# Test class and utilities for functional tests # # Copyright (c) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. # # Author: # Cleber Rosa <crosa@redhat.com> # # This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or # later. See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. import logging import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import uuid import avocado from avocado.utils import cloudinit, datadrainer, process, ssh, vmimage from avocado.utils.path import find_command from qemu.machine import QEMUMachine from qemu.utils import (get_info_usernet_hostfwd_port, kvm_available, tcg_available) #: The QEMU build root directory. It may also be the source directory #: if building from the source dir, but it's safer to use BUILD_DIR for #: that purpose. Be aware that if this code is moved outside of a source #: and build tree, it will not be accurate. BUILD_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))) if os.path.islink(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))): # The link to the avocado tests dir in the source code directory lnk = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) #: The QEMU root source directory SOURCE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.readlink(lnk))) else: SOURCE_DIR = BUILD_DIR def has_cmd(name, args=None): """ This function is for use in a @avocado.skipUnless decorator, e.g.: @skipUnless(*has_cmd('sudo -n', ('sudo', '-n', 'true'))) def test_something_that_needs_sudo(self): ... """ if args is None: args = ('which', name) try: _, stderr, exitcode = run_cmd(args) except Exception as e: exitcode = -1 stderr = str(e) if exitcode != 0: cmd_line = ' '.join(args) err = f'{name} required, but "{cmd_line}" failed: {stderr.strip()}' return (False, err) else: return (True, '') def has_cmds(*cmds): """ This function is for use in a @avocado.skipUnless decorator and allows checking for the availability of multiple commands, e.g.: @skipUnless(*has_cmds(('cmd1', ('cmd1', '--some-parameter')), 'cmd2', 'cmd3')) def test_something_that_needs_cmd1_and_cmd2(self): ... """ for cmd in cmds: if isinstance(cmd, str): cmd = (cmd,) ok, errstr = has_cmd(*cmd) if not ok: return (False, errstr) return (True, '') def run_cmd(args): subp = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) stdout, stderr = subp.communicate() ret = subp.returncode return (stdout, stderr, ret) def is_readable_executable_file(path): return os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.R_OK | os.X_OK) def pick_default_qemu_bin(bin_prefix='qemu-system-', arch=None): """ Picks the path of a QEMU binary, starting either in the current working directory or in the source tree root directory. :param arch: the arch to use when looking for a QEMU binary (the target will match the arch given). If None (the default), arch will be the current host system arch (as given by :func:`os.uname`). :type arch: str :returns: the path to the default QEMU binary or None if one could not be found :rtype: str or None """ if arch is None: arch = os.uname()[4] # qemu binary path does not match arch for powerpc, handle it if 'ppc64le' in arch: arch = 'ppc64' qemu_bin_name = bin_prefix + arch qemu_bin_paths = [ os.path.join(".", qemu_bin_name), os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, qemu_bin_name), os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, "build", qemu_bin_name), ] for path in qemu_bin_paths: if is_readable_executable_file(path): return path return None def _console_interaction(test, success_message, failure_message, send_string, keep_sending=False, vm=None): assert not keep_sending or send_string if vm is None: vm = test.vm console = vm.console_file console_logger = logging.getLogger('console') while True: if send_string: vm.console_socket.sendall(send_string.encode()) if not keep_sending: send_string = None # send only once try: msg = console.readline().decode().strip() except UnicodeDecodeError: