 * S/390 virtual CPU header
 * For details on the s390x architecture and used definitions (e.g.,
 * PSW, PER and DAT (Dynamic Address Translation)), please refer to
 * the "z/Architecture Principles of Operations" - a.k.a. PoP.
 *  Copyright (c) 2009 Ulrich Hecht
 *  Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2018
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef S390X_CPU_H
#define S390X_CPU_H

#include "cpu-qom.h"
#include "cpu_models.h"
#include "exec/cpu-defs.h"
#include "qemu/cpu-float.h"
#include "qapi/qapi-types-machine-common.h"


/* The z/Architecture has a strong memory model with some store-after-load re-ordering */



#define MMU_USER_IDX 0

#define S390_MAX_CPUS 248

#ifndef CONFIG_KVM

typedef struct PSW {
    uint64_t mask;
    uint64_t addr;
} PSW;

typedef struct CPUArchState {
    uint64_t regs[16];     /* GP registers */
     * The floating point registers are part of the vector registers.
     * vregs[0][0] -> vregs[15][0] are 16 floating point registers
    uint64_t vregs[32][2] QEMU_ALIGNED(16);  /* vector registers */
    uint32_t aregs[16];    /* access registers */
    uint64_t gscb[4];      /* guarded storage control */
    uint64_t etoken;       /* etoken */
    uint64_t etoken_extension; /* etoken extension */

    uint64_t diag318_info;

    /* Fields up to this point are not cleared by initial CPU reset */
    struct {} start_initial_reset_fields;

    uint32_t fpc;          /* floating-point control register */
    uint32_t cc_op;
    bool bpbc;             /* branch prediction blocking */

    float_status fpu_status; /* passed to softfloat lib */

    PSW psw;

    S390CrashReason crash_reason;

    uint64_t cc_src;
    uint64_t cc_dst;
    uint64_t cc_vr;

    uint64_t ex_value;
    uint64_t ex_target;

    uint64_t __excp_addr;
    uint64_t psa;

    uint32_t int_pgm_code;
    uint32_t int_pgm_ilen;

    uint32_t int_svc_code;
    uint32_t int_svc_ilen;

    uint64_t per_address;
    uint16_t per_perc_atmid;

    uint64_t cregs[16]; /* control registers */

    uint64_t ckc;
    uint64_t cputm;
    uint32_t todpr;

    uint64_t pfault_token;
    uint64_t pfault_compare;
    uint64_t pfault_select;

    uint64_t gbea;
    uint64_t pp;

    /* Fields up to this point are not cleared by normal CPU reset */
    struct {} start_normal_reset_fields;
    uint8_t riccb[64];     /* runtime instrumentation control */

    int pending_int;
    uint16_t external_call_addr;
    DECLARE_BITMAP(emergency_signals, S390_MAX_CPUS);

#if !defined(CONFIG_USER_ONLY)
    uint64_t tlb_fill_tec;   /* translation exception code during tlb_fill */
    int tlb_fill_exc;        /* exception number seen during tlb_fill */

    /* Fields up to this point are cleared by a CPU reset */
    struct {} end_reset_fields;

#if !defined(CONFIG_USER_ONLY)
    uint32_t core_id; /* PoP "CPU address", same as cpu_index */
    int32_t socket_id;
    int32_t book_id;
    int32_t drawer_id;
    bool dedicated;
    CpuS390Entitlement entitlement; /* Used only for vertical polarization */
    uint64_t cpuid;

    QEMUTimer *tod_timer;

    QEMUTimer *cpu_timer;

     * The cpu state represents the logical state of a cpu. In contrast to other
     * architectures, there is a difference between a halt and a stop on s390.
     * If all cpus are either stopped (including check stop) or in the disabled
     * wait state, the vm can be shut down.
     * The acceptable cpu_state values are defined in the CpuInfoS390State
     * enum.
    uint8_t cpu_state;

    /* currently processed sigp order */
    uint8_t sigp_order;

} CPUS390XState;

static inline uint64_t *get_freg(CPUS390XState *cs, int nr)
    return &cs->vregs[nr][0];

 * S390CPU:
 * @env: #CPUS390XState.
 * An S/390 CPU.
struct ArchCPU {
    CPUState parent_obj;

    CPUS390XState env;
    S390CPUModel *model;
    /* needed for live migration */
    void *irqstate;
    uint32_t irqstate_saved_size;

typedef enum cpu_reset_type {
} cpu_reset_type;

