/* * BCM2835 CPRMAN clock manager * * Copyright (c) 2020 Luc Michel <luc@lmichel.fr> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #ifndef HW_MISC_CPRMAN_INTERNALS_H #define HW_MISC_CPRMAN_INTERNALS_H #include "hw/registerfields.h" #include "hw/misc/bcm2835_cprman.h" #define TYPE_CPRMAN_PLL "bcm2835-cprman-pll" #define TYPE_CPRMAN_PLL_CHANNEL "bcm2835-cprman-pll-channel" #define TYPE_CPRMAN_CLOCK_MUX "bcm2835-cprman-clock-mux" #define TYPE_CPRMAN_DSI0HSCK_MUX "bcm2835-cprman-dsi0hsck-mux" DECLARE_INSTANCE_CHECKER(CprmanPllState, CPRMAN_PLL, TYPE_CPRMAN_PLL) DECLARE_INSTANCE_CHECKER(CprmanPllChannelState, CPRMAN_PLL_CHANNEL, TYPE_CPRMAN_PLL_CHANNEL) DECLARE_INSTANCE_CHECKER(CprmanClockMuxState, CPRMAN_CLOCK_MUX, TYPE_CPRMAN_CLOCK_MUX) DECLARE_INSTANCE_CHECKER(CprmanDsi0HsckMuxState, CPRMAN_DSI0HSCK_MUX, TYPE_CPRMAN_DSI0HSCK_MUX) /* Register map */ /* PLLs */ REG32(CM_PLLA, 0x104) FIELD(CM_PLLA, LOADDSI0, 0, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLA, HOLDDSI0, 1, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLA, LOADCCP2, 2, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLA, HOLDCCP2, 3, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLA, LOADCORE, 4, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLA, HOLDCORE, 5, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLA, LOADPER, 6, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLA, HOLDPER, 7, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLx, ANARST, 8, 1) REG32(CM_PLLC, 0x108) FIELD(CM_PLLC, LOADCORE0, 0, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLC, HOLDCORE0, 1, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLC, LOADCORE1, 2, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLC, HOLDCORE1, 3, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLC, LOADCORE2, 4, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLC, HOLDCORE2, 5, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLC, LOADPER, 6, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLC, HOLDPER, 7, 1) REG32(CM_PLLD, 0x10c) FIELD(CM_PLLD, LOADDSI0, 0, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLD, HOLDDSI0, 1, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLD, LOADDSI1, 2, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLD, HOLDDSI1, 3, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLD, LOADCORE, 4, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLD, HOLDCORE, 5, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLD, LOADPER, 6, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLD, HOLDPER, 7, 1) REG32(CM_PLLH, 0x110) FIELD(CM_PLLH, LOADPIX, 0, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLH, LOADAUX, 1, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLH, LOADRCAL, 2, 1) REG32(CM_PLLB, 0x170) FIELD(CM_PLLB, LOADARM, 0, 1) FIELD(CM_PLLB, HOLDARM, 1, 1) REG32(A2W_PLLA_CTRL, 0x1100) FIELD(A2W_PLLx_CTRL, NDIV, 0, 10) FIELD(A2W_PLLx_CTRL, PDIV, 12, 3) FIELD(A2W_PLLx_CTRL, PWRDN, 16, 1) FIELD(A2W_PLLx_CTRL, PRST_DISABLE, 17, 1) REG32(A2W_PLLC_CTRL, 0x1120) REG32(A2W_PLLD_CTRL, 0x1140) REG32(A2W_PLLH_CTRL, 0x1160) REG32(A2W_PLLB_CTRL, 0x11e0) REG32(A2W_PLLA_ANA0, 0x1010) REG32(A2W_PLLA_ANA1, 0x1014) FIELD(A2W_PLLx_ANA1, FB_PREDIV, 14, 1) REG32(A2W_PLLA_ANA2, 0x1018) REG32(A2W_PLLA_ANA3, 0x101c) REG32(A2W_PLLC_ANA0, 0x1030) REG32(A2W_PLLC_ANA1, 0x1034) REG32(A2W_PLLC_ANA2, 0x1038) REG32(A2W_PLLC_ANA3, 0x103c) REG32(A2W_PLLD_ANA0, 0x1050) REG32(A2W_PLLD_ANA1, 0x1054) REG32(A2W_PLLD_ANA2, 0x1058) REG32(A2W_PLLD_ANA3, 0x105c) REG32(A2W_PLLH_ANA0, 0x1070) REG32(A2W_PLLH_ANA1, 0x1074) FIELD(A2W_PLLH_ANA1, FB_PREDIV, 11, 1) REG32(A2W_PLLH_ANA2, 0x1078) REG32(A2W_PLLH_ANA3, 0x107c) REG32(A2W_PLLB_ANA0, 0x10f0) REG32(A2W_PLLB_ANA1, 0x10f4) REG32(A2W_PLLB_ANA2, 