/* * Copyright (C) 2019, Alex Bennée <alex.bennee@linaro.org> * * License: GNU GPL, version 2 or later. * See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. */ #include <inttypes.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <glib.h> #include <qemu-plugin.h> QEMU_PLUGIN_EXPORT int qemu_plugin_version = QEMU_PLUGIN_VERSION; static bool do_inline; /* Plugins need to take care of their own locking */ static GMutex lock; static GHashTable *hotblocks; static guint64 limit = 20; /* * Counting Structure * * The internals of the TCG are not exposed to plugins so we can only * get the starting PC for each block. We cheat this slightly by * xor'ing the number of instructions to the hash to help * differentiate. */ typedef struct { uint64_t start_addr; struct qemu_plugin_scoreboard *exec_count; int trans_count; unsigned long insns; } ExecCount; static gint cmp_exec_count(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { ExecCount *ea = (ExecCount *) a; ExecCount *eb = (ExecCount *) b; uint64_t count_a = qemu_plugin_u64_sum(qemu_plugin_scoreboard_u64(ea->exec_count)); uint64_t count_b = qemu_plugin_u64_sum(qemu_plugin_scoreboard_u64(eb->exec_count)); return count_a > count_b ? -1 : 1; } static void exec_count_free(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { ExecCount *cnt = value; qemu_plugin_scoreboard_free(cnt->exec_count); } static void plugin_exit(qemu_plugin_id_t id, void *p) { g_autoptr(GString) report = g_string_new("collected "); GList *counts, *it; int i; g_string_append_printf(report, "%d entries in the hash table\n", g_hash_table_size(hotblocks)); counts = g_hash_table_get_values(hotblocks); it = g_list_sort(counts, cmp_exec_count); if (it) { g_string_append_printf(report, "pc, tcount, icount, ecount\n"); for (i = 0; i < limit && it->next; i++, it = it->next) { ExecCount *rec = (ExecCount *) it->data; g_string_append_printf( report, "0x%016"PRIx64", %d, %ld, %"PRId64"\n", rec->start_addr, rec->trans_count, rec->insns, qemu_plugin_u64_sum( qemu_plugin_scoreboard_u64(rec->exec_count))); } g_list_free(it); } qemu_plugin_outs(report->str); g_hash_table_foreach(hotblocks, exec_count_free, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy(hotblocks); } static void plugin_init(void) { hotblocks = g_hash_table_new(NULL, g_direct_equal); } static void vcpu_tb_exec(unsigned int cpu_index, void *udata) { ExecCount *cnt = (ExecCount *)udata; qemu_plugin_u64_add(qemu_plugin_scoreboard_u64(cnt->exec_count), cpu_index, 1); } /* * When do_inline we ask the plugin to increment the counter for us. * Otherwise a helper is inserted which calls the vcpu_tb_exec * callback. */ static void vcpu_tb_trans(qemu_plugin_id_t id, struct qemu_plugin_tb *tb) { ExecCount *cnt; uint64_t pc = qemu_plugin_tb_vaddr(tb); size_t insns = qemu_plugin_tb_n_insns(tb); uint64_t hash = pc ^ insns; g_mutex_lock(&lock); cnt = (ExecCount *) g_hash_table_lookup(hotblocks, (gconstpointer) hash); if (cnt) { cnt->trans_count++; } else { cnt = g_new0(ExecCount, 1); cnt->start_addr = pc; cnt->trans_count = 1; cnt->insns = insns; cnt->exec_count = qemu_plugin_scoreboard_new(sizeof(uint64_t)); g_hash_table_insert(hotblocks, (gpointer) hash, (gpointer) cnt); } g_mutex_unlock(&lock); if (do_inline) { qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_tb_exec_inline_per_vcpu( tb, QEMU_PLUGIN_INLINE_ADD_U64, qemu_plugin_scoreboard_u64(cnt->exec_count), 1); } else { qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_tb_exec_cb(tb, vcpu_tb_exec, QEMU_PLUGIN_CB_NO_REGS, (void *)cnt); } } QEMU_PLUGIN_EXPORT int qemu_plugin_install(qemu_plugin_id_t id, const qemu_info_t *info, int argc, char **argv) { for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { char *opt = argv[i]; g_auto(GStrv) tokens = g_strsplit(opt, "=", 2); if (g_strcmp0(tokens[0], "inline") == 0) { if (!qemu_plugin_bool_parse(tokens[0], tokens[1], &do_inline)) { fprintf(stderr, "boolean argument parsing failed: %s\n", opt); return -1; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "option parsing failed: %s\n", opt); return -1; } } plugin_init(); qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_tb_trans_cb(id, vcpu_tb_trans); qemu_plugin_register_atexit_cb(id, plugin_exit, NULL); return 0; }