#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Script to create PLDM FW update package""" import argparse import binascii import enum import json import math import os import struct import sys from datetime import datetime from bitarray import bitarray from bitarray.util import ba2int string_types = dict( [ ("Unknown", 0), ("ASCII", 1), ("UTF8", 2), ("UTF16", 3), ("UTF16LE", 4), ("UTF16BE", 5), ] ) initial_descriptor_type_name_length = { 0x0000: ["PCI Vendor ID", 2], 0x0001: ["IANA Enterprise ID", 4], 0x0002: ["UUID", 16], 0x0003: ["PnP Vendor ID", 3], 0x0004: ["ACPI Vendor ID", 4], } descriptor_type_name_length = { 0x0000: ["PCI Vendor ID", 2], 0x0001: ["IANA Enterprise ID", 4], 0x0002: ["UUID", 16], 0x0003: ["PnP Vendor ID", 3], 0x0004: ["ACPI Vendor ID", 4], 0x0100: ["PCI Device ID", 2], 0x0101: ["PCI Subsystem Vendor ID", 2], 0x0102: ["PCI Subsystem ID", 2], 0x0103: ["PCI Revision ID", 1], 0x0104: ["PnP Product Identifier", 4], 0x0105: ["ACPI Product Identifier", 4], } class ComponentOptions(enum.IntEnum): """ Enum to represent ComponentOptions """ ForceUpdate = 0 UseComponentCompStamp = 1 def check_string_length(string): """Check if the length of the string is not greater than 255.""" if len(string) > 255: sys.exit("ERROR: Max permitted string length is 255") def write_pkg_release_date_time(pldm_fw_up_pkg, release_date_time): """ Write the timestamp into the package header. The timestamp is formatted as series of 13 bytes defined in DSP0240 specification. Parameters: pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package release_date_time: Package Release Date Time """ time = release_date_time.time() date = release_date_time.date() us_bytes = time.microsecond.to_bytes(3, byteorder="little") pldm_fw_up_pkg.write( struct.pack( "<hBBBBBBBBHB", 0, us_bytes[0], us_bytes[1], us_bytes[2], time.second, time.minute, time.hour, date.day, date.month, date.year, 0, ) ) def write_package_version_string(pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata): """ Write PackageVersionStringType, PackageVersionStringLength and PackageVersionString to the package header. Parameters: pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package metadata: metadata about PLDM FW update package """ # Hardcoded string type to ASCII string_type = string_types["ASCII"] package_version_string = metadata["PackageHeaderInformation"][ "PackageVersionString" ] check_string_length(package_version_string) format_string = "<BB" + str(len(package_version_string)) + "s" pldm_fw_up_pkg.write( struct.pack( format_string, string_type, len(package_version_string), package_version_string.encode("ascii"), ) ) def write_component_bitmap_bit_length(pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata): """ ComponentBitmapBitLength in the package header indicates the number of bits that will be used represent the bitmap in the ApplicableComponents field for a matching device. The value shall be a multiple of 8 and be large enough to contain a bit for each component in the package. The number of components in the JSON file is used to populate the bitmap length. Parameters: pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package metadata: metadata about PLDM FW update package Returns: ComponentBitmapBitLength: number of bits that will be used represent the bitmap in the ApplicableComponents field for a matching device """ # The script supports upto 32 components now max_components = 32 bitmap_multiple = 8 num_components = len(metadata["ComponentImageInformationArea"]) if num_components > max_components: sys.exit("ERROR: only upto 32 components supported now") component_bitmap_bit_length = bitmap_multiple * math.ceil( num_components / bitmap_multiple ) pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(struct.pack("<H", int(component_bitmap_bit_length))) return component_bitmap_bit_length def write_pkg_header_info(pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata): """ ComponentBitmapBitLength in the package header indicates the number of bits that will be used represent the bitmap in the ApplicableComponents field for a matching device. The value shall be a multiple of 8 and be large enough to contain a bit for each component in the package. The number of components in the JSON file is used to populate the bitmap length. Parameters: pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package metadata: metadata about PLDM FW update package Returns: ComponentBitmapBitLength: number of bits that will be used represent the bitmap in the ApplicableComponents field for a matching device """ uuid = metadata["PackageHeaderInformation"]["PackageHeaderIdentifier"] package_header_identifier = bytearray.fromhex(uuid) pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(package_header_identifier) package_header_format_revision = metadata["PackageHeaderInformation"][ "PackageHeaderFormatVersion" ] # Size will be computed and updated subsequently package_header_size = 0 pldm_fw_up_pkg.write( struct.pack("<BH", package_header_format_revision, package_header_size) ) release_date_time_str = metadata["PackageHeaderInformation"].get( "PackageReleaseDateTime", None ) if release_date_time_str is not None: formats = [ "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", ] release_date_time = None for fmt in formats: try: release_date_time = datetime.strptime( release_date_time_str, fmt ) break except ValueError: pass if release_date_time is None: sys.exit("Can't parse release date '%s'" % release_date_time_str) else: release_date_time = datetime.now() write_pkg_release_date_time(pldm_fw_up_pkg, release_date_time) component_bitmap_bit_length = write_component_bitmap_bit_length( pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata ) write_package_version_string(pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata) return component_bitmap_bit_length def get_applicable_components(device, components, component_bitmap_bit_length): """ This function figures out the components applicable for the device and sets the ApplicableComponents bitfield accordingly. Parameters: device: device information components: list of components in the package component_bitmap_bit_length: length of the ComponentBitmapBitLength Returns: The ApplicableComponents bitfield """ applicable_components_list = device["ApplicableComponents"] applicable_components = bitarray( component_bitmap_bit_length, endian="little" ) applicable_components.setall(0) for component_index in applicable_components_list: if 0 <= component_index < len(components): applicable_components[component_index] = 1 else: sys.exit("ERROR: Applicable Component index not found.") return applicable_components def prepare_record_descriptors(descriptors): """ This function processes the Descriptors and prepares the RecordDescriptors section of the the firmware device ID record. Parameters: descriptors: Descriptors entry Returns: RecordDescriptors, DescriptorCount """ record_descriptors = bytearray() vendor_defined_desc_type = 65535 vendor_desc_title_str_type_len = 1 vendor_desc_title_str_len_len = 1 descriptor_count = 0 for descriptor in descriptors: descriptor_type = descriptor["DescriptorType"] if descriptor_count == 0: if ( initial_descriptor_type_name_length.get(descriptor_type) is None ): sys.exit("ERROR: Initial descriptor type not supported") else: if ( descriptor_type_name_length.get(descriptor_type) is None and descriptor_type != vendor_defined_desc_type ): sys.exit("ERROR: Descriptor type not supported") if descriptor_type == vendor_defined_desc_type: vendor_desc_title_str = descriptor[ "VendorDefinedDescriptorTitleString" ] vendor_desc_data = descriptor["VendorDefinedDescriptorData"] check_string_length(vendor_desc_title_str) vendor_desc_title_str_type = string_types["ASCII"] descriptor_length = ( vendor_desc_title_str_type_len + vendor_desc_title_str_len_len + len(vendor_desc_title_str) + len(bytearray.fromhex(vendor_desc_data)) ) format_string = "<HHBB" + str(len(vendor_desc_title_str)) + "s" record_descriptors.extend( struct.pack( format_string, descriptor_type, descriptor_length, vendor_desc_title_str_type, len(vendor_desc_title_str), vendor_desc_title_str.encode("ascii"), ) ) record_descriptors.extend(bytearray.fromhex(vendor_desc_data)) descriptor_count += 1 else: descriptor_type = descriptor["DescriptorType"] descriptor_data = descriptor["DescriptorData"] descriptor_length = len(bytearray.fromhex(descriptor_data)) if ( descriptor_length != descriptor_type_name_length.get(descriptor_type)[1] ): err_string = ( "ERROR: Descriptor type - " + descriptor_type_name_length.get(descriptor_type)[0] + " length is incorrect" ) sys.exit(err_string) format_string = "<HH" record_descriptors.extend( struct.pack(format_string, descriptor_type, descriptor_length) ) record_descriptors.extend(bytearray.fromhex(descriptor_data)) descriptor_count += 1 return record_descriptors, descriptor_count def write_fw_device_identification_area( pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata, component_bitmap_bit_length ): """ Write firmware device ID records into the PLDM package header This function writes the DeviceIDRecordCount and the FirmwareDeviceIDRecords into the firmware update package by processing the metadata JSON. Currently there is no support for optional FirmwareDevicePackageData. Parameters: pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package metadata: metadata about PLDM FW update package component_bitmap_bit_length: length of the ComponentBitmapBitLength """ # The spec limits the number of firmware device ID records to 255 max_device_id_record_count = 255 devices = metadata["FirmwareDeviceIdentificationArea"] device_id_record_count = len(devices) if device_id_record_count > max_device_id_record_count: sys.exit( "ERROR: there can be only upto 255 entries in the " " FirmwareDeviceIdentificationArea section" ) # DeviceIDRecordCount pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(struct.pack("<B", device_id_record_count)) for