/* // Copyright (c) 2019 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #include "utils.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include #include } constexpr const char* configType = "xyz.openbmc_project.Configuration.Intel_HSBP_CPLD"; constexpr const char* busName = "xyz.openbmc_project.HsbpManager"; constexpr size_t scanRateSeconds = 5; constexpr size_t maxDrives = 8; // only 1 byte alloted boost::asio::io_context io; auto conn = std::make_shared(io); sdbusplus::asio::object_server objServer(conn); // GPIO Lines and Event Descriptors static gpiod::line nvmeLvc3AlertLine; static boost::asio::posix::stream_descriptor nvmeLvc3AlertEvent(io); static std::string zeroPad(const uint8_t val) { std::ostringstream version; version << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << static_cast(val); return version.str(); } struct Mux { Mux(size_t busIn, size_t addressIn, size_t channelsIn, size_t indexIn) : bus(busIn), address(addressIn), channels(channelsIn), index(indexIn) { } size_t bus; size_t address; size_t channels; size_t index; // to sort in the flat set bool operator<(const Mux& rhs) const { return index < rhs.index; } }; enum class BlinkPattern : uint8_t { off = 0x0, error = 0x2, terminate = 0x3 }; struct Led : std::enable_shared_from_this { // led pattern addresses start at 0x10 Led(const std::string& path, size_t index, int fd) : address(static_cast(index + 0x10)), file(fd), ledInterface(objServer.add_interface(path, ledGroup::interface)) { if (index >= maxDrives) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid drive index"); } if (!set(BlinkPattern::off)) { std::cerr << "Cannot initialize LED " << path << "\n"; } } // this has to be called outside the constructor for shared_from_this to // work void createInterface(void) { std::shared_ptr self = shared_from_this(); ledInterface->register_property( ledGroup::asserted, false, [self](const bool req, bool& val) { if (req == val) { return 1; } if (!isPowerOn()) { std::cerr << "Can't change blink state when power is off\n"; throw std::runtime_error( "Can't change blink state when power is off"); } BlinkPattern pattern = req ? BlinkPattern::error : BlinkPattern::terminate; if (!self->set(pattern)) { std::cerr << "Can't change blink pattern\n"; throw std::runtime_error("Cannot set blink pattern"); } val = req; return 1; }); ledInterface->initialize(); } virtual ~Led() { objServer.remove_interface(ledInterface); } bool set(BlinkPattern pattern) { int ret = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(file, address, static_cast(pattern)); return ret >= 0; } uint8_t address; int file; std::shared_ptr ledInterface; }; struct Drive { Drive(size_t driveIndex, bool present, bool isOperational, bool nvme, bool rebuilding) : isNvme(nvme), isPresent(present), index(driveIndex) { constexpr const char* basePath = "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/item/drive/Drive_"; itemIface = objServer.add_interface( basePath + std::to_string(driveIndex), inventory::interface); itemIface->register_property("Present", isPresent); itemIface->register_property("PrettyName", "Drive " + std::to_string(driveIndex)); itemIface->initialize(); operationalIface = objServer.add_interface( itemIface->get_object_path(), "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus"); operationalIface->register_property( "Functional", isOperational, [this](const bool req, bool& property) { if (!isPresent) { return 0; } if (property == req) { return 1; } property = req; if (req) { clearFailed(); return 1; } markFailed(); return 1; }); operationalIface->initialize(); rebuildingIface = objServer.add_interface( itemIface->get_object_path(), "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Drive"); rebuildingIface->register_property("Rebuilding", rebuilding); rebuildingIface->initialize(); driveIface = objServer.add_interface(itemIface->get_object_path(), "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Drive"); driveIface->initialize(); associations = objServer.add_interface(itemIface->get_object_path(), association::interface); associations->register_property("Associations", std::vector{}); associations->initialize(); if (isPresent && (!isOperational || rebuilding)) { markFailed(); } } virtual ~Drive() { objServer.remove_interface(itemIface); objServer.remove_interface(operationalIface); objServer.remove_interface(rebuildingIface); objServer.remove_interface(assetIface); objServer.remove_interface(driveIface); objServer.remove_interface(associations); } void removeAsset() { objServer.remove_interface(assetIface); assetIface = nullptr; } void createAsset( const boost::container::flat_map& data) { if (assetIface != nullptr) { return; } assetIface = objServer.add_interface( itemIface->get_object_path(), "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset"); for (const auto& [key, value] : data) { assetIface->register_property(key, value); if (key == "SerialNumber") { serialNumber = value; serialNumberInitialized = true; } } assetIface->initialize(); } void markFailed(void) { // todo: maybe look this up via mapper constexpr const char* globalInventoryPath = "/xyz/openbmc_project/CallbackManager"; if (!isPresent) { return; } operationalIface->set_property("Functional", false); std::vector warning = { {"", "warning", globalInventoryPath}}; associations->set_property("Associations", warning); logDriveError("Drive " + std::to_string(index)); } void clearFailed(void) { operationalIface->set_property("Functional", true); associations->set_property("Associations", std::vector{}); } void setPresent(bool set) { // nvme drives get detected by their fru if (set == isPresent) { return; } itemIface->set_property("Present", set); isPresent = set; } void logPresent() { if (isNvme && !serialNumberInitialized) { // wait until NVMe asset is updated to include the serial number // from the NVMe drive return; } if (!isPresent && loggedPresent) { loggedPresent = false; logDeviceRemoved("Drive", std::to_string(index), serialNumber); serialNumber = "N/A"; serialNumberInitialized = false; removeAsset(); } else if (isPresent && !loggedPresent) { loggedPresent = true; logDeviceAdded("Drive", std::to_string(index), serialNumber); } } std::shared_ptr itemIface; std::shared_ptr operationalIface; std::shared_ptr rebuildingIface; std::shared_ptr assetIface; std::shared_ptr driveIface; std::shared_ptr associations; bool isNvme; bool isPresent; size_t index; std::string serialNumber = "N/A"; bool serialNumberInitialized = false; bool loggedPresent = false; }; struct Backplane : std::enable_shared_from_this { Backplane(size_t busIn, size_t addressIn, size_t backplaneIndexIn, const std::string& nameIn) : bus(busIn), address(addressIn), backplaneIndex(backplaneIndexIn - 1), name(nameIn), timer(boost::asio::steady_timer(io)), muxes(std::make_shared>()) { } void populateAsset(const std::string& rootPath, const std::string& busname) { conn->async_method_call( [assetIface{assetInterface}, hsbpIface{hsbpItemIface}]( const boost::system::error_code ec, const boost::container::flat_map< std::string, std::variant>& values) mutable { if (ec) { std::cerr << "Error getting asset tag from HSBP configuration\n"; return; } assetIface = objServer.add_interface( hsbpIface->get_object_path(), assetTag); for (const auto& [key, value] : values) { const std::string* ptr = std::get_if(&value); if (ptr == nullptr) { std::cerr << key << " Invalid type!\n"; continue; } assetIface->register_property(key, *ptr); } assetIface->initialize(); }, busname, rootPath, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "GetAll", assetTag); } void run(const std::string& rootPath, const std::string& busname) { file = open(("/dev/i2c-" + std::to_string(bus)).c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC); if (file < 0) { std::cerr << "unable to open bus " << bus << "\n"; return; } if (ioctl(file, I2C_SLAVE_FORCE, address) < 0) { std::cerr << "unable to set address to " << address << "\n"; return; } if (!getPresent()) { std::cerr << "Cannot detect CPLD\n"; return; } getBootVer(bootVer); getFPGAVer(fpgaVer); getSecurityRev(securityRev); std::string dbusName = boost::replace_all_copy(name, " ", "_"); hsbpItemIface = objServer.add_interface( "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/item/hsbp/" + dbusName, inventory::interface); hsbpItemIface->register_property("Present", true); hsbpItemIface->register_property("PrettyName", name); hsbpItemIface->initialize(); storageInterface = objServer.add_interface( hsbpItemIface->get_object_path(), "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.StorageController"); storageInterface->initialize(); versionIface = objServer.add_interface("/xyz/openbmc_project/software/" + dbusName, "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version"); versionIface->register_property("Version", zeroPad(bootVer) + "." + zeroPad(fpgaVer) + "." + zeroPad(securityRev)); versionIface->register_property( "Purpose", std::string( "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.HSBP")); versionIface->initialize(); auto activationIface = objServer.add_interface("/xyz/openbmc_project/software/" + dbusName, "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation"); activationIface->register_property( "Activation", std::string( "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation.Activations.Active")); activationIface->register_property( "RequestedActivation", std::string("xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation." "RequestedActivations.None")); activationIface->initialize(); getPresence(presence); getIFDET(ifdet); populateAsset(rootPath, busname); createDrives(); runTimer(); } void runTimer() { timer.expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(scanRateSeconds)); timer.async_wait([weak{std::weak_ptr(shared_from_this())}]( boost::system::error_code ec) { auto self = weak.lock(); if (!self) { return; } if (ec == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { // we're being destroyed return; } else if (ec) { std::cerr << "timer error " << ec.message() << "\n"; return; } if (!isPowerOn()) { // can't access hsbp when power is off self->runTimer(); return; } self->getPresence(self->presence); self->getIFDET(self->ifdet); self->getFailed(self->failed); self->getRebuild(self->rebuilding); self->updateDrives(); self->runTimer(); }); } void createDrives() { for (size_t ii = 0; ii < maxDrives; ii++) { uint8_t driveSlot = (1 << ii); bool isNvme = ((ifdet & driveSlot) && !(presence & driveSlot)); bool isPresent = isNvme || (presence & driveSlot); bool isFailed = !isPresent || failed & driveSlot; bool isRebuilding = !isPresent && (rebuilding & driveSlot); // +1 to convert from 0 based to 1 based size_t driveIndex = (backplaneIndex * maxDrives) + ii + 1; Drive& drive = drives.emplace_back(driveIndex, isPresent, !isFailed, isNvme, isRebuilding); std::shared_ptr led = leds.emplace_back(std::make_shared( drive.itemIface->get_object_path(), ii, file)); led->createInterface(); } } void updateDrives() { size_t ii = 0; for (auto it = drives.begin(); it != drives.end(); it++, ii++) { uint8_t driveSlot = (1 << ii); bool isNvme = ((ifdet & driveSlot) && !(presence & driveSlot)); bool isPresent = isNvme || (presence & driveSlot); bool isFailed = !isPresent || (failed & driveSlot); bool isRebuilding = isPresent && (rebuilding & driveSlot); it->isNvme = isNvme; it->setPresent(isPresent); it->logPresent(); it->rebuildingIface->set_property("Rebuilding", isRebuilding); if (isFailed || isRebuilding) { it->markFailed(); } else { it->clearFailed(); } } } bool getPresent() { present = i2c_smbus_read_byte(file) >= 0; return present; } bool getTypeID(uint8_t& val) { constexpr uint8_t addr = 2; int ret = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(file, addr); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Error " << __FUNCTION__ << "\n"; return false; } val = static_cast(ret); return true; } bool getBootVer(uint8_t& val) { constexpr uint8_t addr = 3; int ret = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(file, addr); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Error " << __FUNCTION__ << "\n"; return false; } val = static_cast(ret); return true; } bool getFPGAVer(uint8_t& val) { constexpr uint8_t addr = 4; int ret = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(file, addr); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Error " << __FUNCTION__ << "\n"; return false; } val = static_cast(ret); return true; } bool getSecurityRev(uint8_t& val) { constexpr uint8_t addr = 5; int ret = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(file, addr); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Error " << __FUNCTION__ << "\n"; return false; } val = static_cast(ret); return true; } bool getPresence(uint8_t& val) { // NVMe