 * S390CPUClass:
 * @parent_realize: The parent class' realize handler.
 * @parent_reset: The parent class' reset handler.
 * @load_normal: Performs a load normal.
 * @cpu_reset: Performs a CPU reset.
 * @initial_cpu_reset: Performs an initial CPU reset.
 * An S/390 CPU model.
struct S390CPUClass {
    CPUClass parent_class;

    const S390CPUDef *cpu_def;
    bool kvm_required;
    bool is_static;
    bool is_migration_safe;
    const char *desc;

    DeviceRealize parent_realize;
    DeviceReset parent_reset;
    void (*load_normal)(CPUState *cpu);
    void (*reset)(CPUState *cpu, cpu_reset_type type);

extern const VMStateDescription vmstate_s390_cpu;

/* distinguish between 24 bit and 31 bit addressing */
#define HIGH_ORDER_BIT 0x80000000

/* Interrupt Codes */
/* Program Interrupts */
#define PGM_OPERATION                   0x0001
#define PGM_PRIVILEGED                  0x0002
#define PGM_EXECUTE                     0x0003
#define PGM_PROTECTION                  0x0004
#define PGM_ADDRESSING                  0x0005
#define PGM_SPECIFICATION               0x0006
#define PGM_DATA                        0x0007
#define PGM_FIXPT_OVERFLOW              0x0008
#define PGM_FIXPT_DIVIDE                0x0009
#define PGM_DEC_OVERFLOW                0x000a
#define PGM_DEC_DIVIDE                  0x000b
#define PGM_HFP_EXP_OVERFLOW            0x000c
#define PGM_HFP_EXP_UNDERFLOW           0x000d
#define PGM_HFP_SIGNIFICANCE            0x000e
#define PGM_HFP_DIVIDE                  0x000f
#define PGM_SEGMENT_TRANS               0x0010
#define PGM_PAGE_TRANS                  0x0011
#define PGM_TRANS_SPEC                  0x0012
#define PGM_SPECIAL_OP                  0x0013
#define PGM_OPERAND                     0x0015
#define PGM_TRACE_TABLE                 0x0016
#define PGM_VECTOR_PROCESSING           0x001b
#define PGM_SPACE_SWITCH                0x001c
#define PGM_HFP_SQRT                    0x001d
#define PGM_PC_TRANS_SPEC               0x001f
#define PGM_AFX_TRANS                   0x0020
#define PGM_ASX_TRANS                   0x0021
#define PGM_LX_TRANS                    0x0022
#define PGM_EX_TRANS                    0x0023
#define PGM_PRIM_AUTH                   0x0024
#define PGM_SEC_AUTH                    0x0025
#define PGM_ALET_SPEC                   0x0028
#define PGM_ALEN_SPEC                   0x0029
#define PGM_ALE_SEQ                     0x002a
#define PGM_ASTE_VALID                  0x002b
#define PGM_ASTE_SEQ                    0x002c
#define PGM_EXT_AUTH                    0x002d
#define PGM_STACK_FULL                  0x0030
#define PGM_STACK_EMPTY                 0x0031
#define PGM_STACK_SPEC                  0x0032
#define PGM_STACK_TYPE                  0x0033
#define PGM_STACK_OP                    0x0034
#define PGM_ASCE_TYPE                   0x0038
#define PGM_REG_FIRST_TRANS             0x0039
#define PGM_REG_SEC_TRANS               0x003a
#define PGM_REG_THIRD_TRANS             0x003b
#define PGM_MONITOR                     0x0040
#define PGM_PER                         0x0080
#define PGM_CRYPTO                      0x0119

/* External Interrupts */
#define EXT_INTERRUPT_KEY               0x0040
#define EXT_CLOCK_COMP                  0x1004
#define EXT_CPU_TIMER                   0x1005
#define EXT_MALFUNCTION                 0x1200
#define EXT_EMERGENCY                   0x1201
#define EXT_EXTERNAL_CALL               0x1202
#define EXT_ETR                         0x1406
#define EXT_SERVICE                     0x2401
#define EXT_VIRTIO                      0x2603

/* PSW defines */
#undef PSW_MASK_IO
#undef PSW_MASK_CC
#undef PSW_MASK_PM
#undef PSW_MASK_RI
#undef PSW_MASK_64
#undef PSW_MASK_32

