!\n"); return -1; } #endif return 0; } int mipi_power(void) { #ifndef CONFIG_DM_I2C /* TODO(maintainer): Convert to driver model */ int ret = 0; struct pmic *p = pmic_get("MAX8997_PMIC"); if (!p) return -ENODEV; if (pmic_probe(p)) return 0; /* LDO3 voltage: 1.1v */ ret |= pmic_reg_write(p, MAX8997_REG_LDO3CTRL, 0x6 | EN_LDO); /* LDO4 voltage: 1.8v */ ret |= pmic_reg_write(p, MAX8997_REG_LDO4CTRL, 0x14 | EN_LDO); if (ret) { puts("MAX8997 LDO setting error!\n"); return -1; } #endif return 0; } #ifdef CONFIG_LCD void exynos_lcd_misc_init(vidinfo_t *vid) { #ifdef CONFIG_TIZEN get_tizen_logo_info(vid); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_S6E8AX0 s6e8ax0_init(); env_set("lcdinfo", "lcd=s6e8ax0"); #endif } #endif