/* * Copyright 2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #include <common.h> #include <command.h> #include <fsl_validate.h> int do_esbc_halt(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[]) { if (fsl_check_boot_mode_secure() == 0) { printf("Boot Mode is Non-Secure. Not entering spin loop.\n"); return 0; } printf("Core is entering spin loop.\n"); loop: goto loop; return 0; } static int do_esbc_validate(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[]) { char *hash_str = NULL; uintptr_t haddr; int ret; uintptr_t img_addr = 0; char buf[20]; if (argc < 2) return cmd_usage(cmdtp); else if (argc > 2) /* Second arg - Optional - Hash Str*/ hash_str = argv[2]; /* First argument - header address -32/64bit */ haddr = (uintptr_t)simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16); /* With esbc_validate command, Image address must be * part of header. So, the function is called * by passing this argument as 0. */ ret = fsl_secboot_validate(haddr, hash_str, &img_addr); /* Need to set "img_addr" even if validation failure. * Required when SB_EN in RCW set and non-fatal error * to continue U-Boot */ sprintf(buf, "%lx", img_addr); env_set("img_addr", buf); if (ret) return 1; printf("esbc_validate command successful\n"); return 0; } /***************************************************/ static char esbc_validate_help_text[] = "esbc_validate hdr_addr <hash_val> - Validates signature using\n" " RSA verification\n" " $hdr_addr Address of header of the image\n" " to be validated.\n" " $hash_val -Optional\n" " It provides Hash of public/srk key to be\n" " used to verify signature.\n"; U_BOOT_CMD( esbc_validate, 3, 0, do_esbc_validate, "Validates signature on a given image using RSA verification", esbc_validate_help_text ); U_BOOT_CMD( esbc_halt, 1, 0, do_esbc_halt, "Put the core in spin loop (Secure Boot Only)", "" );