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PREPOST-initializerinitialize-ofpanic: no dictionary entry point. SPARCstation 5SUNW,501-3059SUNW,SPARCstation-5SPARCstation VoyagerSUNW,501-2581SUNW,SPARCstation-VoyagerSPARCstation LXSUNW,501-2031SUNW,SPARCstation-LXSPARCstation 4SUNW,501-2572SUNW,SPARCstation-4SPARCstation ClassicSUNW,501-2326SUNW,SPARCstation-ClassicTadpole S3 GXS3Tadpole_S3GXSPARCstation 10 (1 X 390Z55)SUNW,S10,501-2365SUNW,SPARCstation-10SPARCstation 20 (1 X 390Z55)SUNW,S20,501-2324SUNW,SPARCstation-20SPARCsystem 600(1 X 390Z55)SUNW,SPARCsystem-600FMI,MB86900FMI,MB86904FMI,MB86907LSI,L64811CY,CY7C601CY,CY7C611TI,TMS390Z55TI,TMS390S10Ross,RT625Ross,RT620BIT,B5010MC,MN10501Weitek,W8601GR,LEON2GR,LEON3/memoryfind-package/virtual-memoryencode-propertyactive-package!pgmap@pgmap!map-pagesto sfsr@to ignore-dfaultsaved-program-state >sps.entry @saved-program-state >sps.file-type @saved-program-state >sps.file-size @stdinget-instance-pathstdoutbootpathbootargspathres-resolve-aliasesbootpath: %s open-devihandle>boot-device-handle drop to my-selfget-my-propertysdmy-unitmy-argssd(0,%d,%d):%csd(0,%d,%d)SUNW,fdtwofd()lele()available Jumping to entry point %08x for type %08x... Evaluating FCode... byte-loadeval2Image returned with return value %#x [sparc] Kernel already loaded switching to new context: Can't read Linux header Not a Linux kernel image HdrSThis looks like a bootdisk image but not like Linux... Possible very old LinuxFound Linux version %s (protocol %#x) (loadflags %#x) bzImage zImage or ImageSetting up paramters at %#lx %016Lx - %016Lx ramtop=%#x ext_mem_k=%d, alt_mem_k=%d original command line: "%s" kernel command line at %#lx initrdMissing filename to initrd parameter initrd=%s memMissing value for mem parameter Invalid mem option, ignored Garbage after mem=, ignored mem=%Lu Kernel command line is too long; truncated to %d bytes kernel command line (%d bytes): "%s" offset=%#x addr=%#x size=%#x Loading kernel... Can't read kernel ok Can't open initrd: %s start=%#x end=%#x Initrd is too big to fit in memory Loading initrd... Can't read initrd pc=%#x Jumping to entry point... Returned with o0=%#x peerchildget-package-propertynext-propertytyperebooting (%s) reboot failed abort, power off power off failed halt, power off close-devread$call-methodwriteseekihandle>non-interposed-phandleevalobp-ticksvocabularies?#ordervocabulariesbiglittleyesnoOpenBIOS dictionary: version: %d cellsize: %d endianess: %s compression: %s relocation: %s checksum: %08x length: %08x last: %0x OpenBIOSChecksum invalid (%08x)! my-selfDictionary space overflow: dicthead=%08x dictlimit=%08x primitive words cannot be debugged Stepper keys: / Up Down Trace Rstack Forth key ( Empty ) ( %x%p: %s R: ( ) outer-interpreter : %s [ Finished %s ] [ Up to %s ] [ Finished %s (Unable to go up, hit trampoline) ] image0 state-valid !Can't read a.out header Not a bootable a.out image load-base%s occupies [%#lx-%#lx] A.out file [%#lx-%#lx] doesn't fit into memory Loading a.out %s... 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Can't read program segment %d clearing... clearing checksum... 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