#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import getopt def printUsage(): print '\nUsage:' print 'gpioutil SYSTEM_NAME -n GPIO_NAME [-v value]' print 'gpioutil SYSTEM_NAME -i GPIO_NUM -d <DIRECTION = in,out,falling,rising,both> [-v value]' print 'gpioutil SYSTEM_NAME -p PIN_NAME -d <DIRECTION = in,out,falling,rising,both> [-v value]' print 'gpioutil SYSTEM_NAME -l PIN_NAME (lookup pin name only)' exit(1) if (len(sys.argv) < 3): printUsage() sys.argv.pop(0) libr = sys.argv.pop(0) System = __import__(libr) GPIO_SYSFS = '/sys/class/gpio/' class Gpio: def __init__(self,gpio_num): self.gpio_num = str(gpio_num) self.direction = '' self.interrupt = '' self.exported = False def getPath(self,name): return GPIO_SYSFS+'gpio'+self.gpio_num+'/'+name def export(self): if (os.path.exists(GPIO_SYSFS+'export') == False): raise Exception("ERROR - GPIO_SYSFS path does not exist. Does this platform support GPIOS?") if (os.path.exists(GPIO_SYSFS+'gpio'+self.gpio_num) == False): self.write(GPIO_SYSFS+'export',self.gpio_num) self.exported = True def setDirection(self,dir): if (self.exported == False): raise Exception("ERROR - Not exported: "+self.getPath()) self.direction = '' self.interrupt = '' if (dir == 'in' or dir == 'out'): self.direction = dir elif (dir == 'rising' or dir == 'falling' or dir == 'both'): self.direction = 'in' self.interrupt = dir self.write(self.getPath('edge'),self.interrupt) else: raise Exception("ERROR - Invalid Direction: "+dir) self.write(self.getPath('direction'),self.direction) def setValue(self,value): if (value == '0'): self.write(self.getPath('value'),'0') elif (value == '1'): self.write(self.getPath('value'),'1') else: raise Exception("ERROR - Invalid value: "+value) def getValue(self): return self.read(self.getPath('value')) def write(self,path,data): f = open(path,'w') f.write(data) f.close() def read(self,path): f = open(path,'r') data = f.readline() f.close() return data if __name__ == '__main__': try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv,"hn:i:d:v:p:l:") except getopt.GetoptError: printUsage() lookup = False gpio_name = "" value = "" direction = "" for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': printUsage() elif opt in ("-n"): gpio_name = arg lookup = True elif opt in ("-i"): gpio_name = arg elif opt in ("-d"): direction = arg elif opt in ("-v"): value = arg elif opt in ("-p"): gpio_name = System.convertGpio(arg) elif opt in ("-l"): gpio_name = System.convertGpio(arg) print gpio_name exit(0) gpio_info = {} if (lookup == True): if (System.GPIO_CONFIG.has_key(gpio_name) == False): print "ERROR - GPIO Name doesn't exist" print "Valid names: " for n in System.GPIO_CONFIG: print "\t"+n exit(0) gpio_info = System.GPIO_CONFIG[gpio_name] direction = gpio_info['direction'] if (gpio_info.has_key('gpio_num')): gpio_name = str(gpio_info['gpio_num']) else: gpio_name = str(System.convertGpio(gpio_info['gpio_pin'])) print "GPIO ID: "+gpio_name+"; DIRECTION: "+direction ## Rules if (gpio_name == ""): print "ERROR - Gpio not specified" printUsage() if (direction == "in" and value != ""): print "ERROR - Value cannot be specified when direction = in" printUsage() gpio = Gpio(gpio_name) try: gpio.export() if (direction != ""): gpio.setDirection(direction) if (value == ""): print gpio.getValue() else: gpio.setValue(value) except Exception as e: print e