 * 9P network client for VirtIO 9P test cases (based on QTest)
 * Copyright (c) 2014 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH
 * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or later.
 * See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.

 * Not so fast! You might want to read the 9p developer docs first:
 * https://wiki.qemu.org/Documentation/9p


#include "hw/9pfs/9p.h"
#include "hw/9pfs/9p-synth.h"
#include "virtio-9p.h"
#include "qgraph.h"
#include "tests/qtest/libqtest-single.h"

#define P9_MAX_SIZE 4096 /* Max size of a T-message or R-message */

typedef struct {
    QTestState *qts;
    QVirtio9P *v9p;
    uint16_t tag;
    uint64_t t_msg;
    uint32_t t_size;
    uint64_t r_msg;
    /* No r_size, it is hardcoded to P9_MAX_SIZE */
    size_t t_off;
    size_t r_off;
    uint32_t free_head;
} P9Req;

/* type[1] version[4] path[8] */
typedef char v9fs_qid[13];

typedef struct v9fs_attr {
    uint64_t valid;
    v9fs_qid qid;
    uint32_t mode;
    uint32_t uid;
    uint32_t gid;
    uint64_t nlink;
    uint64_t rdev;
    uint64_t size;
    uint64_t blksize;
    uint64_t blocks;
    uint64_t atime_sec;
    uint64_t atime_nsec;
    uint64_t mtime_sec;
    uint64_t mtime_nsec;
    uint64_t ctime_sec;
    uint64_t ctime_nsec;
    uint64_t btime_sec;
    uint64_t btime_nsec;
    uint64_t gen;
    uint64_t data_version;
} v9fs_attr;

#define P9_GETATTR_BASIC    0x000007ffULL /* Mask for fields up to BLOCKS */
#define P9_GETATTR_ALL      0x00003fffULL /* Mask for ALL fields */

struct V9fsDirent {
    v9fs_qid qid;
    uint64_t offset;
    uint8_t type;
    char *name;
    struct V9fsDirent *next;

/* options for 'Twalk' 9p request */
typedef struct TWalkOpt {
    /* 9P client being used (mandatory) */
    QVirtio9P *client;
    /* user supplied tag number being returned with response (optional) */
    uint16_t tag;
    /* file ID of directory from where walk should start (optional) */
    uint32_t fid;
    /* file ID for target directory being walked to (optional) */
    uint32_t newfid;
    /* low level variant of path to walk to (optional) */
    uint16_t nwname;
    char **wnames;
    /* high level variant of path to walk to (optional) */
    const char *path;
    /* data being received from 9p server as 'Rwalk' response (optional) */
    struct {
        uint16_t *nwqid;
        v9fs_qid **wqid;
    } rwalk;
    /* only send Twalk request but not wait for a reply? (optional) */
    bool requestOnly;
    /* do we expect an Rlerror response, if yes which error code? (optional) */
    uint32_t expectErr;
} TWalkOpt;

/* result of 'Twalk' 9p request */
typedef struct TWalkRes {
    /* file ID of target directory been walked to */
    uint32_t newfid;
    /* if requestOnly was set: request object for further processing */
    P9Req *req;
} TWalkRes;

/* options for 'Tversion' 9p request */
typedef struct TVersionOpt {
    /* 9P client being used (mandatory) */
    QVirtio9P *client;
    /* user supplied tag number being returned with response (optional) */
    uint16_t tag;
    /* maximum message size that can be handled by client (optional) */
    uint32_t msize;
    /* protocol version (optional) */
    const char *version;
    /* only send Tversion request but not wait for a reply? (optional) */
    bool requestOnly;
    /* do we expect an Rlerror response, if yes which error code? (optional) */
    uint32_t expectErr;
} TVersionOpt;

/* result of 'Tversion' 9p request */
typedef struct TVersionRes {
    /* if requestOnly was set: request object for further processing */
    P9Req *req;
} TVersionRes;

/* options for 'Tattach' 9p request */
typedef struct TAttachOpt {
    /* 9P client being used (mandatory) */
    QVirtio9P *client;
    /* user supplied tag number being returned with response (optional) */
    uint16_t tag;
    /* file ID to be associated with root of file tree (optional) */
    uint32_t fid;
    /* numerical uid of user being introduced to server (optional) */
    uint32_t n_uname;
    /* data being received from 9p server as 'Rattach' response (optional) */
    struct {
        /* server's idea of the root of the file tree */
        v9fs_qid *qid;
    } rattach;
    /* only send Tattach request but not wait for a reply? (optional) */
    bool requestOnly;
    /* do we expect an Rlerror response, if yes which error code? (optional) */
    uint32_t expectErr;
} TAttachOpt;