msg = None if not msg: continue console_logger.debug(msg) if success_message is None or success_message in msg: break if failure_message and failure_message in msg: console.close() fail = 'Failure message found in console: "%s". Expected: "%s"' % \ (failure_message, success_message) test.fail(fail) def interrupt_interactive_console_until_pattern(test, success_message, failure_message=None, interrupt_string='\r'): """ Keep sending a string to interrupt a console prompt, while logging the console output. Typical use case is to break a boot loader prompt, such: Press a key within 5 seconds to interrupt boot process. 5 4 3 2 1 Booting default image... :param test: an Avocado test containing a VM that will have its console read and probed for a success or failure message :type test: :class:`avocado_qemu.QemuSystemTest` :param success_message: if this message appears, test succeeds :param failure_message: if this message appears, test fails :param interrupt_string: a string to send to the console before trying to read a new line """ _console_interaction(test, success_message, failure_message, interrupt_string, True) def wait_for_console_pattern(test, success_message, failure_message=None, vm=None): """ Waits for messages to appear on the console, while logging the content :param test: an Avocado test containing a VM that will have its console read and probed for a success or failure message :type test: :class:`avocado_qemu.QemuSystemTest` :param success_message: if this message appears, test succeeds :param failure_message: if this message appears, test fails """ _console_interaction(test, success_message, failure_message, None, vm=vm) def exec_command(test, command): """ Send a command to a console (appending CRLF characters), while logging the content. :param test: an Avocado test containing a VM. :type test: :class:`avocado_qemu.QemuSystemTest` :param command: the command to send :type command: str """ _console_interaction(test, None, None, command + '\r') def exec_command_and_wait_for_pattern(test, command, success_message, failure_message=None): """ Send a command to a console (appending CRLF characters), then wait for success_message to appear on the console, while logging the. content. Mark the test as failed if failure_message is found instead. :param test: an Avocado test containing a VM that will have its console read and probed for a success or failure message :type test: :class:`avocado_qemu.QemuSystemTest` :param command: the command to send :param success_message: if this message appears, test succeeds :param failure_message: if this message appears, test fails """ _console_interaction(test, success_message, failure_message, command + '\r') class QemuBaseTest(avocado.Test): # default timeout for all tests, can be overridden timeout = 120 def _get_unique_tag_val(self, tag_name): """ Gets a tag value, if unique for a key """ vals = self.tags.get(tag_name, []) if len(vals) == 1: return vals.pop() return None def setUp(self, bin_prefix): self.arch = self.params.get('arch', default=self._get_unique_tag_val('arch')) self.cpu = self.params.get('cpu', default=self._get_unique_tag_val('cpu')) default_qemu_bin = pick_default_qemu_bin(bin_prefix, arch=self.arch) self.qemu_bin = self.params.get('qemu_bin', default=default_qemu_bin) if self.qemu_bin is None: self.cancel("No QEMU binary defined or found in the build tree") def fetch_asset(self, name, asset_hash, algorithm=None, locations=None, expire=None, find_only=False, cancel_on_missing=True): return super().fetch_asset(name, asset_hash=asset_hash, algorithm=algorithm, locations=locations, expire=expire, find_only=find_only, cancel_on_missing=cancel_on_missing) class QemuSystemTest(QemuBaseTest): """Facilitates system emulation tests.""" def setUp(self): self._vms = {} super().setUp('qemu-system-') accel_required = self._get_unique_tag_val('accel') if accel_required: self.require_accelerator(accel_required) self.machine = self.params.get('machine', default=self._get_unique_tag_val('machine')) def require_accelerator(self, accelerator): """ Requires an accelerator to be available for the test to continue It takes into account the currently set qemu binary. If the check fails, the test is canceled. If the check itself for the given accelerator is not available, the test is also canceled. :param accelerator: name of the accelerator, such as "kvm" or "tcg" :type accelerator: str """ checker = {'tcg': tcg_available, 'kvm': kvm_available}.get(accelerator) if checker is None: self.cancel("Don't know how to check for the presence " "of accelerator %s" % accelerator) if not checker(qemu_bin=self.qemu_bin): self.cancel("%s accelerator does not seem to be " "available" % accelerator) def require_netdev(self, netdevname): netdevhelp = run_cmd([self.qemu_bin, '-M', 'none', '-netdev', 'help'])[0]; if netdevhelp.find('\n' + netdevname + '\n') < 0: self.cancel('no support for user networking') def require_multiprocess(self): """ Test for the presence of the x-pci-proxy-dev which is required to support multiprocess. """ devhelp = run_cmd([self.qemu_bin, '-M', 'none', '-device', 'help'])[0]; if devhelp.find('x-pci-proxy-dev') < 0: self.cancel('no support for multiprocess device emulation') def _new_vm(self, name, *args): self._sd = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="qemu_") vm = QEMUMachine(self.qemu_bin, base_temp_dir=self.workdir, log_dir=self.logdir) self.log.debug('QEMUMachine "%s" created', name) self.log.debug('QEMUMachine "%s" temp_dir: %s', name, vm.temp_dir) self.log.debug('QEMUMachine "%s" log_dir: %s', name, vm.log_dir) if args: vm.add_args(*args) return vm def get_qemu_img(self): self.log.debug('Looking for and selecting a qemu-img binary') # If qemu-img has been built, use it, otherwise the system wide one # will be used. qemu_img = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'qemu-img') if not os.path.exists(qemu_img): qemu_img = find_command('qemu-img', False) if qemu_img is False: self.cancel('Could not find "qemu-img"') return qemu_img @property def vm(self): return self.get_vm(name='default') def get_vm(self, *args, name=None): if not name: name = str(uuid.uuid4()) if self._vms.get(name) is None: self._vms[name] = self._new_vm(name, *args) if self.cpu is not None: self._vms[name].add_args('-cpu', self.cpu) if self.machine is not None: self._vms[name].set_machine(self.machine) return self._vms[name] def set_vm_arg(self, arg, value): """ Set an argument to list of extra arguments to be given to the QEMU binary. If the argument already exists then its value is replaced. :param arg: the QEMU argument, such as "-cpu" in "-cpu host" :type arg: str :param value: the argument value, such as "host" in "-cpu host" :type value: str """ if not arg or not value: return if arg not in self.vm.args: self.vm.args.extend([arg, value]) else: idx = self.vm.args.index(arg) + 1 if idx < len(self.vm.args): self.vm.args[idx] = value else: self.vm.args.append(value) def tearDown(self): for vm in self._vms.values(): vm.shutdown() self._sd = None super().tearDown() class QemuUserTest(QemuBaseTest): """Facilitates user-mode emulation tests.""" def setUp(self): self._ldpath = [] super().setUp('qemu-') def add_ldpath(self, ldpath): self._ldpath.append(os.path.abspath(ldpath)) def run(self, bin_path, args=[]): qemu_args = " ".join(["-L %s" % ldpath for ldpath in self._ldpath]) bin_args = " ".join(args) return process.run("%s %s %s %s" % (self.qemu_bin, qemu_args, bin_path, bin_args)) class LinuxSSHMixIn: """Contains utility methods for interacting with a guest via SSH.""" def ssh_connect(self, username, credential, credential_is_key=True): self.ssh_logger = logging.getLogger('ssh') res = self.vm.cmd('human-monitor-command', command_line='info usernet') port = get_info_usernet_hostfwd_port(res) self.assertIsNotNone(port) self.assertGreater(port, 0) self.log.debug('sshd listening