# Class for actually running tests. # # Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Virtuozzo International GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import os from pathlib import Path import datetime import time import difflib import subprocess import contextlib import json import shutil import sys from multiprocessing import Pool from typing import List, Optional, Any, Sequence, Dict from testenv import TestEnv if sys.version_info >= (3, 9): from contextlib import AbstractContextManager as ContextManager else: from typing import ContextManager def silent_unlink(path: Path) -> None: try: path.unlink() except OSError: pass def file_diff(file1: str, file2: str) -> List[str]: with open(file1, encoding="utf-8") as f1, \ open(file2, encoding="utf-8") as f2: # We want to ignore spaces at line ends. There are a lot of mess about # it in iotests. # TODO: fix all tests to not produce extra spaces, fix all .out files # and use strict diff here! seq1 = [line.rstrip() for line in f1] seq2 = [line.rstrip() for line in f2] res = [line.rstrip() for line in difflib.unified_diff(seq1, seq2, file1, file2)] return res class LastElapsedTime(ContextManager['LastElapsedTime']): """ Cache for elapsed time for tests, to show it during new test run It is safe to use get() at any time. To use update(), you must either use it inside with-block or use save() after update(). """ def __init__(self, cache_file: str, env: TestEnv) -> None: self.env = env self.cache_file = cache_file self.cache: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]] try: with open(cache_file, encoding="utf-8") as f: self.cache = json.load(f) except (OSError, ValueError): self.cache = {} def get(self, test: str, default: Optional[float] = None) -> Optional[float]: if test not in self.cache: return default if self.env.imgproto not in self.cache[test]: return default return self.cache[test][self.env.imgproto].get(self.env.imgfmt, default) def update(self, test: str, elapsed: float) -> None: d = self.cache.setdefault(test, {}) d.setdefault(self.env.imgproto, {})[self.env.imgfmt] = elapsed def save(self) -> None: with open(self.cache_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(self.cache, f) def __enter__(self) -> 'LastElapsedTime': return self def __exit__(self, exc_type: Any, exc_value: Any, traceback: Any) -> None: self.save() class TestResult: def __init__(self, status: str, description: str = '', elapsed: Optional[float] = None, diff: Sequence[str] = (), casenotrun: str = '', interrupted: bool = False) -> None: self.status = status self.description = description self.elapsed = elapsed self.diff = diff self.casenotrun = casenotrun self.interrupted = interrupted class TestRunner(ContextManager['TestRunner']): shared_self = None @staticmethod def proc_run_test(test: str, test_field_width: int) -> TestResult: # We are in a subprocess, we can't change the runner object! runner = TestRunner.shared_self assert runner is not None return runner.run_test(test, test_field_width, mp=True) def run_tests_pool(self, tests: List[str], test_field_width: int, jobs: int) -> List[TestResult]: # passing self directly to Pool.starmap() just doesn't work, because # it's a context manager. assert TestRunner.shared_self is None TestRunner.shared_self = self with Pool(jobs) as p: results = p.starmap(self.proc_run_test, zip(tests, [test_field_width] * len(tests))) TestRunner.shared_self = None return results def __init__(self, env: TestEnv, tap: bool = False, color: str = 'auto') -> None: self.env = env self.tap = tap self.last_elapsed = LastElapsedTime('.last-elapsed-cache', env) assert color in ('auto', 'on', 'off') self.color = (color == 'on') or (color == 'auto' and sys.stdout.isatty()) self._stack: contextlib.ExitStack def __enter__(self) -> 'TestRunner': self._stack = contextlib.ExitStack() self._stack.enter_context(self.env) self._stack.enter_context(self.last_elapsed) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type: Any, exc_value: Any, traceback: Any) -> None: self._stack.close() def test_print_one_line(self, test: str, test_field_width: int, starttime: str, endtime: Optional[str] = None, status: str = '...', lasttime: Optional[float] = None, thistime: Optional[float] = None, description: str = '', end: str = '\n') -> None: """ Print short test info before/after test run """ test = os.path.basename(test) if test_field_width is None: test_field_width = 8 if self.tap: if status == 'pass': print(f'ok {self.env.imgfmt} {test}') elif status == 'fail': print(f'not ok {self.env.imgfmt} {test}') elif status == 'not run': print(f'ok {self.env.imgfmt} {test} # SKIP') return if lasttime: lasttime_s = f' (last: {lasttime:.1f}s)' else: lasttime_s = '' if thistime: thistime_s = f'{thistime:.1f}s' else: thistime_s = '...' if endtime: endtime = f'[{endtime}]' else: endtime = '' if self.color: if status == 'pass': col = '\033[32m' elif status == 'fail': col = '\033[1m\033[31m' elif status == 'not run': col = '\033[33m' else: col = '' col_end = '\033[0m' else: col = '' col_end = '' print(f'{test:{test_field_width}} {col}{status:10}{col_end} ' f'[{starttime}] {endtime:13}{thistime_s:5} {lasttime_s:14} ' f'{description}', end=end) def find_reference(self, test: str) -> str: if self.env.cachemode == 'none': ref = f'{test}.out.nocache' if os.path.isfile(ref): return ref ref = f'{test}.out.