#define PSW_MASK_PER            0x4000000000000000ULL
#define PSW_MASK_UNUSED_2       0x2000000000000000ULL
#define PSW_MASK_UNUSED_3       0x1000000000000000ULL
#define PSW_MASK_DAT            0x0400000000000000ULL
#define PSW_MASK_IO             0x0200000000000000ULL
#define PSW_MASK_EXT            0x0100000000000000ULL
#define PSW_MASK_KEY            0x00F0000000000000ULL
#define PSW_SHIFT_KEY           52
#define PSW_MASK_SHORTPSW       0x0008000000000000ULL
#define PSW_MASK_MCHECK         0x0004000000000000ULL
#define PSW_MASK_WAIT           0x0002000000000000ULL
#define PSW_MASK_PSTATE         0x0001000000000000ULL
#define PSW_MASK_ASC            0x0000C00000000000ULL
#define PSW_SHIFT_ASC           46
#define PSW_MASK_CC             0x0000300000000000ULL
#define PSW_MASK_PM             0x00000F0000000000ULL
#define PSW_SHIFT_MASK_PM       40
#define PSW_MASK_RI             0x0000008000000000ULL
#define PSW_MASK_64             0x0000000100000000ULL
#define PSW_MASK_32             0x0000000080000000ULL
#define PSW_MASK_SHORT_ADDR     0x000000007fffffffULL
#define PSW_MASK_SHORT_CTRL     0xffffffff80000000ULL
#define PSW_MASK_RESERVED       0xb80800fe7fffffffULL


#define PSW_ASC_PRIMARY         0x0000000000000000ULL
#define PSW_ASC_ACCREG          0x0000400000000000ULL
#define PSW_ASC_SECONDARY       0x0000800000000000ULL
#define PSW_ASC_HOME            0x0000C00000000000ULL

/* the address space values shifted */
#define AS_PRIMARY              0
#define AS_ACCREG               1
#define AS_SECONDARY            2
#define AS_HOME                 3

/* tb flags */

#define FLAG_MASK_PSW_SHIFT     31
#define FLAG_MASK_64            (PSW_MASK_64     >> FLAG_MASK_PSW_SHIFT)
#define FLAG_MASK_32            (PSW_MASK_32     >> FLAG_MASK_PSW_SHIFT)
                                | FLAG_MASK_ASC | FLAG_MASK_64 | FLAG_MASK_32)

/* we'll use some unused PSW positions to store CR flags in tb flags */

/* Control register 0 bits */
#define CR0_LOWPROT             0x0000000010000000ULL
#define CR0_SECONDARY           0x0000000004000000ULL
#define CR0_EDAT                0x0000000000800000ULL
#define CR0_AFP                 0x0000000000040000ULL
#define CR0_VECTOR              0x0000000000020000ULL
#define CR0_IEP                 0x0000000000100000ULL
#define CR0_EMERGENCY_SIGNAL_SC 0x0000000000004000ULL
#define CR0_EXTERNAL_CALL_SC    0x0000000000002000ULL
#define CR0_CKC_SC              0x0000000000000800ULL
#define CR0_CPU_TIMER_SC        0x0000000000000400ULL
#define CR0_SERVICE_SC          0x0000000000000200ULL

/* Control register 14 bits */
#define CR14_CHANNEL_REPORT_SC  0x0000000010000000ULL

/* MMU */
#define MMU_PRIMARY_IDX         0
#define MMU_SECONDARY_IDX       1
#define MMU_HOME_IDX            2
#define MMU_REAL_IDX            3

static inline int cpu_mmu_index(CPUS390XState *env, bool ifetch)
    return MMU_USER_IDX;
    if (!(env->psw.mask & PSW_MASK_DAT)) {
        return MMU_REAL_IDX;

    if (ifetch) {
        if ((env->psw.mask & PSW_MASK_ASC) == PSW_ASC_HOME) {
            return MMU_HOME_IDX;
        return MMU_PRIMARY_IDX;

    switch (env->psw.mask & PSW_MASK_ASC) {
        return MMU_PRIMARY_IDX;
        return MMU_SECONDARY_IDX;
    case PSW_ASC_HOME:
        return MMU_HOME_IDX;
    case PSW_ASC_ACCREG:
        /* Fallthrough: access register mode is not yet supported */


#include "tcg/tcg_s390x.h"

static inline void cpu_get_tb_cpu_state(CPUS390XState *env, vaddr *pc,
                                        uint64_t *cs_base, uint32_t *flags)
    if (env->psw.addr & 1) {
         * Instructions must be at even addresses.
         * This needs to be checked before address translation.
        env->int_pgm_ilen = 2; /* see s390_cpu_tlb_fill() */
        tcg_s390_program_interrupt(env, PGM_SPECIFICATION, 0);
    *pc = env->psw.addr;
    *cs_base = env->ex_value;
    *flags = (env->psw.mask >> FLAG_MASK_PSW_SHIFT) & FLAG_MASK_PSW;
    if (env->cregs[0] & CR0_AFP) {
        *flags |= FLAG_MASK_AFP;
    if (env->cregs[0] & CR0_VECTOR) {
        *flags |= FLAG_MASK_VECTOR;

