{ 'pragma': { 'doc-required': true } }

# Whitelists to permit QAPI rule violations; think twice before you
# add to them!
{ 'pragma': {
    # Commands allowed to return a non-dictionary:
    'command-name-exceptions': [
        'system_wakeup' ],
    'command-returns-exceptions': [
        'ringbuf-read' ],
    # Externally visible types whose member names may use uppercase
    'member-name-exceptions': [     # visible in:
        'ACPISlotType',             # query-acpi-ospm-status
        'AcpiTableOptions',         # -acpitable
        'BlkdebugEvent',            # blockdev-add, -blockdev
        'BlkdebugSetStateOptions',  # blockdev-add, -blockdev
        'BlockDeviceInfo',          # query-block
        'BlockDeviceStats',         # query-blockstats
        'BlockDeviceTimedStats',    # query-blockstats
        'BlockIOThrottle',          # block_set_io_throttle
        'BlockInfo',                # query-block
        'BlockdevAioOptions',       # blockdev-add, -blockdev
        'BlockdevDriver',           # blockdev-add, query-blockstats, ...
        'BlockdevVmdkAdapterType',  # blockdev-create (to match VMDK spec)
        'BlockdevVmdkSubformat',    # blockdev-create (to match VMDK spec)
        'ColoCompareProperties',    # object_add, -object
        'FilterMirrorProperties',   # object_add, -object
        'FilterRedirectorProperties', # object_add, -object
        'FilterRewriterProperties', # object_add, -object
        'InputLinuxProperties',     # object_add, -object
        'NetdevTapOptions',         # netdev_add, query-netdev, -netdev
        'ObjectType',               # object-add, -object
        'PCIELinkSpeed',            # internal only
        'PciBusInfo',               # query-pci
        'PciDeviceInfo',            # query-pci
        'PciMemoryRegion',          # query-pci
        'QKeyCode',                 # send-key, input-sent-event
        'QapiErrorClass',           # QMP error replies
        'SshHostKeyCheckMode',      # blockdev-add, -blockdev
        'SysEmuTarget',             # query-cpu-fast, query-target
        'UuidInfo',                 # query-uuid
        'VncClientInfo',            # query-vnc, query-vnc-servers, ...
        'X86CPURegister32'          # qom-get of x86 CPU properties
                                    # feature-words, filtered-features
    ] } }