# -*- Mode: Python -*-
# vim: filetype=python

# @rtc-reset-reinjection:
# This command will reset the RTC interrupt reinjection backlog.  Can
# be used if another mechanism to synchronize guest time is in effect,
# for example QEMU guest agent's guest-set-time command.
# Since: 2.1
# .. qmp-example::
#     -> { "execute": "rtc-reset-reinjection" }
#     <- { "return": {} }
{ 'command': 'rtc-reset-reinjection',
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @SevState:
# An enumeration of SEV state information used during @query-sev.
# @uninit: The guest is uninitialized.
# @launch-update: The guest is currently being launched; plaintext
#     data and register state is being imported.
# @launch-secret: The guest is currently being launched; ciphertext
#     data is being imported.
# @running: The guest is fully launched or migrated in.
# @send-update: The guest is currently being migrated out to another
#     machine.
# @receive-update: The guest is currently being migrated from another
#     machine.
# Since: 2.12
{ 'enum': 'SevState',
  'data': ['uninit', 'launch-update', 'launch-secret', 'running',
           'send-update', 'receive-update' ],
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @SevGuestType:
# An enumeration indicating the type of SEV guest being run.
# @sev: The guest is a legacy SEV or SEV-ES guest.
# @sev-snp: The guest is an SEV-SNP guest.
# Since: 6.2
{ 'enum': 'SevGuestType',
  'data': [ 'sev', 'sev-snp' ],
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @SevGuestInfo:
# Information specific to legacy SEV/SEV-ES guests.
# @policy: SEV policy value
# @handle: SEV firmware handle
# Since: 2.12
{ 'struct': 'SevGuestInfo',
  'data': { 'policy': 'uint32',
            'handle': 'uint32' },
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @SevSnpGuestInfo:
# Information specific to SEV-SNP guests.
# @snp-policy: SEV-SNP policy value
# Since: 9.1
{ 'struct': 'SevSnpGuestInfo',
  'data': { 'snp-policy': 'uint64' },
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @SevInfo:
# Information about Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) support
# @enabled: true if SEV is active
# @api-major: SEV API major version
# @api-minor: SEV API minor version
# @build-id: SEV FW build id
# @state: SEV guest state
# @sev-type: Type of SEV guest being run
# Since: 2.12
{ 'union': 'SevInfo',
  'base': { 'enabled': 'bool',
            'api-major': 'uint8',
            'api-minor' : 'uint8',
            'build-id' : 'uint8',
            'state' : 'SevState',
            'sev-type' : 'SevGuestType' },
  'discriminator': 'sev-type',
  'data': {
      'sev': 'SevGuestInfo',
      'sev-snp': 'SevSnpGuestInfo' },
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @query-sev:
# Returns information about SEV
# Returns: @SevInfo
# Since: 2.12
# .. qmp-example::
#     -> { "execute": "query-sev" }
#     <- { "return": { "enabled": true, "api-major" : 0, "api-minor" : 0,
#                      "build-id" : 0, "policy" : 0, "state" : "running",
#                      "handle" : 1 } }
{ 'command': 'query-sev', 'returns': 'SevInfo',
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @SevLaunchMeasureInfo:
# SEV Guest Launch measurement information
# @data: the measurement value encoded in base64
# Since: 2.12
{ 'struct': 'SevLaunchMeasureInfo', 'data': {'data': 'str'},