#endif /* CONFIG_TCG */

/* PER bits from control register 9 */
#define PER_CR9_EVENT_BRANCH           0x80000000
#define PER_CR9_EVENT_IFETCH           0x40000000
#define PER_CR9_EVENT_STORE            0x20000000
#define PER_CR9_EVENT_STORE_REAL       0x08000000
#define PER_CR9_EVENT_NULLIFICATION    0x01000000
#define PER_CR9_CONTROL_ALTERATION     0x00200000

/* PER bits from the PER CODE/ATMID/AI in lowcore */
#define PER_CODE_EVENT_BRANCH          0x8000
#define PER_CODE_EVENT_IFETCH          0x4000
#define PER_CODE_EVENT_STORE           0x2000
#define PER_CODE_EVENT_STORE_REAL      0x0800

#define EXCP_EXT 1 /* external interrupt */
#define EXCP_SVC 2 /* supervisor call (syscall) */
#define EXCP_PGM 3 /* program interruption */
#define EXCP_RESTART 4 /* restart interrupt */
#define EXCP_STOP 5 /* stop interrupt */
#define EXCP_IO  7 /* I/O interrupt */
#define EXCP_MCHK 8 /* machine check */

#define INTERRUPT_EXT_CPU_TIMER          (1 << 3)
#define INTERRUPT_EXTERNAL_CALL          (1 << 5)
#define INTERRUPT_EMERGENCY_SIGNAL       (1 << 6)
#define INTERRUPT_RESTART                (1 << 7)
#define INTERRUPT_STOP                   (1 << 8)

/* Program Status Word.  */
#define S390_PSWM_REGNUM 0
#define S390_PSWA_REGNUM 1
/* General Purpose Registers.  */
#define S390_R0_REGNUM 2
#define S390_R1_REGNUM 3
#define S390_R2_REGNUM 4
#define S390_R3_REGNUM 5
#define S390_R4_REGNUM 6
#define S390_R5_REGNUM 7
#define S390_R6_REGNUM 8
#define S390_R7_REGNUM 9
#define S390_R8_REGNUM 10
#define S390_R9_REGNUM 11
#define S390_R10_REGNUM 12
#define S390_R11_REGNUM 13
#define S390_R12_REGNUM 14
#define S390_R13_REGNUM 15
#define S390_R14_REGNUM 16
#define S390_R15_REGNUM 17
/* Total Core Registers. */
#define S390_NUM_CORE_REGS 18

static inline void setcc(S390CPU *cpu, uint64_t cc)
    CPUS390XState *env = &cpu->env;

    env->psw.mask &= ~(3ull << 44);
    env->psw.mask |= (cc & 3) << 44;
    env->cc_op = cc;

/* STSI */
#define STSI_R0_FC_MASK         0x00000000f0000000ULL
#define STSI_R0_FC_CURRENT      0x0000000000000000ULL
#define STSI_R0_FC_LEVEL_1      0x0000000010000000ULL
#define STSI_R0_FC_LEVEL_2      0x0000000020000000ULL
#define STSI_R0_FC_LEVEL_3      0x0000000030000000ULL
#define STSI_R0_RESERVED_MASK   0x000000000fffff00ULL
#define STSI_R0_SEL1_MASK       0x00000000000000ffULL
#define STSI_R1_RESERVED_MASK   0x00000000ffff0000ULL
#define STSI_R1_SEL2_MASK       0x000000000000ffffULL

/* Basic Machine Configuration */
typedef struct SysIB_111 {
    uint8_t  res1[32];
    uint8_t  manuf[16];
    uint8_t  type[4];
    uint8_t  res2[12];
    uint8_t  model[16];
    uint8_t  sequence[16];
    uint8_t  plant[4];
    uint8_t  res3[3996];
} SysIB_111;
QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(SysIB_111) != 4096);

/* Basic Machine CPU */
typedef struct SysIB_121 {
    uint8_t  res1[80];
    uint8_t  sequence[16];
    uint8_t  plant[4];
    uint8_t  res2[2];
    uint16_t cpu_addr;
    uint8_t  res3[3992];
} SysIB_121;
QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(SysIB_121) != 4096);

/* Basic Machine CPUs */
typedef struct SysIB_122 {
    uint8_t res1[32];
    uint32_t capability;
    uint16_t total_cpus;
    uint16_t conf_cpus;
    uint16_t standby_cpus;
    uint16_t reserved_cpus;
    uint16_t adjustments[2026];
} SysIB_122;
QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(SysIB_122) != 4096);

/* LPAR CPU */
typedef struct SysIB_221 {
    uint8_t  res1[80];
    uint8_t  sequence[16];
    uint8_t  plant[4];
    uint16_t cpu_id;
    uint16_t cpu_addr;
    uint8_t  res3[3992];
} SysIB_221;
QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(SysIB_221) != 4096);

/* LPAR CPUs */
typedef struct SysIB_222 {
    uint8_t  res1[32];
    uint16_t lpar_num;
    uint8_t  res2;
    uint8_t  lcpuc;
    uint16_t total_cpus;
    uint16_t conf_cpus;
    uint16_t standby_cpus;
    uint16_t reserved_cpus;
    uint8_t  name[8];
    uint32_t caf;
    uint8_t  res3[16];
    uint16_t dedicated_cpus;
    uint16_t shared_cpus;
    uint8_t  res4[4020];
} SysIB_222;
QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(SysIB_222) != 4096);

/* VM CPUs */
typedef struct SysIB_322 {
    uint8_t  res1[31];
    uint8_t  count;
    struct {
        uint8_t  res2[4];
        uint16_t total_cpus;
        uint16_t conf_cpus;
        uint16_t standby_cpus;
        uint16_t reserved_cpus;
        uint8_t  name[8];
        uint32_t caf;
        uint8_t  cpi[16];
        uint8_t res5[3];
        uint8_t ext_name_encoding;
        uint32_t res3;
        uint8_t uuid[16];
    } vm[8];
    uint8_t res4[1504];
    uint8_t ext_names[8][256];
} SysIB_322;
QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(SysIB_322) != 4096);

 * Topology Magnitude fields (MAG) indicates the maximum number of
 * topology list entries (TLE) at the corresponding nesting level.
#define S390_TOPOLOGY_MAG  6
#define S390_TOPOLOGY_MAG6 0
#define S390_TOPOLOGY_MAG5 1
#define S390_TOPOLOGY_MAG4 2
#define S390_TOPOLOGY_MAG3 3
#define S390_TOPOLOGY_MAG2 4
#define S390_TOPOLOGY_MAG1 5
/* Configuration topology */
typedef struct SysIB_151x {
    uint8_t  reserved0[2];
    uint16_t length;
    uint8_t  mag[S390_TOPOLOGY_MAG];
    uint8_t  reserved1;
    uint8_t  mnest;
    uint32_t reserved2;
    char tle[];
} SysIB_151x;
QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(SysIB_151x) != 16);

typedef union SysIB {
    SysIB_111 sysib_111;
    SysIB_121 sysib_121;
    SysIB_122 sysib_122;
    SysIB_221 sysib_221;
    SysIB_222 sysib_222;
    SysIB_322 sysib_322;
    SysIB_151x sysib_151x;
} SysIB;
QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(SysIB) != 4096);

 * CPU Topology List provided by STSI with fc=15 provides a list
 * of two different Topology List Entries (TLE) types to specify
 * the topology hierarchy.
 * - Container Topology List Entry
 *   Defines a container to contain other Topology List Entries
 *   of any type, nested containers or CPU.
 * - CPU Topology List Entry
 *   Specifies the CPUs position, type, entitlement and polarization
 *   of the CPUs contained in the last container TLE.
 * There can be theoretically up to five levels of containers, QEMU
 * uses only three levels, the drawer's, book's and socket's level.
 * A container with a nesting level (NL) greater than 1 can only
 * contain another container of nesting level NL-1.
 * A container of nesting level 1 (socket), contains as many CPU TLE
 * as needed to describe the position and qualities of all CPUs inside
 * the container.
 * The qualities of a CPU are polarization, entitlement and type.
 * The CPU TLE defines the position of the CPUs of identical qualities
 * using a 64bits mask which first bit has its offset defined by
 * the CPU address origin field of the CPU TLE like in:
 * CPU address = origin * 64 + bit position within the mask
/* Container type Topology List Entry */
typedef struct SYSIBContainerListEntry {
        uint8_t nl;
        uint8_t reserved[6];
        uint8_t id;
} SYSIBContainerListEntry;
QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(SYSIBContainerListEntry) != 8);

/* CPU type Topology List Entry */
typedef struct SysIBCPUListEntry {
        uint8_t nl;
        uint8_t reserved0[3];
#define SYSIB_TLE_DEDICATED     0x04
        uint8_t flags;
        uint8_t type;
        uint16_t origin;
        uint64_t mask;
} SysIBCPUListEntry;
QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(SysIBCPUListEntry) != 16);

void insert_stsi_15_1_x(S390CPU *cpu, int sel2, uint64_t addr, uint8_t ar, uintptr_t ra);
void s390_cpu_topology_set_changed(bool changed);

