/* * QEMU SDL display driver -- opengl support * * Copyright (c) 2014 Red Hat * * Authors: * Gerd Hoffmann <kraxel@redhat.com> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "qemu/osdep.h" #include "ui/console.h" #include "ui/input.h" #include "ui/sdl2.h" static void sdl2_set_scanout_mode(struct sdl2_console *scon, bool scanout) { if (scon->scanout_mode == scanout) { return; } scon->scanout_mode = scanout; if (!scon->scanout_mode) { egl_fb_destroy(&scon->guest_fb); if (scon->surface) { surface_gl_destroy_texture(scon->gls, scon->surface); surface_gl_create_texture(scon->gls, scon->surface); } } } static void sdl2_gl_render_surface(struct sdl2_console *scon) { int ww, wh; SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(scon->real_window, scon->winctx); sdl2_set_scanout_mode(scon, false); SDL_GetWindowSize(scon->real_window, &ww, &wh); surface_gl_setup_viewport(scon->gls, scon->surface, ww, wh); surface_gl_render_texture(scon->gls, scon->surface); SDL_GL_SwapWindow(scon->real_window); } void sdl2_gl_update(DisplayChangeListener *dcl, int x, int y, int w, int h) { struct sdl2_console *scon = container_of(dcl, struct sdl2_console, dcl); assert(scon->opengl); if (!scon->real_window) { return; } SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(scon->real_window, scon->winctx); surface_gl_update_texture(scon->gls, scon->surface, x, y, w, h); scon->updates++; } void sdl2_gl_switch(DisplayChangeListener *dcl, DisplaySurface *new_surface) { struct sdl2_console *scon = container_of(dcl, struct sdl2_console, dcl); DisplaySurface *old_surface = scon->surface; assert(scon->opengl); SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(scon->real_window, scon->winctx); surface_gl_destroy_texture(scon->gls, scon->surface); scon->surface = new_surface; if (surface_is_placeholder(new_surface) && qemu_console_get_index(dcl->con)) { qemu_gl_fini_shader(scon->gls); scon->gls = NULL; sdl2_window_destroy(scon); return; } if (!scon->real_window) { sdl2_window_create(scon); scon->gls = qemu_gl_init_shader(); } else if (old_surface && ((surface_width(old_surface) != surface_width(new_surface)) || (surface_height(old_surface) != surface_height(new_surface)))) { sdl2_window_resize(scon); } surface_gl_create_texture(scon->gls, scon->surface); } void sdl2_gl_refresh(DisplayChangeListener *dcl) { struct sdl2_console *scon = container_of(dcl, struct sdl2_console, dcl); assert(scon->opengl); graphic_hw_update(dcl->con); if (scon->updates && scon->real_window) { scon->updates = 0; sdl2_gl_render_surface(scon); } sdl2_poll_events(scon); } void sdl2_gl_redraw(struct sdl2_console *scon) { assert(scon->opengl); if (scon->scanout_mode) { /* sdl2_gl_scanout_flush actually only care about * the first argument. */ return sdl2_gl_scanout_flush(&scon->dcl, 0, 0, 0, 0); } if (scon->surface) { sdl2_gl_render_surface(scon); } } QEMUGLContext sdl2_gl_create_context(DisplayGLCtx *dgc, QEMUGLParams *params) { struct sdl2_console *scon = container_of(dgc, struct sdl2_console, dgc); SDL_GLContext ctx; assert(scon->opengl); SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(scon->real_window, scon->winctx); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_SHARE_WITH_CURRENT_CONTEXT, 1); if (scon->opts->gl == DISPLAYGL_MODE_ON || scon->opts->gl == DISPLAYGL_MODE_CORE) { SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_CORE); } else if (scon->opts->gl == DISPLAYGL_MODE_ES) { SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_ES); } SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, params->major_ver); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, params->minor_ver); ctx = SDL_GL_CreateContext(scon->real_window); /* If SDL fail to create a GL context and we use the "on" flag, * then try to fallback to GLES. */ if (!ctx && scon->opts->gl == DISPLAYGL_MODE_ON) { SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_ES); ctx = SDL_GL_CreateContext(scon->real_window); } return (QEMUGLContext)ctx; } void sdl2_gl_destroy_context(DisplayGLCtx *dgc, QEMUGLContext ctx) { SDL_GLContext sdlctx = (SDL_GLContext)ctx; SDL_GL_DeleteContext(sdlctx); } int sdl2_gl_make_context_current(DisplayGLCtx *dgc, QEMUGLContext ctx) { struct sdl2_console *scon = container_of(dgc, struct sdl2_console, dgc); SDL_GLContext sdlctx = (SDL_GLContext)ctx; assert(scon->opengl); return SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(scon->real_window, sdlctx); } void sdl2_gl_scanout_disable(DisplayChangeListener *dcl) { struct sdl2_console *scon = container_of(dcl, struct sdl2_console, dcl); assert(scon->opengl); scon->w = 0; scon->h = 0; sdl2_set_scanout_mode(scon, false); } void sdl2_gl_scanout_texture(DisplayChangeListener *dcl, uint32_t backing_id, bool backing_y_0_top, uint32_t backing_width, uint32_t backing_height, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, void *d3d_tex2d) { struct sdl2_console *scon = container_of(dcl, struct sdl2_console, dcl); assert(scon->opengl); scon->x = x; scon->y = y; scon->w = w; scon->h = h; scon->y0_top = backing_y_0_top; SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(scon->real_window, scon->winctx); sdl2_set_scanout_mode(scon, true); egl_fb_setup_for_tex(&scon->guest_fb, backing_width, backing_height, backing_id, false); } void sdl2_gl_scanout_flush(DisplayChangeListener *dcl, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h) { struct sdl2_console *scon = container_of(dcl, struct sdl2_console, dcl); int ww, wh; assert(scon->opengl); if (!scon->scanout_mode) { return; } if (!scon->guest_fb.framebuffer) { return; } SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(scon->real_window, scon->winctx); SDL_GetWindowSize(scon->real_window, &ww, &wh); egl_fb_setup_default(&scon->win_fb, ww, wh); egl_fb_blit(&scon->win_fb, &scon->guest_fb, !scon->y0_top); SDL_GL_SwapWindow(scon->real_window); }