#include #include #include #include #include #include // Global to share the dbus type string between client and server. static std::string verifyTypeString; using verifyCallback_t = void (*)(sdbusplus::message::message&); verifyCallback_t verifyCallback = nullptr; static constexpr auto SERVICE = "sdbusplus.test.message.read"; static constexpr auto INTERFACE = SERVICE; static constexpr auto TEST_METHOD = "test"; static constexpr auto QUIT_METHOD = "quit"; // Open up the sdbus and claim SERVICE name. auto serverInit() { auto b = sdbusplus::bus::new_default(); b.request_name(SERVICE); return std::move(b); } // Thread to run the dbus server. void* server(void* b) { auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::bus(reinterpret_cast(b)); while (1) { // Wait for messages. auto m = bus.process(); if (!m) { bus.wait(); continue; } if (m.is_method_call(INTERFACE, TEST_METHOD)) { // Verify the message type matches what the test expects. assert(verifyTypeString == m.get_signature()); if (verifyCallback) { verifyCallback(m); verifyCallback = nullptr; } else { std::cout << "Warning: No verification for " << verifyTypeString << std::endl; } // Reply to client. sd_bus_reply_method_return(m.release(), nullptr); } else if (m.is_method_call(INTERFACE, QUIT_METHOD)) { // Reply and exit. sd_bus_reply_method_return(m.release(), nullptr); break; } } return nullptr; } auto newMethodCall__test(sdbusplus::bus::bus& b) { // Allocate a method-call message for INTERFACE,TEST_METHOD. return b.new_method_call(SERVICE, "/", INTERFACE, TEST_METHOD); } void runTests() { using namespace std::literals; auto b = sdbusplus::bus::new_default(); // Test r-value int. { auto m = newMethodCall__test(b); m.append(1); verifyTypeString = "i"; struct verify { static void op(sdbusplus::message::message& m) { int32_t i = 0; m.read(i); assert(i == 1); } }; verifyCallback = &verify::op; b.call_noreply(m); } // Test l-value int. { auto m = newMethodCall__test(b); int a = 1; m.append(a, a); verifyTypeString = "ii"; struct verify { static void op(sdbusplus::message::message& m) { int32_t a = 0, b = 0; m.read(a, b); assert(a == 1); assert(b == 1); } }; verifyCallback = &verify::op; b.call_noreply(m); } // Test multiple ints. { auto m = newMethodCall__test(b); m.append(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); verifyTypeString = "iiiii"; struct verify { static void op(sdbusplus::message::message& m) { int32_t a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0, e = 0; m.read(a, b, c, d, e); assert(a == 1); assert(b == 2); assert(c == 3); assert(d == 4); assert(e == 5); } }; verifyCallback = &verify::op; b.call_noreply(m); } // Test double and bool. { auto m = newMethodCall__test(b); bool t = true; bool f = false; bool f2 = false; m.append(t, true, f, std::move(f2), false, 1.1); verifyTypeString = "bbbbbd"; struct verify { static void op(sdbusplus::message::message& m) { bool t1, t2, f1, f2, f3; double d; m.read(t1, t2, f1, f2, f3, d); assert(t1); assert(t2); assert(!f1); assert(!f2); assert(!f3); assert(d == 1.1); } }; verifyCallback = &verify::op; b.call_noreply(m); } // Test r-value string. { auto m = newMethodCall__test(b); m.append("asdf"s); verifyTypeString = "s"; struct verify { static void op(sdbusplus::message::message& m) { const char* s = nullptr; m.read(s); assert(0 == strcmp("asdf", s)); } }; verifyCallback = &verify::op; b.call_noreply(m); } // Test multiple strings, various forms. { auto m = newMethodCall__test(b); auto str = "jkl;"s; auto str2 = "JKL:"s; m.append(1, "asdf", "ASDF"s, str, std::move(str2), 5); verifyTypeString = "issssi"; struct verify { static void op(sdbusplus::message::message& m) { int32_t a = 0, b = 0; std::string s0, s1, s2, s3; m.read(a, s0, s1, s2, s3, b); assert(a == 1); assert(b == 5); assert(s0 == "asdf"s); assert(s1 == "ASDF"s); assert(s2 == "jkl;"s); assert(s3 == "JKL:"); } }; verifyCallback = &verify::op; b.call_noreply(m); } // Test object_path and signature. { auto m = newMethodCall__test(b); auto o = sdbusplus::message::object_path("/asdf"); auto s = sdbusplus::message::signature("iii"); m.append(1, o, s, 