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PREPOST-initializerinitialize-ofpanic: no dictionary entry point. SPARCstation 5SUNW,501-3059SUNW,SPARCstation-5SPARCstation VoyagerSUNW,501-2581SUNW,SPARCstation-VoyagerSPARCstation LXSUNW,501-2031SUNW,SPARCstation-LXSPARCstation 4SUNW,501-2572SUNW,SPARCstation-4SPARCstation ClassicSUNW,501-2326SUNW,SPARCstation-ClassicTadpole S3 GXS3Tadpole_S3GXSPARCstation 10 (1 X 390Z55)SUNW,S10,501-2365SUNW,SPARCstation-10SPARCstation 20 (1 X 390Z55)SUNW,S20,501-2324SUNW,SPARCstation-20SPARCsystem 600(1 X 390Z55)SUNW,SPARCsystem-600FMI,MB86900FMI,MB86904FMI,MB86907LSI,L64811CY,CY7C601CY,CY7C611TI,TMS390Z55TI,TMS390S10Ross,RT625Ross,RT620BIT,B5010MC,MN10501Weitek,W8601GR,LEON2GR,LEON3/memoryfind-package/virtual-memoryencode-propertyactive-package!pgmap@pgmap!map-pagessaved-program-state >sps.entry @saved-program-state >sps.file-type @saved-program-state >sps.file-size @bootpathbootargsbootpath: %s cdpathres-resolve-aliases ascii @ right-split 2dropsd(0,%d,%d):%cfd()le() Jumping to entry point %08x for type %08x... Evaluating FCode... byte-loadeval2Image returned with return value %#x [sparc] Kernel already loaded switching to new context: Can't read Linux header Not a Linux kernel image HdrSThis looks like a bootdisk image but not like Linux... Possible very old LinuxFound Linux version %s (protocol %#x) (loadflags %#x) bzImage zImage or ImageSetting up paramters at %#lx %016Lx - %016Lx ramtop=%#x ext_mem_k=%d, alt_mem_k=%d original command line: "%s" kernel command line at %#lx initrdMissing filename to initrd parameter initrd=%s memMissing value for mem parameter Invalid mem option, ignored Garbage after mem=, ignored mem=%Lu Kernel command line is too long; truncated to %d bytes kernel command line (%d bytes): "%s" offset=%#x addr=%#x size=%#x Loading kernel... Can't read kernel ok Can't open initrd: %s start=%#x end=%#x Initrd is too big to fit in memory Loading initrd... Can't read initrd pc=%#x Jumping to entry point... Returned with o0=%#x peerchildget-package-propertynext-propertytyperebooting (%s) reboot failed abort, power off power off failed halt, power off close-devread$call-methodwriteseekihandle>non-interposed-phandleevalvocabularies?#ordervocabulariesbiglittleyesnoOpenBIOS dictionary: version: %d cellsize: %d endianess: %s compression: %s relocation: %s checksum: %08x length: %08x last: %0x OpenBIOSChecksum invalid (%08x)! my-selfkey primitive words cannot be debugged Stepper keys: / Up Down Trace Rstack Forth Dictionary space overflow: dicthead=%08x dictlimit=%08x ( Empty ) ( %x%p: %s R: ( ) outer-interpreter : %s [ Finished %s ] [ Up to %s ] [ Finished %s (Unable to go up, hit trampoline) ] image0 state-valid !Can't read a.out header Not a bootable a.out image load-base%s occupies [%#lx-%#lx] A.out file [%#lx-%#lx] doesn't fit into memory Loading a.out %s... Can't read program text segment (size 0x%lx) Can't read program data segment (size 0x%lx) Can't read program (size 0x%lx) Loaded %lu bytes entry point is %#lx saved-program-state >sps.entry !saved-program-state >sps.file-size !aout saved-program-state >sps.file-type !-1 state-valid !catchevaluateis-cfuncis-xt-cfuncis-noname-cfuncthrowihandle>phandlemy-parentfind-methodcall-packagecall-parent$call-parentopen-packageclose-packagemy-argsset_property: NULL phandle set-propertydevice-endactive-package(find-dev)iterate-tree-beginiterate-treedevice_typeparentis-openis-ibufcreate-nodecall-methodinterpretclient-call-ifaceclient-ifaceUnimplemented service %s ([%ld] -- [%ld]) Broken ELF boot notes Bootloader: %s Version: %s Image name: %s calloc overflow: %u, %u Boot notes too big expanding boot note size to %u Can't read ELF header Found ELF header at offset %d Not a bootable ELF image Can't read program header elfload: too many program headers (MAX_HEADERS) Segment %d [%#lx-%#lx] doesn't fit into memory Can't read note segment ELFBootImage checksum: %#04x Loading %ssegment %d addr:%#x file:%#x mem:%#x loading... Can't read program segment %d clearing... clearing checksum... Loaded %lu bytes Verify FAILED (image:%#04x vs computed:%#04x) elf-boot saved-program-state >sps.file-type !elf saved-program-state >sps.file-type !entry point is %#x Not a valid ELF memory image (init-program)state-valid @ofmem_claim_virt - out of space (failed request for %08x bytes) ofmem_set_property: NULL phandle Unable to allocate memory for memory range property! availableUnable to allocate memory for translations property! translationsout of malloc memory (%x)! ofmem_claim_io - out of space (failed request for %08x bytes) emitprepareprint-promptprint-statusterminate?0 to terminate?+/packages/cmdlineopenclosecmdlineread-blockswrite-blocksblock-sizemax-transfer+/packages/deblockertelldirexecutedisk-label: Unable to determine filesystem loadload currently not implemented for ihandle %08x find-part-handlerinterposefind-filesystem%BOOT/packages/disk-label+/packages/elf-loaderinit-program777777777777nvram-store-configsinvalid nvram partition length update-nvramnvram-load-configsnvram error detected, zapping pram commoncreate-failed set-defaultssizeregister-partition-packageufs-file-systemsun-parts: Unable to determine filesystem +/packages/sun-partsprobeget-infowidthheightdepthlinebytesaddressdisplayTdisplaydimensionsset-colorsfill-rectanglecolor!close-deblockermy-unitopen-deblockerfull command not acceppted, status =%x full new command not acceppted, status =%d set_drive bad status %s/%sblockis-deblocker/aliases/iommu/iommu/sbus/iommu/sbus/ledma/iommu/sbus/ledma/lepower-management/iommu/sbus/SUNW,tcxtruetcx-8-bitrangesSUNW,CS4231serialintrinterruptsaudioaliasencode-unit-scsidecode-unit-scsi#address-cells#size-cellsscsiUNKNOWNhd/iommu/sbus/espdma/iommu/sbus/espdma/espclock-frequencysd/iommu/sbus/espdma/esp/sd@%d,0%s%dsd(0,%d,0)sd(0,%d,0)@0,0decode-unitencode-unit/obioMCCEMCSMCeccmemctlmc-typeslavioconfigeeprommk48t08idpromSUNW,fdtwoauxiopowersparc32-reset-all' sparc32-reset-all to reset-allcounterinterruptescc_read: bad len, addr %p len %x zsslavemouse/obio/zs@0,%x/obio/zs@0,%x:a/obio/zs@0,%x:bttybUnembedded HFS+Errorregister-fs-packagedir method not implemented for grubfs filesystem File not found +/packages/grubfs-filesget-pathget-fstypeext2fsufsiso9660Not ufs %s: not a directory. reopenopen-nwromvolume-namePropolice detected a stack smashing attack %x at function %s, freezing Propolice detected a stack smashing attack, freezing  ELFBootOpenBIOSELFBoot1.0ELFBoot(semis)(lit) (do)(?do),(loop)< (+loop)L dup`2dupp?dupover2overpickdrop2dropniprollrot-rotswap 2swap0>r@r>Lr@Xdepthddepth!t rdepth!rdepth!"+#-$*%u*&mu/mod'abs(negate)max*min+lshift(,rshift8->>aH.andX/orh0xort1invert„2d+”3d- 4m*¬5um*¸6@7c@8w@9l@:!;+!l!(?=4@>@A<LBu>XCuDD˜(to)ʔ>bodyʰ0<body>0<revealż$recursiverecurse@ż\noop\environment?˄no-environment?ˠǠresolve-orig4(if) 0\pp\(then)tmp-comp-depthLtmp-comp-bufl%setup-tmp-comp̈ŐpD0,̌\0\xp execute-tmp-comp̤xpD0D`p \̌tpŐif̨ 0\pp\thent elseͨ \pp\D(begin)(again)(until)(while)0(repeat)H(resolve-dest)`\(resolve-begin)|̨ \0(resolve-until)δ 4\ 0\΀ resolve-dest@P\tt0D0$40΀0@Pp40begin(̨ \0againϬ \ \, until 4\ 0\, while ̨ L\ 0\pp\Drepeat@ d\ \, leavesЄҤresolve-loopмL0,t44d\dǫ@ 0\p?doH̨ @\@p\loopш P\ +loop d\ unloop\\\Pleave  $\ \\?leaveH0 $caseҌ̨pendcaseҴ \p@ ͬP of0P \ D\ x \\endofP \exith\blӐ bellӨbsӼcarret linefeed tuck43dup @@@clear(p3dropT2rotpPPD\\D2>rԌ\$4PPP2r>Ը\\\P42r@\\\PPP4u/modp41+H01-h02+Հ@2-՘@evenհl lbounds4<<<>> L2* 0<u2/40L2/P0\noth˜s>dքtp\dnegate֜ppD°dabstp\0um/modsm/remPPh\p\0 \p\0 4 4fm/mod,tPˆp\P0pʘ\l004\4Ӕ\*/modטP¼\ל*/ /mod,P֠\לmodHL/lLlwsplit؄t l4 L lwbsplitؤt l4 L llbsplitب4bwjoin, l <4 lxwljoinT l <4 lxbljoinٔX$X4٘wbflipt L l4 lXlwflipt L l4 l٘lbflip@t L l4 l٘/c*ڄ/w*/l*/n*ca+$wa+@la+\ na+x(ca1+۔wa1+۰la1+na1+alignedՄ lchar+$۴cell+Pcharshcells܀(cellܘ<=ܰPֈ>=\ֈ0=pD0<=p0< p\0<>$pʘ0>@pP0>=Xpu<=thֈu>=ݐtֈwithinݬPP4\xֈbetween02@tl42!tP\linsource/string($4pocketsizeLnumpocketsxpocketswhichpocketinit-pockets| pocket|0pspan findchar\4p0tӬD0 D0tt$PDparsetP`tp\0p\Ӕ\x0tltskipws`tP0$ӬǠL00dparse-wordӬword$Pth \tD0T P(D )\`",@|P(")\t@ܜl(lPhandle-textŐ0$ \t\L4tPp@( P\s"h "l." 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