#include <inttypes.h> #include <minilib.h> int main() { /* * Test vector from QARMA paper (https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/444.pdf) * to verify one computation of the pauth_computepac() function, * which uses sbox2. * * Use PACGA, because it returns the most bits from ComputePAC. * We still only get the most significant 32-bits of the result. */ static const uint64_t d[5] = { 0xfb623599da6e8127ull, 0x477d469dec0b8762ull, 0x84be85ce9804e94bull, 0xec2802d4e0a488e9ull, 0xc003b93999b33765ull & 0xffffffff00000000ull }; uint64_t r; asm("msr apgakeyhi_el1, %[w0]\n\t" "msr apgakeylo_el1, %[k0]\n\t" "pacga %[r], %[P], %[T]" : [r] "=r"(r) : [P] "r" (d[0]), [T] "r" (d[1]), [w0] "r" (d[2]), [k0] "r" (d[3])); if (r == d[4]) { ml_printf("OK\n"); return 0; } else { ml_printf("FAIL: %lx != %lx\n", r, d[4]); return 1; } }