// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ /* * common.c * * common board functions for B&R boards * * Copyright (C) 2013 Hannes Schmelzer * Bernecker & Rainer Industrieelektronik GmbH - http://www.br-automation.com * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bur_common.h" #include "../../../drivers/video/am335x-fb.h" static struct ctrl_dev *cdev = (struct ctrl_dev *)CTRL_DEVICE_BASE; DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if defined(CONFIG_LCD) && defined(CONFIG_AM335X_LCD) && \ !defined(CONFIG_SPL_BUILD) void lcdbacklight(int on) { unsigned int driver = env_get_ulong("ds1_bright_drv", 16, 0UL); unsigned int bright = env_get_ulong("ds1_bright_def", 10, 50); unsigned int pwmfrq = env_get_ulong("ds1_pwmfreq", 10, ~0UL); unsigned int tmp; struct gptimer *timerhw; if (on) bright = bright != ~0UL ? bright : 50; else bright = 0; switch (driver) { case 2: timerhw = (struct gptimer *)DM_TIMER5_BASE; break; default: timerhw = (struct gptimer *)DM_TIMER6_BASE; } switch (driver) { case 0: /* PMIC LED-Driver */ /* brightness level */ tps65217_reg_write(TPS65217_PROT_LEVEL_NONE, TPS65217_WLEDCTRL2, bright, 0xFF); /* current sink */ tps65217_reg_write(TPS65217_PROT_LEVEL_NONE, TPS65217_WLEDCTRL1, bright != 0 ? 0x0A : 0x02, 0xFF); break; case 1: case 2: /* PWM using timer */ if (pwmfrq != ~0UL) { timerhw->tiocp_cfg = TCFG_RESET; udelay(10); while (timerhw->tiocp_cfg & TCFG_RESET) ; tmp = ~0UL-(V_OSCK/pwmfrq); /* bottom value */ timerhw->tldr = tmp; timerhw->tcrr = tmp; tmp = tmp + ((V_OSCK/pwmfrq)/100) * bright; timerhw->tmar = tmp; timerhw->tclr = (TCLR_PT | (2 << TCLR_TRG_SHIFT) | TCLR_CE | TCLR_AR | TCLR_ST); } else { puts("invalid pwmfrq in env/dtb! skip PWM-setup.\n"); } break; default: puts("no suitable backlightdriver in env/dtb!\n"); break; } } int load_lcdtiming(struct am335x_lcdpanel *panel) { struct am335x_lcdpanel pnltmp; pnltmp.hactive = env_get_ulong("ds1_hactive", 10, ~0UL); pnltmp.vactive = env_get_ulong("ds1_vactive", 10, ~0UL); pnltmp.bpp = env_get_ulong("ds1_bpp", 10, ~0UL); pnltmp.hfp = env_get_ulong("ds1_hfp", 10, ~0UL); pnltmp.hbp = env_get_ulong("ds1_hbp", 10, ~0UL); pnltmp.hsw = env_get_ulong("ds1_hsw", 10, ~0UL); pnltmp.vfp = env_get_ulong("ds1_vfp", 10, ~0UL); pnltmp.vbp = env_get_ulong("ds1_vbp", 10, ~0UL); pnltmp.vsw = env_get_ulong("ds1_vsw", 10, ~0UL); pnltmp.pxl_clk = env_get_ulong("ds1_pxlclk", 10, ~0UL); pnltmp.pol = env_get_ulong("ds1_pol", 16, ~0UL); pnltmp.pup_delay = env_get_ulong("ds1_pupdelay", 10, ~0UL); pnltmp.pon_delay = env_get_ulong("ds1_tondelay", 10, ~0UL); panel_info.vl_rot = env_get_ulong("ds1_rotation", 10, 0); if ( ~0UL == (pnltmp.hactive) || ~0UL == (pnltmp.vactive) || ~0UL == (pnltmp.bpp) || ~0UL == (pnltmp.hfp) || ~0UL == (pnltmp.hbp) || ~0UL == (pnltmp.hsw) || ~0UL == (pnltmp.vfp) || ~0UL == (pnltmp.vbp) || ~0UL == (pnltmp.vsw) || ~0UL == (pnltmp.pxl_clk) || ~0UL == (pnltmp.pol) || ~0UL == (pnltmp.pup_delay) || ~0UL == (pnltmp.pon_delay) ) { puts("lcd-settings in env/dtb incomplete!\n"); printf("display-timings:\n" "================\n" "hactive: %d\n" "vactive: %d\n" "bpp : %d\n" "hfp : %d\n" "hbp : %d\n" "hsw : %d\n" "vfp : %d\n" "vbp : %d\n" "vsw : %d\n" "pxlclk : %d\n" "pol : 0x%08x\n" "pondly : %d\n", pnltmp.hactive, pnltmp.vactive, pnltmp.bpp, pnltmp.hfp, pnltmp.hbp, pnltmp.hsw, pnltmp.vfp, pnltmp.vbp, pnltmp.vsw, pnltmp.pxl_clk, pnltmp.pol, pnltmp.pon_delay); return -1; } debug("lcd-settings in env complete, taking over.