{self.env.imgfmt}' if os.path.isfile(ref): return ref ref = f'{test}.{self.env.qemu_default_machine}.out' if os.path.isfile(ref): return ref return f'{test}.out' def do_run_test(self, test: str) -> TestResult: """ Run one test :param test: test file path Note: this method may be called from subprocess, so it does not change ``self`` object in any way! """ f_test = Path(test) f_reference = Path(self.find_reference(test)) if not f_test.exists(): return TestResult(status='fail', description=f'No such test file: {f_test}') if not os.access(str(f_test), os.X_OK): sys.exit(f'Not executable: {f_test}') if not f_reference.exists(): return TestResult(status='not run', description='No qualified output ' f'(expected {f_reference})') args = [str(f_test.resolve())] env = self.env.prepare_subprocess(args) # Split test directories, so that tests running in parallel don't # break each other. for d in ['TEST_DIR', 'SOCK_DIR']: env[d] = os.path.join( env[d], f"{self.env.imgfmt}-{self.env.imgproto}-{f_test.name}") Path(env[d]).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) test_dir = env['TEST_DIR'] f_bad = Path(test_dir, f_test.name + '.out.bad') f_notrun = Path(test_dir, f_test.name + '.notrun') f_casenotrun = Path(test_dir, f_test.name + '.casenotrun') for p in (f_notrun, f_casenotrun): silent_unlink(p) t0 = time.time() with f_bad.open('w', encoding="utf-8") as f: with subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=str(f_test.parent), env=env, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=f, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) as proc: try: proc.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: proc.terminate() proc.wait() return TestResult(status='not run', description='Interrupted by user', interrupted=True) ret = proc.returncode elapsed = round(time.time() - t0, 1) if ret != 0: return TestResult(status='fail', elapsed=elapsed, description=f'failed, exit status {ret}', diff=file_diff(str(f_reference), str(f_bad))) if f_notrun.exists(): return TestResult( status='not run', description=f_notrun.read_text(encoding='utf-8').strip()) casenotrun = '' if f_casenotrun.exists(): casenotrun = f_casenotrun.read_text(encoding='utf-8') diff = file_diff(str(f_reference), str(f_bad)) if diff: if os.environ.get("QEMU_IOTESTS_REGEN", None) is not None: shutil.copyfile(str(f_bad), str(f_reference)) print("########################################") print("##### REFERENCE FILE UPDATED #####") print("########################################") return TestResult(status='fail', elapsed=elapsed, description=f'output mismatch (see {f_bad})', diff=diff, casenotrun=casenotrun) else: f_bad.unlink() return TestResult(status='pass', elapsed=elapsed, casenotrun=casenotrun) def run_test(self, test: str, test_field_width: int, mp: bool = False) -> TestResult: """ Run one test and print short status :param test: test file path :param test_field_width: width for first field of status format :param mp: if true, we are in a multiprocessing environment, don't try to rewrite things in stdout Note: this method may be called from subprocess, so it does not change ``self`` object in any way! """ last_el = self.last_elapsed.get(test) start = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S') if not self.tap: self.test_print_one_line(test=test, test_field_width=test_field_width, status = 'started' if mp else '...', starttime=start, lasttime=last_el, end = '\n' if mp else '\r') else: testname = os.path.basename(test) print(f'# running {self.env.imgfmt} {testname}') res = self.do_run_test(test) end = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S') self.test_print_one_line(test=test, test_field_width=test_field_width, status=res.status, starttime=start, endtime=end, lasttime=last_el, thistime=res.elapsed, description=res.description) if res.casenotrun: if self.tap: print('#' + res.casenotrun.replace('\n', '\n#')) else: print(res.casenotrun) sys.stdout.flush() return res def run_tests(self, tests: List[str], jobs: int = 1) -> bool: n_run = 0 failed = [] notrun = [] casenotrun = [] if self.tap: print('TAP version 13') self.env.print_env('# ') print('1..%d' % len(tests)) else: self.env.print_env() test_field_width = max(len(os.path.basename(t)) for t in tests) + 2 if jobs > 1: results = self.run_tests_pool(tests, test_field_width, jobs) for i, t in enumerate(tests): name = os.path.basename(t) if jobs > 1: res = results[i] else: res = self.run_test(t, test_field_width) assert res.status in ('pass', 'fail', 'not run') if res.casenotrun: casenotrun.append(t) if res.status != 'not run': n_run += 1 if res.status == 'fail': failed.append(name) if res.diff: if self.tap: print('\n'.join(res.diff), file=sys.stderr) else: print('\n'.join(res.diff)) elif res.status == 'not run': notrun.append(name) elif res.status == 'pass': assert res.elapsed is not None self.last_elapsed.update(t, res.elapsed) sys.stdout.flush() if res.interrupted: break if not self.tap: if notrun: print('Not run:', ' '.join(notrun)) if casenotrun: print('Some cases not run in:', ' '.join(casenotrun)) if failed: print('Failures:', ' '.join(failed)) print(f'Failed {len(failed)} of {n_run} iotests') else: print(f'Passed all {n_run} iotests') return not failed