/* result of 'Tattach' 9p request */
typedef struct TAttachRes {
    /* if requestOnly was set: request object for further processing */
    P9Req *req;
} TAttachRes;

/* options for 'Tgetattr' 9p request */
typedef struct TGetAttrOpt {
    /* 9P client being used (mandatory) */
    QVirtio9P *client;
    /* user supplied tag number being returned with response (optional) */
    uint16_t tag;
    /* file ID of file/dir whose attributes shall be retrieved (required) */
    uint32_t fid;
    /* bitmask indicating attribute fields to be retrieved (optional) */
    uint64_t request_mask;
    /* data being received from 9p server as 'Rgetattr' response (optional) */
    struct {
        v9fs_attr *attr;
    } rgetattr;
    /* only send Tgetattr request but not wait for a reply? (optional) */
    bool requestOnly;
    /* do we expect an Rlerror response, if yes which error code? (optional) */
    uint32_t expectErr;
} TGetAttrOpt;

/* result of 'Tgetattr' 9p request */
typedef struct TGetAttrRes {
    /* if requestOnly was set: request object for further processing */
    P9Req *req;
} TGetAttrRes;

/* options for 'Treaddir' 9p request */
typedef struct TReadDirOpt {
    /* 9P client being used (mandatory) */
    QVirtio9P *client;
    /* user supplied tag number being returned with response (optional) */
    uint16_t tag;
    /* file ID of directory whose entries shall be retrieved (required) */
    uint32_t fid;
    /* offset in entries stream, i.e. for multiple requests (optional) */
    uint64_t offset;
    /* maximum bytes to be returned by server (required) */
    uint32_t count;
    /* data being received from 9p server as 'Rreaddir' response (optional) */
    struct {
        uint32_t *count;
        uint32_t *nentries;
        struct V9fsDirent **entries;
    } rreaddir;
    /* only send Treaddir request but not wait for a reply? (optional) */
    bool requestOnly;
    /* do we expect an Rlerror response, if yes which error code? (optional) */
    uint32_t expectErr;
} TReadDirOpt;

/* result of 'Treaddir' 9p request */
typedef struct TReadDirRes {
    /* if requestOnly was set: request object for further processing */
    P9Req *req;
} TReadDirRes;

/* options for 'Tlopen' 9p request */
typedef struct TLOpenOpt {
    /* 9P client being used (mandatory) */
    QVirtio9P *client;
    /* user supplied tag number being returned with response (optional) */
    uint16_t tag;
    /* file ID of file / directory to be opened (required) */
    uint32_t fid;
    /* Linux open(2) flags such as O_RDONLY, O_RDWR, O_WRONLY (optional) */
    uint32_t flags;
    /* data being received from 9p server as 'Rlopen' response (optional) */
    struct {
        v9fs_qid *qid;
        uint32_t *iounit;
    } rlopen;
    /* only send Tlopen request but not wait for a reply? (optional) */
    bool requestOnly;
    /* do we expect an Rlerror response, if yes which error code? (optional) */
    uint32_t expectErr;
} TLOpenOpt;

/* result of 'Tlopen' 9p request */
typedef struct TLOpenRes {
    /* if requestOnly was set: request object for further processing */
    P9Req *req;
} TLOpenRes;

/* options for 'Twrite' 9p request */
typedef struct TWriteOpt {
    /* 9P client being used (mandatory) */
    QVirtio9P *client;
    /* user supplied tag number being returned with response (optional) */
    uint16_t tag;
    /* file ID of file to write to (required) */
    uint32_t fid;
    /* start position of write from beginning of file (optional) */
    uint64_t offset;
    /* how many bytes to write */
    uint32_t count;
    /* data to be written */
    const void *data;
    /* only send Twrite request but not wait for a reply? (optional) */
    bool requestOnly;
    /* do we expect an Rlerror response, if yes which error code? (optional) */
    uint32_t expectErr;
} TWriteOpt;

/* result of 'Twrite' 9p request */
typedef struct TWriteRes {
    /* if requestOnly was set: request object for further processing */
    P9Req *req;
    /* amount of bytes written */
    uint32_t count;
} TWriteRes;

/* options for 'Tflush' 9p request */
typedef struct TFlushOpt {
    /* 9P client being used (mandatory) */
    QVirtio9P *client;
    /* user supplied tag number being returned with response (optional) */
    uint16_t tag;
    /* message to flush (required) */
    uint16_t oldtag;
    /* only send Tflush request but not wait for a reply? (optional) */
    bool requestOnly;
    /* do we expect an Rlerror response, if yes which error code? (optional) */
    uint32_t expectErr;
} TFlushOpt;