on port: %d', port) if credential_is_key: self.ssh_session = ssh.Session('', port=port, user=username, key=credential) else: self.ssh_session = ssh.Session('', port=port, user=username, password=credential) for i in range(10): try: self.ssh_session.connect() return except: time.sleep(i) self.fail('ssh connection timeout') def ssh_command(self, command): self.ssh_logger.info(command) result = self.ssh_session.cmd(command) stdout_lines = [line.rstrip() for line in result.stdout_text.splitlines()] for line in stdout_lines: self.ssh_logger.info(line) stderr_lines = [line.rstrip() for line in result.stderr_text.splitlines()] for line in stderr_lines: self.ssh_logger.warning(line) self.assertEqual(result.exit_status, 0, f'Guest command failed: {command}') return stdout_lines, stderr_lines def ssh_command_output_contains(self, cmd, exp): stdout, _ = self.ssh_command(cmd) for line in stdout: if exp in line: break else: self.fail('"%s" output does not contain "%s"' % (cmd, exp)) class LinuxDistro: """Represents a Linux distribution Holds information of known distros. """ #: A collection of known distros and their respective image checksum KNOWN_DISTROS = { 'fedora': { '31': { 'x86_64': {'checksum': ('e3c1b309d9203604922d6e255c2c5d09' '8a309c2d46215d8fc026954f3c5c27a0'), 'pxeboot_url': ('https://archives.fedoraproject.org/' 'pub/archive/fedora/linux/releases/31/' 'Everything/x86_64/os/images/pxeboot/'), 'kernel_params': ('root=UUID=b1438b9b-2cab-4065-a99a-' '08a96687f73c ro no_timer_check ' 'net.ifnames=0 console=tty1 ' 'console=ttyS0,115200n8'), }, 'aarch64': {'checksum': ('1e18d9c0cf734940c4b5d5ec592facae' 'd2af0ad0329383d5639c997fdf16fe49'), 'pxeboot_url': 'https://archives.fedoraproject.org/' 'pub/archive/fedora/linux/releases/31/' 'Everything/aarch64/os/images/pxeboot/', 'kernel_params': ('root=UUID=b6950a44-9f3c-4076-a9c2-' '355e8475b0a7 ro earlyprintk=pl011,0x9000000' ' ignore_loglevel no_timer_check' ' printk.time=1 rd_NO_PLYMOUTH' ' console=ttyAMA0'), }, 'ppc64': {'checksum': ('7c3528b85a3df4b2306e892199a9e1e4' '3f991c506f2cc390dc4efa2026ad2f58')}, 's390x': {'checksum': ('4caaab5a434fd4d1079149a072fdc789' '1e354f834d355069ca982fdcaf5a122d')}, }, '32': { 'aarch64': {'checksum': ('b367755c664a2d7a26955bbfff985855' 'adfa2ca15e908baf15b4b176d68d3967'), 'pxeboot_url': ('http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/' 'releases/32/Server/aarch64/os/images/' 'pxeboot/'), 'kernel_params': ('root=UUID=3df75b65-be8d-4db4-8655-' '14d95c0e90c5 ro no_timer_check net.ifnames=0' ' console=tty1 console=ttyS0,115200n8'), }, }, '33': { 'aarch64': {'checksum': ('e7f75cdfd523fe5ac2ca9eeece68edc1' 'a81f386a17f969c1d1c7c87031008a6b'), 'pxeboot_url': ('http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/' 'releases/33/Server/aarch64/os/images/' 'pxeboot/'), 'kernel_params': ('root=UUID=d20b3ffa-6397-4a63-a734-' '1126a0208f8a ro no_timer_check net.ifnames=0' ' console=tty1 console=ttyS0,115200n8' ' console=tty0'), }, }, } } def __init__(self, name, version, arch): self.name = name self.version = version self.arch = arch try: info = self.KNOWN_DISTROS.get(name).get(version).get(arch) except AttributeError: # Unknown distro info = None self._info = info or {} @property def checksum(self): """Gets the cloud-image file checksum""" return self._info.get('checksum', None) @checksum.setter def checksum(self, value): self._info['checksum'] = value @property def pxeboot_url(self): """Gets the repository url where pxeboot files can be found""" return self._info.get('pxeboot_url', None) @property def default_kernel_params(self): """Gets the default kernel parameters""" return self._info.get('kernel_params', None) class LinuxTest(LinuxSSHMixIn, QemuSystemTest): """Facilitates having a cloud-image Linux based available. For tests that intend to interact with guests, this is a better choice to start with than the more vanilla `QemuSystemTest` class. """ distro = None username = 