#include "common/flight_recorder.hpp" #include "common/utils.hpp" #include "dbus_impl_requester.hpp" #include "fw-update/manager.hpp" #include "invoker.hpp" #include "requester/handler.hpp" #include "requester/mctp_endpoint_discovery.hpp" #include "requester/request.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PHOSPHOR_LOG2_USING; #ifdef LIBPLDMRESPONDER #include "dbus_impl_pdr.hpp" #include "host-bmc/dbus_to_event_handler.hpp" #include "host-bmc/dbus_to_host_effecters.hpp" #include "host-bmc/host_condition.hpp" #include "host-bmc/host_pdr_handler.hpp" #include "libpldmresponder/base.hpp" #include "libpldmresponder/bios.hpp" #include "libpldmresponder/fru.hpp" #include "libpldmresponder/oem_handler.hpp" #include "libpldmresponder/platform.hpp" #include "xyz/openbmc_project/PLDM/Event/server.hpp" #endif #ifdef OEM_IBM #include "libpldmresponder/file_io.hpp" #include "libpldmresponder/oem_ibm_handler.hpp" #endif constexpr uint8_t MCTP_MSG_TYPE_PLDM = 1; using namespace pldm; using namespace sdeventplus; using namespace sdeventplus::source; using namespace pldm::responder; using namespace pldm::utils; using sdeventplus::source::Signal; using namespace pldm::flightrecorder; void interruptFlightRecorderCallBack(Signal& /*signal*/, const struct signalfd_siginfo*) { error("Received SIGUR1(10) Signal interrupt"); // obtain the flight recorder instance and dump the recorder FlightRecorder::GetInstance().playRecorder(); } static std::optional processRxMsg(const std::vector& requestMsg, Invoker& invoker, requester::Handler& handler, fw_update::Manager* fwManager) { using type = uint8_t; uint8_t eid = requestMsg[0]; pldm_header_info hdrFields{}; auto hdr = reinterpret_cast( requestMsg.data() + sizeof(eid) + sizeof(type)); if (PLDM_SUCCESS != unpack_pldm_header(hdr, &hdrFields)) { error("Empty PLDM request header"); return std::nullopt; } if (PLDM_RESPONSE != hdrFields.msg_type) { Response response; auto request = reinterpret_cast(hdr); size_t requestLen = requestMsg.size() - sizeof(struct pldm_msg_hdr) - sizeof(eid) - sizeof(type); try { if (hdrFields.pldm_type != PLDM_FWUP) { response = invoker.handle(hdrFields.pldm_type, hdrFields.command, request, requestLen); } else { response = fwManager->handleRequest(eid, hdrFields.command, request, requestLen); } } catch (const std::out_of_range& e) { uint8_t completion_code = PLDM_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_PLDM_CMD; response.resize(sizeof(pldm_msg_hdr)); auto responseHdr = reinterpret_cast(response.data()); pldm_header_info header{}; header.msg_type = PLDM_RESPONSE; header.instance = hdrFields.instance; header.pldm_type = hdrFields.pldm_type; header.command = hdrFields.command; if (PLDM_SUCCESS != pack_pldm_header(&header, responseHdr)) { error("Failed adding response header"); return std::nullopt; } response.insert(response.end(), completion_code); } return response; } else if (PLDM_RESPONSE == hdrFields.msg_type) { auto response = reinterpret_cast(hdr); size_t responseLen = requestMsg.size() - sizeof(struct pldm_msg_hdr) - sizeof(eid) - sizeof(type); handler.handleResponse(eid, hdrFields.instance, hdrFields.pldm_type, hdrFields.command, response, responseLen); } return std::nullopt; } void optionUsage(void) { error("Usage: pldmd [options]"); error("Options:"); error(" [--verbose] - would enable verbosity"); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { bool verbose = false; static struct option long_options[] = {{"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}; auto argflag = getopt_long(argc, argv, "v", long_options, nullptr); switch (argflag) { case 'v': verbose = true; break; case -1: break; default: optionUsage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Create local socket. */ int returnCode = 0; int sockfd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0); if (-1 == sockfd) { returnCode = -errno; error("Failed to create the socket, RC= {RC}", "RC", returnCode); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } socklen_t optlen; int currentSendbuffSize; // Get Current send buffer size optlen = sizeof(currentSendbuffSize); int res = getsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, ¤tSendbuffSize, &optlen); if (res == -1) { error("Error in obtaining the default send buffer size, Error : {ERR}", "ERR", strerror(errno)); } auto event = Event::get_default(); auto& bus = pldm::utils::DBusHandler::getBus(); sdbusplus::server::manager_t objManager(bus, "/xyz/openbmc_project/software"); dbus_api::Requester dbusImplReq(bus, "/xyz/openbmc_project/pldm"); Invoker invoker{}; requester::Handler reqHandler( sockfd, event, dbusImplReq, currentSendbuffSize, verbose); #ifdef LIBPLDMRESPONDER using namespace pldm::state_sensor; dbus_api::Host dbusImplHost(bus, "/xyz/openbmc_project/pldm"); std::unique_ptr pdrRepo( pldm_pdr_init(), pldm_pdr_destroy); std::unique_ptr entityTree(pldm_entity_association_tree_init(), pldm_entity_association_tree_destroy); std::unique_ptr bmcEntityTree(pldm_entity_association_tree_init(), pldm_entity_association_tree_destroy); std::shared_ptr hostPDRHandler; std::unique_ptr hostEffecterParser; std::unique_ptr dbusToPLDMEventHandler; DBusHandler dbusHandler; auto hostEID = pldm::utils::readHostEID(); if (hostEID) { hostPDRHandler = std::make_shared( sockfd, hostEID, event, pdrRepo.get(), EVENTS_JSONS_DIR, entityTree.get(), bmcEntityTree.get(), dbusImplReq, &reqHandler); // HostFirmware interface needs access to hostPDR to know if host // is running dbusImplHost.setHostPdrObj(hostPDRHandler); hostEffecterParser = std::make_unique( &dbusImplReq, sockfd, pdrRepo.get(), &dbusHandler, HOST_JSONS_DIR, &reqHandler); dbusToPLDMEventHandler = std::make_unique( sockfd, hostEID, dbusImplReq, &reqHandler); } std::unique_ptr oemPlatformHandler{}; #ifdef OEM_IBM std::unique_ptr codeUpdate = std::make_unique(&dbusHandler); codeUpdate->clearDirPath(LID_STAGING_DIR); oemPlatformHandler = std::make_unique( &dbusHandler, codeUpdate.get(), sockfd, hostEID, dbusImplReq, event, &reqHandler); codeUpdate->setOemPlatformHandler(oemPlatformHandler.get()); invoker.registerHandler(PLDM_OEM, std::make_unique( oemPlatformHandler.get(), sockfd, hostEID, &dbusImplReq, &reqHandler)); #endif invoker.registerHandler( PLDM_BIOS, std::make_unique(sockfd, hostEID, &dbusImplReq, &reqHandler)); auto fruHandler = std::make_unique( FRU_JSONS_DIR, FRU_MASTER_JSON, pdrRepo.get(), entityTree.get(), bmcEntityTree.get()); // FRU table is built lazily when a FRU command or Get PDR command is // handled. To enable building FRU table, the FRU handler is passed to the // Platform handler. auto platformHandler = std::make_unique( &dbusHandler, PDR_JSONS_DIR, pdrRepo.get(), hostPDRHandler.get(), dbusToPLDMEventHandler.get(), fruHandler.get(), oemPlatformHandler.get(), event, true); #ifdef OEM_IBM pldm::responder::oem_ibm_platform::Handler* oemIbmPlatformHandler = dynamic_cast( oemPlatformHandler.get()); oemIbmPlatformHandler->setPlatformHandler(platformHandler.get()); #endif invoker.registerHandler(PLDM_PLATFORM, std::move(platformHandler)); invoker.registerHandler( PLDM_BASE, std::make_unique(hostEID, dbusImplReq, event, oemPlatformHandler.get(), &reqHandler)); invoker.registerHandler(PLDM_FRU, std::move(fruHandler)); dbus_api::Pdr dbusImplPdr(bus, "/xyz/openbmc_project/pldm", pdrRepo.get()); sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::PLDM::server::Event dbusImplEvent( bus, "/xyz/openbmc_project/pldm"); #endif pldm::utils::CustomFD socketFd(sockfd); struct sockaddr_un addr {}; addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; const char path[] = "\0mctp-mux"; memcpy(addr.sun_path, path, sizeof(path) - 1); int result = connect(socketFd(), reinterpret_cast(&addr), sizeof(path) + sizeof(addr.sun_family) - 1); if (-1 == result) { returnCode = -errno; error("Failed to connect to the socket, RC= {RC}", "RC", returnCode); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } result = write(socketFd(), &MCTP_MSG_TYPE_PLDM, sizeof(MCTP_MSG_TYPE_PLDM)); if (-1 == result) { returnCode = -errno; error("Failed to send message type as pldm to mctp, RC= {RC}", "RC", returnCode); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } std::unique_ptr fwManager = std::make_unique(event, reqHandler, dbusImplReq); std::unique_ptr mctpDiscoveryHandler = std::make_unique(bus, fwManager.get()); auto callback = [verbose, &invoker, &reqHandler, currentSendbuffSize, &fwManager](IO& io, int fd, uint32_t revents) mutable { if (!(revents & EPOLLIN)) { return; } // Outgoing message. struct iovec iov[2]{}; // This structure contains the parameter information for the response // message. struct msghdr msg {}; int returnCode = 0; ssize_t peekedLength = recv(fd, nullptr, 0, MSG_PEEK | MSG_TRUNC); if (0 == peekedLength) { // MCTP daemon has closed the socket this daemon is connected to. // This may or may not be an error scenario, in either case the // recovery mechanism for this daemon is to restart, and hence exit // the event loop, that will cause this daemon to exit with a // failure code. io.get_event().exit(0); } else if (peekedLength <= -1) { returnCode = -errno; error("recv system call failed, RC= {RC}", "RC", returnCode); } else { std::vector requestMsg(peekedLength); auto recvDataLength = recv( fd, static_cast(requestMsg.data()), peekedLength, 0); if (recvDataLength == peekedLength) { FlightRecorder::GetInstance().saveRecord(requestMsg, false); if (verbose) { printBuffer(Rx, requestMsg); } if (MCTP_MSG_TYPE_PLDM != requestMsg[1]) { // Skip this message and continue. } else { // process message and send response auto response = processRxMsg(requestMsg, invoker, reqHandler, fwManager.get()); if (response.has_value()) { FlightRecorder::GetInstance().saveRecord(*response, true); if (verbose) { printBuffer(Tx, *response); } iov[0].iov_base = &requestMsg[0]; iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(requestMsg[0]) + sizeof(requestMsg[1]); iov[1].iov_base = (*response).data(); iov[1].iov_len = (*response).size(); msg.msg_iov = iov; msg.msg_iovlen = sizeof(iov) / sizeof(iov[0]); if (currentSendbuffSize >= 0 && (size_t)currentSendbuffSize < (*response).size()) { int oldBuffSize = currentSendbuffSize; currentSendbuffSize = (*response).size(); int res = setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, ¤tSendbuffSize, sizeof(currentSendbuffSize)); if (res == -1) { error( "Responder : Failed to set the new send buffer size [bytes] : {CURR_SND_BUF_SIZE}", "CURR_SND_BUF_SIZE", currentSendbuffSize); error( "from current size [bytes] : {OLD_BUF_SIZE}, Error : {ERR}", "OLD_BUF_SIZE", oldBuffSize, "ERR", strerror(errno)); return; } } int result = sendmsg(fd, &msg, 0); if (-1 == result) { returnCode = -errno; error("sendto system call failed, RC= {RC}", "RC", returnCode); } } } } else { error( "Failure to read peeked length packet. peekedLength = {PEEK_LEN}, recvDataLength= {RECV_LEN}", "PEEK_LEN", peekedLength, "RECV_LEN", recvDataLength); } } }; bus.attach_event(event.get(), SD_EVENT_PRIORITY_NORMAL); bus.request_name("xyz.openbmc_project.PLDM"); IO io(event, socketFd(), EPOLLIN, std::move(callback)); #ifdef LIBPLDMRESPONDER if (hostPDRHandler) { hostPDRHandler->setHostFirmwareCondition(); } #endif stdplus::signal::block(SIGUSR1); sdeventplus::source::Signal sigUsr1( event, SIGUSR1, std::bind_front(&interruptFlightRecorderCallBack)); returnCode = event.loop(); if (shutdown(sockfd, SHUT_RDWR)) { error("Failed to shutdown the socket"); } if (returnCode) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }