#!/usr/bin/env python3 ## ## Copyright(c) 2019-2023 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, see . ## import sys import re import string behdict = {} # tag ->behavior semdict = {} # tag -> semantics attribdict = {} # tag -> attributes macros = {} # macro -> macro information... attribinfo = {} # Register information and misc tags = [] # list of all tags overrides = {} # tags with helper overrides idef_parser_enabled = {} # tags enabled for idef-parser def bad_register(*args): args_str = ", ".join(map(str, args)) raise Exception(f"Bad register parse: {args_str}") # We should do this as a hash for performance, # but to keep order let's keep it as a list. def uniquify(seq): seen = set() seen_add = seen.add return [x for x in seq if x not in seen and not seen_add(x)] regre = re.compile(r"((?") macro.attribs |= expand_macro_attribs(macros[submacro], allmac_re) finished_macros.add(macro.key) return macro.attribs # When qemu needs an attribute that isn't in the imported files, # we'll add it here. def add_qemu_macro_attrib(name, attrib): macros[name].attribs.add(attrib) immextre = re.compile(r"f(MUST_)?IMMEXT[(]([UuSsRr])") def is_cond_jump(tag): if tag == "J2_rte": return False if "A_HWLOOP0_END" in attribdict[tag] or "A_HWLOOP1_END" in attribdict[tag]: return False return re.compile(r"(if.*fBRANCH)|(if.*fJUMPR)").search(semdict[tag]) != None def is_cond_call(tag): return re.compile(r"(if.*fCALL)").search(semdict[tag]) != None def calculate_attribs(): add_qemu_macro_attrib("fREAD_PC", "A_IMPLICIT_READS_PC") add_qemu_macro_attrib("fTRAP", "A_IMPLICIT_READS_PC") add_qemu_macro_attrib("fWRITE_P0", "A_WRITES_PRED_REG") add_qemu_macro_attrib("fWRITE_P1", "A_WRITES_PRED_REG") add_qemu_macro_attrib("fWRITE_P2", "A_WRITES_PRED_REG") add_qemu_macro_attrib("fWRITE_P3", "A_WRITES_PRED_REG") add_qemu_macro_attrib("fSET_OVERFLOW", "A_IMPLICIT_WRITES_USR") add_qemu_macro_attrib("fSET_LPCFG", "A_IMPLICIT_WRITES_USR") add_qemu_macro_attrib("fLOAD", "A_SCALAR_LOAD") add_qemu_macro_attrib("fSTORE", "A_SCALAR_STORE") add_qemu_macro_attrib('fLSBNEW0', 'A_IMPLICIT_READS_P0') add_qemu_macro_attrib('fLSBNEW0NOT', 'A_IMPLICIT_READS_P0') add_qemu_macro_attrib('fREAD_P0', 'A_IMPLICIT_READS_P0') add_qemu_macro_attrib('fLSBNEW1', 'A_IMPLICIT_READS_P1') add_qemu_macro_attrib('fLSBNEW1NOT', 'A_IMPLICIT_READS_P1') add_qemu_macro_attrib('fREAD_P3', 'A_IMPLICIT_READS_P3') # Recurse down macros, find attributes from sub-macros macroValues = list(macros.values()) allmacros_restr = "|".join(set([m.re.pattern for m in macroValues])) allmacros_re = re.compile(allmacros_restr) for macro in macroValues: expand_macro_attribs(macro, allmacros_re) # Append attributes to all instructions for tag in tags: for macname in allmacros_re.findall(semdict[tag]): if not macname: continue macro = macros[macname] attribdict[tag] |= set(macro.attribs) # Figure out which instructions write predicate registers tagregs = get_tagregs() for tag in tags: regs = tagregs[tag] for regtype, regid, toss, numregs in regs: if regtype == "P" and is_written(regid): attribdict[tag].add("A_WRITES_PRED_REG") # Mark conditional jumps and calls # Not all instructions are properly marked with A_CONDEXEC for tag in tags: if is_cond_jump(tag) or is_cond_call(tag): attribdict[tag].add("A_CONDEXEC") def SEMANTICS(tag, beh, sem): # print tag,beh,sem behdict[tag] = beh semdict[tag] = sem attribdict[tag] = set() tags.append(tag) # dicts have no order, this is for order def ATTRIBUTES(tag, attribstring): attribstring = attribstring.replace("ATTRIBS", "").replace("(", "").replace(")", "") if not attribstring: return attribs = attribstring.split(",") for attrib in attribs: attribdict[tag].add(attrib.strip()) class Macro(object): __slots__ = ["key", "name", "beh", "attribs", "re"] def __init__(self, name, beh, attribs): self.key = name self.name = name self.beh = beh self.attribs = set(attribs) self.re = re.compile("\\b" + name + "\\b") def