\n"); memcpy((void *)panel, (void *)&pnltmp, sizeof(struct am335x_lcdpanel)); return 0; } static void br_summaryscreen_printenv(char *prefix, char *name, char *altname, char *suffix) { char *envval = env_get(name); if (0 != envval) { lcd_printf("%s %s %s", prefix, envval, suffix); } else if (0 != altname) { envval = env_get(altname); if (0 != envval) lcd_printf("%s %s %s", prefix, envval, suffix); } else { lcd_printf("\n"); } } void br_summaryscreen(void) { br_summaryscreen_printenv(" - B&R -", "br_orderno", 0, "-\n"); br_summaryscreen_printenv(" Serial/Rev :", "br_serial", 0, "\n"); br_summaryscreen_printenv(" MAC1 :", "br_mac1", "ethaddr", "\n"); br_summaryscreen_printenv(" MAC2 :", "br_mac2", 0, "\n"); lcd_puts(" Bootloader : " PLAIN_VERSION "\n"); lcd_puts("\n"); } void lcdpower(int on) { u32 pin, swval, i; pin = env_get_ulong("ds1_pwr", 16, ~0UL); if (pin == ~0UL) { puts("no pwrpin in dtb/env, cannot powerup display!\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (pin != 0) { swval = pin & 0x80 ? 0 : 1; if (on) gpio_direction_output(pin & 0x7F, swval); else gpio_direction_output(pin & 0x7F, !swval); debug("switched pin %d to %d\n", pin & 0x7F, swval); } pin >>= 8; } } vidinfo_t panel_info = { .vl_col = 1366, /* * give full resolution for allocating enough * memory */ .vl_row = 768, .vl_bpix = 5, .priv = 0 }; void lcd_ctrl_init(void *lcdbase) { struct am335x_lcdpanel lcd_panel; memset(&lcd_panel, 0, sizeof(struct am335x_lcdpanel)); if (load_lcdtiming(&lcd_panel) != 0) return; lcd_panel.panel_power_ctrl = &lcdpower; if (0 != am335xfb_init(&lcd_panel)) printf("ERROR: failed to initialize video!"); /* * modifiy panel info to 'real' resolution, to operate correct with * lcd-framework. */ panel_info.vl_col = lcd_panel.hactive; panel_info.vl_row = lcd_panel.vactive; lcd_set_flush_dcache(1); } void lcd_enable(void) { br_summaryscreen(); lcdbacklight(1); } #endif /* CONFIG_LCD */ int ft_board_setup(void *blob, bd_t *bd) { int nodeoffset; nodeoffset = fdt_path_offset(blob, "/factory-settings"); if (nodeoffset < 0) { puts("set bootloader version 'factory-settings' not in dtb!\n"); return -1; } if (fdt_setprop(blob, nodeoffset, "bl-version", PLAIN_VERSION, strlen(PLAIN_VERSION)) != 0) { puts("set bootloader version 'bl-version' prop. not in dtb!\n"); return -1; } return 0; } #ifdef CONFIG_SPL_BUILD void pmicsetup(u32 mpupll) { int mpu_vdd; int usb_cur_lim; if (i2c_probe(TPS65217_CHIP_PM)) { puts("PMIC (0x24) not found! skip further initalization.\n"); return; } /* Get the frequency which is defined by device fuses */ dpll_mpu_opp100.m = am335x_get_efuse_mpu_max_freq(cdev); printf("detected max. frequency: %d - ", dpll_mpu_opp100.m); if (0 != mpupll) { dpll_mpu_opp100.m = mpupll; printf("retuning MPU-PLL to: %d MHz.\n", dpll_mpu_opp100.m); } else { puts("ok.\n"); } /* * Increase USB current limit to 1300mA or 1800mA and set * the MPU voltage controller as needed. */ if (dpll_mpu_opp100.m == MPUPLL_M_1000) { usb_cur_lim = TPS65217_USB_INPUT_CUR_LIMIT_1800MA; mpu_vdd = TPS65217_DCDC_VOLT_SEL_1325MV; } else { usb_cur_lim = TPS65217_USB_INPUT_CUR_LIMIT_1300MA; mpu_vdd = TPS65217_DCDC_VOLT_SEL_1275MV; } if (tps65217_reg_write(TPS65217_PROT_LEVEL_NONE, TPS65217_POWER_PATH, usb_cur_lim, TPS65217_USB_INPUT_CUR_LIMIT_MASK)) puts("tps65217_reg_write failure\n"); /* Set DCDC3 (CORE) voltage to 