
   This file is the skeleton for the qemu.1 manpage. It mostly
   should simply include the .rst.inc files corresponding to the
   parts of the documentation that go in the manpage as well as the
   HTML manual.

QEMU User Documentation


.. parsed-literal::

   |qemu_system| [options] [disk_image]


.. include:: target-i386-desc.rst.inc


disk_image is a raw hard disk image for IDE hard disk 0. Some targets do
not need a disk image.

When dealing with options parameters as arbitrary strings containing
commas, such as in "file=my,file" and "string=a,b", it's necessary to
double the commas. For instance,"-fw_cfg name=z,string=a,,b" will be
parsed as "-fw_cfg name=z,string=a,b".

.. hxtool-doc:: qemu-options.hx

.. include:: keys.rst.inc

.. include:: mux-chardev.rst.inc


.. include:: device-url-syntax.rst.inc

See also

The HTML documentation of QEMU for more precise information and Linux
user mode emulator invocation.