/* MMU defines */
#define ASCE_ORIGIN           (~0xfffULL) /* segment table origin             */
#define ASCE_SUBSPACE         0x200       /* subspace group control           */
#define ASCE_PRIVATE_SPACE    0x100       /* private space control            */
#define ASCE_ALT_EVENT        0x80        /* storage alteration event control */
#define ASCE_SPACE_SWITCH     0x40        /* space switch event               */
#define ASCE_REAL_SPACE       0x20        /* real space control               */
#define ASCE_TYPE_MASK        0x0c        /* asce table type mask             */
#define ASCE_TYPE_REGION1     0x0c        /* region first table type          */
#define ASCE_TYPE_REGION2     0x08        /* region second table type         */
#define ASCE_TYPE_REGION3     0x04        /* region third table type          */
#define ASCE_TYPE_SEGMENT     0x00        /* segment table type               */
#define ASCE_TABLE_LENGTH     0x03        /* region table length              */

#define REGION_ENTRY_ORIGIN         0xfffffffffffff000ULL
#define REGION_ENTRY_P              0x0000000000000200ULL
#define REGION_ENTRY_TF             0x00000000000000c0ULL
#define REGION_ENTRY_I              0x0000000000000020ULL
#define REGION_ENTRY_TT             0x000000000000000cULL
#define REGION_ENTRY_TL             0x0000000000000003ULL

#define REGION_ENTRY_TT_REGION1     0x000000000000000cULL
#define REGION_ENTRY_TT_REGION2     0x0000000000000008ULL
#define REGION_ENTRY_TT_REGION3     0x0000000000000004ULL

#define REGION3_ENTRY_RFAA          0xffffffff80000000ULL
#define REGION3_ENTRY_AV            0x0000000000010000ULL
#define REGION3_ENTRY_ACC           0x000000000000f000ULL
#define REGION3_ENTRY_F             0x0000000000000800ULL
#define REGION3_ENTRY_FC            0x0000000000000400ULL
#define REGION3_ENTRY_IEP           0x0000000000000100ULL
#define REGION3_ENTRY_CR            0x0000000000000010ULL

#define SEGMENT_ENTRY_ORIGIN        0xfffffffffffff800ULL
#define SEGMENT_ENTRY_SFAA          0xfffffffffff00000ULL
#define SEGMENT_ENTRY_AV            0x0000000000010000ULL
#define SEGMENT_ENTRY_ACC           0x000000000000f000ULL
#define SEGMENT_ENTRY_F             0x0000000000000800ULL
#define SEGMENT_ENTRY_FC            0x0000000000000400ULL
#define SEGMENT_ENTRY_P             0x0000000000000200ULL
#define SEGMENT_ENTRY_IEP           0x0000000000000100ULL
#define SEGMENT_ENTRY_I             0x0000000000000020ULL
#define SEGMENT_ENTRY_CS            0x0000000000000010ULL
#define SEGMENT_ENTRY_TT            0x000000000000000cULL

#define SEGMENT_ENTRY_TT_SEGMENT    0x0000000000000000ULL

#define PAGE_ENTRY_0                0x0000000000000800ULL
#define PAGE_ENTRY_I                0x0000000000000400ULL
#define PAGE_ENTRY_P                0x0000000000000200ULL
#define PAGE_ENTRY_IEP              0x0000000000000100ULL

#define VADDR_REGION1_TX_MASK       0xffe0000000000000ULL
#define VADDR_REGION2_TX_MASK       0x001ffc0000000000ULL
#define VADDR_REGION3_TX_MASK       0x000003ff80000000ULL
#define VADDR_SEGMENT_TX_MASK       0x000000007ff00000ULL
#define VADDR_PAGE_TX_MASK          0x00000000000ff000ULL

#define VADDR_REGION1_TX(vaddr)     (((vaddr) & VADDR_REGION1_TX_MASK) >> 53)
#define VADDR_REGION2_TX(vaddr)     (((vaddr) & VADDR_REGION2_TX_MASK) >> 42)
#define VADDR_REGION3_TX(vaddr)     (((vaddr) & VADDR_REGION3_TX_MASK) >> 31)
#define VADDR_SEGMENT_TX(vaddr)     (((vaddr) & VADDR_SEGMENT_TX_MASK) >> 20)
#define VADDR_PAGE_TX(vaddr)        (((vaddr) & VADDR_PAGE_TX_MASK) >> 12)