1.125V */ if (tps65217_voltage_update(TPS65217_DEFDCDC3, TPS65217_DCDC_VOLT_SEL_1125MV)) { puts("tps65217_voltage_update failure\n"); return; } /* Set CORE Frequencies to OPP100 */ do_setup_dpll(&dpll_core_regs, &dpll_core_opp100); /* Set DCDC2 (MPU) voltage */ if (tps65217_voltage_update(TPS65217_DEFDCDC2, mpu_vdd)) { puts("tps65217_voltage_update failure\n"); return; } /* Set LDO3 to 1.8V */ if (tps65217_reg_write(TPS65217_PROT_LEVEL_2, TPS65217_DEFLS1, TPS65217_LDO_VOLTAGE_OUT_1_8, TPS65217_LDO_MASK)) puts("tps65217_reg_write failure\n"); /* Set LDO4 to 3.3V */ if (tps65217_reg_write(TPS65217_PROT_LEVEL_2, TPS65217_DEFLS2, TPS65217_LDO_VOLTAGE_OUT_3_3, TPS65217_LDO_MASK)) puts("tps65217_reg_write failure\n"); /* Set MPU Frequency to what we detected now that voltages are set */ do_setup_dpll(&dpll_mpu_regs, &dpll_mpu_opp100); /* Set PWR_EN bit in Status Register */ tps65217_reg_write(TPS65217_PROT_LEVEL_NONE, TPS65217_STATUS, TPS65217_PWR_OFF, TPS65217_PWR_OFF); } void set_uart_mux_conf(void) { enable_uart0_pin_mux(); } void set_mux_conf_regs(void) { enable_board_pin_mux(); } #endif /* CONFIG_SPL_BUILD */ #if (defined(CONFIG_DRIVER_TI_CPSW) && !defined(CONFIG_SPL_BUILD)) || \ (defined(CONFIG_SPL_ETH_SUPPORT) && defined(CONFIG_SPL_BUILD)) static void cpsw_control(int enabled) { /* VTP can be added here */ return; } /* describing port offsets of TI's CPSW block */ static struct cpsw_slave_data cpsw_slaves[] = { { .slave_reg_ofs = 0x208, .sliver_reg_ofs = 0xd80, .phy_addr = 1, }, { .slave_reg_ofs = 0x308, .sliver_reg_ofs = 0xdc0, .phy_addr = 2, }, }; static struct cpsw_platform_data cpsw_data = { .mdio_base = CPSW_MDIO_BASE, .cpsw_base = CPSW_BASE, .mdio_div = 0xff, .channels = 8, .cpdma_reg_ofs = 0x800, .slaves = 1, .slave_data = cpsw_slaves, .ale_reg_ofs = 0xd00, .ale_entries = 1024, .host_port_reg_ofs = 0x108, .hw_stats_reg_ofs = 0x900, .bd_ram_ofs = 0x2000, .mac_control = (1 << 5), .control = cpsw_control, .host_port_num = 0, .version = CPSW_CTRL_VERSION_2, }; #endif /* CONFIG_DRIVER_TI_CPSW, ... */ #if defined(CONFIG_DRIVER_TI_CPSW) && !defined(CONFIG_SPL_BUILD) int board_eth_init(bd_t *bis) { int rv = 0; char mac_addr[6]; const char *mac = 0; uint32_t mac_hi, mac_lo; /* try reading mac address from efuse */ mac_lo = readl(&cdev->macid0l); mac_hi = readl(&cdev->macid0h); mac_addr[0] = mac_hi & 0xFF; mac_addr[1] = (mac_hi & 0xFF00) >> 8; mac_addr[2] = (mac_hi & 0xFF0000) >> 16; mac_addr[3] = (mac_hi & 0xFF000000) >> 24; mac_addr[4] = mac_lo & 0xFF; mac_addr[5] = (mac_lo & 0xFF00) >> 8; if (!env_get("ethaddr")) { if (!mac) { printf(" not set. validating E-fuse MAC ... "); if (is_valid_ethaddr((const u8 *)mac_addr)) mac = (const char *)mac_addr; } if (mac) { printf("using: %pM on ", mac); eth_env_set_enetaddr("ethaddr", (const u8 *)mac); } } writel(MII_MODE_ENABLE, &cdev->miisel); cpsw_slaves[0].phy_if = PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_MII; cpsw_slaves[1].phy_if = PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_MII; rv = cpsw_register(&cpsw_data); if (rv < 0) { printf("Error %d registering CPSW switch\n", rv); return 0; } return rv; } #endif /* defined(CONFIG_DRIVER_TI_CPSW) && !defined(CONFIG_SPL_BUILD) */ #if defined(CONFIG_MMC) int board_mmc_init(bd_t *bis) { int rc = 0; rc |= omap_mmc_init(0, 0, 0, -1, -1); rc |= omap_mmc_init(1, 0, 0, -1, -1); return rc; } #endif int overwrite_console(void) { return 1; }