0x10f8) REG32(A2W_PLLB_ANA3, 0x10fc) REG32(A2W_PLLA_FRAC, 0x1200) FIELD(A2W_PLLx_FRAC, FRAC, 0, 20) REG32(A2W_PLLC_FRAC, 0x1220) REG32(A2W_PLLD_FRAC, 0x1240) REG32(A2W_PLLH_FRAC, 0x1260) REG32(A2W_PLLB_FRAC, 0x12e0) /* PLL channels */ REG32(A2W_PLLA_DSI0, 0x1300) FIELD(A2W_PLLx_CHANNELy, DIV, 0, 8) FIELD(A2W_PLLx_CHANNELy, DISABLE, 8, 1) REG32(A2W_PLLA_CORE, 0x1400) REG32(A2W_PLLA_PER, 0x1500) REG32(A2W_PLLA_CCP2, 0x1600) REG32(A2W_PLLC_CORE2, 0x1320) REG32(A2W_PLLC_CORE1, 0x1420) REG32(A2W_PLLC_PER, 0x1520) REG32(A2W_PLLC_CORE0, 0x1620) REG32(A2W_PLLD_DSI0, 0x1340) REG32(A2W_PLLD_CORE, 0x1440) REG32(A2W_PLLD_PER, 0x1540) REG32(A2W_PLLD_DSI1, 0x1640) REG32(A2W_PLLH_AUX, 0x1360) REG32(A2W_PLLH_RCAL, 0x1460) REG32(A2W_PLLH_PIX, 0x1560) REG32(A2W_PLLH_STS, 0x1660) REG32(A2W_PLLB_ARM, 0x13e0) /* Clock muxes */ REG32(CM_GNRICCTL, 0x000) FIELD(CM_CLOCKx_CTL, SRC, 0, 4) FIELD(CM_CLOCKx_CTL, ENABLE, 4, 1) FIELD(CM_CLOCKx_CTL, KILL, 5, 1) FIELD(CM_CLOCKx_CTL, GATE, 6, 1) FIELD(CM_CLOCKx_CTL, BUSY, 7, 1) FIELD(CM_CLOCKx_CTL, BUSYD, 8, 1) FIELD(CM_CLOCKx_CTL, MASH, 9, 2) FIELD(CM_CLOCKx_CTL, FLIP, 11, 1) REG32(CM_GNRICDIV, 0x004) FIELD(CM_CLOCKx_DIV, FRAC, 0, 12) REG32(CM_VPUCTL, 0x008) REG32(CM_VPUDIV, 0x00c) REG32(CM_SYSCTL, 0x010) REG32(CM_SYSDIV, 0x014) REG32(CM_PERIACTL, 0x018) REG32(CM_PERIADIV, 0x01c) REG32(CM_PERIICTL, 0x020) REG32(CM_PERIIDIV, 0x024) REG32(CM_H264CTL, 0x028) REG32(CM_H264DIV, 0x02c) REG32(CM_ISPCTL, 0x030) REG32(CM_ISPDIV, 0x034) REG32(CM_V3DCTL, 0x038) REG32(CM_V3DDIV, 0x03c) REG32(CM_CAM0CTL, 0x040) REG32(CM_CAM0DIV, 0x044) REG32(CM_CAM1CTL, 0x048) REG32(CM_CAM1DIV, 0x04c) REG32(CM_CCP2CTL, 0x050) REG32(CM_CCP2DIV, 0x054) REG32(CM_DSI0ECTL, 0x058) REG32(CM_DSI0EDIV, 0x05c) REG32(CM_DSI0PCTL, 0x060) REG32(CM_DSI0PDIV, 0x064) REG32(CM_DPICTL, 0x068) REG32(CM_DPIDIV, 0x06c) REG32(CM_GP0CTL, 0x070) REG32(CM_GP0DIV, 0x074) REG32(CM_GP1CTL, 0x078) REG32(CM_GP1DIV, 0x07c) REG32(CM_GP2CTL, 0x080) REG32(CM_GP2DIV, 0x084) REG32(CM_HSMCTL, 0x088) REG32(CM_HSMDIV, 0x08c) REG32(CM_OTPCTL, 0x090) REG32(CM_OTPDIV, 0x094) REG32(CM_PCMCTL, 0x098) REG32(CM_PCMDIV, 0x09c) REG32(CM_PWMCTL, 0x0a0) REG32(CM_PWMDIV, 0x0a4) REG32(CM_SLIMCTL, 0x0a8) REG32(CM_SLIMDIV, 0x0ac) REG32(CM_SMICTL, 0x0b0) REG32(CM_SMIDIV, 0x0b4) REG32(CM_TCNTCTL, 0x0c0) REG32(CM_TCNTCNT, 0x0c4) REG32(CM_TECCTL, 0x0c8) REG32(CM_TECDIV, 0x0cc) REG32(CM_TD0CTL, 0x0d0) REG32(CM_TD0DIV, 0x0d4) REG32(CM_TD1CTL, 0x0d8) REG32(CM_TD1DIV, 0x0dc) REG32(CM_TSENSCTL, 0x0e0) REG32(CM_TSENSDIV, 0x0e4) REG32(CM_TIMERCTL, 0x0e8) REG32(CM_TIMERDIV, 0x0ec) REG32(CM_UARTCTL, 0x0f0) REG32(CM_UARTDIV, 0x0f4) REG32(CM_VECCTL, 0x0f8) REG32(CM_VECDIV, 0x0fc) REG32(CM_PULSECTL, 0x190) REG32(CM_PULSEDIV, 0x194) REG32(CM_SDCCTL, 0x1a8) REG32(CM_SDCDIV, 0x1ac) REG32(CM_ARMCTL, 0x1b0) REG32(CM_AVEOCTL, 0x1b8) REG32(CM_AVEODIV, 0x1bc) REG32(CM_EMMCCTL, 0x1c0) REG32(CM_EMMCDIV, 0x1c4) REG32(CM_EMMC2CTL, 0x1d0) REG32(CM_EMMC2DIV, 0x1d4) /* misc registers */ REG32(CM_LOCK, 0x114) FIELD(CM_LOCK, FLOCKH, 12, 1) FIELD(CM_LOCK, FLOCKD, 11, 1) FIELD(CM_LOCK, FLOCKC, 10, 1) FIELD(CM_LOCK, FLOCKB, 9, 1) FIELD(CM_LOCK, FLOCKA, 8, 1) REG32(CM_DSI0HSCK, 0x120) FIELD(CM_DSI0HSCK, SELPLLD, 0, 1) /* * This field is common to all registers. Each register write value must match * the CPRMAN_PASSWORD magic value in its 8 MSB. */ FIELD(CPRMAN, PASSWORD, 24, 8) #define CPRMAN_PASSWORD 0x5a /* PLL init info */ typedef struct PLLInitInfo { const char *name; size_t cm_offset; size_t a2w_ctrl_offset; size_t a2w_ana_offset; uint32_t prediv_mask; /* Prediv bit in ana[1] */ size_t a2w_frac_offset; } PLLInitInfo; #define FILL_PLL_INIT_INFO(pll_) \ .cm_offset = R_CM_ ## pll_, \ .a2w_ctrl_offset = R_A2W_ ## pll_ ## _CTRL, \ .a2w_ana_offset = R_A2W_ ## pll_ ## _ANA0, \ .a2w_frac_offset = R_A2W_ ## pll_ ## _FRAC static const PLLInitInfo PLL_INIT_INFO[] = { [CPRMAN_PLLA] = { .name = "plla", .prediv_mask = R_A2W_PLLx_ANA1_FB_PREDIV_MASK, FILL_PLL_INIT_INFO(PLLA), }, [CPRMAN_PLLC] = { .name = "pllc", .prediv_mask = R_A2W_PLLx_ANA1_FB_PREDIV_MASK, FILL_PLL_INIT_INFO(PLLC), }, [CPRMAN_PLLD] = { .name = "plld", .prediv_mask = R_A2W_PLLx_ANA1_FB_PREDIV_MASK, FILL_PLL_INIT_INFO(PLLD), }, [CPRMAN_PLLH] = { .name = "pllh", .prediv_mask = R_A2W_PLLH_ANA1_FB_PREDIV_MASK, FILL_PLL_INIT_INFO(PLLH), }, [CPRMAN_PLLB] = { .name = "pllb", .prediv_mask = R_A2W_PLLx_ANA1_FB_PREDIV_MASK, FILL_PLL_INIT_INFO(PLLB), }, }; #undef FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO static inline void set_pll_init_info(BCM2835CprmanState *s, CprmanPllState *pll, CprmanPll id) { pll->id = id; pll->reg_cm = &s->regs[PLL_INIT_INFO[id].cm_offset]; pll->reg_a2w_ctrl = &s->regs[PLL_INIT_INFO[id].a2w_ctrl_offset]; pll->reg_a2w_ana = &s->regs[PLL_INIT_INFO[id].a2w_ana_offset]; pll->prediv_mask = PLL_INIT_INFO[id].prediv_mask; pll->reg_a2w_frac = &s->regs[PLL_INIT_INFO[id].a2w_frac_offset]; } /* PLL channel init info */ typedef struct PLLChannelInitInfo { const char *name; CprmanPll parent; size_t cm_offset; uint32_t cm_hold_mask; uint32_t cm_load_mask; size_t a2w_ctrl_offset; unsigned int fixed_divider; } PLLChannelInitInfo; #define FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO_common(pll_, channel_) \ .parent = CPRMAN_ ## pll_, \ .cm_offset = R_CM_ ## pll_, \ .cm_load_mask = R_CM_ ## pll_ ## _ ## LOAD ## channel_ ## _MASK, \ .a2w_ctrl_offset = R_A2W_ ## pll_ ## _ ## channel_ #define FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO(pll_, channel_) \ FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO_common(pll_, channel_), \ .cm_hold_mask = R_CM_ ## pll_ ## _ ## HOLD ## channel_ ## _MASK, \ .fixed_divider = 1 #define FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO_nohold(pll_, channel_) \ FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO_common(pll_, channel_), \ .cm_hold_mask = 0 static PLLChannelInitInfo PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO[] = { [CPRMAN_PLLA_CHANNEL_DSI0] = { .name = "plla-dsi0", FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO(PLLA, DSI0), }, [CPRMAN_PLLA_CHANNEL_CORE] = { .name = "plla-core", FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO(PLLA, CORE), }, [CPRMAN_PLLA_CHANNEL_PER] = { .name = "plla-per", FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO(PLLA, PER), }, [CPRMAN_PLLA_CHANNEL_CCP2] = { .name = "plla-ccp2", FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO(PLLA, CCP2), }, [CPRMAN_PLLC_CHANNEL_CORE2] = { .name = "pllc-core2", FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO(PLLC, CORE2), }, [CPRMAN_PLLC_CHANNEL_CORE1] = { .name = "pllc-core1", FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO(PLLC, CORE1), }, [CPRMAN_PLLC_CHANNEL_PER] = { .name = "pllc-per", FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO(PLLC, PER), }, [CPRMAN_PLLC_CHANNEL_CORE0] = { .name = "pllc-core0", FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO(PLLC, CORE0), }, [CPRMAN_PLLD_CHANNEL_DSI0] = { .name = "plld-dsi0", FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO(PLLD, DSI0), }, [CPRMAN_PLLD_CHANNEL_CORE] = { .name = "plld-core", FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO(PLLD, CORE), }, [CPRMAN_PLLD_CHANNEL_PER] = { .name = "plld-per", FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO(PLLD, PER), }, [CPRMAN_PLLD_CHANNEL_DSI1] = { .name = "plld-dsi1", FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO(PLLD, DSI1), }, [CPRMAN_PLLH_CHANNEL_AUX] = { .name = "pllh-aux", .fixed_divider = 1, FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO_nohold(PLLH, AUX), }, [CPRMAN_PLLH_CHANNEL_RCAL] = { .name = "pllh-rcal", .fixed_divider = 10, FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO_nohold(PLLH, RCAL), }, [CPRMAN_PLLH_CHANNEL_PIX] = { .name = "pllh-pix", .fixed_divider = 10, FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO_nohold(PLLH, PIX), }, [CPRMAN_PLLB_CHANNEL_ARM] = { .name = "pllb-arm", FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO(PLLB, ARM), }, }; #undef FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO_nohold #undef FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO #undef FILL_PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO_common static inline void set_pll_channel_init_info(BCM2835CprmanState *s, CprmanPllChannelState *channel, CprmanPllChannel id) { channel->id = id; channel->parent = PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO[id].parent; channel->reg_cm = &s->regs[PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO[id].cm_offset]; channel->hold_mask = PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO[id].cm_hold_mask; channel->load_mask = PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO[id].cm_load_mask; channel->reg_a2w_ctrl = &s->regs[PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO[id].a2w_ctrl_offset]; channel->fixed_divider = PLL_CHANNEL_INIT_INFO[id].fixed_divider; } /* Clock mux init info */ typedef struct ClockMuxInitInfo { const char *name; size_t cm_offset; /* cm_offset[0]->CM_CTL, cm_offset[1]->CM_DIV */ int int_bits; int frac_bits; CprmanPllChannel src_mapping[CPRMAN_NUM_CLOCK_MUX_SRC]; } ClockMuxInitInfo; /* * Each clock mux can have up to 10 sources. Sources 0 to 3 are always the * same (ground, xosc, td0, td1). Sources 4 to 9 are mux specific, and are not * always populated. The following macros catch all those cases. */ /* Unknown mapping. Connect everything to ground */ #define SRC_MAPPING_INFO_unknown \ .src_mapping = { \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, /* gnd */ \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, /* xosc */ \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, /* test debug 0 */ \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, /* test debug 1 */ \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, /* pll a */ \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, /* pll c */ \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, /* pll d */ \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, /* pll h */ \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, /* pll c, core1 */ \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, /* pll c, core2 */ \ } /* Only the oscillator and the two test debug clocks */ #define SRC_MAPPING_INFO_xosc \ .src_mapping = { \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ } /* All the PLL "core" channels */ #define SRC_MAPPING_INFO_core \ .src_mapping = { \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_PLLA_CHANNEL_CORE, \ CPRMAN_PLLC_CHANNEL_CORE0, \ CPRMAN_PLLD_CHANNEL_CORE, \ CPRMAN_PLLH_CHANNEL_AUX, \ CPRMAN_PLLC_CHANNEL_CORE1, \ CPRMAN_PLLC_CHANNEL_CORE2, \ } /* All the PLL "per" channels */ #define SRC_MAPPING_INFO_periph \ .src_mapping = { \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_PLLA_CHANNEL_PER, \ CPRMAN_PLLC_CHANNEL_PER, \ CPRMAN_PLLD_CHANNEL_PER, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ } /* * The DSI0 channels. This one got an intermediate mux between the PLL channels * and the clock input. */ #define SRC_MAPPING_INFO_dsi0 \ .src_mapping = { \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_DSI0HSCK, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ } /* The DSI1 channel */ #define SRC_MAPPING_INFO_dsi1 \ .src_mapping = { \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_NORMAL, \ CPRMAN_PLLD_CHANNEL_DSI1, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ CPRMAN_CLOCK_SRC_FORCE_GROUND, \ } #define FILL_CLOCK_MUX_SRC_MAPPING_INIT_INFO(kind_) \ SRC_MAPPING_INFO_ ## kind_ #define FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(clock_, kind_) \ .cm_offset = R_CM_ ## clock_ ## CTL, \ FILL_CLOCK_MUX_SRC_MAPPING_INIT_INFO(kind_) static ClockMuxInitInfo CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO[] = { [CPRMAN_CLOCK_GNRIC] = { .name = "gnric", FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(GNRIC, unknown), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_VPU] = { .name = "vpu", .int_bits = 12, .frac_bits = 8, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(VPU, core), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_SYS] = { .name = "sys", FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(SYS, unknown), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_PERIA] = { .name = "peria", FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(PERIA, unknown), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_PERII] = { .name = "perii", FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(PERII, unknown), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_H264] = { .name = "h264", .int_bits = 4, .frac_bits = 8, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(H264, core), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_ISP] = { .name = "isp", .int_bits = 4, .frac_bits = 8, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(ISP, core), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_V3D] = { .name = "v3d", FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(V3D, core), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_CAM0] = { .name = "cam0", .int_bits = 4, .frac_bits = 8, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(CAM0, periph), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_CAM1] = { .name = "cam1", .int_bits = 4, .frac_bits = 8, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(CAM1, periph), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_CCP2] = { .name = "ccp2", FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(CCP2, unknown), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_DSI0E] = { .name = "dsi0e", .int_bits = 4, .frac_bits = 8, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(DSI0E, dsi0), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_DSI0P] = { .name = "dsi0p", .int_bits = 0, .frac_bits = 0, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(DSI0P, dsi0), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_DPI] = { .name = "dpi", .int_bits = 4, .frac_bits = 8, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(DPI, periph), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_GP0] = { .name = "gp0", .int_bits = 12, .frac_bits = 12, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(GP0, periph), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_GP1] = { .name = "gp1", .int_bits = 12, .frac_bits = 12, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(GP1, periph), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_GP2] = { .name = "gp2", .int_bits = 12, .frac_bits = 12, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(GP2, periph), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_HSM] = { .name = "hsm", .int_bits = 4, .frac_bits = 8, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(HSM, periph), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_OTP] = { .name = "otp", .int_bits = 4, .frac_bits = 0, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(OTP, xosc), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_PCM] = { .name = "pcm", .int_bits = 