#define VADDR_REGION1_TL(vaddr)     (((vaddr) & 0xc000000000000000ULL) >> 62)
#define VADDR_REGION2_TL(vaddr)     (((vaddr) & 0x0018000000000000ULL) >> 51)
#define VADDR_REGION3_TL(vaddr)     (((vaddr) & 0x0000030000000000ULL) >> 40)
#define VADDR_SEGMENT_TL(vaddr)     (((vaddr) & 0x0000000060000000ULL) >> 29)

#define SK_C                    (0x1 << 1)
#define SK_R                    (0x1 << 2)
#define SK_F                    (0x1 << 3)
#define SK_ACC_MASK             (0xf << 4)

/* SIGP order codes */
#define SIGP_SENSE             0x01
#define SIGP_EXTERNAL_CALL     0x02
#define SIGP_EMERGENCY         0x03
#define SIGP_START             0x04
#define SIGP_STOP              0x05
#define SIGP_RESTART           0x06
#define SIGP_CPU_RESET         0x0c
#define SIGP_SET_PREFIX        0x0d
#define SIGP_SET_ARCH          0x12
#define SIGP_COND_EMERGENCY    0x13
#define SIGP_SENSE_RUNNING     0x15

/* SIGP condition codes */
#define SIGP_CC_STATUS_STORED       1
#define SIGP_CC_BUSY                2

/* SIGP status bits */
#define SIGP_STAT_EQUIPMENT_CHECK   0x80000000UL
#define SIGP_STAT_NOT_RUNNING       0x00000400UL
#define SIGP_STAT_INCORRECT_STATE   0x00000200UL
#define SIGP_STAT_EXT_CALL_PENDING  0x00000080UL
#define SIGP_STAT_STOPPED           0x00000040UL
#define SIGP_STAT_OPERATOR_INTERV   0x00000020UL
#define SIGP_STAT_CHECK_STOP        0x00000010UL
#define SIGP_STAT_INOPERATIVE       0x00000004UL
#define SIGP_STAT_INVALID_ORDER     0x00000002UL
#define SIGP_STAT_RECEIVER_CHECK    0x00000001UL

/* SIGP order code mask corresponding to bit positions 56-63 */
#define SIGP_ORDER_MASK 0x000000ff

/* machine check interruption code */

/* subclasses */
#define MCIC_SC_SD 0x8000000000000000ULL
#define MCIC_SC_PD 0x4000000000000000ULL
#define MCIC_SC_SR 0x2000000000000000ULL
#define MCIC_SC_CD 0x0800000000000000ULL
#define MCIC_SC_ED 0x0400000000000000ULL
#define MCIC_SC_DG 0x0100000000000000ULL
#define MCIC_SC_W  0x0080000000000000ULL
#define MCIC_SC_CP 0x0040000000000000ULL
#define MCIC_SC_SP 0x0020000000000000ULL
#define MCIC_SC_CK 0x0010000000000000ULL

/* subclass modifiers */
#define MCIC_SCM_B  0x0002000000000000ULL
#define MCIC_SCM_DA 0x0000000020000000ULL
#define MCIC_SCM_AP 0x0000000000080000ULL

/* storage errors */
#define MCIC_SE_SE 0x0000800000000000ULL
#define MCIC_SE_SC 0x0000400000000000ULL
#define MCIC_SE_KE 0x0000200000000000ULL
#define MCIC_SE_DS 0x0000100000000000ULL
#define MCIC_SE_IE 0x0000000080000000ULL

/* validity bits */
#define MCIC_VB_WP 0x0000080000000000ULL
#define MCIC_VB_MS 0x0000040000000000ULL
#define MCIC_VB_PM 0x0000020000000000ULL
#define MCIC_VB_IA 0x0000010000000000ULL
#define MCIC_VB_FA 0x0000008000000000ULL
#define MCIC_VB_VR 0x0000004000000000ULL
#define MCIC_VB_EC 0x0000002000000000ULL
#define MCIC_VB_FP 0x0000001000000000ULL
#define MCIC_VB_GR 0x0000000800000000ULL
#define MCIC_VB_CR 0x0000000400000000ULL
#define MCIC_VB_ST 0x0000000100000000ULL
#define MCIC_VB_AR 0x0000000040000000ULL
#define MCIC_VB_GS 0x0000000008000000ULL
#define MCIC_VB_PR 0x0000000000200000ULL
#define MCIC_VB_FC 0x0000000000100000ULL
#define MCIC_VB_CT 0x0000000000020000ULL
#define MCIC_VB_CC 0x0000000000010000ULL

static inline uint64_t s390_build_validity_mcic(void)
    uint64_t mcic;

