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Possible very old LinuxFound Linux version %s (protocol %#x) (loadflags %#x) bzImage zImage or ImageSetting up paramters at %#lx %016Lx - %016Lx ramtop=%#x ext_mem_k=%d, alt_mem_k=%d original command line: "%s" kernel command line at %#lx initrdMissing filename to initrd parameter initrd=%s memMissing value for mem parameter Invalid mem option, ignored Garbage after mem=, ignored mem=%Lu Kernel command line is too long; truncated to %d bytes kernel command line (%d bytes): "%s" offset=%#x addr=%#x size=%#x Loading kernel... Can't read kernel ok Can't open initrd: %s start=%#x end=%#x Initrd is too big to fit in memory Loading initrd... Can't read initrd pc=%#x Jumping to entry point... Returned with o0=%#x calloc overflow: %u, %u Boot notes too big expanding boot note size to %u Can't read ELF header Not a bootable ELF image Can't read program header %s occupies [%#lx-%#lx] Segment %d [%#lx-%#lx] doesn't fit into memory Can't read note segment ELFBootImage checksum: %#04x imageLoading %ssegment %d addr:%#x file:%#x mem:%#x loading... Can't read program segment %d clearing... clearing checksum... Loaded %lu bytes Verify FAILED (image:%#04x vs computed:%#04x) entry point is %#x Image returned with return value %#x Can't read a.out header Not a bootable a.out image A.out file [%#lx-%#lx] doesn't fit into memory Loading a.out %s... Can't read program text segment (size 0x%lx) Can't read program data segment (size 0x%lx) Can't read program (size 0x%lx) Loaded %lu bytes entry point is %#lx next-propertyget-package-propertyrebooting (%s) 0evalseek$call-methodreadmidopen-devpeerchildihandle>phandleclose-devhalt, power off abort, power off switching to new context: OpenBIOS dictionary: version: %d cellsize: %d biglittle endianess: %s yesno compression: %s relocation: %s checksum: %08x length: %08x last: %0x OpenBIOSChecksum invalid (%08x)! my-selfinvalid nvram partition length 777777777777update-nvramnvram-load-configsnvram error detected, zapping pram commoncreate-failed set-defaultsnvram-store-configsTnvramsizeiterate-tree-beginiterate-treeactive-packagedevice-endactive-package!parentis-openmy-argsmy-parentis-noname-cfunccatch(find-dev)device_typeset_property: NULL phandle set-property$call-parentfind-methodis-xt-cfuncis-cfuncis-ibufcreate-nodeevaluatecall-packageclose-packagecall-parentthrowopen-packageBroken ELF boot notes Bootloader: %s Version: %s Image name: %s emitprepareprint-promptprint-status+/packages/cmdlineclosecmdlineread-blockswrite-blocksblock-sizemax-transfer+/packages/deblockertellCan't load from this device! ,find-part-handlerget-infofind-filesysteminterpose/packages/disk-labeloffsetloadregister-fs-packageunspecified+/packages/misc-filesprobereopenopen-nwromget-pathget-fstypevolume-nameregister-partition-package+/packages/sun-parts/memoryfind-deviceencode-intencode+regpropertyavailable/virtual-memory/iommu/iommu/sbus/iommu/sbus/SUNW,tcx/iommu/sbus/ledma/iommu/sbus/ledma/leranges/aliasesencode-stringencode-unit-scsidecode-unit-scsiclose-deblocker/iommu/sbus/espdmaUNKNOWN/iommu/sbus/espdma/espnew-devicesddevice-nameblockdevice-typeis-deblockerfinish-device/iommu/sbus/espdma/esp/sd@%d,0%s%dsd(0,%d,0)sd(0,%d,0)@0,0#address-cells#size-cellsscsiintrmy-unitopen-deblockerdecode-unitencode-unitcache-physical?cache-line-sizecache-nlinespage-sizedcache-line-sizedcache-nlinesdcache-associativityicache-line-sizeicache-nlinesicache-associativityecache-line-sizeecache-nlinesecache-associativityncachesmmu-nctxsparc-versionmask_rev/obio/zs@0,100000:a/obio/zs@0,0:astdin-pathstdout-pathSUNW,fdtwoslavioconfigauxiopowercounterinterrupt/obiozsserialslavekeyboardmouse/obio/zs@0,%xeepromNvram id %s, version %d, machine id 0x%2.2x QEMU_BIOSUnknown nvram, freezing! mk48t08model/encode-bytesidpromSPARCstation 10 (1 X 390Z55)banner-nameSUNW,S10,501-2365SUNW,SPARCstation-10nameSPARCstation 5SUNW,501-3059SUNW,SPARCstation-5Unknown machine, freezing! CPUs: %x CPU,Unknowncpuimplementationversionzs_read: bad len, addr %x len %x FMI,MB86904TI,TMS390Z550123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzseek failure Unknown filesystem type File not found fatext2fsminixreiserfsjfsxfsufsiso9660affsReIsErFsReIsEr2FsReIsErLBNot ufs %s: not a directory. \HFS+SystemFinderBootX\\\/os_seek failure Unembedded HFS+ErrorExtends record not found.no errorInvalid key length in record_readkeyInvalid key length in record_extent_readkeyrecord_find_node: Cant position to root noderecord_find_node: unexpected errorrecord_find_node: unexpected empty noderecord_init_key: unexpected errorrecord_init_cat_key: unexpected errorrecord_init_key: unexpected empty nodeInvalid key length in record threadUnexpected record type in record_readentryrecord_init_string_parent: parent is not a folder.record_up: record is neither folder nor folder thread.record_up: unable to locate parentrecord_init_parent: parent is neither folder nor folder thread.record_init_file: unexpected errorNo memory for extents btreeThis is not a HFS+ volumeThis looks like a normal HFS volumeNeither Wrapper nor native HFS+ volume header found ELFBootOpenBIOSELFBoot1.0.RC1ELFBootl||l|88||88|888||8<<><~~<ffffff{>a`<|0f8l8vv0 000 0 0f<l|||||0||xv`0v~8ll8|~~8ld`fff<~~<p0x |v 8< ||0vvfffv~8ll8|0c>cl~3fclz6j<<3ff3f3f""""UUUUwwww66666666666666666666666666666666666676666670??0766666666667076666666666666666666??6666666666vvxllll`0`~pffff|v~ff<~~ ~~`0`~`0|~~0 0~ 0 ~p~vv8ll8 l<l6666x 0|<<<<Ϡ~~Zӈӈӈpq ר...(m.shstrtab.text.rodata.data.bss @@,Ӏ Ӑ@$