12, .frac_bits = 12, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(PCM, periph), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_PWM] = { .name = "pwm", .int_bits = 12, .frac_bits = 12, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(PWM, periph), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_SLIM] = { .name = "slim", .int_bits = 12, .frac_bits = 12, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(SLIM, periph), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_SMI] = { .name = "smi", .int_bits = 4, .frac_bits = 8, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(SMI, periph), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_TEC] = { .name = "tec", .int_bits = 6, .frac_bits = 0, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(TEC, xosc), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_TD0] = { .name = "td0", FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(TD0, unknown), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_TD1] = { .name = "td1", FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(TD1, unknown), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_TSENS] = { .name = "tsens", .int_bits = 5, .frac_bits = 0, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(TSENS, xosc), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_TIMER] = { .name = "timer", .int_bits = 6, .frac_bits = 12, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(TIMER, xosc), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_UART] = { .name = "uart", .int_bits = 10, .frac_bits = 12, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(UART, periph), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_VEC] = { .name = "vec", .int_bits = 4, .frac_bits = 0, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(VEC, periph), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_PULSE] = { .name = "pulse", FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(PULSE, xosc), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_SDC] = { .name = "sdram", .int_bits = 6, .frac_bits = 0, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(SDC, core), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_ARM] = { .name = "arm", FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(ARM, unknown), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_AVEO] = { .name = "aveo", .int_bits = 4, .frac_bits = 0, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(AVEO, periph), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_EMMC] = { .name = "emmc", .int_bits = 4, .frac_bits = 8, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(EMMC, periph), }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_EMMC2] = { .name = "emmc2", .int_bits = 4, .frac_bits = 8, FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO(EMMC2, unknown), }, }; #undef FILL_CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO #undef FILL_CLOCK_MUX_SRC_MAPPING_INIT_INFO #undef SRC_MAPPING_INFO_dsi1 #undef SRC_MAPPING_INFO_dsi0 #undef SRC_MAPPING_INFO_periph #undef SRC_MAPPING_INFO_core #undef SRC_MAPPING_INFO_xosc #undef SRC_MAPPING_INFO_unknown static inline void set_clock_mux_init_info(BCM2835CprmanState *s, CprmanClockMuxState *mux, CprmanClockMux id) { mux->id = id; mux->reg_ctl = &s->regs[CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO[id].cm_offset]; mux->reg_div = &s->regs[CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO[id].cm_offset + 1]; mux->int_bits = CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO[id].int_bits; mux->frac_bits = CLOCK_MUX_INIT_INFO[id].frac_bits; } /* * Object reset info * Those values have been dumped from a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B v1.2 using the * clk debugfs interface in Linux. */ typedef struct PLLResetInfo { uint32_t cm; uint32_t a2w_ctrl; uint32_t a2w_ana[4]; uint32_t a2w_frac; } PLLResetInfo; static const PLLResetInfo PLL_RESET_INFO[] = { [CPRMAN_PLLA] = { .cm = 0x0000008a, .a2w_ctrl = 0x0002103a, .a2w_frac = 0x00098000, .a2w_ana = { 0x00000000, 0x00144000, 0x00000000, 0x00000100 } }, [CPRMAN_PLLC] = { .cm = 0x00000228, .a2w_ctrl = 0x0002103e, .a2w_frac = 0x00080000, .a2w_ana = { 0x00000000, 0x00144000, 0x00000000, 0x00000100 } }, [CPRMAN_PLLD] = { .cm = 0x0000020a, .a2w_ctrl = 0x00021034, .a2w_frac = 0x00015556, .a2w_ana = { 0x00000000, 0x00144000, 0x00000000, 0x00000100 } }, [CPRMAN_PLLH] = { .cm = 0x00000000, .a2w_ctrl = 0x0002102d, .a2w_frac = 0x00000000, .a2w_ana = { 0x00900000, 0x0000000c, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 } }, [CPRMAN_PLLB] = { /* unknown */ .cm = 0x00000000, .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000000, .a2w_frac = 0x00000000, .a2w_ana = { 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 } } }; typedef struct PLLChannelResetInfo { /* * Even though a PLL channel has a CM register, it shares it with its * parent PLL. The parent already takes care of the reset value. */ uint32_t a2w_ctrl; } PLLChannelResetInfo; static const PLLChannelResetInfo PLL_CHANNEL_RESET_INFO[] = { [CPRMAN_PLLA_CHANNEL_DSI0] = { .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000100 }, [CPRMAN_PLLA_CHANNEL_CORE] = { .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000003 }, [CPRMAN_PLLA_CHANNEL_PER] = { .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000000 }, /* unknown */ [CPRMAN_PLLA_CHANNEL_CCP2] = { .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000100 }, [CPRMAN_PLLC_CHANNEL_CORE2] = { .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000100 }, [CPRMAN_PLLC_CHANNEL_CORE1] = { .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000100 }, [CPRMAN_PLLC_CHANNEL_PER] = { .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000002 }, [CPRMAN_PLLC_CHANNEL_CORE0] = { .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000002 }, [CPRMAN_PLLD_CHANNEL_DSI0] = { .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000100 }, [CPRMAN_PLLD_CHANNEL_CORE] = { .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000004 }, [CPRMAN_PLLD_CHANNEL_PER] = { .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000004 }, [CPRMAN_PLLD_CHANNEL_DSI1] = { .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000100 }, [CPRMAN_PLLH_CHANNEL_AUX] = { .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000004 }, [CPRMAN_PLLH_CHANNEL_RCAL] = { .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000000 }, [CPRMAN_PLLH_CHANNEL_PIX] = { .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000000 }, [CPRMAN_PLLB_CHANNEL_ARM] = { .a2w_ctrl = 0x00000000 }, /* unknown */ }; typedef struct ClockMuxResetInfo { uint32_t cm_ctl; uint32_t cm_div; } ClockMuxResetInfo; static const ClockMuxResetInfo CLOCK_MUX_RESET_INFO[] = { [CPRMAN_CLOCK_GNRIC] = { .cm_ctl = 0, /* unknown */ .cm_div = 0 }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_VPU] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000245, .cm_div = 0x00003000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_SYS] = { .cm_ctl = 0, /* unknown */ .cm_div = 0 }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_PERIA] = { .cm_ctl = 0, /* unknown */ .cm_div = 0 }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_PERII] = { .cm_ctl = 0, /* unknown */ .cm_div = 0 }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_H264] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000244, .cm_div = 0x00003000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_ISP] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000244, .cm_div = 