/* * Test program for MSA instruction MULV.W * * Copyright (C) 2019 Wave Computing, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2019 Aleksandar Markovic * Copyright (C) 2019 RT-RK Computer Based Systems LLC * Copyright (C) 2019 Mateja Marjanovic * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include "../../../../include/wrappers_msa.h" #include "../../../../include/test_inputs_128.h" #include "../../../../include/test_utils_128.h" #define TEST_COUNT_TOTAL ( \ (PATTERN_INPUTS_SHORT_COUNT) * (PATTERN_INPUTS_SHORT_COUNT) + \ (RANDOM_INPUTS_SHORT_COUNT) * (RANDOM_INPUTS_SHORT_COUNT)) int32_t main(void) { char *instruction_name = "MULV.W"; int32_t ret; uint32_t i, j; struct timeval start, end; double elapsed_time; uint64_t b128_result[TEST_COUNT_TOTAL][2]; uint64_t b128_expect[TEST_COUNT_TOTAL][2] = { { 0x0000000100000001ULL, 0x0000000100000001ULL, }, /* 0 */ { 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, }, { 0x5555555655555556ULL, 0x5555555655555556ULL, }, { 0xaaaaaaabaaaaaaabULL, 0xaaaaaaabaaaaaaabULL, }, { 0x3333333433333334ULL, 0x3333333433333334ULL, }, { 0xcccccccdcccccccdULL, 0xcccccccdcccccccdULL, }, { 0x1c71c71d71c71c72ULL, 0xc71c71c81c71c71dULL, }, { 0xe38e38e48e38e38fULL, 0x38e38e39e38e38e4ULL, }, { 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, }, /* 8 */ { 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, }, { 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, }, { 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, }, { 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, }, { 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, }, { 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, }, { 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, }, { 0x5555555655555556ULL, 0x5555555655555556ULL, }, /* 16 */ { 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, }, { 0xe38e38e4e38e38e4ULL, 0xe38e38e4e38e38e4ULL, }, { 0x71c71c7271c71c72ULL, 0x71c71c7271c71c72ULL, }, { 0x7777777877777778ULL, 0x7777777877777778ULL, }, { 0xdddddddedddddddeULL, 0xdddddddedddddddeULL, }, { 0x12f684bea12f684cULL, 0x84bda13012f684beULL, }, { 0x425ed098b425ed0aULL, 0xd097b426425ed098ULL, }, { 0xaaaaaaabaaaaaaabULL, 0xaaaaaaabaaaaaaabULL, }, /* 24 */ { 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, }, { 0x71c71c7271c71c72ULL, 0x71c71c7271c71c72ULL, }, { 0x38e38e3938e38e39ULL, 0x38e38e3938e38e39ULL, }, { 0xbbbbbbbcbbbbbbbcULL, 0xbbbbbbbcbbbbbbbcULL, }, { 0xeeeeeeefeeeeeeefULL, 0xeeeeeeefeeeeeeefULL, }, { 0x097b425fd097b426ULL, 0x425ed098097b425fULL, }, { 0xa12f684cda12f685ULL, 0x684bda13a12f684cULL, }, { 0x3333333433333334ULL, 0x3333333433333334ULL, }, /* 32 */ { 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, }, { 0x7777777877777778ULL, 0x7777777877777778ULL, }, { 0xbbbbbbbcbbbbbbbcULL, 0xbbbbbbbcbbbbbbbcULL, }, { 0x28f5c29028f5c290ULL, 0x28f5c29028f5c290ULL, }, { 0x0a3d70a40a3d70a4ULL, 0x0a3d70a40a3d70a4ULL, }, { 0xe38e38e427d27d28ULL, 0x9f49f4a0e38e38e4ULL, }, { 