     * Indicate all validity bits (no damage) only. Other bits have to be
     * added by the caller. (storage errors, subclasses and subclass modifiers)
           MCIC_VB_FC | MCIC_VB_CT | MCIC_VB_CC;
    if (s390_has_feat(S390_FEAT_VECTOR)) {
        mcic |= MCIC_VB_VR;
    if (s390_has_feat(S390_FEAT_GUARDED_STORAGE)) {
        mcic |= MCIC_VB_GS;
    return mcic;

static inline void s390_do_cpu_full_reset(CPUState *cs, run_on_cpu_data arg)

static inline void s390_do_cpu_reset(CPUState *cs, run_on_cpu_data arg)
    S390CPUClass *scc = S390_CPU_GET_CLASS(cs);

    scc->reset(cs, S390_CPU_RESET_NORMAL);

static inline void s390_do_cpu_initial_reset(CPUState *cs, run_on_cpu_data arg)
    S390CPUClass *scc = S390_CPU_GET_CLASS(cs);

    scc->reset(cs, S390_CPU_RESET_INITIAL);

static inline void s390_do_cpu_load_normal(CPUState *cs, run_on_cpu_data arg)
    S390CPUClass *scc = S390_CPU_GET_CLASS(cs);


/* cpu.c */
void s390_crypto_reset(void);
int s390_set_memory_limit(uint64_t new_limit, uint64_t *hw_limit);
void s390_set_max_pagesize(uint64_t pagesize, Error **errp);
void s390_cmma_reset(void);
void s390_enable_css_support(S390CPU *cpu);
void s390_do_cpu_set_diag318(CPUState *cs, run_on_cpu_data arg);
int s390_assign_subch_ioeventfd(EventNotifier *notifier, uint32_t sch_id,
                                int vq, bool assign);
unsigned int s390_cpu_set_state(uint8_t cpu_state, S390CPU *cpu);
static inline unsigned int s390_cpu_set_state(uint8_t cpu_state, S390CPU *cpu)
    return 0;
#endif /* CONFIG_USER_ONLY */
static inline uint8_t s390_cpu_get_state(S390CPU *cpu)
    return cpu->env.cpu_state;

/* cpu_models.c */
void s390_cpu_list(void);
#define cpu_list s390_cpu_list
void s390_set_qemu_cpu_model(uint16_t type, uint8_t gen, uint8_t ec_ga,
                             const S390FeatInit feat_init);

/* helper.c */

/* interrupt.c */
#define RA_IGNORED                  0
void s390_program_interrupt(CPUS390XState *env, uint32_t code, uintptr_t ra);
/* service interrupts are floating therefore we must not pass an cpustate */
void s390_sclp_extint(uint32_t parm);

/* mmu_helper.c */
int s390_cpu_virt_mem_rw(S390CPU *cpu, vaddr laddr, uint8_t ar, void *hostbuf,
                         int len, bool is_write);
#define s390_cpu_virt_mem_read(cpu, laddr, ar, dest, len)    \
        s390_cpu_virt_mem_rw(cpu, laddr, ar, dest, len, false)
#define s390_cpu_virt_mem_write(cpu, laddr, ar, dest, len)       \
        s390_cpu_virt_mem_rw(cpu, laddr, ar, dest, len, true)
#define s390_cpu_virt_mem_check_read(cpu, laddr, ar, len)   \
        s390_cpu_virt_mem_rw(cpu, laddr, ar, NULL, len, false)
#define s390_cpu_virt_mem_check_write(cpu, laddr, ar, len)   \
        s390_cpu_virt_mem_rw(cpu, laddr, ar, NULL, len, true)
void s390_cpu_virt_mem_handle_exc(S390CPU *cpu, uintptr_t ra);
int s390_cpu_pv_mem_rw(S390CPU *cpu, unsigned int offset, void *hostbuf,
                       int len, bool is_write);
#define s390_cpu_pv_mem_read(cpu, offset, dest, len)    \
        s390_cpu_pv_mem_rw(cpu, offset, dest, len, false)
#define s390_cpu_pv_mem_write(cpu, offset, dest, len)       \
        s390_cpu_pv_mem_rw(cpu, offset, dest, len, true)

/* sigp.c */
int s390_cpu_restart(S390CPU *cpu);
void s390_init_sigp(void);

/* helper.c */
void s390_cpu_set_psw(CPUS390XState *env, uint64_t mask, uint64_t addr);
uint64_t s390_cpu_get_psw_mask(CPUS390XState *env);

/* outside of target/s390x/ */
S390CPU *s390_cpu_addr2state(uint16_t cpu_addr);

#include "exec/cpu-all.h"