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @query-sev-launch-measure:
# Query the SEV guest launch information.
# Returns: The @SevLaunchMeasureInfo for the guest
# Since: 2.12
# .. qmp-example::
#     -> { "execute": "query-sev-launch-measure" }
#     <- { "return": { "data": "4l8LXeNlSPUDlXPJG5966/8%YZ" } }
{ 'command': 'query-sev-launch-measure', 'returns': 'SevLaunchMeasureInfo',
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @SevCapability:
# The struct describes capability for a Secure Encrypted
# Virtualization feature.
# @pdh: Platform Diffie-Hellman key (base64 encoded)
# @cert-chain: PDH certificate chain (base64 encoded)
# @cpu0-id: Unique ID of CPU0 (base64 encoded) (since 7.1)
# @cbitpos: C-bit location in page table entry
# @reduced-phys-bits: Number of physical Address bit reduction when
#     SEV is enabled
# Since: 2.12
{ 'struct': 'SevCapability',
  'data': { 'pdh': 'str',
            'cert-chain': 'str',
            'cpu0-id': 'str',
            'cbitpos': 'int',
            'reduced-phys-bits': 'int'},
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @query-sev-capabilities:
# This command is used to get the SEV capabilities, and is supported
# on AMD X86 platforms only.
# Returns: SevCapability objects.
# Since: 2.12
# .. qmp-example::
#     -> { "execute": "query-sev-capabilities" }
#     <- { "return": { "pdh": "8CCDD8DDD", "cert-chain": "888CCCDDDEE",
#                      "cpu0-id": "2lvmGwo+...61iEinw==",
#                      "cbitpos": 47, "reduced-phys-bits": 1}}
{ 'command': 'query-sev-capabilities', 'returns': 'SevCapability',
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @sev-inject-launch-secret:
# This command injects a secret blob into memory of SEV guest.
# @packet-header: the launch secret packet header encoded in base64
# @secret: the launch secret data to be injected encoded in base64
# @gpa: the guest physical address where secret will be injected.
# Since: 6.0
{ 'command': 'sev-inject-launch-secret',
  'data': { 'packet-header': 'str', 'secret': 'str', '*gpa': 'uint64' },
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @SevAttestationReport:
# The struct describes attestation report for a Secure Encrypted
# Virtualization feature.
# @data: guest attestation report (base64 encoded)
# Since: 6.1
{ 'struct': 'SevAttestationReport',
  'data': { 'data': 'str'},
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @query-sev-attestation-report:
# This command is used to get the SEV attestation report, and is
# supported on AMD X86 platforms only.
# @mnonce: a random 16 bytes value encoded in base64 (it will be
#     included in report)
# Returns: SevAttestationReport objects.
# Since: 6.1
# .. qmp-example::
#     -> { "execute" : "query-sev-attestation-report",
#                      "arguments": { "mnonce": "aaaaaaa" } }
#     <- { "return" : { "data": "aaaaaaaabbbddddd"} }
{ 'command': 'query-sev-attestation-report',
  'data': { 'mnonce': 'str' },
  'returns': 'SevAttestationReport',
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @dump-skeys:
# Dump guest's storage keys
# @filename: the path to the file to dump to
# Since: 2.5
# .. qmp-example::
#     -> { "execute": "dump-skeys",
#          "arguments": { "filename": "/tmp/skeys" } }
#     <- { "return": {} }
{ 'command': 'dump-skeys',
  'data': { 'filename': 'str' },
  'if': 'TARGET_S390X' }