/* result of 'Tflush' 9p request */
typedef struct TFlushRes {
    /* if requestOnly was set: request object for further processing */
    P9Req *req;
} TFlushRes;

/* options for 'Tmkdir' 9p request */
typedef struct TMkdirOpt {
    /* 9P client being used (mandatory) */
    QVirtio9P *client;
    /* user supplied tag number being returned with response (optional) */
    uint16_t tag;
    /* low level variant of directory where new one shall be created */
    uint32_t dfid;
    /* high-level variant of directory where new one shall be created */
    const char *atPath;
    /* New directory's name (required) */
    const char *name;
    /* Linux mkdir(2) mode bits (optional) */
    uint32_t mode;
    /* effective group ID of caller */
    uint32_t gid;
    /* data being received from 9p server as 'Rmkdir' response (optional) */
    struct {
        /* QID of newly created directory */
        v9fs_qid *qid;
    } rmkdir;
    /* only send Tmkdir request but not wait for a reply? (optional) */
    bool requestOnly;
    /* do we expect an Rlerror response, if yes which error code? (optional) */
    uint32_t expectErr;
} TMkdirOpt;

/* result of 'TMkdir' 9p request */
typedef struct TMkdirRes {
    /* if requestOnly was set: request object for further processing */
    P9Req *req;
} TMkdirRes;

/* options for 'Tlcreate' 9p request */
typedef struct TlcreateOpt {
    /* 9P client being used (mandatory) */
    QVirtio9P *client;
    /* user supplied tag number being returned with response (optional) */
    uint16_t tag;
    /* low-level variant of directory where new file shall be created */
    uint32_t fid;
    /* high-level variant of directory where new file shall be created */
    const char *atPath;
    /* name of new file (required) */
    const char *name;
    /* Linux kernel intent bits */
    uint32_t flags;
    /* Linux create(2) mode bits */
    uint32_t mode;
    /* effective group ID of caller */
    uint32_t gid;
    /* data being received from 9p server as 'Rlcreate' response (optional) */
    struct {
        v9fs_qid *qid;
        uint32_t *iounit;
    } rlcreate;
    /* only send Tlcreate request but not wait for a reply? (optional) */
    bool requestOnly;
    /* do we expect an Rlerror response, if yes which error code? (optional) */
    uint32_t expectErr;
} TlcreateOpt;

/* result of 'Tlcreate' 9p request */
typedef struct TlcreateRes {
    /* if requestOnly was set: request object for further processing */
    P9Req *req;
} TlcreateRes;

/* options for 'Tsymlink' 9p request */
typedef struct TsymlinkOpt {
    /* 9P client being used (mandatory) */
    QVirtio9P *client;
    /* user supplied tag number being returned with response (optional) */
    uint16_t tag;
    /* low-level variant of directory where symlink shall be created */
    uint32_t fid;
    /* high-level variant of directory where symlink shall be created */
    const char *atPath;
    /* name of symlink (required) */
    const char *name;
    /* where symlink will point to (required) */
    const char *symtgt;
    /* effective group ID of caller */
    uint32_t gid;
    /* data being received from 9p server as 'Rsymlink' response (optional) */
    struct {
        v9fs_qid *qid;
    } rsymlink;
    /* only send Tsymlink request but not wait for a reply? (optional) */
    bool requestOnly;
    /* do we expect an Rlerror response, if yes which error code? (optional) */
    uint32_t expectErr;
} TsymlinkOpt;

/* result of 'Tsymlink' 9p request */
typedef struct TsymlinkRes {
    /* if requestOnly was set: request object for further processing */
    P9Req *req;
} TsymlinkRes;

/* options for 'Tlink' 9p request */
typedef struct TlinkOpt {
    /* 9P client being used (mandatory) */
    QVirtio9P *client;
    /* user supplied tag number being returned with response (optional) */
    uint16_t tag;
    /* low-level variant of directory where hard link shall be created */
    uint32_t dfid;
    /* high-level variant of directory where hard link shall be created */
    const char *atPath;
    /* low-level variant of target referenced by new hard link */
    uint32_t fid;
    /* high-level variant of target referenced by new hard link */
    const char *toPath;
    /* name of hard link (required) */
    const char *name;
    /* only send Tlink request but not wait for a reply? (optional) */
    bool requestOnly;
    /* do we expect an Rlerror response, if yes which error code? (optional) */
    uint32_t expectErr;
} TlinkOpt;