0x4fa4fa500b60b60cULL, 0x93e93e944fa4fa50ULL, }, { 0xcccccccdcccccccdULL, 0xcccccccdcccccccdULL, }, /* 40 */ { 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, }, { 0xdddddddedddddddeULL, 0xdddddddedddddddeULL, }, { 0xeeeeeeefeeeeeeefULL, 0xeeeeeeefeeeeeeefULL, }, { 0x0a3d70a40a3d70a4ULL, 0x0a3d70a40a3d70a4ULL, }, { 0xc28f5c29c28f5c29ULL, 0xc28f5c29c28f5c29ULL, }, { 0x38e38e3949f49f4aULL, 0x27d27d2838e38e39ULL, }, { 0x93e93e9482d82d83ULL, 0xa4fa4fa593e93e94ULL, }, { 0x1c71c71d71c71c72ULL, 0xc71c71c81c71c71dULL, }, /* 48 */ { 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, }, { 0x12f684bea12f684cULL, 0x84bda13012f684beULL, }, { 0x097b425fd097b426ULL, 0x425ed098097b425fULL, }, { 0xe38e38e427d27d28ULL, 0x9f49f4a0e38e38e4ULL, }, { 0x38e38e3949f49f4aULL, 0x27d27d2838e38e39ULL, }, { 0xba781949e06522c4ULL, 0x06522c40ba781949ULL, }, { 0x61f9add49161f9aeULL, 0xc0ca458861f9add4ULL, }, { 0xe38e38e48e38e38fULL, 0x38e38e39e38e38e4ULL, }, /* 56 */ { 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, }, { 0x425ed098b425ed0aULL, 0xd097b426425ed098ULL, }, { 0xa12f684cda12f685ULL, 0x684bda13a12f684cULL, }, { 0x4fa4fa500b60b60cULL, 0x93e93e944fa4fa50ULL, }, { 0x93e93e9482d82d83ULL, 0xa4fa4fa593e93e94ULL, }, { 0x61f9add49161f9aeULL, 0xc0ca458861f9add4ULL, }, { 0x81948b10fcd6e9e1ULL, 0x781948b181948b10ULL, }, { 0xb103329061639000ULL, 0x3a25368474988090ULL, }, /* 64 */ { 0x10bf40e4e7176a00ULL, 0x8176d18c6f1923d0ULL, }, { 0x7393eb78c4346000ULL, 0xb7bf06a2581f7cf0ULL, }, { 0xb0f0f35cee787980ULL, 0xd67987508dd09f80ULL, }, { 0x10bf40e4e7176a00ULL, 0x8176d18c6f1923d0ULL, }, { 0xb4f42649fded7040ULL, 0x3ceafea44aee6810ULL, }, { 0xf73d8bbebe6cdc00ULL, 0x53697ae61444e7b0ULL, }, { 0x7abb9fc72143b470ULL, 0x11e5adf0efce5580ULL, }, { 0x7393eb78c4346000ULL, 0xb7bf06a2581f7cf0ULL, }, /* 72 */ { 0xf73d8bbebe6cdc00ULL, 0x53697ae61444e7b0ULL, }, { 0xb6b388e4e5044000ULL, 0x1aff72013216c990ULL, }, { 0xe8bf252289e38100ULL, 0x91ae5f28d4dad480ULL, }, { 0xb0f0f35cee787980ULL, 0xd67987508dd09f80ULL, }, { 0x7abb9fc72143b470ULL, 0x11e5adf0efce5580ULL, }, { 0xe8bf252289e38100ULL, 0x91ae5f28d4dad480ULL, }, { 0x25775329b1e9cfc4ULL, 0xdfd63640e31ee400ULL, }, }; gettimeofday(&start, NULL); for (i = 0; i < PATTERN_INPUTS_SHORT_COUNT; i++) { for (j = 0; j < PATTERN_INPUTS_SHORT_COUNT; j++) { do_msa_MULV_W(b128_pattern[i], b128_pattern[j], b128_result[PATTERN_INPUTS_SHORT_COUNT * i + j]); } } for (i = 0; i < RANDOM_INPUTS_SHORT_COUNT; i++) { for (j = 0; j < RANDOM_INPUTS_SHORT_COUNT; j++) { do_msa_MULV_W(b128_random[i], b128_random[j], b128_result[((PATTERN_INPUTS_SHORT_COUNT) * (PATTERN_INPUTS_SHORT_COUNT)) + RANDOM_INPUTS_SHORT_COUNT * i + j]); } } gettimeofday(&end, NULL); elapsed_time = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000.0; elapsed_time += (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec) / 1000.0; ret = check_results(instruction_name, TEST_COUNT_TOTAL, elapsed_time, &b128_result[0][0], &b128_expect[0][0]); return ret; }