4); verifyTypeString = "iogi"; struct verify { static void op(sdbusplus::message::message& m) { int32_t a = 0, b = 0; sdbusplus::message::object_path o; sdbusplus::message::signature s; m.read(a, o, s, b); assert(a == 1); assert(b == 4); assert(std::string(o) == "/asdf"s); assert(std::string(s) == "iii"s); } }; verifyCallback = &verify::op; b.call_noreply(m); } // Test vector. { auto m = newMethodCall__test(b); std::vector s{"1", "2", "3"}; m.append(1, s, 2); verifyTypeString = "iasi"; struct verify { static void op(sdbusplus::message::message& m) { int32_t a = 0; std::vector s; m.read(a, s); assert(a == 1); assert(s[0] == "1"); assert(s[1] == "2"); assert(s[2] == "3"); decltype(s) s2 = {"1", "2", "3"}; assert(s == s2); } }; verifyCallback = &verify::op; b.call_noreply(m); } // Test map. { auto m = newMethodCall__test(b); std::map s = {{"asdf", 3}, {"jkl;", 4}}; m.append(1, s, 2); verifyTypeString = "ia{si}i"; struct verify { static void op(sdbusplus::message::message& m) { int32_t a = 0, b = 0; std::map s{}; m.read(a, s, b); assert(a == 1); assert(s.size() == 2); assert(s["asdf"] == 3); assert(s["jkl;"] == 4); assert(b == 2); } }; verifyCallback = &verify::op; b.call_noreply(m); } // Test unordered_map. { auto m = newMethodCall__test(b); std::unordered_map s = {{"asdf", 3}, {"jkl;", 4}}; m.append(1, s, 2); verifyTypeString = "ia{si}i"; struct verify { static void op(sdbusplus::message::message& m) { int32_t a = 0, b = 0; std::unordered_map s{}; m.read(a, s, b); assert(a == 1); assert(s.size() == 2); assert(s["asdf"] == 3); assert(s["jkl;"] == 4); assert(b == 2); } }; verifyCallback = &verify::op; b.call_noreply(m); } // Test set. { auto m = newMethodCall__test(b); std::set s = {{"asdf"}, {"jkl;"}}; m.append(1, s, 2); verifyTypeString = "iasi"; struct verify { static void op(sdbusplus::message::message& m) { int32_t a = 0, b = 0; std::set s{}; m.read(a, s, b); assert(a == 1); assert(s.size() == 2); assert(s.find("asdf") != s.end()); assert(s.find("jkl;") != s.end()); assert(b == 2); } }; verifyCallback = &verify::op; b.call_noreply(m); } // Test tuple. { auto m = newMethodCall__test(b); std::tuple a{3, 4.1, "asdf"}; m.append(1, a, 2); verifyTypeString = "i(ids)i"; struct verify { static void op(sdbusplus::message::message& m) { int32_t a = 0, b = 0; std::tuple c{}; m.read(a, c, b); assert(a == 1); assert(b == 2); assert(c == std::make_tuple(3, 4.1, "asdf"s)); } }; verifyCallback = &verify::op; b.call_noreply(m); } // Test variant. { auto m = newMethodCall__test(b); sdbusplus::message::variant a1{3.1}, a2{4}; m.append(1, a1, a2, 2); verifyTypeString = "ivvi"; struct verify { static void op(sdbusplus::message::message& m) { int32_t a, b; sdbusplus::message::variant a1{}, a2{}; m.read(a, a1, a2, b); assert(a == 1); assert(a1 == 3.1); assert(a2 == 4); assert(b == 2); } }; verifyCallback = &verify::op; b.call_noreply(m); } // Test variant with missing/wrong type. { auto m = newMethodCall__test(b); sdbusplus::message::variant a1{3.1}, a2{uint64_t(4)}; m.append(1, a1, a2, 2); verifyTypeString = "ivvi"; struct verify { static void op(sdbusplus::message::message& m) { int32_t a, b; sdbusplus::message::variant a1{}, a2{}; m.read(a, a1, a2, b); assert(a == 1); assert(a1 == 3.1); assert(a2 == uint8_t()); assert(b == 2); } }; verifyCallback = &verify::op; b.call_noreply(m); } // Test map-variant. { auto m = newMethodCall__test(b); std::map> a1 = { {"asdf", 3}, {"jkl;", 4.1}}; m.append(1, a1, 2); verifyTypeString = "ia{sv}i"; struct verify { static void op(sdbusplus::message::message& m) { int32_t a = 0, b = 0; std::map> a1{}; m.read(a, a1, b); assert(a == 1); assert(a1["asdf"] == 3); assert(a1["jkl;"] == 4.1); assert(b == 2); } }; verifyCallback = &verify::op; b.call_noreply(m); } // Shutdown server. { auto m = b.new_method_call(SERVICE, "/", INTERFACE, QUIT_METHOD); b.call_noreply(m); } } int main() { // Initialize and start server thread. pthread_t t; { auto b = serverInit(); pthread_create(&t, NULL, server, b.release()); } runTests(); // Wait for server thread to exit. pthread_join(t, NULL); return 0; }