'root' password = 'password' smp = '2' memory = '1024' def _set_distro(self): distro_name = self.params.get( 'distro', default=self._get_unique_tag_val('distro')) if not distro_name: distro_name = 'fedora' distro_version = self.params.get( 'distro_version', default=self._get_unique_tag_val('distro_version')) if not distro_version: distro_version = '31' self.distro = LinuxDistro(distro_name, distro_version, self.arch) # The distro checksum behaves differently than distro name and # version. First, it does not respect a tag with the same # name, given that it's not expected to be used for filtering # (distro name versions are the natural choice). Second, the # order of precedence is: parameter, attribute and then value # from KNOWN_DISTROS. distro_checksum = self.params.get('distro_checksum', default=None) if distro_checksum: self.distro.checksum = distro_checksum def setUp(self, ssh_pubkey=None, network_device_type='virtio-net'): super().setUp() self.require_netdev('user') self._set_distro() self.vm.add_args('-smp', self.smp) self.vm.add_args('-m', self.memory) # The following network device allows for SSH connections self.vm.add_args('-netdev', 'user,id=vnet,hostfwd=:', '-device', '%s,netdev=vnet' % network_device_type) self.set_up_boot() if ssh_pubkey is None: ssh_pubkey, self.ssh_key = self.set_up_existing_ssh_keys() self.set_up_cloudinit(ssh_pubkey) def set_up_existing_ssh_keys(self): ssh_public_key = os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, 'tests', 'keys', 'id_rsa.pub') source_private_key = os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, 'tests', 'keys', 'id_rsa') ssh_dir = os.path.join(self.workdir, '.ssh') os.mkdir(ssh_dir, mode=0o700) ssh_private_key = os.path.join(ssh_dir, os.path.basename(source_private_key)) shutil.copyfile(source_private_key, ssh_private_key) os.chmod(ssh_private_key, 0o600) return (ssh_public_key, ssh_private_key) def download_boot(self): # Set the qemu-img binary. # If none is available, the test will cancel. vmimage.QEMU_IMG = super().get_qemu_img() self.log.info('Downloading/preparing boot image') # Fedora 31 only provides ppc64le images image_arch = self.arch if self.distro.name == 'fedora': if image_arch == 'ppc64': image_arch = 'ppc64le' try: boot = vmimage.get( self.distro.name, arch=image_arch, version=self.distro.version, checksum=self.distro.checksum, algorithm='sha256', cache_dir=self.cache_dirs[0], snapshot_dir=self.workdir) except: self.cancel('Failed to download/prepare boot image') return boot.path def prepare_cloudinit(self, ssh_pubkey=None): self.log.info('Preparing cloudinit image') try: cloudinit_iso = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'cloudinit.iso') pubkey_content = None if ssh_pubkey: with open(ssh_pubkey) as pubkey: pubkey_content = pubkey.read() cloudinit.iso(cloudinit_iso, self.name, username=self.username, password=self.password, # QEMU's hard coded usermode router address phone_home_host='', phone_home_port=self.phone_server.server_port, authorized_key=pubkey_content) except Exception: self.cancel('Failed to prepare the cloudinit image') return cloudinit_iso def set_up_boot(self): path = self.download_boot() self.vm.add_args('-drive', 'file=%s' % path) def set_up_cloudinit(self, ssh_pubkey=None): self.phone_server = cloudinit.PhoneHomeServer(('', 0), self.name) cloudinit_iso = self.prepare_cloudinit(ssh_pubkey) self.vm.add_args('-drive', 'file=%s,format=raw' % cloudinit_iso) def launch_and_wait(self, set_up_ssh_connection=True): self.vm.set_console() self.vm.launch() console_drainer = datadrainer.LineLogger(self.vm.console_socket.fileno(), logger=self.log.getChild('console')) console_drainer.start() self.log.info('VM launched, waiting for boot confirmation from guest') while not self.phone_server.instance_phoned_back: self.phone_server.handle_request() if set_up_ssh_connection: self.log.info('Setting up the SSH connection') self.ssh_connect(self.username, self.ssh_key)