0x00003000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_V3D] = { .cm_ctl = 0, /* unknown */ .cm_div = 0 }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_CAM0] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000000, .cm_div = 0x00000000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_CAM1] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000000, .cm_div = 0x00000000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_CCP2] = { .cm_ctl = 0, /* unknown */ .cm_div = 0 }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_DSI0E] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000000, .cm_div = 0x00000000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_DSI0P] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000000, .cm_div = 0x00000000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_DPI] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000000, .cm_div = 0x00000000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_GP0] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000200, .cm_div = 0x00000000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_GP1] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000096, .cm_div = 0x00014000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_GP2] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000291, .cm_div = 0x00249f00, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_HSM] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000000, .cm_div = 0x00000000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_OTP] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000091, .cm_div = 0x00004000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_PCM] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000200, .cm_div = 0x00000000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_PWM] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000200, .cm_div = 0x00000000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_SLIM] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000200, .cm_div = 0x00000000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_SMI] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000000, .cm_div = 0x00000000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_TEC] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000000, .cm_div = 0x00000000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_TD0] = { .cm_ctl = 0, /* unknown */ .cm_div = 0 }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_TD1] = { .cm_ctl = 0, /* unknown */ .cm_div = 0 }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_TSENS] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000091, .cm_div = 0x0000a000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_TIMER] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000291, .cm_div = 0x00013333, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_UART] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000296, .cm_div = 0x0000a6ab, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_VEC] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000097, .cm_div = 0x00002000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_PULSE] = { .cm_ctl = 0, /* unknown */ .cm_div = 0 }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_SDC] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00004006, .cm_div = 0x00003000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_ARM] = { .cm_ctl = 0, /* unknown */ .cm_div = 0 }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_AVEO] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000000, .cm_div = 0x00000000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_EMMC] = { .cm_ctl = 0x00000295, .cm_div = 0x00006000, }, [CPRMAN_CLOCK_EMMC2] = { .cm_ctl = 0, /* unknown */ .cm_div = 0 }, }; #endif