/* result of 'Tlink' 9p request */
typedef struct TlinkRes {
    /* if requestOnly was set: request object for further processing */
    P9Req *req;
} TlinkRes;

/* options for 'Tunlinkat' 9p request */
typedef struct TunlinkatOpt {
    /* 9P client being used (mandatory) */
    QVirtio9P *client;
    /* user supplied tag number being returned with response (optional) */
    uint16_t tag;
    /* low-level variant of directory where name shall be unlinked */
    uint32_t dirfd;
    /* high-level variant of directory where name shall be unlinked */
    const char *atPath;
    /* name of directory entry to be unlinked (required) */
    const char *name;
    /* Linux unlinkat(2) flags */
    uint32_t flags;
    /* only send Tunlinkat request but not wait for a reply? (optional) */
    bool requestOnly;
    /* do we expect an Rlerror response, if yes which error code? (optional) */
    uint32_t expectErr;
} TunlinkatOpt;

/* result of 'Tunlinkat' 9p request */
typedef struct TunlinkatRes {
    /* if requestOnly was set: request object for further processing */
    P9Req *req;
} TunlinkatRes;

void v9fs_set_allocator(QGuestAllocator *t_alloc);
void v9fs_memwrite(P9Req *req, const void *addr, size_t len);
void v9fs_memskip(P9Req *req, size_t len);
void v9fs_memread(P9Req *req, void *addr, size_t len);
void v9fs_uint8_read(P9Req *req, uint8_t *val);
void v9fs_uint16_write(P9Req *req, uint16_t val);
void v9fs_uint16_read(P9Req *req, uint16_t *val);
void v9fs_uint32_write(P9Req *req, uint32_t val);
void v9fs_uint64_write(P9Req *req, uint64_t val);
void v9fs_uint32_read(P9Req *req, uint32_t *val);
void v9fs_uint64_read(P9Req *req, uint64_t *val);
uint16_t v9fs_string_size(const char *string);
void v9fs_string_write(P9Req *req, const char *string);
void v9fs_string_read(P9Req *req, uint16_t *len, char **string);
P9Req *v9fs_req_init(QVirtio9P *v9p, uint32_t size, uint8_t id,
                     uint16_t tag);
void v9fs_req_send(P9Req *req);
void v9fs_req_wait_for_reply(P9Req *req, uint32_t *len);
void v9fs_req_recv(P9Req *req, uint8_t id);
void v9fs_req_free(P9Req *req);
void v9fs_rlerror(P9Req *req, uint32_t *err);
TVersionRes v9fs_tversion(TVersionOpt);
void v9fs_rversion(P9Req *req, uint16_t *len, char **version);
TAttachRes v9fs_tattach(TAttachOpt);
void v9fs_rattach(P9Req *req, v9fs_qid *qid);
TWalkRes v9fs_twalk(TWalkOpt opt);
void v9fs_rwalk(P9Req *req, uint16_t *nwqid, v9fs_qid **wqid);
TGetAttrRes v9fs_tgetattr(TGetAttrOpt);
void v9fs_rgetattr(P9Req *req, v9fs_attr *attr);
TReadDirRes v9fs_treaddir(TReadDirOpt);
void v9fs_rreaddir(P9Req *req, uint32_t *count, uint32_t *nentries,
                   struct V9fsDirent **entries);
void v9fs_free_dirents(struct V9fsDirent *e);
TLOpenRes v9fs_tlopen(TLOpenOpt);
void v9fs_rlopen(P9Req *req, v9fs_qid *qid, uint32_t *iounit);
TWriteRes v9fs_twrite(TWriteOpt);
void v9fs_rwrite(P9Req *req, uint32_t *count);
TFlushRes v9fs_tflush(TFlushOpt);
void v9fs_rflush(P9Req *req);
TMkdirRes v9fs_tmkdir(TMkdirOpt);
void v9fs_rmkdir(P9Req *req, v9fs_qid *qid);
TlcreateRes v9fs_tlcreate(TlcreateOpt);
void v9fs_rlcreate(P9Req *req, v9fs_qid *qid, uint32_t *iounit);
TsymlinkRes v9fs_tsymlink(TsymlinkOpt);
void v9fs_rsymlink(P9Req *req, v9fs_qid *qid);
TlinkRes v9fs_tlink(TlinkOpt);
void v9fs_rlink(P9Req *req);
TunlinkatRes v9fs_tunlinkat(TunlinkatOpt);
void v9fs_runlinkat(P9Req *req);