# @GICCapability:
# The struct describes capability for a specific GIC (Generic
# Interrupt Controller) version.  These bits are not only decided by
# QEMU/KVM software version, but also decided by the hardware that the
# program is running upon.
# @version: version of GIC to be described.  Currently, only 2 and 3
#     are supported.
# @emulated: whether current QEMU/hardware supports emulated GIC
#     device in user space.
# @kernel: whether current QEMU/hardware supports hardware accelerated
#     GIC device in kernel.
# Since: 2.6
{ 'struct': 'GICCapability',
  'data': { 'version': 'int',
            'emulated': 'bool',
            'kernel': 'bool' },
  'if': 'TARGET_ARM' }

# @query-gic-capabilities:
# This command is ARM-only.  It will return a list of GICCapability
# objects that describe its capability bits.
# Returns: a list of GICCapability objects.
# Since: 2.6
# .. qmp-example::
#     -> { "execute": "query-gic-capabilities" }
#     <- { "return": [{ "version": 2, "emulated": true, "kernel": false },
#                     { "version": 3, "emulated": false, "kernel": true } ] }
{ 'command': 'query-gic-capabilities', 'returns': ['GICCapability'],
  'if': 'TARGET_ARM' }

# @SGXEPCSection:
# Information about intel SGX EPC section info
# @node: the numa node
# @size: the size of EPC section
# Since: 7.0
{ 'struct': 'SGXEPCSection',
  'data': { 'node': 'int',
            'size': 'uint64'}}

# @SGXInfo:
# Information about intel Safe Guard eXtension (SGX) support
# @sgx: true if SGX is supported
# @sgx1: true if SGX1 is supported
# @sgx2: true if SGX2 is supported
# @flc: true if FLC is supported
# @sections: The EPC sections info for guest (Since: 7.0)
# Since: 6.2
{ 'struct': 'SGXInfo',
  'data': { 'sgx': 'bool',
            'sgx1': 'bool',
            'sgx2': 'bool',
            'flc': 'bool',
            'sections': ['SGXEPCSection']},
   'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @query-sgx:
# Returns information about SGX
# Returns: @SGXInfo
# Since: 6.2
# .. qmp-example::
#     -> { "execute": "query-sgx" }
#     <- { "return": { "sgx": true, "sgx1" : true, "sgx2" : true,
#                      "flc": true,
#                      "sections": [{"node": 0, "size": 67108864},
#                      {"node": 1, "size": 29360128}]} }
{ 'command': 'query-sgx', 'returns': 'SGXInfo', 'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @query-sgx-capabilities:
# Returns information from host SGX capabilities
# Returns: @SGXInfo
# Since: 6.2
# .. qmp-example::
#     -> { "execute": "query-sgx-capabilities" }
#     <- { "return": { "sgx": true, "sgx1" : true, "sgx2" : true,
#                      "flc": true,
#                      "section" : [{"node": 0, "size": 67108864},
#                      {"node": 1, "size": 29360128}]} }
{ 'command': 'query-sgx-capabilities', 'returns': 'SGXInfo', 'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @EvtchnPortType:
# An enumeration of Xen event channel port types.
# @closed: The port is unused.
# @unbound: The port is allocated and ready to be bound.
# @interdomain: The port is connected as an interdomain interrupt.
# @pirq: The port is bound to a physical IRQ (PIRQ).
# @virq: The port is bound to a virtual IRQ (VIRQ).
# @ipi: The post is an inter-processor interrupt (IPI).
# Since: 8.0
{ 'enum': 'EvtchnPortType',
  'data': ['closed', 'unbound', 'interdomain', 'pirq', 'virq', 'ipi'],
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @EvtchnInfo:
# Information about a Xen event channel port
# @port: the port number
# @vcpu: target vCPU for this port
# @type: the port type
# @remote-domain: remote domain for interdomain ports
# @target: remote port ID, or virq/pirq number
# @pending: port is currently active pending delivery
# @masked: port is masked
# Since: 8.0
{ 'struct': 'EvtchnInfo',
  'data': {'port': 'uint16',
           'vcpu': 'uint32',
           'type': 'EvtchnPortType',
           'remote-domain': 'str',
           'target': 'uint16',
           'pending': 'bool',
           'masked': 'bool'},
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @xen-event-list:
# Query the Xen event channels opened by the guest.
# Returns: list of open event channel ports.
# Since: 8.0
# .. qmp-example::
#     -> { "execute": "xen-event-list" }
#     <- { "return": [
#             {
#                 "pending": false,
#                 "port": 1,
#                 "vcpu": 1,
#                 "remote-domain": "qemu",
#                 "masked": false,
#                 "type": "interdomain",
#                 "target": 1
#             },
#             {
#                 "pending": false,
#                 "port": 2,
#                 "vcpu": 0,
#                 "remote-domain": "",
#                 "masked": false,
#                 "type": "virq",
#                 "target": 0
#             }
#          ]
#        }
{ 'command': 'xen-event-list',
  'returns': ['EvtchnInfo'],
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }

# @xen-event-inject:
# Inject a Xen event channel port (interrupt) to the guest.
# @port: The port number
# Since: 8.0
# .. qmp-example::
#     -> { "execute": "xen-event-inject", "arguments": { "port": 1 } }
#     <- { "return": { } }
{ 'command': 'xen-event-inject',
  'data': { 'port': 'uint32' },
  'if': 'TARGET_I386' }