/* * Test the CONVERT TO DECIMAL instruction. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include <assert.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> static uint64_t cvd(int32_t x) { uint64_t ret; asm("cvd %[x],%[ret]" : [ret] "=R" (ret) : [x] "r" (x)); return ret; } static uint64_t cvdy(int32_t x) { uint64_t ret; asm("cvdy %[x],%[ret]" : [ret] "=T" (ret) : [x] "r" (x)); return ret; } static __uint128_t cvdg(int64_t x) { __uint128_t ret; asm("cvdg %[x],%[ret]" : [ret] "=T" (ret) : [x] "r" (x)); return ret; } int main(void) { __uint128_t m = (((__uint128_t)0x9223372036854775) << 16) | 0x8070; assert(cvd(0) == 0xc); assert(cvd(1) == 0x1c); assert(cvd(25594) == 0x25594c); assert(cvd(-1) == 0x1d); assert(cvd(0x7fffffff) == 0x2147483647c); assert(cvd(-0x80000000) == 0x2147483648d); assert(cvdy(0) == 0xc); assert(cvdy(1) == 0x1c); assert(cvdy(25594) == 0x25594c); assert(cvdy(-1) == 0x1d); assert(cvdy(0x7fffffff) == 0x2147483647c); assert(cvdy(-0x80000000) == 0x2147483648d); assert(cvdg(0) == 0xc); assert(cvdg(1) == 0x1c); assert(cvdg(25594) == 0x25594c); assert(cvdg(-1) == 0x1d); assert(cvdg(0x7fffffffffffffff) == (m + 0xc)); assert(cvdg(-0x8000000000000000) == (m + 0x1d)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }