/* * QEMU access control list file authorization driver * * Copyright (c) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #include "qemu/osdep.h" #include "authz/listfile.h" #include "trace.h" #include "qemu/error-report.h" #include "qemu/main-loop.h" #include "qemu/module.h" #include "qemu/sockets.h" #include "qemu/filemonitor.h" #include "qom/object_interfaces.h" #include "qapi/qapi-visit-authz.h" #include "qapi/qmp/qjson.h" #include "qapi/qmp/qobject.h" #include "qapi/qobject-input-visitor.h" static bool qauthz_list_file_is_allowed(QAuthZ *authz, const char *identity, Error **errp) { QAuthZListFile *fauthz = QAUTHZ_LIST_FILE(authz); if (fauthz->list) { return qauthz_is_allowed(fauthz->list, identity, errp); } return false; } static QAuthZ * qauthz_list_file_load(QAuthZListFile *fauthz, Error **errp) { GError *err = NULL; gchar *content = NULL; gsize len; QObject *obj = NULL; QDict *pdict; Visitor *v = NULL; QAuthZ *ret = NULL; trace_qauthz_list_file_load(fauthz, fauthz->filename); if (!g_file_get_contents(fauthz->filename, &content, &len, &err)) { error_setg(errp, "Unable to read '%s': %s", fauthz->filename, err->message); goto cleanup; } obj = qobject_from_json(content, errp); if (!obj) { goto cleanup; } pdict = qobject_to(QDict, obj); if (!pdict) { error_setg(errp, "File '%s' must contain a JSON object", fauthz->filename); goto cleanup; } v = qobject_input_visitor_new(obj); ret = (QAuthZ *)user_creatable_add_type(TYPE_QAUTHZ_LIST, NULL, pdict, v, errp); cleanup: visit_free(v); qobject_unref(obj); if (err) { g_error_free(err); } g_free(content); return ret; } static void qauthz_list_file_event(int64_t wd G_GNUC_UNUSED, QFileMonitorEvent ev G_GNUC_UNUSED, const char *name G_GNUC_UNUSED, void *opaque) { QAuthZListFile *fauthz = opaque; Error *err = NULL; if (ev != QFILE_MONITOR_EVENT_MODIFIED && ev != QFILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CREATED) { return; } object_unref(OBJECT(fauthz->list)); fauthz->list = qauthz_list_file_load(fauthz, &err); trace_qauthz_list_file_refresh(fauthz, fauthz->filename, fauthz->list ? 1 : 0); if (!fauthz->list) { error_report_err(err); } } static void qauthz_list_file_complete(UserCreatable *uc, Error **errp) { QAuthZListFile *fauthz = QAUTHZ_LIST_FILE(uc); gchar *dir = NULL, *file = NULL; if (!fauthz->filename) { error_setg(errp, "filename not provided"); return; } fauthz->list = qauthz_list_file_load(fauthz, errp); if (!fauthz->list) { return; } if (!fauthz->refresh) { return; } fauthz->file_monitor = qemu_file_monitor_new(errp); if (!fauthz->file_monitor) { return; } dir = g_path_get_dirname(fauthz->filename); if (g_str_equal(dir, ".")) { error_setg(errp, "Filename must be an absolute path"); goto cleanup; } file = g_path_get_basename(fauthz->filename); if (g_str_equal(file, ".")) { error_setg(errp, "Path has no trailing filename component"); goto cleanup; } fauthz->file_watch = qemu_file_monitor_add_watch( fauthz->file_monitor, dir, file, qauthz_list_file_event, fauthz, errp); if (fauthz->file_watch < 0) { goto cleanup; } cleanup: g_free(file); g_free(dir); } static void qauthz_list_file_prop_set_filename(Object *obj, const char *value, Error **errp G_GNUC_UNUSED) { QAuthZListFile *fauthz = QAUTHZ_LIST_FILE(obj); g_free(fauthz->filename); fauthz->filename = g_strdup(value); } static char * qauthz_list_file_prop_get_filename(Object *obj, Error **errp G_GNUC_UNUSED) { QAuthZListFile *fauthz = QAUTHZ_LIST_FILE(obj); return g_strdup(fauthz->filename); } static void qauthz_list_file_prop_set_refresh(Object *obj, bool value, Error **errp G_GNUC_UNUSED) { QAuthZListFile *fauthz = QAUTHZ_LIST_FILE(obj); fauthz->refresh = value; } static bool qauthz_list_file_prop_get_refresh(Object *obj, Error **errp G_GNUC_UNUSED) { QAuthZListFile *fauthz = QAUTHZ_LIST_FILE(obj); return fauthz->refresh; } static void qauthz_list_file_finalize(Object *obj) { QAuthZListFile *fauthz = QAUTHZ_LIST_FILE(obj); object_unref(OBJECT(fauthz->list)); g_free(fauthz->filename); qemu_file_monitor_free(fauthz->file_monitor); } static void qauthz_list_file_class_init(ObjectClass *oc, void *data) { UserCreatableClass *ucc = USER_CREATABLE_CLASS(oc); QAuthZClass *authz = QAUTHZ_CLASS(oc); ucc->complete = qauthz_list_file_complete; object_class_property_add_str(oc, "filename", qauthz_list_file_prop_get_filename, qauthz_list_file_prop_set_filename); object_class_property_add_bool(oc, "refresh", qauthz_list_file_prop_get_refresh, qauthz_list_file_prop_set_refresh); authz->is_allowed = qauthz_list_file_is_allowed; } static void qauthz_list_file_init(Object *obj) { QAuthZListFile *authz = QAUTHZ_LIST_FILE(obj); authz->file_watch = -1; #ifdef CONFIG_INOTIFY1 authz->refresh = true; #endif } QAuthZListFile *qauthz_list_file_new(const char *id, const char *filename, bool refresh, Error **errp) { return QAUTHZ_LIST_FILE( object_new_with_props(TYPE_QAUTHZ_LIST_FILE, object_get_objects_root(), id, errp, "filename", filename, "refresh", refresh ? "yes" : "no", NULL)); } static const TypeInfo qauthz_list_file_info = { .parent = TYPE_QAUTHZ, .name = TYPE_QAUTHZ_LIST_FILE, .instance_init = qauthz_list_file_init, .instance_size = sizeof(QAuthZListFile), .instance_finalize = qauthz_list_file_finalize, .class_init = qauthz_list_file_class_init, .interfaces = (InterfaceInfo[]) { { TYPE_USER_CREATABLE }, { } } }; static void qauthz_list_file_register_types(void) { type_register_static(&qauthz_list_file_info); } type_init(qauthz_list_file_register_types);