MACROATTRIB(macname, beh, attribstring): attribstring = attribstring.replace("(", "").replace(")", "") if attribstring: attribs = attribstring.split(",") else: attribs = [] macros[macname] = Macro(macname, beh, attribs) def compute_tag_regs(tag): return uniquify(regre.findall(behdict[tag])) def compute_tag_immediates(tag): return uniquify(immre.findall(behdict[tag])) ## ## tagregs is the main data structure we'll use ## tagregs[tag] will contain the registers used by an instruction ## Within each entry, we'll use the regtype and regid fields ## regtype can be one of the following ## C control register ## N new register value ## P predicate register ## R GPR register ## M modifier register ## Q HVX predicate vector ## V HVX vector register ## O HVX new vector register ## regid can be one of the following ## d, e destination register ## dd destination register pair ## s, t, u, v, w source register ## ss, tt, uu, vv source register pair ## x, y read-write register ## xx, yy read-write register pair ## def get_tagregs(): return dict(zip(tags, list(map(compute_tag_regs, tags)))) def get_tagimms(): return dict(zip(tags, list(map(compute_tag_immediates, tags)))) def is_pair(regid): return len(regid) == 2 def is_single(regid): return len(regid) == 1 def is_written(regid): return regid[0] in "dexy" def is_writeonly(regid): return regid[0] in "de" def is_read(regid): return regid[0] in "stuvwxy" def is_readwrite(regid): return regid[0] in "xy" def is_scalar_reg(regtype): return regtype in "RPC" def is_hvx_reg(regtype): return regtype in "VQ" def is_old_val(regtype, regid, tag): return regtype + regid + "V" in semdict[tag] def is_new_val(regtype, regid, tag): return regtype + regid + "N" in semdict[tag] def need_slot(tag): if ( "A_CVI_SCATTER" not in attribdict[tag] and "A_CVI_GATHER" not in attribdict[tag] and ("A_STORE" in attribdict[tag] or "A_LOAD" in attribdict[tag]) ): return 1 else: return 0 def need_part1(tag): return re.compile(r"fPART1").search(semdict[tag]) def need_ea(tag): return re.compile(r"\bEA\b").search(semdict[tag]) def need_PC(tag): return "A_IMPLICIT_READS_PC" in attribdict[tag] def helper_needs_next_PC(tag): return "A_CALL" in attribdict[tag] def need_pkt_has_multi_cof(tag): return "A_COF" in attribdict[tag] def need_pkt_need_commit(tag): return 'A_IMPLICIT_WRITES_USR' in attribdict[tag] def need_condexec_reg(tag, regs): if "A_CONDEXEC" in attribdict[tag]: for regtype, regid, toss, numregs in regs: if is_writeonly(regid) and not is_hvx_reg(regtype): return True return False def skip_qemu_helper(tag): return tag in overrides.keys() def is_tmp_result(tag): return "A_CVI_TMP" in attribdict[tag] or "A_CVI_TMP_DST" in attribdict[tag] def is_new_result(tag): return "A_CVI_NEW" in attribdict[tag] def is_idef_parser_enabled(tag): return tag in idef_parser_enabled def imm_name(immlett): return f"{immlett}iV" def read_semantics_file(name): eval_line = "" for line in open(name, "rt").readlines(): if not line.startswith("#"): eval_line += line if line.endswith("\\\n"): eval_line.rstrip("\\\n") else: eval(eval_line.strip()) eval_line = "" def read_attribs_file(name): attribre = re.compile( r"DEF_ATTRIB\(([A-Za-z0-9_]+), ([^,]*), " + r'"([A-Za-z0-9_\.]*)", "([A-Za-z0-9_\.]*)"\)' ) for line in open(name, "rt").readlines(): if not attribre.match(line): continue (attrib_base, descr, rreg, wreg) = attribre.findall(line)[0] attrib_base = "A_" + attrib_base attribinfo[attrib_base] = {"rreg": rreg, "wreg": wreg, "descr": descr} def read_overrides_file(name): overridere = re.compile("#define fGEN_TCG_([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\(.*") for line in open(name, "rt").readlines(): if not overridere.match(line): continue tag = overridere.findall(line)[0] overrides[tag] = True def read_idef_parser_enabled_file(name): global idef_parser_enabled with open(name, "r") as idef_parser_enabled_file: lines = idef_parser_enabled_file.read().strip().split("\n") idef_parser_enabled = set(lines)