#include "common/test/mocked_utils.hpp" #include "libpldmresponder/bios_enum_attribute.hpp" #include "mocked_bios.hpp" #include #include #include #include using namespace pldm::responder::bios; using namespace pldm::utils; using ::testing::_; using ::testing::ElementsAreArray; using ::testing::Return; using ::testing::StrEq; using ::testing::Throw; class TestBIOSEnumAttribute : public ::testing::Test { public: const auto& getPossibleValues(const BIOSEnumAttribute& attribute) { return attribute.possibleValues; } const auto& getDefaultValue(const BIOSEnumAttribute& attribute) { return attribute.defaultValue; } }; TEST_F(TestBIOSEnumAttribute, CtorTest) { auto jsonEnumReadOnly = R"({ "attribute_name" : "CodeUpdatePolicy", "possible_values" : [ "Concurrent", "Disruptive" ], "value_names" : [ "Concurrent", "Disruptive" ], "default_values" : [ "Concurrent" ], "readOnly" : true, "helpText" : "HelpText", "displayName" : "DisplayName" })"_json; BIOSEnumAttribute enumReadOnly{jsonEnumReadOnly, nullptr}; EXPECT_EQ(enumReadOnly.name, "CodeUpdatePolicy"); EXPECT_TRUE(enumReadOnly.readOnly); EXPECT_THAT(getPossibleValues(enumReadOnly), ElementsAreArray({"Concurrent", "Disruptive"})); EXPECT_EQ(getDefaultValue(enumReadOnly), "Concurrent"); auto jsonEnumReadOnlyError = R"({ "attribute_name" : "CodeUpdatePolicy", "possible_value" : [ "Concurrent", "Disruptive" ], "value_names" : [ "Concurrent", "Disruptive" ], "default_values" : [ "Concurrent" ], "readOnly" : true, "helpText" : "HelpText", "displayName" : "DisplayName" })"_json; // possible_value -> possible_values EXPECT_THROW((BIOSEnumAttribute{jsonEnumReadOnlyError, nullptr}), Json::exception); auto jsonEnumReadWrite = R"({ "attribute_name" : "FWBootSide", "possible_values" : [ "Perm", "Temp" ], "value_names" : [ "Perm", "Temp" ], "default_values" : [ "Perm" ], "readOnly" : false, "helpText" : "HelpText", "displayName" : "DisplayName", "dbus": { "object_path" : "/xyz/abc/def", "interface" : "xyz.openbmc.FWBoot.Side", "property_name" : "Side", "property_type" : "bool", "property_values" : [true, false] } })"_json; BIOSEnumAttribute enumReadWrite{jsonEnumReadWrite, nullptr}; EXPECT_EQ(enumReadWrite.name, "FWBootSide"); EXPECT_TRUE(!enumReadWrite.readOnly); } TEST_F(TestBIOSEnumAttribute, ConstructEntry) { MockBIOSStringTable biosStringTable; MockdBusHandler dbusHandler; auto jsonEnumReadOnly = R"({ "attribute_name" : "CodeUpdatePolicy", "possible_values" : [ "Concurrent", "Disruptive" ], "value_names" : [ "Concurrent", "Disruptive" ], "default_values" : [ "Disruptive" ], "readOnly" : true, "helpText" : "HelpText", "displayName" : "DisplayName" })"_json; std::vector expectedAttrEntry{ 0, 0, /* attr handle */ 0x80, /* attr type enum read-only*/ 4, 0, /* attr name handle */ 2, /* number of possible value */ 2, 0, /* possible value handle */ 3, 0, /* possible value handle */ 1, /* number of default value */ 1 /* defaut value string handle index */ }; std::vector expectedAttrValueEntry{ 0, 0, /* attr handle */ 0x80, /* attr type enum read-only*/ 1, /* number of current value */ 1 /* current value string handle index */ }; BIOSEnumAttribute enumReadOnly{jsonEnumReadOnly, nullptr}; ON_CALL(biosStringTable, findHandle(StrEq("Concurrent"))) .WillByDefault(Return(2)); ON_CALL(biosStringTable, findHandle(StrEq("Disruptive"))) .WillByDefault(Return(3)); ON_CALL(biosStringTable, findHandle(StrEq("CodeUpdatePolicy"))) .WillByDefault(Return(4)); checkConstructEntry(enumReadOnly, biosStringTable, expectedAttrEntry, expectedAttrValueEntry); auto jsonEnumReadWrite = R"({ "attribute_name" : "CodeUpdatePolicy", "possible_values" : [ "Concurrent", "Disruptive" ], "value_names" : [ "Concurrent", "Disruptive" ], "default_values" : [ "Disruptive" ], "readOnly" : false, "helpText" : "HelpText", "displayName" : "DisplayName", "dbus": { "object_path" : "/xyz/abc/def", "interface" : "xyz.openbmc.abc.def", "property_name" : "Policy", "property_type" : "bool", "property_values" : [true, false] } })"_json; BIOSEnumAttribute enumReadWrite{jsonEnumReadWrite, &dbusHandler}; EXPECT_CALL(dbusHandler, getDbusPropertyVariant(StrEq("/xyz/abc/def"), StrEq("Policy"), StrEq("xyz.openbmc.abc.def"))) .WillOnce(Throw(std::exception())); /* Set expected attr type to read-write */ expectedAttrEntry[2] = PLDM_BIOS_ENUMERATION; expectedAttrValueEntry[2] = PLDM_BIOS_ENUMERATION; checkConstructEntry(enumReadWrite, biosStringTable, expectedAttrEntry, expectedAttrValueEntry); EXPECT_CALL(dbusHandler, getDbusPropertyVariant(StrEq("/xyz/abc/def"), StrEq("Policy"), StrEq("xyz.openbmc.abc.def"))) .WillOnce(Return(PropertyValue(true))); expectedAttrValueEntry = { 0, 0, /* attr handle */ 0, /* attr type enum read-write*/ 1, /* number of current value */ 0 /* current value string handle index */ }; checkConstructEntry(enumReadWrite, biosStringTable, expectedAttrEntry, expectedAttrValueEntry); } TEST_F(TestBIOSEnumAttribute, setAttrValueOnDbus) { MockBIOSStringTable biosStringTable; MockdBusHandler dbusHandler; auto jsonEnumReadWrite = R"({ "attribute_name" : "CodeUpdatePolicy", "possible_values" : [ "Concurrent", "Disruptive" ], "value_names" : [ "Concurrent", "Disruptive" ], "default_values" : [ "Disruptive" ], "readOnly" : false, "helpText" : "HelpText", "displayName" : "DisplayName", "dbus": { "object_path" : "/xyz/abc/def", "interface" : "xyz.openbmc.abc.def", "property_name" : "Policy", "property_type" : "bool", "property_values" : [true, false] } })"_json; DBusMapping dbusMapping{"/xyz/abc/def", "xyz.openbmc.abc.def", "Policy", "bool"}; BIOSEnumAttribute enumReadWrite{jsonEnumReadWrite, &dbusHandler}; std::vector attrEntry{ 0, 0, /* attr handle */ 0, /* attr type enum read-only*/ 4, 0, /* attr name handle */ 2, /* number of possible value */ 2, 0, /* possible value handle */ 3, 0, /* possible value handle */ 1, /* number of default value */ 1 /* defaut value string handle index */ }; ON_CALL(biosStringTable, findString(2)) .WillByDefault(Return(std::string("Concurrent"))); ON_CALL(biosStringTable, findString(3)) .WillByDefault(Return(std::string("Disruptive"))); std::vector attrValueEntry{ 0, 0, /* attr handle */ 0, /* attr type enum read-only*/ 1, /* number of current value */ 0 /* current value string handle index */ }; EXPECT_CALL(dbusHandler, setDbusProperty(dbusMapping, PropertyValue{bool(true)})) .Times(1); enumReadWrite.setAttrValueOnDbus( reinterpret_cast( attrValueEntry.data()), reinterpret_cast(attrEntry.data()), biosStringTable); }