drives do not assert PRSNTn, and as such do not get reported as // PRESENT in this register constexpr uint8_t addr = 8; int ret = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(file, addr); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Error " << __FUNCTION__ << "\n"; return false; } // presence is inverted val = static_cast(~ret); return true; } bool getIFDET(uint8_t& val) { // This register is a bitmap of parallel GPIO pins connected to the // IFDETn pin of a drive slot. SATA, SAS, and NVMe drives all assert // IFDETn low when they are inserted into the HSBP.This register, in // combination with the PRESENCE register, are used by the BMC to detect // the presence of NVMe drives. constexpr uint8_t addr = 9; int ret = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(file, addr); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Error " << __FUNCTION__ << "\n"; return false; } // ifdet is inverted val = static_cast(~ret); return true; } bool getFailed(uint8_t& val) { constexpr uint8_t addr = 0xC; int ret = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(file, addr); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Error " << __FUNCTION__ << "\n"; return false; } val = static_cast(ret); return true; } bool getRebuild(uint8_t& val) { constexpr uint8_t addr = 0xD; int ret = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(file, addr); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Error " << __FUNCTION__ << " " << strerror(ret) << "\n"; return false; } val = static_cast(ret); return true; } virtual ~Backplane() { objServer.remove_interface(hsbpItemIface); objServer.remove_interface(versionIface); timer.cancel(); if (file >= 0) { close(file); } } size_t bus; size_t address; size_t backplaneIndex; std::string name; boost::asio::steady_timer timer; bool present = false; uint8_t typeId = 0; uint8_t bootVer = 0; uint8_t fpgaVer = 0; uint8_t securityRev = 0; uint8_t funSupported = 0; uint8_t presence = 0; uint8_t ifdet = 0; uint8_t failed = 0; uint8_t rebuilding = 0; int file = -1; std::string type; std::shared_ptr hsbpItemIface; std::shared_ptr versionIface; std::shared_ptr storageInterface; std::shared_ptr assetInterface; std::list drives; std::vector> leds; std::shared_ptr> muxes; }; std::unordered_map> backplanes; std::list ownerlessDrives; // drives without a backplane static size_t getDriveCount() { size_t count = 0; for (const auto& [key, backplane] : backplanes) { count += backplane->drives.size(); } return count + ownerlessDrives.size(); } void updateAssets() { static constexpr const char* nvmeType = "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.NVMe"; conn->async_method_call( [](const boost::system::error_code ec, const GetSubTreeType& subtree) { if (ec) { std::cerr << "Error contacting mapper " << ec.message() << "\n"; return; } // drives may get an owner during this, or we might disover more // drives ownerlessDrives.clear(); for (const auto& [path, objDict] : subtree) { if (objDict.empty()) { continue; } const std::string& owner = objDict.begin()->first; // we export this interface too if (owner == busName) { continue; } if (std::find(objDict.begin()->second.begin(), objDict.begin()->second.end(), assetTag) == objDict.begin()->second.end()) { // no asset tag to associate to continue; } conn->async_method_call( [path](const boost::system::error_code ec2, const boost::container::flat_map< std::string, std::variant>& values) { if (ec2) { std::cerr << "Error Getting Config " << ec2.message() << " " << __FUNCTION__ << "\n"; return; } auto findBus = values.find("Bus"); if (findBus == values.end()) { std::cerr << "Illegal interface at " << path << "\n"; return; } // find the mux bus and addr size_t muxBus = static_cast( std::get(findBus->second)); std::filesystem::path muxPath = "/sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-" + std::to_string(muxBus) + "/mux_device"; if (!std::filesystem::is_symlink(muxPath)) { std::cerr << path << " mux does not exist\n"; return; } // we should be getting something of the form 7-0052 // for bus 7 addr 52 std::string fname = std::filesystem::read_symlink(muxPath).filename(); auto findDash = fname.find('-'); if (findDash == std::string::npos || findDash + 1 >= fname.size()) { std::cerr << path << " mux path invalid\n"; return; } std::string busStr = fname.substr(0, findDash); std::string muxStr = fname.substr(findDash + 1); size_t bus = static_cast(std::stoi(busStr)); size_t addr = static_cast(std::stoi(muxStr, nullptr, 16)); size_t muxIndex = 0; // find the channel of the mux the drive is on std::ifstream nameFile("/sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-" + std::to_string(muxBus) + "/name"); if (!nameFile) { std::cerr << "Unable to open name file of bus " << muxBus << "\n"; return; } std::string nameStr; std::getline(nameFile, nameStr); // file is of the form "i2c-4-mux (chan_id 1)", get chan // assume single digit chan const std::string prefix = "chan_id "; size_t findId = nameStr.find(prefix); if (findId == std::string::npos || findId + 1 >= nameStr.size()) { std::cerr << "Illegal name file on bus " << muxBus << "\n"; } std::string indexStr = nameStr.substr(findId + prefix.size(), 1); size_t driveIndex = std::stoi(indexStr); Backplane* parent = nullptr; for (auto& [name, backplane] : backplanes) { muxIndex = 0; for (const Mux& mux : *(backplane->muxes)) { if (bus == mux.bus && addr == mux.address) { parent = backplane.get(); break; } muxIndex += mux.channels; } } boost::container::flat_map assetInventory; const std::array assetKeys = { "PartNumber", "SerialNumber", "Manufacturer", "Model"}; for (const auto& [key, value] : values) { if (std::find(assetKeys.begin(), assetKeys.end(), key) == assetKeys.end()) { continue; } assetInventory[key] = std::get(value); } // assume its a M.2 or something without a hsbp if (parent == nullptr) { auto& drive = ownerlessDrives.emplace_back( getDriveCount() + 1, true, true, true, false); drive.createAsset(assetInventory); return; } driveIndex += muxIndex; if (parent->drives.size() <= driveIndex) { std::cerr << "Illegal drive index at " << path << " " << driveIndex << "\n"; return; } auto it = parent->drives.begin(); std::advance(it, driveIndex); it->createAsset(assetInventory); }, owner, path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "GetAll", "" /*all interface items*/); } }, mapper::busName, mapper::path, mapper::interface, mapper::subtree, "/", 0, std::array{nvmeType}); } void populateMuxes(std::shared_ptr> muxes, std::string& rootPath) { const static std::array muxTypes = { "xyz.openbmc_project.Configuration.PCA9543Mux", "xyz.openbmc_project.Configuration.PCA9544Mux", "xyz.openbmc_project.Configuration.PCA9545Mux", "xyz.openbmc_project.Configuration.PCA9546Mux"}; conn->async_method_call( [muxes](const boost::system::error_code ec, const GetSubTreeType& subtree) { if (ec) { std::cerr << "Error contacting mapper " << ec.message() << "\n"; return; } std::shared_ptr> callback = std::make_shared>( []() { updateAssets(); }); size_t index = 0; // as we use a flat map, these are sorted for (const auto& [path, objDict] : subtree) { if (objDict.empty() || objDict.begin()->second.empty()) { continue; } const std::string& owner = objDict.begin()->first; const std::vector& interfaces = objDict.begin()->second; const std::string* interface = nullptr; for (const std::string& iface : interfaces) { if (std::find(muxTypes.begin(), muxTypes.end(), iface) != muxTypes.end()) { interface = &iface; break; } } if (interface == nullptr) { std::cerr << "Cannot get mux type\n"; continue; } conn->async_method_call( [path, muxes, callback, index]( const boost::system::error_code ec2, const boost::container::flat_map< std::string, std::variant>>& values) { if (ec2) { std::cerr << "Error Getting Config " << ec2.message() << " " << __FUNCTION__ << "\n"; return; } auto findBus = values.find("Bus"); auto findAddress = values.find("Address"); auto findChannelNames = values.find("ChannelNames"); if (findBus == values.end() || findAddress == values.end()) { std::cerr << "Illegal configuration at " << path << "\n"; return; } size_t bus = static_cast( std::get(findBus->second)); size_t address = static_cast( std::get(findAddress->second)); std::vector channels = std::get>( findChannelNames->second); muxes->emplace(bus, address, channels.size(), index); if (callback.use_count() == 1) { (*callback)(); } }, owner, path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "GetAll", *interface); index++; } }, mapper::busName, mapper::path, mapper::interface, mapper::subtree, rootPath, 