#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This tool runs on the host CPU and gathers all SST related configuration from # the BMC (Redfish) and from the linux driver, and compares them to catch any # errors or disagreement. Only required arguments are the details to start a # Redfish session. # # This was tested running on a live Arch Linux ISO environment. Any Linux # installation should work, but best to get the latest tools and kernel driver. # # Required dependencies: # * DMTF's redfish python library. This is available in pip. # * intel-speed-select tool from the kernel source tree # (tools/power/x86/intel-speed-select), and available in the PATH. import redfish import argparse import json import re import subprocess import sys linux_cpu_map = dict() success = True def get_linux_output(): cmd = "/usr/bin/env intel-speed-select --debug --format json perf-profile info".split() process = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, text=True) process.check_returncode() result = json.loads(process.stderr) global linux_cpu_map linux_cpu_map = dict() for line in process.stdout.split('\n'): match = re.search("logical_cpu:(\d+).*punit_core:(\d+)", line) if not match: continue logical_thread = int(match.group(1)) physical_core = int(match.group(2)) linux_cpu_map[logical_thread] = physical_core cmd = "/usr/bin/env intel-speed-select --format json perf-profile get-config-current-level".split() process = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, text=True) current_level = json.loads(process.stderr) for proc, data in current_level.items(): result[proc].update(data) return result def compare(redfish_val, linux_val, description): err = "" if None in (redfish_val, linux_val): err = "MISSING VALUE" elif redfish_val != linux_val: err = "!! MISMATCH !!" global success success = False print(f"{description}: {err}") print(f" Redfish: {redfish_val}") print(f" Linux: {linux_val}") def get_linux_package(linux_data, redfish_id): match = re.match("cpu(\d+)", redfish_id) if not match: raise RuntimeError(f"Redfish CPU name is unexpected: {redfish_id}") num = match.group(1) matching_keys = [] for key in linux_data.keys(): if re.match(f"^package-{num}:.*", key): matching_keys.append(key) if len(matching_keys) != 1: raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected number of matching linux objects for {redfish_id}") return linux_data[matching_keys[0]] def compare_config(redfish_config, linux_config): print(f"--Checking {redfish_config['Id']}--") compare(redfish_config["BaseSpeedMHz"], int(linux_config["base-frequency(MHz)"]), "Base Speed") actual_hp_p1 = actual_lp_p1 = 0 actual_hp_cores = set() for bf in redfish_config["BaseSpeedPrioritySettings"]: if not actual_hp_p1 or bf["BaseSpeedMHz"] > actual_hp_p1: actual_hp_p1 = bf["BaseSpeedMHz"] actual_hp_cores = set(bf["CoreIDs"]) if not actual_lp_p1 or bf["BaseSpeedMHz"] < actual_lp_p1: actual_lp_p1 = bf["BaseSpeedMHz"] exp_hp_p1 = exp_lp_p1 = 0 exp_hp_cores = set() if "speed-select-base-freq-properties" in linux_config: exp_bf_props = linux_config["speed-select-base-freq-properties"] exp_hp_p1 = int(exp_bf_props["high-priority-base-frequency(MHz)"]) exp_hp_cores = set(map(lambda x: linux_cpu_map[x], map(int, exp_bf_props["high-priority-cpu-list"].split(",")))) exp_lp_p1 = int(exp_bf_props["low-priority-base-frequency(MHz)"]) compare(actual_hp_p1, exp_hp_p1, "SST-BF High Priority P1 Freq") compare(actual_hp_cores, exp_hp_cores, "SST-BF High Priority Core List") compare(actual_lp_p1, exp_lp_p1, "SST-BF Low Priority P1 Freq") compare(redfish_config["MaxJunctionTemperatureCelsius"], int(linux_config["tjunction-max(C)"]), "Junction Temperature") # There is no equivalent value in linux for the per-level P0_1 freq. compare(redfish_config["MaxSpeedMHz"], None, "SSE Max Turbo Speed") compare(redfish_config["TDPWatts"], int(linux_config["thermal-design-power(W)"]), "TDP") compare(redfish_config["TotalAvailableCoreCount"], int(linux_config["enable-cpu-count"])//2, "Enabled Core Count") actual_turbo = [(x["ActiveCoreCount"], x["MaxSpeedMHz"]) for x in redfish_config["TurboProfile"]] linux_turbo = linux_config["turbo-ratio-limits-sse"] exp_turbo = [] for bucket_key in sorted(linux_turbo.keys()): bucket = linux_turbo[bucket_key] exp_turbo.append((int(bucket["core-count"]), int(bucket["max-turbo-frequency(MHz)"]))) compare(actual_turbo, exp_turbo, "SSE Turbo Profile") def get_level_from_config_id(config_id): match = re.match("config(\d+)", config_id) if not match: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid config name {config_id}") return match.group(1) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Compare Redfish SST properties against Linux tools") parser.add_argument("hostname") parser.add_argument("--username", "-u", default="root") parser.add_argument("--password", "-p", default="0penBmc") args = parser.parse_args() linux_data = get_linux_output() bmc = redfish.redfish_client(base_url=f"https://{args.hostname}", username=args.username, password=args.password) bmc.login(auth="session") # Load the ProcessorCollection resp = json.loads(bmc.get("/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Processors").text) for proc_member in resp["Members"]: proc_resp = json.loads(bmc.get(proc_member["@odata.id"]).text) proc_id = proc_resp["Id"] print() print(f"----Checking Processor {proc_id}----") if proc_resp["Status"]["State"] == "Absent": print("Not populated") continue # Get subset of intel-speed-select data which applies to this CPU pkg_data = get_linux_package(linux_data, proc_id) # Check currently applied config applied_config = proc_resp["AppliedOperatingConfig"]["@odata.id"].split('/')[-1] current_level = get_level_from_config_id(applied_config) compare(current_level, pkg_data["get-config-current_level"], "Applied Config") exp_cur_level_data = pkg_data[f"perf-profile-level-{current_level}"] # Check whether SST-BF is enabled bf_enabled = proc_resp["BaseSpeedPriorityState"].lower() exp_bf_enabled = exp_cur_level_data["speed-select-base-freq"] if exp_bf_enabled == "unsupported": exp_bf_enabled = "disabled" compare(bf_enabled, exp_bf_enabled, "SST-BF Enabled?") # Check high speed core list hscores = set(proc_resp["HighSpeedCoreIDs"]) exp_hscores = set() if "speed-select-base-freq-properties" in exp_cur_level_data: exp_hscores = exp_cur_level_data["speed-select-base-freq-properties"]["high-priority-cpu-list"] exp_hscores = set([linux_cpu_map[int(x)] for x in exp_hscores.split(",")]) compare(hscores, exp_hscores, "High Speed Core List") # Load the OperatingConfigCollection resp = json.loads(bmc.get(proc_resp["OperatingConfigs"]["@odata.id"]).text) # Check number of available configs profile_keys = list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith("perf-profile-level"), pkg_data.keys())) compare(resp["Members@odata.count"], int(len(profile_keys)), "Number of profiles") for config_member in resp["Members"]: # Load each OperatingConfig and compare all its contents config_resp = json.loads(bmc.get(config_member["@odata.id"]).text) level = get_level_from_config_id(config_resp["Id"]) exp_level_data = pkg_data[f"perf-profile-level-{level}"] compare_config(config_resp, exp_level_data) print() if success: print("Everything matched! :)") return 0 else: print("There were mismatches, please check output :(") return 1 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())