#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>

#define MTFSF(FLM, FRB) asm volatile ("mtfsf %0, %1" :: "i" (FLM), "f" (FRB))
#define MFFS(FRT) asm("mffs %0" : "=f" (FRT))
#define MFFSCE(FRT) asm("mffsce %0" : "=f" (FRT))

#define PPC_BIT_NR(nr) (63 - (nr))

#define FP_VE  (1ull << PPC_BIT_NR(56))
#define FP_UE  (1ull << PPC_BIT_NR(58))
#define FP_ZE  (1ull << PPC_BIT_NR(59))
#define FP_XE  (1ull << PPC_BIT_NR(60))
#define FP_NI  (1ull << PPC_BIT_NR(61))
#define FP_RN1 (1ull << PPC_BIT_NR(63))

int main(void)
    uint64_t frt, fpscr;
    uint64_t test_value = FP_VE | FP_UE | FP_ZE |
                          FP_XE | FP_NI | FP_RN1;
    MTFSF(0b11111111, test_value); /* set test value to cpu fpscr */
    MFFS(fpscr); /* read the value that mffsce stored to cpu fpscr */

    /* the returned value should be as the cpu fpscr was before */
    assert((frt & 0xff) == test_value);

     * the cpu fpscr last 3 bits should be unchanged
     * and enable bits should be unset
    assert((fpscr & 0xff) == (test_value & 0x7));

    return 0;