1, muxTypes); } void populate() { backplanes.clear(); conn->async_method_call( [](const boost::system::error_code ec, const GetSubTreeType& subtree) { if (ec) { std::cerr << "Error contacting mapper " << ec.message() << "\n"; return; } for (const auto& [path, objDict] : subtree) { if (objDict.empty()) { continue; } const std::string& owner = objDict.begin()->first; conn->async_method_call( [path, owner](const boost::system::error_code ec2, const boost::container::flat_map< std::string, BasicVariantType>& resp) { if (ec2) { std::cerr << "Error Getting Config " << ec2.message() << "\n"; return; } std::optional bus; std::optional address; std::optional backplaneIndex; std::optional name; for (const auto& [key, value] : resp) { if (key == "Bus") { bus = std::get(value); } else if (key == "Address") { address = std::get(value); } else if (key == "Index") { backplaneIndex = std::get(value); } else if (key == "Name") { name = std::get(value); } } if (!bus || !address || !name || !backplaneIndex) { std::cerr << "Illegal configuration at " << path << "\n"; return; } std::string parentPath = std::filesystem::path(path).parent_path(); const auto& [backplane, status] = backplanes.emplace( *name, std::make_shared( *bus, *address, *backplaneIndex, *name)); backplane->second->run(parentPath, owner); populateMuxes(backplane->second->muxes, parentPath); }, owner, path, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "GetAll", configType); } }, mapper::busName, mapper::path, mapper::interface, mapper::subtree, "/", 0, std::array{configType}); } static bool hsbpRequestAlertGpioEvents( const std::string& name, const std::function& handler, gpiod::line& gpioLine, boost::asio::posix::stream_descriptor& gpioEventDescriptor) { // Find the GPIO line gpioLine = gpiod::find_line(name); if (!gpioLine) { std::cerr << "Failed to find the " << name << " line\n"; return false; } try { gpioLine.request( {"hsbp-manager", gpiod::line_request::EVENT_BOTH_EDGES, 0}); } catch (std::exception&) { std::cerr << "Failed to request events for " << name << "\n"; return false; } int gpioLineFd = gpioLine.event_get_fd(); if (gpioLineFd < 0) { std::cerr << "Failed to get " << name << " fd\n"; return false; } gpioEventDescriptor.assign(gpioLineFd); gpioEventDescriptor.async_wait( boost::asio::posix::stream_descriptor::wait_read, [&name, handler](const boost::system::error_code ec) { if (ec) { std::cerr << name << " fd handler error: " << ec.message() << "\n"; return; } handler(); }); return true; } /****************************************************************************************** * HSBP Position CPLD SMB Address * 1 0xD0(0x68 7 bit) * 2 0xD2(0x69 7 bit) * we have max 2 HSBP per system. Closed chassis systems will either have 0 or * 2 HSBP's. *******************************************************************************************/ static constexpr uint8_t hsbpI2cBus = 4; static constexpr uint8_t allDrivesWithStatusBit = 17; static constexpr uint8_t statusAllDrives = (allDrivesWithStatusBit - 1); static constexpr uint8_t allClockBitsDb2000 = 25; static constexpr uint8_t statusAllClocksDb2000 = (allClockBitsDb2000 - 1); static constexpr uint8_t singleDriveWithStatusBit = 9; static constexpr uint8_t statusSingleDrive = (singleDriveWithStatusBit - 1); static constexpr uint8_t maxDrivesPerHsbp = 8; static std::bitset drivePresenceStatus; static std::bitset driveClockStatus; static constexpr uint8_t hsbpCpldSmbaddr1 = 0x68; static constexpr uint8_t hsbpCpldSmbaddr2 = 0x69; static constexpr uint8_t hsbpCpldReg8 = 0x8; static constexpr uint8_t hsbpCpldReg9 = 0x9; static constexpr uint8_t db2000SlaveAddr = 0x6d; static constexpr uint8_t db2000RegByte0 = 0x80; static constexpr uint8_t db2000RegByte1 = 0x81; static constexpr uint8_t db2000RegByte2 = 0x82; static int hsbpFd; /******************************************************************** * DB2000 Programming guide for PCIe Clocks enable/disable * CPU 0 * ================================================================= * slot Byte bit number * Position position * ================================================================= * 7 0 5 * 6 0 4 * 5 0 3 * 4 2 7 * 3 1 3 * 2 1 2 * 1 1 1 * 0 1 0 * * CPU 