device in devices: # RecordLength size record_length = 2 # DescriptorCount record_length += 1 # DeviceUpdateOptionFlags device_update_option_flags = bitarray(32, endian="little") device_update_option_flags.setall(0) # Continue component updates after failure supported_device_update_option_flags = [0] for option in device["DeviceUpdateOptionFlags"]: if option not in supported_device_update_option_flags: sys.exit("ERROR: unsupported DeviceUpdateOptionFlag entry") device_update_option_flags[option] = 1 record_length += 4 # ComponentImageSetVersionStringType supports only ASCII for now component_image_set_version_string_type = string_types["ASCII"] record_length += 1 # ComponentImageSetVersionStringLength component_image_set_version_string = device[ "ComponentImageSetVersionString" ] check_string_length(component_image_set_version_string) record_length += len(component_image_set_version_string) record_length += 1 # Optional FirmwareDevicePackageData not supported now, # FirmwareDevicePackageDataLength is set to 0x0000 fw_device_pkg_data_length = 0 record_length += 2 # ApplicableComponents components = metadata["ComponentImageInformationArea"] applicable_components = get_applicable_components( device, components, component_bitmap_bit_length ) applicable_components_bitfield_length = round( len(applicable_components) / 8 ) record_length += applicable_components_bitfield_length # RecordDescriptors descriptors = device["Descriptors"] record_descriptors, descriptor_count = prepare_record_descriptors( descriptors ) record_length += len(record_descriptors) format_string = ( "<HBIBBH" + str(applicable_components_bitfield_length) + "s" + str(len(component_image_set_version_string)) + "s" ) pldm_fw_up_pkg.write( struct.pack( format_string, record_length, descriptor_count, ba2int(device_update_option_flags), component_image_set_version_string_type, len(component_image_set_version_string), fw_device_pkg_data_length, applicable_components.tobytes(), component_image_set_version_string.encode("ascii"), ) ) pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(record_descriptors) def get_component_comparison_stamp(component): """ Get component comparison stamp from metadata file. This function checks if ComponentOptions field is having value 1. For ComponentOptions 1, ComponentComparisonStamp value from metadata file is used and Default value 0xFFFFFFFF is used for other Component Options. Parameters: component: Component image info Returns: component_comparison_stamp: Component Comparison stamp """ component_comparison_stamp = 0xFFFFFFFF if ( int(ComponentOptions.UseComponentCompStamp) in component["ComponentOptions"] ): # Use FD vendor selected value from metadata file if "ComponentComparisonStamp" not in component.keys(): sys.exit( "ERROR: ComponentComparisonStamp is required" " when value '1' is specified in ComponentOptions field" ) else: try: tmp_component_cmp_stmp = int( component["ComponentComparisonStamp"], 16 ) if 0 < tmp_component_cmp_stmp < 0xFFFFFFFF: component_comparison_stamp = tmp_component_cmp_stmp else: sys.exit( "ERROR: Value for ComponentComparisonStamp " " should be [0x01 - 0xFFFFFFFE] when " "ComponentOptions bit is set to" "'1'(UseComponentComparisonStamp)" ) except ValueError: # invalid hext format sys.exit("ERROR: Invalid hex for ComponentComparisonStamp") return component_comparison_stamp def write_component_image_info_area(pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata, image_files): """ Write component image information area into the PLDM package header This function writes the ComponentImageCount and the ComponentImageInformation into the firmware update package by processing the metadata JSON. Parameters: pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package metadata: metadata about PLDM FW update package image_files: component images """ components = metadata["ComponentImageInformationArea"] # ComponentImageCount pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(struct.pack("<H", len(components))) component_location_offsets = [] # ComponentLocationOffset position in individual component image # information component_location_offset_pos = 12 for component in components: # Record the location of the ComponentLocationOffset to be updated # after appending images to the firmware update package component_location_offsets.append( pldm_fw_up_pkg.tell() + component_location_offset_pos ) # ComponentClassification component_classification = component["ComponentClassification"] if component_classification < 0 or component_classification > 0xFFFF: sys.exit( "ERROR: ComponentClassification should be [0x0000 - 0xFFFF]" ) # ComponentIdentifier component_identifier = component["ComponentIdentifier"] if component_identifier < 0 or component_identifier > 0xFFFF: sys.exit("ERROR: ComponentIdentifier should be [0x0000 - 0xFFFF]") # ComponentComparisonStamp component_comparison_stamp = get_component_comparison_stamp(component) # ComponentOptions component_options = bitarray(16, endian="little") component_options.setall(0) supported_component_options = [0, 1, 2] for option in component["ComponentOptions"]: if option not in supported_component_options: sys.exit( "ERROR: unsupported ComponentOption in " " ComponentImageInformationArea section" ) component_options[option] = 1 # RequestedComponentActivationMethod requested_component_activation_method = bitarray(16, endian="little") requested_component_activation_method.setall(0) supported_requested_component_activation_method = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] for option in component["RequestedComponentActivationMethod"]: if option not in supported_requested_component_activation_method: sys.exit( "ERROR: unsupported RequestedComponent " " ActivationMethod entry" ) requested_component_activation_method[option] = 1 # ComponentLocationOffset component_location_offset = 0 # ComponentSize component_size = 0 # ComponentVersionStringType component_version_string_type = string_types["ASCII"] # ComponentVersionStringlength # ComponentVersionString component_version_string = component["ComponentVersionString"] check_string_length(component_version_string) format_string = "<HHIHHIIBB" + str(len(component_version_string)) + "s" pldm_fw_up_pkg.write( struct.pack( format_string, component_classification, component_identifier, component_comparison_stamp, ba2int(component_options), ba2int(requested_component_activation_method), component_location_offset, component_size, component_version_string_type, len(component_version_string), component_version_string.encode("ascii"), ) ) index = 0 pkg_header_checksum_size = 4 start_offset = pldm_fw_up_pkg.tell() + pkg_header_checksum_size # Update ComponentLocationOffset and ComponentSize for all the components for offset in component_location_offsets: file_size = os.stat(image_files[index]).st_size pldm_fw_up_pkg.seek(offset) pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(struct.pack("<II", start_offset, file_size)) start_offset += file_size index += 1 pldm_fw_up_pkg.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) def write_pkg_header_checksum(pldm_fw_up_pkg): """ Write PackageHeaderChecksum into the PLDM package header. Parameters: pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package """ pldm_fw_up_pkg.seek(0) package_header_checksum = binascii.crc32(pldm_fw_up_pkg.read()) pldm_fw_up_pkg.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(struct.pack("<I", package_header_checksum)) def update_pkg_header_size(pldm_fw_up_pkg): """ Update PackageHeader in the PLDM package header. The package header size which is the count of all bytes in the PLDM package header structure is calculated once the package header contents is complete. Parameters: pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package """ pkg_header_checksum_size = 4 file_size = pldm_fw_up_pkg.tell() + pkg_header_checksum_size pkg_header_size_offset = 17 # Seek past PackageHeaderIdentifier and PackageHeaderFormatRevision pldm_fw_up_pkg.seek(pkg_header_size_offset) pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(struct.pack("<H", file_size)) pldm_fw_up_pkg.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) def append_component_images(pldm_fw_up_pkg, image_files): """ Append the component images to the firmware update package. Parameters: pldm_fw_up_pkg: PLDM FW update package image_files: component images """ for image in image_files: with open(image, "rb") as file: for line in file: pldm_fw_up_pkg.write(line) def main(): """Create PLDM FW update (DSP0267) package based on a JSON metadata file""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "pldmfwuppkgname", help="Name of the PLDM FW update package" ) parser.add_argument("metadatafile", help="Path of metadata JSON file") parser.add_argument( "images", nargs="+", help=( "One or more firmware image paths, in the same order as " " ComponentImageInformationArea entries" ), ) args = parser.parse_args() image_files = args.images with open(args.metadatafile) as file: try: metadata = json.load(file) except ValueError: sys.exit("ERROR: Invalid metadata JSON file") # Validate the number of component images if len(image_files) != len(metadata["ComponentImageInformationArea"]): sys.exit( "ERROR: number of images passed != number of entries " " in ComponentImageInformationArea" ) try: with open(args.pldmfwuppkgname, "w+b") as pldm_fw_up_pkg: component_bitmap_bit_length = write_pkg_header_info( pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata ) write_fw_device_identification_area( pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata, component_bitmap_bit_length ) write_component_image_info_area( pldm_fw_up_pkg, metadata, image_files ) update_pkg_header_size(pldm_fw_up_pkg) write_pkg_header_checksum(pldm_fw_up_pkg) append_component_images(pldm_fw_up_pkg, image_files) pldm_fw_up_pkg.close() except BaseException: pldm_fw_up_pkg.close() os.remove(args.pldmfwuppkgname) raise if __name__ == "__main__": main()