1 * ================================================================= * slot Byte bit number * Position position * ================================================================= * 7 1 6 * 6 1 7 * 5 2 0 * 4 2 1 * 3 1 5 * 2 2 4 * 1 2 2 * 0 2 3 *********************************************************************/ std::optional updateClocksStatus(std::bitset nvmeDriveStatus) { std::bitset nvmeClockStatus; /* mapping table for nvme drive index(0-15) to DB2000 register bit fields */ constexpr std::array slotToClockTable = { 8, 9, 10, 11, 23, 3, 4, 5, 19, 18, 20, 13, 17, 16, 15, 14}; /* scan through all drives(except the status bit) and update corresponding * clock bit */ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < (nvmeDriveStatus.size() - 1); i++) { if (nvmeDriveStatus.test(i)) { nvmeClockStatus.set(slotToClockTable[i]); } else { nvmeClockStatus.reset(slotToClockTable[i]); } } if (ioctl(hsbpFd, I2C_SLAVE_FORCE, db2000SlaveAddr) < 0) { std::cerr << "unable to set DB2000 address to " << db2000SlaveAddr << "\n"; return std::nullopt; } int ret = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data( hsbpFd, db2000RegByte0, static_cast(nvmeClockStatus.to_ulong())); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Error: unable to write data to clock register " << __FUNCTION__ << __LINE__ << "\n"; return ret; } ret = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data( hsbpFd, db2000RegByte1, static_cast((nvmeClockStatus >> 8).to_ulong())); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Error: unable to write data to clock register " << __FUNCTION__ << __LINE__ << "\n"; return ret; } ret = i2c_smbus_write_byte_data( hsbpFd, db2000RegByte2, static_cast((nvmeClockStatus >> 16).to_ulong())); if (ret < 0) { std::cerr << "Error: unable to write data to clock register " << __FUNCTION__ << __LINE__ << "\n"; return ret; } // Update global clock status driveClockStatus = nvmeClockStatus; driveClockStatus.set(statusAllClocksDb2000, 1); return 0; } std::bitset getSingleHsbpDriveStatus(const uint8_t cpldSmbaddr) { std::bitset singleDriveStatus; // probe if (ioctl(hsbpFd, I2C_SLAVE_FORCE, cpldSmbaddr) < 0) { std::cerr << "Failed to talk to cpldSmbaddr : " << cpldSmbaddr << "\n"; return singleDriveStatus; } // read status of lower four drive connectivity int valueReg8 = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(hsbpFd, hsbpCpldReg8); if (valueReg8 < 0) { std::cerr << "Error: Unable to read cpld reg 0x8 " << __FUNCTION__ << __LINE__ << "\n"; return singleDriveStatus; } // read status of upper four drive connectivity int valueReg9 = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(hsbpFd, hsbpCpldReg9); if (valueReg9 < 0) { std::cerr << "Error: Unable to read cpld reg 0x9 " << __FUNCTION__ << __LINE__ << "\n"; return singleDriveStatus; } // Find drives which have NVMe drive connected for (int loop = 0; loop < (singleDriveWithStatusBit - 1); loop++) { // Check if NVME drive detected(corresponding bit numbers of reg8 and // reg9 are 1 and 0 resp) if (valueReg8 & (1U << loop)) { if ((valueReg9 & (1U << loop)) == 0) { singleDriveStatus.set(loop, 1); } } } // Reading successful, set the statusok bit singleDriveStatus.set(statusSingleDrive, 1); return singleDriveStatus; } /* Try reading both HSBP and report back if atleast one of them is found to be connected. Status bit is set by the function even if one HSBP is responding */ std::bitset getCompleteDriveStatus(void) { std::bitset singleDrvStatus; std::bitset currDriveStatus; singleDrvStatus = getSingleHsbpDriveStatus(hsbpCpldSmbaddr1); if (singleDrvStatus[statusSingleDrive] == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < maxDrivesPerHsbp; i++) { currDriveStatus[i] = singleDrvStatus[i]; } // set valid bit if a single hsbp drive status is valid currDriveStatus.set(statusAllDrives); } else { currDriveStatus &= (~0xFF); } singleDrvStatus = getSingleHsbpDriveStatus(hsbpCpldSmbaddr2); if (singleDrvStatus[statusSingleDrive] == 1) { for (int i = maxDrivesPerHsbp, j = 0; i < (allDrivesWithStatusBit - 1); i++, j++) { currDriveStatus[i] = singleDrvStatus[j]; } // set valid bit if a single hsbp drive status is valid currDriveStatus.set(statusAllDrives); } else { currDriveStatus &= (~(0xFF << maxDrivesPerHsbp)); } return currDriveStatus; } void cpldReadingInit(void) { hsbpFd = open(("/dev/i2c-" + std::to_string(hsbpI2cBus)).c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC); if (hsbpFd < 0) { std::cerr << "unable to open hsbpI2cBus " << hsbpI2cBus << "\n"; return; } std::bitset currDrvStatus = getCompleteDriveStatus(); if (currDrvStatus[statusAllDrives] == 1) { // update global drive presence for next time comparison drivePresenceStatus = currDrvStatus; std::optional updateStatus = updateClocksStatus(drivePresenceStatus); if (updateStatus.has_value()) { if (updateStatus == -1) { std::cerr << "error: DB2000 register read issue " << "\n"; close(hsbpFd); hsbpFd = -1; } } else { std::cerr << "error: DB2000 i2c access issue " << "\n"; close(hsbpFd); hsbpFd = -1; } } else { close(hsbpFd); hsbpFd = -1; } } // Callback handler passed to hsbpRequestAlertGpioEvents: static void nvmeLvc3AlertHandler() { if (hsbpFd >= 0) { gpiod::line_event gpioLineEvent = nvmeLvc3AlertLine.event_read(); if (gpioLineEvent.event_type == gpiod::line_event::FALLING_EDGE) { /* Step 1: Either drive is removed or inserted; read the CPLD reg 8 and 9 to determine if drive is added or removed. Need to compare current number of drives with previous state to determine it. */ std::bitset currDrvStat = getCompleteDriveStatus(); if (currDrvStat[statusAllDrives] == 1) { if (drivePresenceStatus != currDrvStat) { uint32_t tmpVar = static_cast( (drivePresenceStatus ^ currDrvStat).to_ulong()); uint32_t indexDrive = 0; while (tmpVar > 0) { if (tmpVar & 1) { if (drivePresenceStatus[indexDrive] == 0) { logDeviceAdded( "Drive", std::to_string(indexDrive), "N/A"); } else { logDeviceRemoved( "Drive", std::to_string(indexDrive), "N/A"); } } indexDrive++; tmpVar >>= 1; } // update global drive presence for next time comparison drivePresenceStatus = currDrvStat; // Step 2: disable or enable the pcie clock for // corresponding drive std::optional tmpUpdStatus = updateClocksStatus(currDrvStat); if (tmpUpdStatus.has_value()) { if (tmpUpdStatus == -1) { std::cerr << "error: DB2000 register read issue " << "\n"; close(hsbpFd); hsbpFd = -1; } } else { std::cerr << "error: DB2000 i2c access issue " << "\n"; close(hsbpFd); hsbpFd = -1; } } // false alarm else { std::cerr << "False alarm detected by HSBP; no action taken \n"; } } else { close(hsbpFd); hsbpFd = -1; } } nvmeLvc3AlertEvent.async_wait( boost::asio::posix::stream_descriptor::wait_read, [](const boost::system::error_code ec) { if (ec) { std::cerr << "nvmealert handler error: " << ec.message() << "\n"; return; } nvmeLvc3AlertHandler(); }); } } int main() { boost::asio::steady_timer callbackTimer(io); conn->request_name(busName); sdbusplus::bus::match_t match( *conn, "type='signal',member='PropertiesChanged',arg0='" + std::string(configType) + "'", [&callbackTimer](sdbusplus::message_t&) { callbackTimer.expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(2)); callbackTimer.async_wait([](const boost::system::error_code ec) { if (ec == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { // timer was restarted return; } else if (ec) { std::cerr << "Timer error" << ec.message() << "\n"; return; } populate(); }); }); sdbusplus::bus::match_t drive( *conn, "type='signal',member='PropertiesChanged',arg0='xyz.openbmc_project." "Inventory.Item.NVMe'", [&callbackTimer](sdbusplus::message_t& message) { callbackTimer.expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(2)); if (message.get_sender() == conn->get_unique_name()) { return; } callbackTimer.async_wait([](const boost::system::error_code ec) { if (ec == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { // timer was restarted return; } else if (ec) { std::cerr << "Timer error" << ec.message() << "\n"; return; } updateAssets(); }); }); cpldReadingInit(); if (hsbpFd >= 0) { if (!hsbpRequestAlertGpioEvents("FM_SMB_BMC_NVME_LVC3_ALERT_N", nvmeLvc3AlertHandler, nvmeLvc3AlertLine, nvmeLvc3AlertEvent)) { std::cerr << "error: Unable to monitor events on HSBP Alert line " << "\n"; } } auto iface = objServer.add_interface("/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/item/storage", "xyz.openbmc_project.inventory.item.storage"); io.post([]() { populate(); }); setupPowerMatch(conn); io.run(); close(hsbpFd); hsbpFd = -1; }